
Query Interfaces

Some corpora are indexed using the Corpus Work Bench (CWB) and can be queried using on-line search interfaces. There is a general interface for all corpora which looks like this:

You can select the language you would like to query primarily and you can add other aligned languages to be displayed. In the example above, search results are shown for the query "a.*" on the English (en) part of the Europarl corpus with alignments to Bulgarian (bg), Danish (da) and French (fr). In the advanced search interface, queries for the other aligned languages can be added as well. It is also possible to show (and query) annotation such as POS tags (for example, tree or tnt for English). Available attributes are show in the query interface. The interface can show the results in vertical, horizontal format and as keyword in context (KWIC). For the query syntax, please look for the documentation of the CWB.

For some corpora there are special query interfaces that provide additional features. For example, for Europarl there is a special interface that allows other types of formatting and frequency counts. Here is a screenshot:

Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on Nov 15, 2017, 12:12:05 PM

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