Aaron Swartz, 2012
Swartz in January 2012

11ê Rêbendana 2013), bernamekar, nivîskar û aktîvîstê înternetê yê Amerîkî ye.Di heman katî de jî di organîzekirina RSS de cihekî mezin girtiye.Ew di 6ê Rêbendana sala 2011an de ji aliyê hikumeta DYA ve jiber ku wek nehênî dosya ji JSTOR daxistine, hate girtin.
Aaron H. Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013) was an American computer programmer, writer, political organizer, and Internet activist who helped organize the RSS. 10 from the RSS. He was arrested in January 6, 2011 and charged with illegally downloading files from JSTOR.[1]

Karîyer û zayîna wî
Early life and career

Swart di 8ê mijdara sala 1986an de li bajarê Chicago yê federedewleta Illinoisê de ji dayik bûye.Jiber ku dibistana amadeyî hez nedikir, di pola 10yem de jê derket.Ew di Zanîngeha Stanfordê de xwendiye.Di sala 2008an de malpera Watchdog.netê derxist.
In 2008 Swartz started Watchdog.net, "the good government site with teeth". In 2009 he helped start the Progressive Change Campaign Committee. In 2010 Swartz started Demand Progress.

Mirina wî

Swartz emrê xwe yê 26 salî de li Broklynê di apartmana xwe de xwe daleqand û mir.Bavê wî di cenazeyê wî de wiha got ku "Aaron ji aliyê dewletê ve hate kuştin û MIT jî jê re xiniztî kir.
Swartz committed suicide by hanging himself in his apartment in Brooklyn, New York City, aged 26.[2] Speaking at his son's funeral, Robert Swartz said, "[Aaron] was killed by the government, and MIT betrayed all of its basic principles."[3]

Di sala 2014an de der barê wî de belgewarekî bi navê (The Internet's Own Boy) hatiye kişandin.
A documentary about Swartz called The Internet's Own Boy was released in 2014.

↑ Sims, Nancy (October 2011).
↑ Sims, Nancy (October 2011). "Library licensing and criminal law: The Aaron Swartz case".

"Library licensing and criminal law: The Aaron Swartz case".
College & Research Libraries News (Association of College and Research Libraries) 72 (9): 534–537. ISSN 0099-0086. http://crln.acrl.org/content/72/9/534.full. Retrieved January 13, 2013. ↑ Cai, Anne (January 12, 2013).

College & Research Libraries News (Association of College and Research Libraries) 72 (9): 534–537.
"Aaron Swartz commits suicide". The Tech. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. http://tech.mit.edu/V132/N61/swartz.html.

ISSN 0099-0086. http://crln.acrl.org/content/72/9/534.full.
Retrieved January 12, 2013. ↑ "Internet Hall of Fame Announces 2013 Inductees". June 26, 2013. http://www.suntimes.com/business/17594002-420/aaron-swartz-memorialized-at-service.html. "Innovators – Recognizing individuals who made outstanding technological, commercial, or policy advances and helped to expand the Internet's reach: Marc Andreessen, John Perry Barlow, Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder, François Flückiger, Stephen Kent, Henning Schulzrinne, Richard Stallman, Aaron Swartz (posthumous), Jimmy Wales" ↑ Sandra Guy (January 15, 2013).

Retrieved January 13, 2013. ↑ Empty citation (alîkarî) ↑ Empty citation (alîkarî) ↑ Empty citation (alîkarî)
"Internet Hall of Fame Announces 2013 Inductees". Chicago Sun-Times. http://internethalloffame.org/press/latest-news/internet-hall-fame-announces-2013-inductees.

Seluloz, madeya kîmyewî ya asas a ku avaniya sereke ya riwekan pêk tîne, ye.
Cellulose is the main chemical that forms the main structure of plants.

Madeya ku li ser Cihanê herî pir tê dîtin seluloz e.Jê cûda jî seluloz elyaf e.
It is the most abundant macromolecule on Earth. It is also a fibre.

