Andy Warhol 1975 keessa
Andy Warhol in 1975

Andy Warhol (Andrew Warhol, Jr.; Hagayya 6, 1928 - Guraandhala 22, 1987) artistoota beekamoo Ameerikaa jaarraa 20ffaa keessaa isa tokko.
Andy Warhol (Andrew Warhol, Jr.; August 6, 1928 – February 22, 1987)[1] was one of the most famous American artists of the latter half of the 20th century.

Namoonni baay'een warhol ′′bellwether of the art market" jedhu.
Many people think that Warhol is the "bellwether of the art market".[2]

1979 BMW Group 4 M1 Andy Warholin kan dibame
1979 BMW Group 4 M1 painted by Andy Warhol

Warhol Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania gaafa Hagayya 6, 1928 dhalate.
Warhol was born Andrew Warhola, Jr. in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on August 6, 1928.

Inni gara New York dhaquun dura Carnegie Institute of Technology irraa eebbifame ture.
He graduated from the Carnegie Institute of Technology before moving to New York.

Hojii guddaan isaa inni jalqabaa Hagayya 1949 keessa yeroo inni Barruu Glamouriif fakkii akka kaasu gaafatame ture.
His first big break was in August 1949 when he was asked to illustrate an article in Glamour Magazine.

Inni dhuma maqaa isaa irraa 'a' hirrisuun ′′fakkii Andrew Warhol" jedhamuun barruu irra ture.
He dropped the 'a' from the end of his name when the credits read "Drawings by Andrew Warhol".

Warhol Campbells' and Watties' soup cans halluu dibuuniis beekamaadha.
Warhol was also famous for painting Campbells' and Watties' soup cans.

Inni dibata adda adda 300 dibe., Inni jalqaba akka artistii daldalaa ta'etti hojjate.
He painted about 300 different paintings. .[3] He originally worked as a commercial artist.

Wantoota akka advertisements fi window displays mana kuusaaf dizaayinii godhaa ture.
He designed things like advertisements and window displays for stores.

Yeroo gabaabaatti sochii aartii Pop kan yeroo hunda wantoota fi suuraawwan miidiyaa fayyadaman keessatti beekkamaa ta'e.
He soon became famous as an artist in the Pop Art movement, in which everyday objects and media images were used.

Fakkiin isaa beekamoo keessaa tokko fakkii taatoo American movie, Marilyn Monroeti.
One of his most famous paintings is his colourful portrait of American movie star, Marilyn Monroe.

Erga isheen duute booda gadi fageenyaan itti dhagahamee yaadannoo muraasa uumuu barbaade.
After she died he was deeply moved, and wanted to create some sort of memorial.

Bara 1968 warhol Valerie Solanasiin rukutame.
In 1968, Warhol was shot by Valerie Solanas.

Innii kan beekamu istuudiyoo isaa warshaa magaalaa Niiw Yoorkitti argamu kan hojiin isaa baay'een itti uumamaniin.
He was known for his The Factory studio in New York City where most of his work was created.

Bara 1987 warhol magaalaa Niiw Yoorkitti hospitaala keessa opireeshinii garaa irra ture.
In 1987, Warhol was in a hospital in New York City after an operation on his gallbladder.

Inni hirriba isaa kessatti sababa post-operative cardiac arrhythmian umuri 58tti du'e. Maatiin isaa arrhythmian sababa kunuunsa dhabuu fi summi bishanitin mudate jechuun hospitaala himate.
He died in his sleep from a sudden post-operative cardiac arrhythmia, aged 58.[4] His family sued the hospital for inadequate care, saying that the arrhythmia was caused by improper care and water poisoning.

Fakkii Raphael.
portrait of Raphael.

Raffaello Sanzio (Ebla 6, 1483 - Ebla 6, 1520) baay'ee kan beekamu Raphael jedhamuun yoo ta'u arkitect fi hallu dibaa Haroomsaati. akka ta ' e beekamaadha.
Raffaello Sanzio, usually known as Raphael (April 6, 1483 - April 6, 1520) was a Renaissance painter and architect.

Inni Leonardo da Vinci fi Michelangelo waliin hallu dibdoota gurguddoo Haaromsa Guddaa sadan keessa isa tokko.
With Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, he is one of the three greatest painters of the High Renaissance.

Dibaan hojii isaa isa duraani ta 'uuf yaadame suuraa xiqqoo mul'ata knight jedhamu dha.
The painting that is thought to be his earliest known work is a small picture called The Vision of a Knight.

Halkkan hallu kana kessatti sobni rafe.
In this painting a knight lies asleep.

Abjuu isaa keessatti dubartii babbareedduu lamatu jira.
In his dream there are two beautiful women.

