Patty Aubrey ke mongwadi wa mo-Amerika go tšwa California .
Patty Aubrey is an American author from California.
O ngwadile mmogo Sopo ya Kgogo ya Moya, go akaretša Sopo ya Kgogo ya Moya wa Mokriste. [1]Sopo ya Kgogo ya Moya wa Mokriste ka Jack Canfield le Mark Victor Hansen le Patty Aubery
She coauthored the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, including Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul.[1]
Belle de Jour ke leina la pene la mosetsana wa peleng wa go bitša wa London, [1] Brooke Magnanti (o belegwe ka la 5 Ngwatobošego 1975).
Belle de Jour is the pen name of a former London call girl,[1] Brooke Magnanti (born 5 November 1975).
Ka tlase ga leina le o boloka blog ye e atlegilego, Belle de Jour: Diary of a London Call Girl yeo ka 2003 e bego e kgethilwe ke The Guardian bjalo ka blog ya yona ya ngwaga [2] gomme e bile le dipuku tše pedi tšeo di phatlaladitšwego ka bobedi UK le US ."femme de nuit" goba "belle de nuit," basadi ba bošego ( dipolelo tše di tlwaelegilego tša go hlaboša lentšu bakeng sa bagweba-ka-mmele ).
Under this name she maintains a successful blog, Belle de Jour: Diary of a London Call Girl which by 2003 had been selected by The Guardian as its blog of the year[2] and has had two books published in both the UK and US.
Judith Lewis (née Rumelt ; o belegwe ka la 27 Phupu 1973) ke mongwadi wa Amerika wa dikanegelo tša bafsa ba bagolo. [1] [2] [3]Clare o belegwe e le Judith Rumelt go batswadi ba Amerika kua Tehran, Iran.
Judith Lewis (née Rumelt; born July 27, 1973) is an American author of young adult fiction.[1][2][3]
Stacy Madeleine Schiff (o belegwe ka la 26 Diphalane 1961 ) [1] ke mongwadi wa Amerika wa ditaba tšeo e sego tša boikgopolelo yo a thopilego Sefoka sa Pulitzer le mongwadi wa dikholomo wa moeng wa The New York Times . [2](E kgethetšwe Sefoka sa Pulitzer sa 1995 ) [3]
Stacy Madeleine Schiff (born October 26, 1961)[1] is a Pulitzer Prize-winning American nonfiction author and guest columnist for The New York Times.[2]
schiff,stacy 2005 AGreat Improvision:Franklin,france,and the Birth of America New York Henry Holt
Schiff, Stacy (2005). A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the Birth of America. New York: Henry Holt.
Retrieved 2009-09-17. ↑ ↑ ↑ "ALOUD: Lectures, Readings, Performances, & Discussions (Los Angeles Central Library)".
Retrieved 2009-09-17. ↑ "News about Stacy Schiff, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times", New York Times ↑ Suellen Stringer-Hye (1999), An interview with Stacy Schiff, The Pennsylvania State University, archived from the original on 2009-08-14, retrieved 2009-09-17 ↑ "ALOUD: Lectures, Readings, Performances, & Discussions (Los Angeles Central Library)". Archived from the original on 2005-12-27. Retrieved 2009-09-17. ↑ Joyce Wadler (2000), "PUBLIC LIVES; A Biographer Peers, Briefly, at Her Own Life", New York Times ↑ Schiff, Stacy (July 24, 2006).
Archived from the original on 2005-12-27.
"Can Wikipedia conquer expertise?". Know It All. The New Yorker.
Retrieved 2009-09-17. ↑ ↑ Schiff, Stacy (July 24, 2006).
Retrieved 2007-03-06. ↑ Andrew Wolfson (March 6, 2007).
"Can Wikipedia conquer expertise?".
"Wikipedia editor who posed as professor is Ky. dropout: Man resigns post after controversy".
Know It All.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
The New Yorker. Retrieved 2007-03-06. ↑ {{cite news}}: Empty citation (help) ↑ ↑ ↑
Retrieved 2007-03-07. ↑ 1995 Finalists, The Pulitzer Prizes -- Columbia University ↑ 2000 Winners, The Pulitzer Prizes -- Columbia University ↑ Ben Franklin's French Adventure: George Washington Book Prize Celebration Honors Author Stacy Schiff, Washington College, 2006, archived from the original on 2012-02-11, retrieved 2009-09-17
Lisa Halliday (o belegwe ka la 12 Phupu 1976) ke mongwadi wa mo-Amerika .
Lisa Halliday (born July 12, 1976) is an American author.
O ngwala kudu dipadi .
She mainly writes novels.
Halliday o ngwadile dipuku tše mmalwa.
Halliday has written several books.
Puku ya gagwe yeo e tumilego kudu ke Asymmetry .
Her most popular book is Asymmetry.
O thopile Sefoka sa Whiting ka yona ka 2017. [1] '.kkokkkkk jhgyfhgdxjgvlghilu
She won the Whiting Award for it in 2017.[1]'
Mongwadi wa mo-Amerika Wayne Dyer o ile a mmitša ge a be a mo hlalosa "yo mongwe wa barutiši bao ba naganelago kudu ba mehleng ya rena." [1]
American author Wayne Dyer called her "one of the most thoughtful teachers of our time."[9]
O be a le mafolofolo go tloga mošomong wa gagwe wa mathomo mošomong wa boditšhabatšhaba wa go thuša batho, Morrissey o hlomile mmogo Mokgatlo wa Kgopolo ye Mpsha ya Lefase ka Bophara ka 1995 gomme e bile mopresidente wa wona wa mathomo yena wa pele. [1] [2]
Active from her early career in international humanitarian work, Morrissey co-founded the Association for Global New Thought in 1995 and was its first president.[1][10]