Вергилийы мозаикон портрет, нæ эрæйы 3-æм æнус[1]
Mosaic portrait of Virgil, 3rd-century AD.[1]

Вергилий, кæнæ Публий Вергилий Маро (райгуырд нæ эрæйы агъоммæ 70-æм азы 15 октябры, амард нæ эрæйы 19-æм азы 21 сентябры) уыдис, латинаг æвзагыл чи фыста, ахæм зындгонд поэттæй иу.
Virgil, Publius Vergilius Maro, or Vergil, (15 October 70 BC – 21 September 19 BC) was a poet in the Latin language.

Йе ’мдзæвгæты фылдæр сты ромаг мифологиимæ баст.
His poems are about gods and their mythology.

Йæ зындгонддæр поэмæ у «Энеидæ».
Virgil's most famous epic poem is called the Aeneid.


Таурæгъмæ гæсгæ Вергилий райгуырдис Мантуямæ хæстæг хъæуы, Фæсальпаг Галлийы регионы.[1][2] Ахуыргæндты хъуыдымæ гæсгæ, уый уыдис умбриаг, этрускаг кæнæ та кельтаг равзæрдæй.
Tradition is that Virgil was born in the village of Andes, near Mantua in Cisalpine Gaul.[2][3] Scholars looking at the way he used words think that he may have Etruscan, Umbrian or even a Celtic background. Study of his name has led to beliefs that his family may have been earlier Roman settlers.

Йæ номы иртæсæнтæ куыд æвдисынц, йæ мыггаг уыдис регионы рагондæр ромаг цæрджытæй.
These modern beliefs are not supported by evidence from his own writings or from writers of his biographies.

Вергилий йæхæдæг йæ мыггаджы равзæрды тыххæй ницы æвдисæн ныууагъта.
Some scholars have noted that his nickname, MARO, is an anagram of the two main themes in the Aeneid: AMOR (love) and ROMA (Rome).

Африкæйы Цæдисы уæнгтæ (кæрдæгхуыз)
Dark green: AU member states. Light green: Suspended members.

Африкæйы Цæдис (АЦ, African Union) у æхсæнадæмон организаци, кæцы иу кæны Африкæйы 55 паддзахады.
The African Union (AU) is an international organization consisting of fifty-five African member countries.

Цæдисы бындур сæвæрдæуыд Дурбаны 2002-æм азы июлы, уæд АЦ баиу кодта Африкæйы иудзинады организаци (OAU) æмæ Африкæйы экономикон æмбалад (AEC).
Founded in Durban in July 2002, the AU was formed as a replacement to the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and the African Economic Community (AEC).

Африкæйы Цæдисы ныры сæргълæууæг у Руандæйы президент Пол Кагаме (2018-æм азы январæй).
The current Chairperson of the African Union is President of Rwanda Paul Kagame since January 28, 2018.

АЦ хъавы иумæйаг валютæ æмæ пайдайаг иумæйаг базар саразынмæ.
The AU, in the future, aims to have a single currency and a single integrated defense force, as well as other institutions of state, including a cabinet for the AU Head of State. The purpose of the organization is to help secure the continent's democracy, human rights, and a sustainable economy, especially by bringing an end to conflict between African nations and creating an effective common market.

Æддаг æрмæг
Related pages

Æддаг æрмæг
Other websites

Стэнли Кубрик (1928 азы 26 июлы — 1999 азы 7 мартъийы) уыдис АИШ-ы зындгонд режиссёр.
Stanley Kubrick (July 26, 1928 - March 7, 1999) was an American movie director.

Хонынц æй XX æнусы хуыздæр режиссёртæй иу.
Kubrick is thought to have been one of the great directors of the 20th century.

2001: Космосы Одиссей
2001: A Space Odyssey

Сахатау апельсин
A Clockwork Orange

Райгуырдис Нью-Йорчы, фæлæ йæ царды фылдæр хай цардис Англисы.
He was born in New York City but lived most of his life in England. His movies are respected for their great amount of detail and symbolism. Some of his movies were controversial when they were first shown.

Йæ кинонывтæ сты лæмбынæг детальтæ æмæ символизмы дзаг.
For example, the sex and violence in his movie A Clockwork Orange was very disturbing to many people who saw it when it was released in 1971. The reaction to the movie in the United Kingdom became so great that Stanley Kubrick stopped showing the movie there for over 25 years. Other famous movies that Kubrick made include Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Shining.

Æрттывд (The Shining)
The Shining

Кинонывты номхыгъд
Movies he made (Filmography)

Стыр кинонывтæ
Big movies


Киноныв в рагон ромаг гладиатор Спартачы тыххæй.
It made a lot of money and was a success but Kubrick did not enjoy working on it. He did not enjoy working on it because of problems he had with the other people working on the movie who controlled it. Kubrick desired to have a lot of control in making his movies, and after making Spartacus he only worked on movies that he had full control over.


1962-æм азы Кубрик ралыгъдис Стыр Британимæ æмæ дзы иста йæ ног киноныв, «Лолитæ», зæгъгæ.
Kubrick moved to the United Kingdom in 1962, to make his next movie, Lolita. He liked the United Kingdom very much and decided to live there for the rest of his life. The movie Lolita was the first movie that Kubrick made that created a lot of controversy.

