Ruth Klüger (30 October 1931 – 5 October 2020) was an Austrian-born American educator and writer.
URuth Klüger (30 Okthoba 1931 – 5 Okthoba 2020) wayenguthisha nombhali waseMelika owazalelwa e-Austria. WayenguSolwazi Emerita Wezifundo ZaseJalimane eNyuvesi yaseCalifornia, e-Irvine [1] futhi owasinda ekuQothulweni Kwesizwe .
She was a Professor Emerita of German Studies at the University of California, Irvine[1] and a Holocaust survivor.
Wayengumbhali we -weiter leben ethengisa kakhulu: U-Eine Jugend mayelana nobuntwana bakhe kuMbuso Wesithathu . [2] Uphinde wabhala ethi Still Alive . Wazalelwa eVienna .
She was the author of the bestseller weiter leben: Eine Jugend about her childhood in the Third Reich.[2] She also wrote Still Alive.
URuth Klüger (30 Okthoba 1931 – 5 Okthoba 2020) wayenguthisha nombhali waseMelika owazalelwa e-Austria. WayenguSolwazi Emerita Wezifundo ZaseJalimane eNyuvesi yaseCalifornia, e-Irvine [1] futhi owasinda ekuQothulweni Kwesizwe . Wayengumbhali we -weiter leben ethengisa kakhulu: U-Eine Jugend mayelana nobuntwana bakhe kuMbuso Wesithathu .
She was born in Vienna.
[2] Uphinde wabhala ethi Still Alive . Wazalelwa eVienna .
Klüger died on 5 October 2020 in Irvine, California from problems caused by bladder cancer at the age of 88.[3][4]
U-Klüger ushone ngo-5 Okthoba 2020 e- Irvine, eCalifornia ngezinkinga ezidalwa umdlavuza wesinye eneminyaka engu-88 [1] [2]
Archived from the original on 2012-02-12. Retrieved 7 February 2012. ↑ Mednick, Jason (March 2009). "A Holocaust Childhood" (review of Still Alive).
↑ Empty citation (help) ↑ Empty citation (help) ↑ Die Schriftstellerin und KZ-Überlebende Ruth Klüger ist 88-jährig in den USA gestorben (in German),
University of California Irvine. Archived from the original on 10 December 2010. Retrieved 7 February 2012. ↑ Die Schriftstellerin und KZ-Überlebende Ruth Klüger ist 88-jährig in den USA gestorben (in German),
Retrieved 7 October 2020 ↑ Holocaust-Überlebende Ruth Klüger gestorben,
Retrieved 7 October 2020 ↑ Holocaust-Überlebende Ruth Klüger gestorben, Retrieved 7 October 2020
Retrieved 7 October 2020
American author Wayne Dyer called her "one of the most thoughtful teachers of our time."[9]
Umlobi waseMelika uWayne Dyer wambiza ngokuthi "omunye wothisha abacabangela kakhulu besikhathi sethu." [1] Encwadini yakhe ethi, I-Shadow Medicine: The Placebo in Conventional and Alternative Therapies, uJohn S. Haller uxwayisa ngokuthi ezinye izindlela zokwelapha, ezinikezwa nguMary Morrissey, akufanele zithathwe njengengxenye yemithi evamile. [2]
In 1997 she joined hands with Mahatma Gandhi's grandson, Arun Gandhi, in establishing the international Season for Nonviolence.[11][2] As of January 2019, Season for Nonviolence was celebrated around the world as an opportunity "to bring communities together, empowering them to envision and help create a nonviolent world."[12]
Ngo-1997 wahlanganyela nomzukulu ka -Mahatma Gandhi, u-Arun Gandhi, ekusunguleni Isizini Yamazwe Ngamazwe Yokungenzi Udlame . [1] [2] Kusukela ngoJanuwari 2019, iSikhathi Sokungabi Nodlame sagujwa emhlabeni wonke njengethuba "lokuhlanganisa imiphakathi, ukuyinika amandla okucabanga nokusiza ukudala umhlaba ongenalo udlame." [3] Ngo-1997 wahlanganyela nomzukulu ka -Mahatma Gandhi, u-Arun Gandhi, ekusunguleni Isizini Yamazwe Ngamazwe Yokungenzi Udlame . [1] [2] Kusukela ngoJanuwari 2019, iSikhathi Sokungabi Nodlame sagujwa emhlabeni wonke njengethuba "lokuhlanganisa imiphakathi, ukuyinika amandla okucabanga nokusiza ukudala umhlaba ongenalo udlame." [3]
In his book, Shadow Medicine: The Placebo in Conventional and Alternative Therapies, John S. Haller warns that alternative approaches to medicine, such as offered by Mary Morrissey, should not be considered a substitute to conventional medicine.[13]
Encwadini yakhe ethi, I-Shadow Medicine: The Placebo in Conventional and Alternative Therapies, uJohn S. Haller uxwayisa ngokuthi ezinye izindlela zokwelapha, ezinikezwa nguMary Morrissey, akufanele zithathwe njengengxenye yemithi evamile. [1]
A champion of women's empowerment, Aubrey co-authored a book aimed at women only, Chicken Soup for the Christian Woman's Soul.
