Dan l-artikolu jiġbor it -timijiet nazzjonali champions tad-dinja FIFA.
This article collects the national teams world champions FIFA.
Iż-żewġ kompetizzjonijiet li jagħtu l-imsemmi huma ż-żewġ Turnew Olimpiċi tal-1924 u l-1928 (organizzati mill- Kumitat Olimpiku flimkien il- FIFA ) u t- Tazza tad-Dinja attwali tal-FIFA (mill-1930).
The two competitions that award said official[1] title are the two Olympic Tournaments of 1924 and 1928 (organised by the IOC together FIFA) and the current FIFA World Cup (from 1930).[2]
L-Urugwaj fil-pjan internazzjonali laħaq żewġ Tazza tad-Dinja (l-ewwel edizzjoni tal-1930 u l-edizzjoni tal- 1950 ) u rebaħ żewġ Midalji tad-Deheb fil-Logħob Olimpiku (fl-1924 u fl-1928), l-uniċi żewġ edizzjonijiet rikonoxxuti mill- FIFA bħal kampjonati dinja. Id-deċiżjoni ħadet fl-1924. Għalkemm il-FIFA ma tippromwovix l-unifikazzjoni statistika tat-turnew, il-leġittimità tat-titli hija kkonfermata wkoll mill-fatt li l-federazzjoni mad-dinja kollha tippermetti lit-tim Nazzjonali tal-futbol tal-Urugwaj juri 4 stilel fit-T-shirt.
Uruguay in the international plane has attained two World Cup (the first edition of 1930 and the edition of 1950) and has won two Gold Medals in the Olympic Games (in 1924 and 1928), the two only editions recognised by FIFA like championships of the world.[3] The decision took in 1924.[4] Although the FIFA does not promote the statistical unification of the tournaments, the legitimacy of the titles also is confirmed by the fact that the world-wide federation allows to the National football team of Uruguay to show 4 stars in the T-shirt (also in the 2018 FIFA World Cup, unlike other teams that are used to to plant the stars to evoke continental triumphs, as traditionally they do the African selections).
Skond ir-regolament tal-FIFA, kull stilla hija ekwivalenti għal maħkuma mad-dinja kollha. Konferma oħra ġejja minn ktieb approvat mill-FIFA u li fih sezzjoni li tiċċertifika, b'dokumenti uffiċjali vintage, il-pożizzjoni tal-Urugwaj bħal erba 'darbiet "Champion tad-Dinja tal-FIFA".
According to the regulation of the FIFA, each star is equivalent to a world-wide conquered.[5] Another confirmation comes from of a book approved by the FIFA and that contains a section that certifies, with vintage official documents, the position of Uruguay like four times "World Champion of the FIFA".[4]
* Turnew Olimpiku (isem uffiċjali bl-Ingliż: Turnament tal-Futbol Olimpiku tal-Irġiel ) rikonoxxut uffiċjalment mill-FIFA bħala titlu mad-dinja kollha.
*Olympic tournament (official name in English: Men's Olympic Football Tournament) officially recognised by the FIFA like world-wide title.
Klabbs ċampjins tad-dinja (futbol)
List of world champion football clubs
Kiton twaqqfet fl-1968, hija t-trejdmark ta 'Ciro Paone SpA, kumpanija mwaqqfa fl-1956. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Kiton was founded in 1968, is the trademark of Ciro Paone SpA, company founded in 1956.[2][3]
Il-marka Kiton twaqqfet minn Ciro Paone f'Arzano, fil-provinċja ta 'Napli, fl-1968 u l-isem Kiton ġej minn "chiton", it-tunika ċerimonjali li jintlibsu mill-Griegi tal-qedem biex jitolbu lill-allat tal-Olimpu. Grazzi għall-kwalità għolja ħafna u produzzjoni limitata, il-marka hija mlaqqma wkoll "il- Ferrari tal-ħwejjeġ".