Seluloz ji glîkozan tê û ew piraniya dîwara şaneyê ya şaneyên riwekê pêk tîne.
Cellulose is made from a form of glucose and makes up most of the cell wall of plant cells.

Di heman katî de jî seluloz ji aliyê mirovan ve nayê herisandin.
This is what keeps a plant in shape. Cellulose is not digestible by humans.

Makromolekûl an jî nûn, molekûlekê ku ji gelek atoman pêk tê, jê re tê gotin.
A macromolecule is a molecule with a large number of atoms. The word is usually used only when describing polymers, molecules which are made up of smaller molecules called monomers.

Makromolekûlekê ku li ser cihanê pir tê dîtin seluloz e.
All organic monomers are based on carbon, usually with hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. There are inorganic macromolecules based on other monomers.

Bo nimûne:

Proteînên ku ji asîdên amîno pêk tên Asîdên nukleîk DNA ji nukleotîtan pêk tê.
Proteins, composed of amino acids. Nucleic acids. DNA, composed of nucleotides.

Karbonhîdratên ku ji monosakarîtan pêk tên.
Carbohydrates, composed of monosaccharide sugars.

Lîpîdên (rûn) ku ji trîglîserîtan pêk tên.
Lipids or fats composed of fatty acids and triglycerides. Nylon, composed of polyamides.

Naylon ji polîamîdan pêk tê.
Polythiazyl, composed of polymeric sulphur nitride (SN)x.

Miyandeva(Delta) Ron a ku dirêje deryaya navîn
The delta of the Rhône flowing into the Mediterranean

Nexşeya çemê Ron
Map of the Rhône

Çemê Ron(bi îngilîzî:Rhône), çemekî ku di navbera Fransa û Swîsrê de dimîne ye.Dirêjiya wî 812 km ye.Ew ji qeşayiya Ron a li Swîsrê dest pê dike û bi gihîştina deryaya navîn jî dawî lê tê.
It is 812 kilometers long. The river starts in Rhône Glacier, which is in Switzerland. Then, the Rhône River joints the Saône, in France (and other rivers) and ends in the Mediterranean Sea.

Debiya wî di saniyeyek de 1.700 m3 e.Ev nirx gava ku seylav(rabûyî) çê dibe digihîje 12.000 m3ê.
The river drains an are of 95.5500 m2. The usual amount of water is about 1.700 m3 per second (at Tarrascon). During floods, this value has reached over 12.000 m3 per second.

Faksekê ku ji aliyê Samsung ve hatiye çêkirin.
A Samsung fax machine

Faks, alaveke pevguhazî ye. Faksek, materyalên ku hatine sehkirin, bi alîkariya xetên telefonan dişeyinê ji faksekî din re.
Fax (short for facsimile), or telecopying, is the transmission of scanned printed material (both text and images), to a telephone number connected to a printer or other output device.

Di serî de belgeya resen, bi makîneya faksekî tê sehkirin.îcar makîneya faksê ya stîner jî vê belgeya ku di serî de hati bû kodkirin, van kodan didewîne,analîz dike, û dîsin vê belgeyê dadigerîne halê xwe yê berê.
The original document is scanned with a fax machine (or a telecopier), which turns the contents (text or images) into a bitmap, Then the bitmap is sent through the telephone system. The receiving fax machine reconverts the coded image, printing a paper copy.[1]

Di sala 1843an de ji aliyê Alexander Bain ve patenta faksê hatiye girtin.Lê belê faksa ku îro tê bikaranîn, di sala 1924an de ji aliyê şîrketa Amerîkî ya bi navê Radio Corporation of America ve hatiye sêwirandin.Ev şîrket di 24ê mijdara sala 1924an de wêneyekî ji Newyorkê şiyand Londonê.
Businesses usually have some kind of fax system, but the technology has faced increasing competition from Internet-based methods. Fax machines still retain some advantages, particularly in the transmission of sensitive material which, if sent over the internet, may be intercepted. However, encryption (a secret coding system) can make internet messages secure.

