Maggie De Block Fødd (0 år)
Maggie De Block Minister of Social Affairs and Health Incumbent Assumed office 11 October 2014 Prime Minister Charles Michel Preceded by Laurette Onkelinx Minister of Justice In office 25 July 2014 – 11 October 2014 Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo Preceded by Annemie Turtelboom Succeeded by Koen Geens State Secretary of Asylum, Migration, Social Integration and Poverty Reduction In office 6 December 2011 – 11 October 2014 Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo Preceded by Melchior Wathelet (Asylum and Migration) Philippe Courard [fr] (Social Integration and Poverty Reduction) Succeeded by Theo Francken (Asylum, Migration and Reduction of Administrative Burden) Elke Sleurs (Poverty Reduction, Fraud Combat and Science Policy) Personal details Born (1962-04-28) 28 April 1962 (age 60) Merchtem, Belgium Political party Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats
Maggie Celine Louise De Block (fødd ) er ein belgisk politikar.
Maggie Celine Louise De Block (born 28 April 1962) is a Belgian politician.
Ho er medlem av det flamske liberale partiet Open Vld.[1][2] Ho var sosial- og helseminister frå 2014 til 2020 under regjeringa til Charles Michel.[3]
She is a member of the Flemish liberal party Open Vld.[1] She is the Minister of Social Affairs and Health since 2014 serving under the Charles Michel government.
Ho vart mykje omtala og kritisert av utanlandsk media for å ikkje passa rolla som helseminister på grunn av fedmen hennar og med diabetes type to. Til denne kritikken svara ho at «Eg veit at eg ikkje er ein modell, men du må sjå kva som er inni, ikkje emballasjen.»[1][2][3] Blant belgiarane hadde ho stor tillit og var godt likt, og var mellom anna ein kandidat til å verta statsminister i Belgia.[4]
Critics have said that she does not set the right example as Health Minister due to her obesity and contracting type two diabetes, and she has answered that "I know I'm not a model but you have to see what's inside, not the packaging."[2]
Other websites
Commons har multimedium som gjeld: Maggie De Block Official website
Official website