Paweł Edmund Strzelecki (1797ko uztailaren 20a - 1873ko urriaren 6a), Paul Edmund de Strzelecki bezala ere ezaguna, esploratzaile eta geologo poloniarra izan zen. Australiako esplorazioengatik ospetsua bihurtu zen.
Paul Edmund de Strzelecki (20 July 1797 — October 1873) was a Polish man who taught himself geology.[1] He became famous for his explorations in Australia.

Gluszynan jaio zen, Poznanetik gertu, Poloniako mendebaldean, 1797an, eta geroago prusiar armadarekin zerbitzatu zuen.
He was born in Gluszyna, near Poznan, Western Poland in 1797 and later served briefly with the Prussian army.

Neskatila batekin ezkontzeko ahalegina egin zuen, eta, ondoren, bere ugazabari dirua lapurtzeaz akusatu zioten. Londresera joan zen eta Strzelecki konde titulua eman zion bere buruari. 1834. urtean Ipar Amerikara joan eta mineral eremuak bisitatu eta mineralak esploratu zituen.
He tried unsuccessfully to marry a young girl, and then was accused of stealing money from his employer.[1] He moved to London and gave himself the title of Count Strzelecki.[1] In 1834 he went to North America and spent time visiting mineral areas and exploring for minerals.

Esaten da Kanadako kobrea aurkitu zuen lehenengo pertsona dela. 1836an, Txiletik Kaliforniara bidaiatu zuen mendebaldeko kostaldean zehar.
He is said to be the first person to find copper in Canada.[1] In 1836 he travelled along the west coast from Chile to California.

1839an, Hawaii, Tahiti, Zeelanda Berria eta azkenik Sydney (Australia) bisitatu zituen.
In 1839 he visited the Hawaii, Tahiti, New Zealand and finally landed in Sydney, Australia.

Mapa geologikoa egin nahi zuen, eta Hegoaldeko Gales Berriako eta Victoriako zati handiak esploratu zituen, Australiar Alpeak barne.
He wanted to make a geological map, and explored large parts of New South Wales and Victoria, including the Australian Alps.

Australiako mendi garaiena igo eta Kosciuszko mendia izendatu zuen, Tadeusz Kosciuszko Poloniako buruzagiarengatik.
He climbed Australia's highest mountain, and named it Mount Kosciuszko, after the Polish leader, Tadeusz Kosciuszko.[1]

Hainbat urte eman zituen Tasmanian, Sydneyera itzuli aurretik.
He spent several years in Tasmania before going back to Sydney.

Londresera itzuli zen 1843an.
He went back to London in 1843.

Australiako bere aurkikuntzei buruzko liburu bat idatzi zuen, Physical Description of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. Royal Geographical Society-ren Urrezko Domina jaso zuen.
He wrote a book on his discoveries in Australia called Physical Description of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land.[1] He was given the Founder's Medal by the Royal Geographical Society.[1]

1847-8an, British Relief Association-k Irlandako Gosete Handian dirua banatzearen ardura eman zion.
In 1847—8 he was put in charge of the giving out money in Ireland during the Great Famine for the British Relief Association.

Orduan ezarri zituen arauak oraindik erabiltzen dira laguntza emateko.
He established standards for giving out assistance that are still being used.[1]

Royal Geographical Society-ren eta Royal Society-ren kidea izendatu zuten. K.C.M.G. saria eman zioten 1869. urtean. 1873an minbiziz hil zen.
He was made a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society and the Royal Society.[1] He was awarded the K.C.M.G. in 1869.[1] He died from cancer in 1873.

Heriotzaren ondorengo aginduak eman zituen bere paperak erretzeko eta bere gorputza markatu gabeko hilobi batean ehorzteko.
He left instructions that after his death his papers were to be burnt and his body buried in an unmarked grave.[1]

Victoria ondoan, Strzelecki mendikatea beragatik izendatzen da.
A road from Lyndhurst to Innamincka was named the Strzelecki Track after Paul Strzelecki.