Кинойы бындур у Владимир Набоковы æмном роман.
The movie was based upon a book by the Russian author Vladimir Nabokov that was also very controversial at the time. The movie shows the relationship between a very young woman and an older man. This is a forbidden topic in the United States and most of the world.

Ахуырад дæтты адæмæн зонындзинæдтæ æмæ дæсныйæдтæ.
Education is about teaching, learning skills and knowledge.

Канд уый нæ, фæлæ нырыккон ахуырад ахуырдзауæн амоны, куыд ис ссарæн ног информаци æмæ уымæй куыд пайда кæнын хъæуы.
Education also means helping people to learn how to do things and encouraging them to think about what they learn. It is also important for educators to teach ways to find and use information.

Грацы университеты чиныгкæсæн зал
Library reading-room of Graz University.

Ахуырады хуызтæ
Types of education

Ахуырады алыхуызон вæййы предмет кæнæ ахуырдзауы кармæ гæсгæ.
There are different ways to categorize education, for example by age or subject.

Ис ма формалон æмæ æнæформалон (уæлæмхасæн) ахуырад дæр.
One way is to divide it into formal education, non-formal education, and informal education.

Иоганн Гутенберг
Johannes Gutenberg

Иоганн Гуттенберг ( (нем. Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg; ) 1390s – 3 February 1468), уыдис немыцаг саразæг æмæ типограф.
Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg (more commonly known as Johannes Gutenberg) (1390s – 3 February 1468), was a German metal-worker and inventor.

Зындгонд сси йæ мыхуыр кæныны куысты тыххæй 1450-æм азты æмæ нымад у типографи чи æрхъуыды кодта, уыцы адæймагыл.
He is famous for his work in printing in the 1450s, and is specifically known for inventing typography.

Гутенберг райгуырдис Майнцы, сæудæджеры хæдзары. Хуымæтæг адæймаджы цард кодта, æмæ уый тыххæй, уыцы рæстæджы æндæр бирæ адæймæгтау, йæ царды тыххæй бирæ зонындзинæдтæ ссарæн нæй.
Gutenberg was born in Mainz, Germany, as the son of a merchant, Friele Gensfleisch zur Laden. Gutenberg's father took the surname "zum Gutenberg" after the name of the place they now lived.

Гутенберг æрхъуыды кодта металлон æмтад мыхуыр кæнынæн; мыхуыры ахорæн; наборы дамгъæтæ сфидар кæныны амал; æмæ ног мыхуыры станок.
Gutenberg invented a sort of metal alloy for printing; inks; a way to fix type (metal letters) very accurately; and a new sort of printing press. He took the idea for his printing press from the presses wine-makers used.

Ивгæ наборы идейæ ног нæ уыдис — Гутенберджы размæ уымæй пайда кодтой Китайы, кæс Мыхуыркæнынад.
Many people say Gutenberg invented printing with moveable type, but it was already invented in China before that: see printing.

Набор куы нæма фæзынди, адæм кодтой алы хицæн фарс згъæр кæнæ хъæдæрмæгæй.
Before movable type, people used block printing, where the printer prints a whole page from one piece of metal or wood.

Набор куы фæзындис, фарс наборгæнджыты аразын байдыдтой хицæн дамгъæтæй.
With movable type, the printer makes a letter (A, B, C ...) from a piece of metal or wood, and can use it again and again in different words.

Уый фæрцы мыхуыркæнынад сси тагъддæр æмæ асламдæр.
Together, all Gutenberg's inventions made printing fast.

Уымæй та æрцыдис «информацион срæмыгъд» — цыбыр рæстæгмæ адæм байдыдтой алыхуызон темæтыл чингуытæ уадзын.
In Renaissance Europe, the improved information technology made an information explosion - in a short time, people printed many new books about many topics.

Гутенберг хорз амалиуæгдар нæ разындис, йæ типографи йын байста йæ партнёр Иоганн Фуст.
Gutenberg was not a clever businessman, and did not get much money from his system. He had legal problems, and lost his machines to his partner, Johann Fust. The Archbishop at the time sympathized with Gutenberg because of his contributions to society, so told him that he would receive a pension each year with clothes, wine, and grain.[1] Gutenberg died in Mainz, Germany, in 1468.

Китайаг гæххæтын æхца 1215-1216: мыхуыргонд дæс бронзæйæ конд хицæн литерæты æххуысæй
Copperplate of 1215-1216: paper money with ten bronze movable types

Мыхуыркæнынад зындгонд у 8-æм æнусæй, фыццаг мыхуыр кæнын райдыдтой Китай æмæ Корейы цæрджытæ.
The earliest printing known was in 8th century China and Korea. Whole pages carved on flat wooden blocks were used. Covered with a carbon-based ink, they were pressed onto sheets of paper.

Мыхуыркæнынад фæзындис Европйæы æрмæстдæр XV æнусы.
Printing was reinvented in 15th century Europe. Development was slow until Johannes Gutenberg made several improvements. In the following century print became the main means of communication between people who wished to record knowledge.

Уый сси асламдæр æмæ тагъддæр Иоганн Гутенберг уыцы процесс куы фæхуыздæр кодта, уæдæй фæстæмæ.
With an alphabetic system of writing, print was much more economical than copying, and permitted many times as many copies to be available for readers. This revolution in information technology helped all aspects of life in Europe, at a time when Europe was becoming the dominant region of the world.[7][8]