Dubarri tokko, uffata lallaafaa uffatte, abaaboo kenniif.
One woman, dressed in soft flowing clothes, offers him flowers.

Dubarri kan bira, uffata dukkana kessatti uffatte, knight sword fi kitaaba dhiyessi.
The other woman, dressed in dark clothing, offers the knight a sword and a book.

Danddi dubara bareddu duuba laga bira figddi.
The path behind the pretty woman runs beside a river.

Karaan biraa tabba sibilaa nama gessa.
The other path leads up a steep mountain.

Raphael wa ' ee filannoo yaadaa ture.
Raphael was thinking about choices.

Halkan knight kun karaa salphaa ta ' een deemuu qaba, moo wantoota jijjiiruuf yaaluu qaba?
Should the knight take the easy road, or should he try to change things?

Suuraawwan kan biraa Raphaeliin ayyaana sadii, fi qulqulluu mikaa ' eel.
Other early pictures by Raphael are Three Graces, and Saint Michael.

Hojiin Raphael inni jalqaba gaa 'ila durbbumma kan bara 1504. dibame.
Raphael's first major work was The Marriage of the Virgin which was painted in 1504.

Perugino' s dibata sistine Chapel of Iyyesus furttu qulqullu Peterif kenne.
It was influenced by Perugino's painting for the Sistine Chapel of Jesus giving the Keys to Saint Peter.

Amma Brera Gallery milan keessa jira xaaliyaanii.
It is now in the Brera Gallery in Milan, Italy.

Raphael bara 1504 keessa dhukkuba biraa wajjin deeme, Pinturicchio, gara Filorence, Italy.
In about 1504 Raphael went with another painter, Pinturicchio, to Florence, Italy.

Florence hojii artti isaatif beekama ture, workshoppi artistti isaa, ijaarssa haara fi katedral isa gudda dha.
Florence was famous for its artworks, its artist's workshops, its new Renaissance buildings and its huge cathedral.

Raphael hojii Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci fi dibata barbachisa kan biro ilaalu barbaade.
Raphael wanted to see the work of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and other important painters and sculptors.

Florence suura madonna fi da ' ima gochudhaf bayye cimaa qaba sababni isaas magaalan durbbe ebbifamttef.
Florence had a very strong tradition of making images of the Madonna and Child because the city was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Danddi hundda irratti qarqara hallu hallu yookin hallu hallu madonna fi da ' ima.[1]
On almost every street corner there was a painting or a brightly-coloured statue of the Madonna and Child.[1]

Yeroo inni Florence keessa jiru, Raphael halluuwwan beekamoo madonna dibe.
While he was in Florence, Raphael painted many of his famous Madonna paintings.

Fakkiiwwan beekamoo kanneen keessaa:
The most famous of these paintings are:

Fakkii isaa Madonna fi mucaa kiristoos (Chirist Child) fi dibaawwan Vatican, Rome, Xaaliyaanii argamuun baay'ee kan inni beekamu.
He is best known for his paintings of the Madonna and Christ Child and for his paintings in the Vatican in Rome, Italy.

Madonna warqqi kana (c.
The Madonna of the Goldfinch (c.

1505), kan amma uffizi Gallery keessa jiru Florence, Italy. Madonna del Prato (c.
1505), which is now in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy. the Madonna del Prato (c.

1505), kan muuziyeemii kunsthistorisches keessa jiru, Vienna, Austria keessatti. Esterházy Madonna (c.
1505), which is in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, in Vienna, Austria. the Esterházy Madonna (c.

1505-07), kan muuziyeemii artii fayyaa, budapest, Hungary.
1505 – 07), which is in Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary.

La Belle Jardinière (Madonna moora bareeda) (c.
La Belle Jardinière (The Madonna of the Beautiful Garden) (c.

1507), kan muuziyeemii Louvre keessa jiru, Paaris, Faransaayitti.
1507), which is in the Louvre Museum, in Paris, France.

1500 keessa, halluu dibaan yeroo bey'ee akka arkitekti dizayni godhu gaafatamu.
In the 1500s, painters were often asked to design architecture. Raphael's first work as an architect was the funeral chapel in the church of Santa Maria del Popolo. Pope Leo X also chose Raphael to help design Saint Peter's Basilica alongside Donato Bramante.

Hojii Raphael dura akka arkitektitti kan ture chapel awwalchaa mana amantii Santa Mari del Popolo ture.
After Bramante died, Raphael took over the designing of the basilica and changed its groundplan from a Greek Cross to a Latin Cross. Michelangelo went back to Bramante's plan but made it simpler. Then another architect, Maderna, made the building longer, as Raphael had planned.