Examples of arithmetic
Imizekelo ye-arithmetic

Arithmetic is a name for working with numbers.
I-Arithmetic ligama elisetyenziswa xa kusetyenzwa ngamanani.

It is a part of mathematics.
Ikwayinxalenye ye-mathematics.

The four basic arithmetic operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Iindlela ezine zokuqala zokusebenza kwe-arithmetic nazi: akukudibanisa okanye ukongeza, ukuthabatha okanye ukuphungula, ukuphinda-phinda inani lento ngenani, kwanokwa-hlula-hlula.

Harder arithmetic includes working with signed numbers, fractions, and decimals, and taking powers and roots.
I-Harder arithmetic iquka ukusebenza ngamanani aphawulweyo, ii-fractions, kwakunye nee-decimals, kwanokuthatha ii- powers nee-roots.

Most people learn arithmetic in primary school, but some people do not learn arithmetic and others forget the arithmetic they learned.
Abantu abaninzi bafunda i-arithmetic kwisikolo samabanga aphantsi, kodwa abanye abantu abayifundi i-arithmetic abanye bayayilibala i-arithmetic abayifundayo.

Many jobs require a knowledge of arithmetic, and many employers complain that it is hard to find people who know enough arithmetic.
Imisebenzi ifuna ulwazi lwe-arithmetic, kwaye abaqeshi abaninzi bakhala ngelithi kunzima ukufumana abantu abayazi ngokwaneleyo i-arithmetic.

A few of the many jobs that require arithmetic include carpenters, plumbers, auto mechanics, accountants, architects, doctors, and nurses.
Imisebenzi embalwa efuna i-arithmetic iquka ii-carpenters, ii-plumbers, ii-auto mechanics, ii-accountants, ii-architects, oogqirha, kunye namanesi.

Arithmetic is needed in all areas of mathematics, science, and engineering.
I-arithmetic ifuneka kuzo zonke iziphaluka ze-mathematics, i-science, nenjineli.

A calculator can be used to do arithmetic.
I-calculator isengasetyenziswa ukwenza i-arithmetic.

Computers can do it more quickly, which is one reason Global Positioning System receivers have a small computer inside.
Iikhompyutha isenokubala lula, nekusesinye sezizathu izamkeli ze-Global Positioning System zinekhompyutha encinane ngaphakathi kuzo.

2 + 3 = 5 (adding is commutative: 2 + 3 is the same as 3 + 2)
2 + 3 = 5 (ukudibanisa okanye ukongeza kuyi-commutative: u2 + 3 uyinto enye no-3 + 2)

7 - 5 = 2 (subtracting is not commutative: 7 - 5 is different from 5 - 7)
7 - 5 = 2 (ukuthabatha okanye ukuphungula akukho-commutative: 7 - 5 wahlukile ku5 - 7)

3 * 4 = 12 (multiplying is commutative: 3 * 4 is the same as 4 * 3)
3 * 4 = 12 (ukuphinda-phinda ku-commutative: 3 * 4 uyinto enye no-4 * 3)

6 / 2 = 3 (dividing is not commutative: 6 / 2 is different from 2 / 6)
6 / 2 = 3 (ukwahlula-hlula akukho-commutative: 6 / 2 wahlukile ku-2 / 6)


Addition is the mathematical way of putting things together.
Ukongeza yindlela yakwamathematika ekuqokolelwa izinto zibe ndawonye.

In arithmetic, addition is finding the total of two or more numbers. The sign for addition is "+". The name for the sign "+" is "plus".

kwa-arithmetic, xa kudityaniswa into kwenye into kufunyanwa inani elisisiphumo laxa kudityaniswe amanani amabini nangaphezulu. uphawu lokudibanisa nali "+". Igama loluphawu lithi "+" is "dibanisa". Elinye igama lesiphumo samanani adityanisiweyo kuthiwa yisum.

The other group has 3 of these objects. To find the total number of objects in both groups, the objects can be counted. Another way to find the number of objects in both groups is to add the numbers in each group.
Imizekelo yokubala

Ukanti ezi-3 zikwelinye iqela. Ukuze sifumane inani elufumaneka lezi-objects kula maqela mabini, kufuneka zibalwe ezi objects. Enye indlela yokufumana inani lee-objects kumaqela omabini, kukudibanisa laa manani eqela ngalinye.

Another method is to add the numbers of objects in group A and group B, since they are already counted. In symbols:

5 + 3
Enye indlela kukudibanisa amanani ezi-objects kwiqela A nakwiqela B, kuba sele zibaliwe. Kwezi mpawu:

There are rules for adding numbers that people learn.
kukho imigaqo elandelwayo xa kudityaniswa amanani afundwa ngabantu.

There are also rules for adding numbers that are built into machines (binary adder).
Kukwakho nemigaqo yokudibanisa amanani akhelwe koomathsini. (binary adder).

The rule says that:
Le migaqo ithi:

In another counting example, Sally and Bill have 2 children.
komnye umzekelo wokubala, uSally noBill banabantwana aba-2.

Sally and Bill get 3 more children.
U-Sally no-Bill baye baphinda balizwa ngabantwana aba-3.

Sally and Bill have added three children to their two children and now have five children.
U-Sally noBill bongeze abantwana abathathu kubantwana babo ababini. Ngoku banabantwana abahlanu.

