Inscription about the statue of Athena Parthenos in the Parthenon, 440/439 BC
Ancient Greek was the language spoken by the people of Ancient Greece from the 9th to 4th century B.C. Ancient Greek and Latin are the most important ancient languages (languages which are no longer spoken) for speakers of English today. This is because a very large number of English words come from Greek and Latin.
Because the Greeks became very powerful in the countries around the Mediterranean Sea their language spread very quickly. Alexander the Great even took it into Asia. Later, in the Roman world, children were taught Greek as a second language in the same way that many non-English speakers today learn English as their second language.
語言者,常易其型。夫希臘之言,二千年以來,未嘗有不變之時。今之希臘語成於西元一四五三年。 [2]
All languages change with time, and Greek has changed a lot since 25 centuries ago. Modern Greek is often said to have started in the year 1453 A.D.[2]
聖 多馬者,十二使徒之一也。 其名謂“孿生”。耶穌之復活也, 多馬未得親見之。及聞復活事,不之信。雖手持十字架,亦謂我必欲親見之而後信之。耶穌竟返而見之,涉水臨眾人,多馬乃信。俗言“疑夫多馬” (言人遇事必先疑之,而後信之),此之謂也。
He is most famous for not being present when the other apostles (Jesus's followers and friends) first saw Jesus after he has been risen from the dead. Thomas was not there and when he heard about it, he did not believe his friends, and he said he wanted to see it for himself, even the marks in his hands where Jesus had been nailed to the cross. Jesus did return and showed Thomas.
Twelve Apostles
The recto of Rylands Library Papyrus P52 from the Gospel of John.
The word gospel came from the Old English word "gōdspel", which literally means "good news",[1] since it narrates Jesus Christ's life and teaching to invite anyone to believe that he was born to save the world from sin and make humans truly know God as a Father. It is mostly about the Death and Resurrection of Jesus.
The Gospel was originally spoken, not written.
Eventually gospel came to mean an ancient book about Jesus, especially one of the four books collected by the Church in the Bible.
These books are the first part of the New Testament of the Bible, and are put in a group of this order: the Gospel of Matthew, the Gospel of Mark, the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of John.
↑ gospel etymology
↑ "gospel etymology". https://www.google.com/#safe=active&q=gospel+etymology.