The Kiton brand was set up by Ciro Paone at Arzano,[4] in the province of Naples, in 1968 and the name Kiton derives from "chiton", the ceremonial tunic worn by the ancient Greeks to pray to the gods of Olympus.[5][3] Thanks to the very high quality and limited production, the brand is also nicknamed "the Ferrari of clothes".[7]
Kiton għandhom ħames fabbriki:
Kiton have five factories:[6]
alta mota jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
Haute couture
Patty Aubery hija awtriċi Amerikana minn California.
Patty Aubery is an American author from California.
Kitbet xi ktieb fosthom il-ħabta "Chicken Soup for the Soul", inkluż "Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul".
She wrote some books like Chicken Soup for the Soul series, including Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul.
↑ ↑ ↑ . ISBN 9780806638331 https://books.google.com/books?id=RRn0nnkHbzcC&q=aubrey&pg=PA7. |title= nieqes jew vojt (għajnuna) ↑ MV Hansen, J Batten, The master motivator: Secrets of inspiring leadership.
↑ "Resources". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help) ↑ "Wake Up!" Love and Fear (TV Episode) - Plot - IMDb ↑ The Soul of Success: The Jack Canfield Story ↑ Brown, Pamela N. (1999).
2015. Jaico Publishing House ↑ http://archive.org/details/businessnetworki0000misn. |title= nieqes jew vojt (għajnuna) ↑ .
Facing Cancer Together: How to Help Your Friend Or Loved One. ISBN 9780806638331. ↑ MV Hansen, J Batten, The master motivator: Secrets of inspiring leadership.
ISBN 9781683506164 https://books.google.com/books?id=Ax1SDwAAQBAJ&dq=%22patty+aubrey%22&pg=PT54. |title= nieqes jew vojt (għajnuna) ↑ .
2015. Jaico Publishing House ↑ Business networking and sex : not what you think. ↑ Wright, Brian K. (20 March 2018).
ISBN 9781633410091 https://books.google.com/books?id=IpUREAAAQBAJ&dq=%22patty+aubrey%22&pg=PT195. |title= nieqes jew vojt (għajnuna) ↑ https://books.google.com/books?id=QlEzEAAAQBAJ&dq=%22patty+aubrey%22&pg=PA268. |title= nieqes jew vojt (għajnuna) 1 2 .
Success Profiles: Conversations With High Achievers Including Jack Canfield, Tom Ziglar, Loral Langemeier and More. ISBN 9781683506164. ↑ Sandella, Deborah (September 2016). Goodbye, Hurt & Pain: 7 Simple Steps for Health, Love, and Success.
ISBN 9780748117529 https://books.google.com/books?id=tnrIm6u4oVMC&dq=%22patty+aubrey%22&pg=PT235. |title= nieqes jew vojt (għajnuna) ↑ .
ISBN 9781633410091. ↑ Rajsekar, Siddharth. You Can Coach. 1 2 Nichols, Lisa (6 May 2010).
ISBN 9781473684171 https://books.google.com/books?id=I7pfDwAAQBAJ&dq=%22patty+aubrey%22&pg=PT237. |title= nieqes jew vojt (għajnuna) ↑ .
No Matter What!: 9 Steps to Living the Life You Love. ISBN 9780748117529. ↑ Honda, Ken (13 June 2019). Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money.
ISBN 9781683506164 https://books.google.com/books?id=Ax1SDwAAQBAJ&dq=%22patty+aubrey%22&pg=PT54. |title= nieqes jew vojt (għajnuna) ↑ .
ISBN 9781473684171. ↑ Wright, Brian K. (20 March 2018). Success Profiles: Conversations With High Achievers Including Jack Canfield, Tom Ziglar, Loral Langemeier and More.