Parke nazional handi bat Flinders uhartean, Strzelecki Parke Nazionala, Strzelecki mendietara 1842an igo ondoren izendatu zen.
It was used until the 1930's to move cattle to Adelaide, and now is the main road to Moomba, a huge natural gas field which supplies Adelaide and Sydney.[2] The Strzelecki Ranges in Victoria are also named after him.[3] A large national park on Flinders Island, the Strzelecki National Park, was named after Strzelecki who climbed the mountains there in 1842.[4]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , . ↑ , . ↑ , . ↑ , .
2010. Retrieved 24 July 2011. ↑ "Strzelecki Ranges". 2011.

Giza kokalekua
Human settlement

Kokaleku terminoak eremu batean elkarrekin bizi diren gizakien ekintza adierazten du. kokaleku hitza arkeologian, geografian, historian eta bestelako gaietan erabiltzen da, pertsonak non bizi diren (betirako edo aldi baterako) adierazteko.
Settlement refers to the action of people coming together to live in an area. Settlement is a general term used in archaeology, geography, history and other subjects for a place where people live (either permanently or temporarily).

Kanpotik etortzen direnean kolonia deritzo.
When they come from far away it is sometimes called a colony.

Hitzak baserriak, auzoak, herriak eta hiriak biltzen ditu.
The term may include hamlets, suburbs, towns and cities.

Jende nomada ez da kokatzen.
Nomadic people do not settle.

Human settlement

1907-09ko britainiar espedizio antartikoari Nimrod espedizioa ere deitzen zaio.
The British Antarctic Expedition 1907–09 was also called the Nimrod Expedition.

Ernest Shackletonek zuzendutako Antartikako hiru espediziotako lehenengo izan zen.
It was the first of three expeditions to the Antarctic led by Ernest Shackleton.

Bidaiaren heburua Hego polora iristea zen. Ez zuten Hego polora iritsi.
The point of the journey, was to reach the South Pole.[1] They did not reach the South Pole.

Helmugatik 180,6 kilometrora (edo 112,2 milia) hurbildu ziren.
They made it 180.6 kilometers (or 112.2 miles) away from their destination.

Data horretarako bidaiarik urrunena izan zen.
This was the farthest journey to that date.

Taldea ere lehenengoa izan zen Erebus mendia igotzen.
The group was also the first to climb Mount Erebus.[2]

Taldea itzuli zenean, munduko heroi bihurtu ziren ia.
When the group returned, they nearly became worldwide hero's.

Shackletonek sari asko jaso zituen.
Shackleton received many awards.

Horien artean Eduardo VIII.a erregearen zaldun titulua zegoen.
These included a knighthood from King Edward VIII.

Hiru urte geroago, Edgeworth Davidek zuzendutako beste talde batek hautsi zuen taldearen errekorra.
Three years later, the group's record was broken by another group led by Edgeworth David.

↑ , . ↑ , .
The Shackleton Centenary Expedition [SCE]. 15 September 2006. Retrieved 10 August 2014. ↑ "Ernest Shackleton – Nimrod Expedition".

Early life

Samak Sundaravej {{{kargua}}} Jaiotza
Samak Sundaravej MPCh MWM PPh TCW สมัคร สุนทรเวช 李沙馬 25th Prime Minister of Thailand In office 29 January 2008 – 9 September 2008 Monarch Bhumibol Adulyadej Preceded by Surayud Chulanont Succeeded by Somchai Wongsawat Governor of Bangkok In office 23 July 2000 – 28 August 2004 Preceded by Bhichit Rattakul Succeeded by Apirak Kosayodhin Personal details Born (1935-06-13)13 June 1935 Bangkok, Siam Died 24 November 2009(2009-11-24) (aged 74) Bangkok, Thailand Political party People's Power Party (2007–2008) Other political affiliations Democrat Party (1966–1976) Citizens Party (1978–2007)[1] Spouse(s) Surat Sundaravej Alma mater Thammasat University Chulalongkorn University Bryant and Stratton College Religion Theravada Buddhism Signature

Samak Sundaravej (1935eko ekainaren 13a - 2009ko azaroaren 24a) Thailandiako lehen ministroa izan zen, Defentsa ministroa eta Herriaren Boterearen Alderdiko buruzagi nagusia ere.
Samak Sundaravej (13 June 1935 - 24 November 2009) was the 25th Prime Minister of Thailand, Minister of Defence and also the leader of People’s Power Party.

