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Parallel corpora from Web Crawls collected in the ParaCrawl project

14 languages, 13 bitexts
total number of files: 2,448
total number of tokens: 4.55G
total number of sentence fragments: 282.88M


Below you can download data files for all language pairs in different formats and with different kind of annotation (if available). You can click on the various links as explained below. In addition to the files shown on this webpage, OPUS also provides pre-compiled word alignments and phrase tables, bilingual dictionaries, frequency counts, and these files can be found through the resources search form on the top-level website of OPUS. The data is released under the Creative Commons CC0 license ("no rights reserved"), see http://paracrawl.eu/download.html for more details

Bottom-left triangle: download files
  • ces = sentence alignments in XCES format
  • leftmost column language IDs = tokenized corpus files in XML
  • TMX and plain text files (Moses): see "Statistics" below
  • lower row language IDs = parsed corpus files (if they exist)
Upper-right triangle: sample files
  • view = bilingual XML file samples
  • upper row language IDs = monolingual XML file samples
  • rightmost column language IDs = untokenized corpus files

cs de en es et fi fr it lv nl pl pt ro ru
cs viewcs
de viewde
en ces ces viewviewviewviewviewviewviewviewviewviewviewen
es ces es
et ces et
fi ces fi
fr ces fr
it ces it
lv ces lv
nl ces nl
pl ces pl
pt ces pt
ro ces ro
ru ces ru
cs de en es et fi fr it lv nl pl pt ro ru

Statistics and TMX/Moses Downloads

Number of files, tokens, and sentences per language (including non-parallel ones if they exist)
Number of sentence alignment units per language pair

Upper-right triangle: download translation memory files (TMX)
Bottom-left triangle: download plain text files (MOSES/GIZA++)
Language ID's, first row: monolingual plain text files (tokenized)
Language ID's, first column: monolingual plain text files (untokenized)

language files tokens sentencescs de en es et fi fr it lv nl pl pt ro ru
cs 101 116.4M 11.1M10.0M
de 364 534.4M 42.4M36.3M
en 1,224 2.2G 142.3M10.0M 36.4M 16.0M 1.3M 0.6M 27.6M 8.3M 0.2M 2.6M 1.3M 2.8M 2.5M 12.1M
es 161 388.0M 18.7M16.0M
et 13 19.7M 1.5M1.3M
fi 7 8.6M 0.7M0.6M
fr 277 705.9M 32.1M27.6M
it 84 180.2M 9.8M8.3M
lv 3 4.1M 0.3M0.2M
nl 26 51.3M 3.0M2.6M
pl 13 22.7M 1.5M1.3M
pt 29 66.3M 3.2M2.8M
ro 25 38.6M 2.9M2.5M
ru 121 182.4M 13.4M12.1M

Note that TMX files only contain unique translation units and, therefore, the number of aligned units is smaller than for the distributions in Moses and XML format. Moses downloads include all non-empty alignment units including duplicates. Token counts for each language also include duplicate sentences and documents.


Notice and take down policy

Notice: Should you consider that our data contains material that is owned by you and should therefore not be reproduced here, please: Take down: We will comply to legitimate requests by removing the affected sources from the next release of the corpus.