Ingqwele yokuthuthukisa abesifazane, u-Aubrey ubhale ngokuhlanganyela incwadi eqondiswe kwabesifazane bodwa ethi, Chicken Soup for the Christian Woman's Soul. Le ncwadi yayinezindaba zangempela zabesifazane ababhekene nezinselele, izikhathi ezinzima nokuvuselela ukholo lomuntu.
The book featured true stories of women facing challenge, difficult times and renewing one's faith.
Izahluko zihlanganisa Ukholo, Uthando Lomndeni, Amandla KaNkulunkulu Okuphulukisa, Ubungane, Ukwenza Umehluko, Izinselele kanye Nezimangaliso.
The chapters include Faith, The Love of Family, God's Healing Power, Friendship, Making a Difference, Challenges and Miracles.[2]
[1] UPatty Aubrey ungumbhali waseMelika waseCalifornia . Uhlanganise Isobho Lenkukhu ochungechungeni lweSoul, okuhlanganisa neChicken Soup for the Christian Soul. [2]
Laurie Halse Anderson is an American author who has written many books.
ULaurie Halse Anderson ungumbhali waseMelika obhale izincwadi eziningi.
She writes fiction on many different subjects.
Ubhala inganekwane ngezihloko eziningi ezahlukene.
She was born on October 23, 1961, in New York.
Wazalwa ngo-Okthoba 23, 1961, eNew York.
As a young child, Anderson loved to listen to her father tell stories and poems.
Eseyingane encane, u-Anderson wayethanda ukulalela uyise exoxa izindaba nezinkondlo.
In 1983, Anderson married Gregory H. Anderson, a business executive.
Ngo-1983, u- Anderson washada noGregory H. Anderson, isikhulu sebhizinisi.
One year later in 1984, she earned her bachelor's degree from Georgetown university in Washington D.C. Anderson has published many books for young adults and children.
Ngonyaka owodwa kamuva ngo-1984, wathola iziqu zakhe enyuvesi yaseGeorgetown eWashington DC U-Anderson useshicilele izincwadi eziningi zentsha kanye nezingane. Ubhale nezinhlobo eziningi ezahlukene.
She has written in many different genres as well.
Ezinye zezincwadi zika-Anderson ezaziwa kakhulu zihlanganisa Speak, Fever 1793, kanye ne -Catalyst .
Some of Anderson’s most well known books include Speak, Fever 1793, and Catalyst.
Abantu bayalazisa ikhono lakhe lokuthwebula amazwi nezimo zengqondo zentsha njengoba ibhekene nezinkinga zomuntu siqu ezincwadini zayo.
People appreciate her ability to capture the voices and attitudes of teenagers as they face personal problems in her books.
Ngo-2009, u-Anderson wathola indondo kaMargaret A. Edwards ngeqhaza lakhe ezincwadini zabantu abadala. Catalyst . Abantu bayalazisa ikhono lakhe lokuthwebula amazwi nezimo zengqondo zentsha njengoba ibhekene nezinkinga zomuntu siqu ezincwadini zayo.
In 2009, Anderson received the Margaret A. Edwards award for her contributions to young adult literature.
Ngo-2009, u-Anderson wathola indondo kaMargaret A. Edwards ngeqhaza lakhe ezincwadini zabantu abadala.
Sharon Draper is an American author, poet, and master educator.
USharon Draper ungumbhali waseMelika, imbongi, kanye nothisha omkhulu .
She has won many awards for teaching and written many books, poems, and short stories.
Usezuze imiklomelo eminingi ngokufundisa nokubhala izincwadi eziningi, izinkondlo kanye nezindaba ezimfushane.
She was a teacher in Cincinnati from 1970-1997 and became an author in 1991, which is the career she is currently pursuing.
Wayenguthisha eCincinnati kusukela ngo-1970-1997 futhi waba umbhali ngo-1991, USharon Draper wazalwa ngo-Agasti 21, 1948 eCleveland, e-Ohio. Wayeyindodakazi endala ezinganeni ezintathu emndenini wakhe futhi wakhulela endaweni ebumbene.okuwumsebenzi awenzayo njengamanje.
Her first piece was “One Small Torch”, a short story published in the Ebony magazine in 1991 as the winner of a short story contest with 20,000 entries.
Isiqephu sakhe sokuqala kwaba "Ithoshi Elincane Elilodwa", indaba emfushane eyanyatheliswa kumagazini i -Ebony ngo-1991 njengomnqobi womncintiswano wezindaba ezimfushane ongenele abangu-20,000.
In her writing, she choses African-American male characters to give a voice to African-American young men.
Ekubhaleni kwakhe, ukhethe abalingiswa besilisa base-Afrika-baseMelika ukuthi banikeze izwi izinsizwa zase-Afrika-America.