ISBN 9781529374711 https://books.google.com/books?id=1VigDwAAQBAJ&dq=%22patty+aubrey%22&pg=PT262. |title= nieqes jew vojt (għajnuna) ↑ https://books.google.com/books?id=hPQMfbhmir8C&dq=%22patty+aubrey%22&pg=PA114. |title= nieqes jew vojt (għajnuna)
ISBN 9781683506164. ↑ McNealy, Megan (28 November 2019). Reinvent the Wheel: How Top Leaders Leverage Well-Being for Success. ISBN 9781529374711. ↑ Path of the Pearl (EasyRead Large Bold ed.).
[1] In 2017 she was also in the movie Soul of Success.
[2] In 2017 she was also in the movie Soul of Success.
[2] Her writings drew attention within the self-help genre.[3][4] She is a contributor to several books in the area of self-help,[5][6] mind and body,[7] training,[8] life struggle, [9] money,[10] success,[11] and innovation.[12] Author Lisa Nichols wrote that Aubery "was a force for possibility".
[3] Her writings drew attention within the self-help genre.[4][5] She is a contributor to several books in the area of self-help,[6][7] mind and body,[8] training,[9] life struggle, [10] money,[11] success,[12] and innovation.[13] Author Lisa Nichols wrote that Aubery "was a force for possibility".
[9] Many people think her books are important to to read..
[10] Many people think her books are important to to read..
L- Antica Dolceria Bonajuto hija fabbrika taċ-ċikkulata mwaqqfa f' Modica fl-1880, magħrufa bħala l-eqdem fi Sqallija u waħda mill-eqdem fi l-Italja.[1]
Antica Dolceria Bonajuto is a chocolate factory founded in Modica in 1880, known as the oldest in Sicily and one of the oldest in Italy.[1]
Federico Bonajuto fl-1880 waqqaf il-post attwali iżda bl-isem ta 'Caffè Roma, post fejn jiltaqa' ta' ispirazzjoni soċjalista, li sar Antica Dolceria Bonajuto fl-1992.[2]
Federico Bonajuto founded the current place in 1880 but with the name of Caffè Roma, a socialist inspired meeting place, which became Antica Dolceria Bonajuto in 1992.[1]
Matul is-snin bosta nies illustri tal-ħanut taċ-ċikkulata kienu, fosthom: kittieb, ġurnalist u kritiku tal-arti Leonardo Sciascia, il-ħabib u l-kollega tiegħu Gesualdo Bufalino, jew Ġurnalisti Amerikani Raymond Walter Apple Jr. ta New York Times[3] u Frederika Randall ta Wall Street Journal.[4]
Over the years many illustrious people of the chocolate shop have been, among them: writer, journalist and art critic Leonardo Sciascia, his friend and colleague Gesualdo Bufalino, or American Journalists Raymond Walter Apple Jr. of the New York Times[1] and Frederika Randall of the Wall Street Journal. [2]
Fl-1911 iċ-ċikkulati ta 'Francesco Bonajuto rebħu l-midalja tad-deheb fl- Espożizzjoni Universali ta' Turin (1911) li kienet organizzata flimkien ma 'wirjiet nazzjonali oħra bħal dawk ta' Ruma (fejn ingħata Bonajuto) u Firenze.[1]
In 1911 Francesco Bonajuto's chocolates won the gold medal at the Turin Universal Exposition (1911) which was organized in conjunction with other national exhibitions such as those in Rome (where Bonajuto was awarded) and Florence.[1]
La dolceria Bonajuto.
The Bonajuto confectionery.
Storia della cioccolateria più antica di Sicilia, Giovanni Criscione, Palermo, Kalós edizioni d’arte, 2014.[1] Il biscotto di legno, Raffaele Poidomani, Módica, Bonajuto, 2005.[5]
History of the oldest chocolate shop in Sicily, Giovanni Criscione, Palermo, Kalós edizioni d’arte, 2014.[1] The wooden biscuit, Raffaele Poidomani, Módica, Bonajuto, 2005. [2]