"Mak osaba" edo "Mr. Rose sagar sudurra" izenekin komunikabideek izendatu zuten, sudurraren forma dela eta. Lehen ministro izateari uko egitera behartu zuten, telebistako ikuskizunean sukaldari gisa jardun baitzuen. Thailandiako auzitegi konstituzionalak esan zuen ezin zuela bi lanpostu izan.
He was named by the mass media as "Uncle Mak"[2] or "Mr. Rose Apple Nose" because of the shape of his nose.[3] He was forced to resign as prime minister because he was also acting as chef on a TV show.[4] The constitutional court in Thailand said he could not have two jobs.[5]

Sundaravej Samian Sundaravejen eta Amphan Jitrakornen semea zen.
Sundaravej was the son of Samian Sundaravej and Amphan Jitrakorn.

Bangkoken jaio zen 1935. urtean. Lady Surat Sundaravejekin ezkondu zuen eta Kandapha eta Kanjanakorn izeneko bikiak izan zituzten.
He was born in Bangkok in 1935.[6] He married Lady Surat Sundaravej and they had twins called Kandapha and Kanjanakorn.

Unibertsitatea bukatu ondoren, "Siam gobernuak" eta "Bangkokeko" egunkarietarako politikari buruzko artikuluak idazten hasi zen.
After finishing university, he began writing articles about politics for ‘Siam government’ and ‘Bangkokian’.

1968an "Alderdi Demokratako" kide bezala hasi zen politikan.
He started in politics as a member of "Democrat Party" in 1968.

1976an ezaguna bihurtu zen irratiaren kudeaketan, garai hartako hezkuntza-erakundea erasotzen zuen informazio izateagatik.
He became well–known in 1976 from radio managing which has the information that attack education organization in that age.

Era berean, jendeak hezkuntza erakundea gaitzesten lagundu zuen.
He also encouraged the people to loathe the education organization.

1976ko urriaren 16an, ikasleen erresistentzia banda mugitzeko agindua eman zuen.
He was the one who gave the command to move the student resistant gang on 16th October 1976.

Horren amaieran, Barne ministroa izan zen, baita demokrata alderdiaren dimisioa ere.
At the end of that, he became the Minister of Interior, as well as resigning from the Democrat Party.

1979an, alderdi berria sortu zuen eta "Thailandiako Biztanleen Alderdiaren" liderra bihurtu zen.
In 1979, he set up the new party and became the leader of ‘Thai Population Party’.

Bangkokeko gobernadore izendatu zuten 2000. urtean, 1.016.096 botoekin, inoiz baino boto gehiagorekin.
He was elected to be a Bangkok governor in 2000 with 1,016,096 votes, which was more votes than ever before.

Bigarren postua Sudarat Keyuraphan-entzat izan zen (Tailandiarrek Tailandia Maite Dutenaren kidea).
The person who came second was Sudarat Keyuraphan (the member from the Thais Love Thailand Party).

2008ko irailaren 12an, Samak "Herriaren Boterearen Alderdiko" burua uztea erabaki zuen, bere eginkizuna betetzearen arrazoia zela eta, beraz, bere eginkizun politikoa amaitzeko eta bazkideek hurrengoan zer egin erabakitzea erabaki zuen.
On 12th September 2008, Samak resigned from being the leader of the ‘People’s Power Party’ with the reason that he had done his duty, so he wanted to end his political role and let the members decide what to do next.