Bahagian luar unit penyaman udara satu bilik generik.
The external section of a generic single-room air conditioning unit.
Untuk memudahkan pemasangan, unit ini biasanya dipasang ke dalam tingkap atau dalam gambar ini, pada lubang dinding.
For ease of installation, units are typically fitted into windows or, as in this photograph, a hole in the wall
Bahagian dalam bagi unit yang sama.
The internal section of the same unit.
Panel hadapan berayun ke bawah, mendedahkan kawalan.
The front panel swings down to reveal the controls.
Penyaman udara (ڤڽامن اودارا) atau juga dikenali sebagai pendingin hawa dan alat hawa dingin, ialah suatu sistem atau mesin yang mengeluarkan udara secara tetap, biasanya di kawasan tertutup melalui kitaran penyejukan, di mana udara yang lebih hangat akan disingkirkan dan digantikan dengan udara yang lebih sejuk lembap.
An air conditioner is a system or a machine that treats air in a defined, usually enclosed area via a refrigeration cycle in which warm air is removed and replaced with cooler and more humid air.
Dalam pembinaan, suatu sistem pemanasan, pengudaraan dan penyaman udara dirujuk sebagai HVAC.
In construction, a complete system of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning is referred to as HVAC.
Sama ada di rumah, pejabat atau kenderaan, tujuan penyaman udara adalah untuk memberi keselesaan dengan mengubah ciri udara biasanya melalui penyejukan udara di dalam.
Whether in homes, offices or vehicles, its purpose is to provide comfort by altering the properties of the air, usually by cooling the air inside.
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Mar Nestorius Uskup Agung Constantinople Lahir c.
Saint Nestorius Archbishop of Constantinople Born c.
386 Germanicia, Syria (sekarang Kahramanmaraş, Turkey) Meninggal c.
386 Germanicia, Syria (now Kahramanmaraş, Turkey) Died c.
451 Great Oasis of Hibis (al-Khargah), Egypt Dihormati oleh Assyrian Church of the East Hari perayaan Oktober 25 Tengkarah Stigmatisasi sebagai bidah sunting Lihat pendokumenan templat ini
451 Great Oasis of Hibis (al-Khargah), Egypt Venerated in Assyrian Church of the East Feast October 25 Controversy Stigmatization as a heretic
Nestorius (Bahasa Yunani: Νεστόριος; 386-c.
Nestorius (Greek: Νεστόριος; c. 386–c.
451) adalah Uskup Agung Constantinople dari 10 April 428 hingga 22 Jun 431.
451) was Archbishop of Constantinople from 10 April 428 to 22 June 431.
Pandangannya sangat popular di Timur.
His views were popular in the East.
Dia dipersalahkan oleh musuh politiknya, Cyril of Alexandria sebagai Nestorianisme, kerana menentang praktik populer memanggil Perawan Maria "Mother of God" theotokos.
He was blamed by his political enemy, Cyril of Alexandria of Nestorianism, for objecting to the popular practice of calling the Virgin Mary the "Mother of God" theotokos.
Dia dikutuk di Majlis Efesus sebelum penyokongnya dapat tiba dan dia kemudiannya diturunkan daripada jawatannya.
He was condemned at the Council of Ephesus before his supporters could arrive and he was then dethroned.
Akibatnya ialah penciptaan Gereja Assyria Timur, di sepanjang sempadan Parsi dan jauh dari Yunani.
The consequence of this was the creation of the Assyrian Church of the East, over the Persian border and far away from Greece.
Georges Gilles de la Tourette (1857-1904), salah satu orang pertama yang menggambarkan gejala kondisi yang dinamakan sempena beliau.
Georges Gilles de la Tourette (1857-1904) was one of the first people who described the symptoms
Sindrom Tourette [tu-ret] adalah penyakit genetik neurologi yang diwarisi.
Tourette syndrome is an inherited neurological disorder.
Penghidap Sindrom ini diperhatikan mendapat gerenyet (pergerakan atau bunyi keluaran yang tidak mudah dikawal).
Tourette syndrome can also be called Tourette's syndrome, Tourette's disorder, GTS, Tourette's, or TS. People that have Tourette's have tics (movements or sounds that the person cannot easily control).
Keadaan ini biasanya diwarisi, dan muncul ketika zaman kanak-kanak.
Tourette's is normally inherited, and starts in childhood.
Sindrom Tourette
Tourette syndrome
Barbara Knox MBE (lahir 30 September 1933), adalah seorang pelakon British.
Barbara Knox MBE (born 30 September 1933), is a British actress.
Beliau dikenali dengan watak beliau sebagai wakil penjual akhbar Rita Tanner di drama bersiri Coronation Street.
She is known for her portrayal of newsagent Rita Tanner in the television soap opera Coronation Street.