The animation above demonstrates the addition of seven hundred and eighty six and four hundred and sixty seven, the problems digits have been separated into units, tens and hundreds (place value).
Le animation engasentla ibonisa udityaniswa kwamakhulu asixhenxe anamashumi asibhozo anesithandathu kunye namakhulu amane anamashumi amathandathu anesixhenxe, ii-digits ezikulomdibaniso wokubala zahlulwahlulwe zazii-units, zangamashumi kunye namakhulu, (i-place value).

First the units 6 and 7 are added together to make 13, so 1 ten and 3 units, the 3 is written below and the 1 ten is carried to the tens column.
Okokuqala ii-units u-6 no-7 bayadityaniswa benze u-13, oko kuthetha okokuba benza ishumi eli-1 kunye nee-units ezi-3, u-3 ubhalwa ngaphantsi aze ke yena u-1 olishumi athwalwe aye kubekwa kwikholam yamashumi.

Next in the tens column the 1, 8 and 6 are added together to make 15 tens, so 1 hundred and 5 tens, the 5 is written below and the 1 hundred is carried to the hundreds column.
Okulandelayo, kwikholam yamashumi kukho u-1, 8 no-6 bathi badityaniswe benze i-15 yamashumi, goko ke i-1 yekhulu kunye nesi-5 samashumi, isi-5 sibhalwa ngaphantsi lize ikhulu eli-1 lithwalwe liye kubekwa kwikholam yamakhulu.

Finally in the hundreds column 1, 7 and 4 are added together to make 12 hundreds, so 1 thousand and 2 hundreds, the 2 is written below and the 1 thousand is carried to the thousand column.
Okokugqibela, kwikholam yamakhulu engu 1, 7 kunye no-4 bayadityaniswa baze benze i-12 lamakhulu, ngoko ke iwaka eli-1 kunye namakhulu ama-2, u-2 ubhalwa ngaphantsi aze u-1 wewaka athwalwe aye kubekwa phantsi kwekholam yamawaka.

Giving the answer one thousand two hundred and fifty three.
Nasi ke isiphumo soku kubala liwaka namakhulu amabini anamashumi amahlanu anesithathu.

A measurement example
Lo mdibaniso ungasentla ubonisa umdibaniso wamakhulu asixhenxe anamashumi asibhozo anesithandathu kunye namakhulu amane anamashumi amathandathu nesixhenxe, iingxaki yeyokokuba ii-digits zahluliwe zayimivo, amashumi, kunye namakhulu (place value). Okokuqala imivo yesi-6 neyesi-7 idityanisiwe yaza yenza u-13, ibe ke ngoko lishumi eli-1 nemivo emi-3, isi-3 sibhalwe apha ngaphantsi laza lona ishumi eli-1 lathwalwa lasiwa kwikholum yamashumi. Okulandelayo kwikholam yeshumi isi-1, isi-8 nesi-6 zidityanisiwe zize zenze ishumi i-15, ngoko ke ikhulu esli-1 kunye namashumi ama-5, isi-5 sibhalwe ngaphantsi, lize lona ikhulu lithwalwe lisiwe kwikholam yamakhulu. xa sifika kwikhom yokugqibela, ikholam yamakhulu eli-1, asi-7 nama-4 ayadityaniswa atsho enze amakhulu ali-12, ngoko ke iwaka eli-1 namakhulu ama-2, isi-2 sibhalwa ngaphantsi lize iwaka eli-1 lithwalwe lisiwe kwikholam yamawaka.

Tom wants to know the distance between his house and Sally's house.
U-Tom ufuna ukwazi umgama ophakathi kwendlu yakhe nendlu ka Sally.

Bob's house is 300 meters east of Tom's house. Sally's house is 120 meters east of Bob's house:
Indlu kaBob ingumgama oziimitha ezingama- 300 kumntla wendlu kaTom. indlu kaSally izimitha ezingama-120 eemitha kumantla endlu kaBob:

Tom's house<------------300 meters-------------->Bob's house<-----120 meters----->Sally's house
umzekelo womlinganiselo

The distance from Tom's house to Sally's house can be found by adding the distances already measured. The distance from Tom's house to Bob's house added to the distance from Bob's house to Sally's house is the same as the distance from Tom's house to Sally's house. That is, three hundred (300) meters plus 120 meters.
Indlu kaTom<------------300 iimitha-------------->Bob's indlu<-----120 iimitha----->indlu kaSally

Addition can also mean to make bigger.
Ukudibanisa kusenokuthatha okokuba wenza nkulu into.

For example, Tom has a house. Tom puts a new room on the house. This new room is called an addition.
Ukudibanisa kuyandisa

To make the food taste better, John puts salt in the food. That is, John adds salt to the food. The salt is a food additive or addition to the food.
Umzekelo wokudibanisa ngeenjongo zokwandisa

John is making food.
Umzekelo, uTom unendlu.

To make the food taste better, John puts salt in the food. That is, John adds salt to the food.
UTom wakha indlu entsha emzini wakhe.

The salt is a food additive or addition to the food.
Le ndlu intsha kuthiwa iyongeza.

Ukuze ukutya akwenze kunambitheke kangcono, UJohn ugalela ityuwa ekutyeni. Oko kuthetha okokuba, uJohn wongeza ityuwa ekutyeni. Ityuwa le yongezwa ekutyeni.

AAA Math web page on teaching addition addition flashcard website Addition facts and games
Amanani okudibanisa

AAA Math web page on teaching addition
+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

A diagram of diffusion happening.
Umzobo obonisa indlela eyenzeka ngayo i-diffusion.

The first diagram shows particles in a liquid.
Umzobo wokuqala ubonisa ii-particles ze-liquid.