OPUS: Search Word Alignment Database for hin

 afr  ara  baq  ben  bos  bul  cat  cze
 dan  dut  ell  eng  epo  est  fin  fre
 geo  ger  glg  heb  hrv  hun  ice  ind
 ita  jpn  kor  lav  lit  mac  mal  msa
 nor  per  pol  por  rum  rus  scc  sin
 slo  slv  spa  sqi  swe  tam  tel  tgl
 tha  tur  ukr  urd  vie
  • results from automatic word alignment
  • wildcard symbols '%' and '_' allowed
  • click on translations to query these words with their alignments
  • click on frequencies to get concordance lines from the corpus (max 100)
  • the concordancer does not use word alignment

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