Joseph Louis Lagrange, matematîkzan û stêrnasê Îtalî ye. Ew di 25ê çileya sala 1736'an de li Torînoyê ji dayik bûye.
Joseph-Louis Lagrange (born Giuseppe Lodovico [Luigi] Lagrangia, Turin, Piedmont, 25 January 1736 – Paris, 10 April 1813) was a mathematician and astronomer.

Li gorî rayekê ew matematîkzanê herî mezin ê sedsala hijdehem e.
According to one authority, he was "the greatest mathematician of the eighteenth century".[1]

Ew beşekê jîna xwe li prûsyayê, beşeke din jî li Fransayê bihartiye.
He lived part of his life in Prussia and part in France.

Ew ji teoriya hejmaran heta mekanîka esmanî xebatên girîng kiriye.
He made significant contributions to mathematical analysis, from number theory, to classical and celestial mechanics.

Ew di sala 1766'an de li ser qewîtiya Euler û d'Alembertê ve dest pê gerînendetiya matematîkê ya Akademiya Zanistan a Prûsyayê kir.
On the recommendation of Euler and d'Alembert, in 1766 Lagrange succeeded Euler as the director of mathematics at the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin.

Ew ji 20 sal pirtir li wê derê ma û di vî wextî de gelek berhem anî holê. Di heman katî de jî ew gelek xelat ji Akademiya Zanistan a Fransayê girt.
He stayed there for over twenty years, producing a large body of work and winning several prizes of the French Academy of Sciences.

Dozîneya wî ya ku di sala 1788'an de li ser mekanîka analîtîk kiribû, piştî Newtonê xebata herî berfireh bû û ev dozîne di sedsala nozdehem de ji bo pêşvebirina fizîka matematîkî pir alîkar bû.
Lagrange's treatise on analytical mechanics, first published in 1788, was the best treatment of classical mechanics since Newton, and helped the development of mathematical physics in the nineteenth century.[2]

Jîna wî

Malbata wî îtalyan bû, belam li ber vê jî bav û kalên wî yên Fransî jî hebûn.
Lagrange's parents were Italian, although he also had French ancestors on his father's side.

Di sala 1787'an de wexta ku 51 salî bû ji Berlînê mala xwe bir Fransayê û li Fransayê bû endamê Akademiya Fransî û heta dawiya jîna xwe li Fransayê ma.
In 1787, at age 51, he moved from Berlin to France and became a member of the French Academy, and he remained in France until the end of his life.

Ji ber vê yekê Lagrange carna wek Fransî carna jî wek Îtalyan tê ramankirin.
Therefore, Lagrange is alternatively considered a French and an Italian scientist.

Di sala 1794'an de wexta ku École Polytechnique vebû, li wê derê profesorê analîz ê yekem bû.
Lagrange survived the French Revolution and became the first professor of analysis at the École Polytechnique upon its opening in 1794.

Lagrange di 10ê avrêla sala 1813'an de li Parîsê mir û navê wî jî wekî navên endezyar, matematîkzan û zanyarên Fransî, li ser Barûya Eyfelê hate nivîsandin.
Napoleon appointed Lagrange to the Legion of Honour and made him a Count of the Empire in 1808. Lagrange is buried in the Panthéon and his name appears as one of the 72 names inscribed on the Eiffel Tower.[1]

Dilopên aviyê ku li ser tevnepîrikê zeliqîne.
Dew drops adhering to a spider web

Adezyon, pêvojoyek e ku parçeyên cuda ji hev re dizeliqin.
Adhesion is the process in which dissimilar particles stick together.

Heke ev parçe ji parçeyên dirûv pêk bên, ev pêvajo wek kohezyon tê binavkirin.
In the case of similar particles, this effect is called cohesion.

Adezyon pê bi gewşînên fizîkî yên rûxara ku di navbera du cismê de dimîne, têkildar e.
Adhesion results from the physical properties of the interface between two phases.

Hêzên ku ji ber adezyonê çêdibin, bi misogerî nayê zanîn.
The forces that result in adhesion are not fully known, there are different explanations.

Heta niha 5 tewrê Adezyonê yê ji hev cuda hatine derpêşkirin:
Five different types of adhesion have been proposed: