A tradución
The Translate
Novo Testamento
The New Testament
William Laughton Lorimer, nado en Strathmartine en 1885 e finado en 1967, foi un especialista en grego antigo e entusiasta da lingua scots, tradutor do Novo Testamento ao scots, o primeiro en facelo dende os orixinais gregos e non dunha versión inglesa.
William Laughton Lorimer (1885-1967) wis a scholar o the Greek an Scots leid enthusiast frae Strathmairtine near Dundee, best kent for pittin The New Testament ower intil Scots. He wis the first Scots New Testament translator tae wirk straucht frae the oreeginal Greek texts an no frae an Inglis version.
Fillo do reverendo Robert Lorimer, ministro da Igrexa libre de Escocia e de Isabella Lockhart Robertson.
Lorimer wis born tae Rev. Robert Lorimer, a meenister o the Free Kirk o Scotand, an Isabella Lockhart Robertson, the sievent o aicht bairns born til thaim.
Estudou en Dundee, Edimburgo e linguas e literaturas clásicas no Trinity College en Oxford.
He wis eddicate at the High School of Dundee, Fettes College (whaur he wis Heid o the Schuil for twa year) an Trinity College, Oxford whaur he leared at Clessical leids an leeteratur.
En 1910 nomeado profesor axudante de grego na Universidade de Saint Andrew.
In 1910 he wis appyntit Asseestant in the Greek tae Professor Burnet at the Varsity o Saunt Andras.
Durante a Primeira guerr mundial serviu primeiro no rexemento dos Gordon Highlanders e posteriormente no directorado de intelixencia. Tras a guerra volveu dar clases, asentándose definitivamente na Saint Andrews en 1921.O ano seguinte contratou unha aia para coidar do seu fillo pequeno.
He bidit in Saunt Andras, whaur he mairiet on ane o his students, Marion Rose Gordon, in 1915. Tho he wis commeesioned in the Gordon Hielanders in 1914, problems wi his heal meant he coudna perform fechtin service ava, an sae frae 1916 tae 1919 wrocht in the Intelligence Directorate o the Weir Office, whaur his readin o the neutral press kindelt in him an interest in lesser spak leids an the strauchles thay faced.
Era Helen MacGregor (1873/4 - 1930) falante nativa de scots, e cos anos tanto o seu fillo como o propio William aprenderon a lingua.
Efter the Weir endit, he retoured wi his guidwife an young son tae Saunt Andras finally settlin doun in 1921.
En 1955 xubilouse da universidade.
The follaein year his guidwife dee'd o a suddent, as wis ordinar in thae days, he teuk in a maid tae help wi the raisin o his son. This maid, Mrs Helen MacGregor (1873/4 - 1930) wis a native speaker o Scots, an ower the years baith William Lorimer an his son learnt mair nor a tait Scots frae her. He retired frae his wark at the Varsity in 1955, an efter an illness stairtin in December 1966, he dee'd on the 25t o Mey the follaein year, at the auld eild o aichty-ane.
Lorimer levaba tempo interesado no scots e sentía que elevar o seu status e que era preciso tanto realizar un dicionario moderno como traducir o Novo Testamento e arredor de setembro de 1945 decidiu realizar el mesmo a tradución, para familiarizarse leu 174 traducións da Carta a Filemón en 23 linguas, oito en Laitin, dúas en Coptic, dúas in Syriac, dúas Nether-Saxon, 23 in German, sete Dens, cinco in Norse, tres in Swadish, unha in Faeroese, seis in Dutch, dúas in Fleems, 22 in French, unha en Occitanian, dúas Catalan, 14 Italian, catro in Rhaeto-Romaunsch, catror in Modren Greek, dúas in Scots, 48 Inglis e unha en Esperanto.
Lorimer haed aye been interestit in the Scots leid (syne he wis a bairn o nine year auld he haed written doun Scots wirds an eedioms) an his kennin o the strauchles o minority leids that he got frae his readins o the neutral press durin the Weir led him tae feel that something needit daein tae rescue the Scots leid. He becam convinced, that gin Socts wis tae be ruised up frae the laich status that it haed fawen tae, it needit twa main things first: I) a guid modren dictionar an II) a guid modren translate o The New Testament that maist weel-read fowk an mony ithers wad be fameeliar wi. Sometime aboot September 1945, he decidit tae yoke tae on pittin The New Testament ower intil Scots.
En 1957 comezou a darlle forma á tradución, a primeiros de 1961 estaba traballando nos evanxeos e en outubro de 1965 rematou a Carta aos Hebreos October 1965.
His first drauchts wis begoued in 1957, an bi early 1961 he stairtit wark on The Gospels that teuk him twa year an three month tae feenish the first drauchts o. The last o the first drauchts (that seems tae hae been Hebrews) wis feenished on the 10t o October 1965.
Levoulle así oito anos realizar a primeira versión da súa tradución ao scots.
It haed sae faur taen him aicht year tae pit the hail New Testament ower intil Scots. Bi nou he wis aichty year auld, an aw he haed wis the first draucht.
E axiña comezou a revisar o traballo pero morreu antes de rematar a revisión.
He stairtit his reveesions o the drauchts, but as it cam tae be clearer that he wadna leeve muckle langer, he stairtit makkin jottins anent whit he wantit duin wi the warks - anent spellins an sae furth.
Os manuscritos pasoron ao seu fillo, Robert Lorimer e el continuou o traballo de seu pai.
As he seems tae hae kent, Lorimer wadna leeve tae feenish his great darg. He dee'd in 1967 wi maist o his manuscripts unrevised.
En 1983, vinte e seis anos despois de Lorimer comezar a tradución saíu ao prelo comoThe New Testament In Scots.
The wark passed on tae his son, Robert Lorimer, wha uised his faither's jottins for guidal as he revised an edited the texts. In 1983, twinty-sax year efter Lorimer begoud his first drauchts an saxteen year efter he dee'd, The New Testament In Scots wis finally setten furth.
Converteuse nun éxito inmediato, esgotando a edición en tres semanas, e está considerado un dos clásicos da literatura scots,[1] e unha das obras máis relevantes en scots do século XX. .
It wes an instant success, sellin oot the hail first prent-rin in jist thrie week, an haes been established synesen as ane o the great classics o Scots leitature,[1] an ane o the heidmaist Scots warks o the 20t century, an can be aften fun in lists o great Scottish buiks.
William Lorimer
William Laughton Lorimer
Ademais da súa tradución. Lorimer colaborou co Scottish National Dictionary, e dende 1947 foi membro do consello executivo da Scottish National Dictionary Association e o seu presidente dende 1953 ata a súa morte en 1967.
Tho Lorimer's maist kenspeckle wark wis his New Testament in Scots, his ingine in baith the Scots an Greek led tae ither contreibutions in thir fields. Forby wirkin on the revised edeetion Liddell & Scott's Greek Lexicon, he wis ane o heidmaist ootside contreebuters tae the Scottish National Dictionary, an in 1947 he wis waled as a member o the Scottish National Dictionary Association's Executive Cooncil, a body that he wis chairman o frae 1953 till his daith in 1967.