Beliau telah menjadi pelakon sepenuh masa selama lebih daripada 45 tahun, setelah muncul dalam satu episod sebagai Rita pada tahun 1964, sebelum menjadi ahli tetap sejak tahun 1972 dan seterusnya.[1]
She has been a full-time cast member for over 45 years, having appeared for one episode as Rita in 1964, before becoming a regular cast member from 1972 onwards.[2]
Pada 28 Mac 2014 dilaporkan bahawa dia telah ditangkap kerana disyaki memandu ketika di bawah pengaruh alkohol di bandar kelahirannya di Knutsford, Cheshire.[1] Pada 4 April Knox dituduh secara rasmi, dan dia muncul di Mahkamah Majistret Macclesfield pada 24 April.[2] Pada 23 Januari 2015 dia mengubah pengakuannya kepada bersalah.
On 28 March 2014 it was reported that she had been arrested on suspicion of driving while under the influence of alcohol in her home town of Knutsford, Cheshire.[3] On 4 April Knox was formally charged, and she appeared at Macclesfield Magistrates' Court on 24 April.[4] On 23 January 2015 she changed her plea to guilty.
Dia dilarang memandu selama setahun, dan didenda dengan sejumlah kos sebanyak £3,000 dan £1,750.[3]
She was banned from driving for a year, as well as being fined £3,000 and £1,750 in costs.[5]
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William Patrick Roache MBE (lahir 25 April 1932) adalah seorang pelakon Inggeris.
William Patrick Roache MBE (born 25 April 1932) is an English actor.
Beliau telah berperanan sebagai Ken Barlow dalam drama Inggeris Coronation Street sejak episod pertama pada 9 Disember 1960.
He has played Ken Barlow in the British soap opera Coronation Street since its first episode on 9 December 1960.
Roache dilahirkan di Basford, Nottinghamshire .
Roache was born in Basford, Nottinghamshire.
Dia dibesarkan di Ilkeston, Derbyshire.
He grew up in Ilkeston, Derbyshire.
Roache memainkan peranan utama dalam drama televisyen Granada yang dinamakan Marking Time.
Roache played the leading role in a Granada Television play called Marking Time.
Ia telah ditayangkan di ITV pada tahun 1961.
It was shown on ITV in 1961.
Dalam wawancara pada tahun 2007, Roache berkata, "Tony Warren, yang mencipta Coronation Street, melihatnya dan menganggap saya tepat untuk Ken Barlow."
In a 2007 interview, Roache said, "Tony Warren, who created Coronation Street, saw it and thought I was right for Ken Barlow."
Pada tahun 2008, autobiografi Roache Soul on the Street telah diterbitkan.
In 2008 Roache's autobiography Soul on the Street was published.first acting job Clacton
Roache tinggal di Cheshire.
Roache lives in Cheshire.
Beliau menyokong Parti Konservatif.[1]
He supports the Conservative Party.[2]
Tuduhan jenayah seks
Sex crime charges
Pada 1 Mei 2013, Roache ditangkap di rumahnya kerana disyaki merogol seorang gadis berusia 15 tahun pada 1960-an.[1] Dia didapati tidak bersalah atas dua tuduhan rogol dan empat serangan tidak senonoh terhadap gadis remaja pada 6 Februari 2014.[2]
On May 1, 2013, Roache was arrested at his home on suspicion of raping a 15-year-old girl in the 1960s.[3] He was found not guilty of two counts of rape and four indecent assaults on teenage girls on February 6, 2014.[4]
Lee Konitz (13 Oktober 1927 - 15 April 2020) adalah seorang komposer jazz Amerika Syarikat dan saksofon alto.
Lee Konitz (October 13, 1927 – April 15, 2020) was an American jazz composer and alto saxophonist.
Dia dianggap sebagai salah seorang orang utama yang terlibat dalam pergerakan jaz moden Konitz juga telah berjaya dalam jazz bebop dan eksperimen.
He was thought to be one of the main people involved in the cool jazz movement. Konitz has also performed successfully in bebop and experimental jazz.
Konitz dilahirkan di Chicago pada 13 Oktober 1927.[1]
Konitz was born in Chicago.[2]
Konitz meninggal dunia di Bandaraya New York pada 15 April 2020 akibat jangkitan COVID-19.[1]
Konitz died in New York City on April 15, 2020 of COVID-19.[3]
Rolf Adam Engelbrekt Alsing (12 Oktober 1968 - 15 April 2020) adalah seorang pengacara televisyen dan penyampai radio Sweden.
Rolf Adam Engelbrekt Alsing (12 October 1968 – 15 April 2020) was a Swedish television and radio host.
Dia terkenal sebagai pengacara Big Brother versi Sweden (2000–2005; 2014–2015).
He was best known as the host of the Swedish version of Big Brother (2000–2005; 2014–2015).
Dia juga mengendalikan rancangan bual bicara sendiri, Adam Live, serta Jeopardy! versi Sweden.
He also presented his own talk show, Adam Live, as well as the Swedish version of Jeopardy!.
Dia dilahirkan di Karlstad.
He was born in Karlstad.