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This is an EXTENSION of the OpenSubtitles2012 collection of translated movie subtitles from http://www.opensubtitles.org/. It contains additional subtitle pairs not covered by the previous distribution.
Look at the latest package of OpenSubtitles2018!
IMPORTANT: If you use the OpenSubtitle corpus:
Please, add a link to http://www.opensubtitles.org/ to your website and to your reports and publications produced with the data! I promised this when I got the data from the providers of that website!
59 languages, 1,211 bitexts
total number of files: 756,370
total number of tokens: 4.35G
total number of sentence fragments: 630.59M
Please cite the following article if you use any part of the corpus in your own work:
Jörg Tiedemann, 2012, Parallel Data, Tools and Interfaces in OPUS. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012)
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