High fructose corn syrup (alternate names: glucose-fructose in Canada[1]) is a corn syrup whose glucose has been converted to fructose. The conversion makes it very sweet. The material is used in many breads, cereal, sodas, yogurt and breakfast bars.
高果糖玉米糖漿、高果糖粟米糖漿(HFCS、High fructose corn syrup)係一種將葡萄糖轉做果糖嘅粟米糖漿。轉換之後會甜好多。喺好多麵包、麥片、汽水、乳酪同能量棒等等都有用到。

High fructose corn syrup was first introduced during the late 1950s. The material did not come to the United States until the late 1970s into the 1980s. High fructose corn syrup has been linked to obesity, diabetes and other health problems.[2]
HFCS喺1950年代尾開始上市。被認為關肥胖、糖尿病等等健康問題事。 [1]