Raaj Vishwakarma kasvas üles Rajapur, Chitrakoot, Uttar Preadesh.
Raaj Vishwakarma grew up in Rajapur, Chitrakoot, Uttar Preadesh.

Tema debüütfilm on Shaadi jooksmine. [1]
His debut film is Running Shaadi.[3]

Year Title Role Notes 2017 Running Shaadi Worker Uncredit 2021 Tadap Aadi Post production[1] 2021 No Means No Shiva [2]
Year Title Role Notes 2017 Running Shaadi Worker Uncredit 2021 Tadap Aadi Post production[4] 2021 No Means No Shiva [5]

Marília Dias Mendonça (22. juuli 1995 – 5. november 2021) oli Brasiilia laulja, laulukirjutaja ja kitarrist.
Marília Dias Mendonça (Portuguese pronunciation: /maˈɾiljɐ mẽˈdõsɐ/, July 22, 1995 – November 5, 2021) was a Brazilian singer-songwriter and guitarist.

Ta sündis Cristianópolises Goiáses .
She was born in Cristianópolis, Goiás.

Tema karjäär algas 2011. aastal.
Her career began in 2011.

Ta andis oma esimese live-albumi välja 2016. aastal.
She released her first live album in 2016.

Poldine Demoski Carlo (5. detsember 1920 – 9. mai 2018) oli USA kirjanik ja Alaska Koyukoni rahva vanem.
Poldine Demoski Carlo (December 5, 1920 – May 9, 2018) was an American author. She was an elder of the Koyukon people of Alaska.

Poldine oli Fairbanks Native Association (FNA) üks asutajatest, kuulus Alaska Bicentennial Commission (ABC) juhatusse ning oli Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) konsultant.
She was a founding member of the Fairbanks Native Association (FNA). She was on the Alaska Bicentennial Commission (ABC) board.

[1] Ta on raamatu Nulato: An Indian Life on the Yukon autor.
She was a consultant for the Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC).[1] She is the author of Nulato: An Indian Life on the Yukon.

Raamat oli pühendatud tema pojale Stewartile, kes suri 1975. aastal autoõnnetuses. [2]
The book was dedicated to her son, Stewart, who died in 1975 in an auto accident.[2]

Carlo sündis 5. detsembril 1920 Nulatos, Alaska osariigis .
Carlo was born on December 5, 1920 in Nulato, Territory of Alaska.

Ta abiellus 1940. aastal William "Bill" Carloga ning said kaheksa last, kellest oli viis poega (William, Jr., Kenny, Walter, Glenn ja Stewart) ja kolm tütart (Dorothy, Lucy ja Kathleen ).
She married William "Bill" Carlo in 1940. They have eight children, five sons (William, Jr., Kenny, Walter, Glenn, and Stewart) and three daughters (Dorothy, Lucy, and Kathleen). She lives in Fairbanks, Alaska.

Ta elas Alaskas Fairbanksis ja Fairbanksi kesklinnas asuv FNA-le kuuluv hoone nimetati tema auks Poldine Carlo hooneks. [1] Carlo suri 97-aastasena 9. mail 2018 Alaskas Fairbanksis. [2]
A building in downtown Fairbanks, owned by the FNA, was named the Poldine Carlo Building in her honor.[3] She died on May 9, 2018 in Fairbanks, Alaska at the age of 97.[4]

↑ Engman, Eric (26. detsember 2012).
↑ Engman, Eric (December 26, 2012).

Vaadatud 17. veebruaril 2014. ↑ "Poldine Carlo".
Retrieved February 17, 2014. ↑ "Poldine Carlo".

Originaali arhiivikoopia seisuga 3. veebruar 2013.
Archived from the original on February 3, 2013.

Vaadatud 17. veebruaril 2014. ↑ Bataille, Gretchen M.; Lisa, Laurie (12. juuni 2001).
Retrieved February 17, 2014. ↑ Bataille, Gretchen M.; Lisa, Laurie (12 June 2001).

Vaadatud 17. veebruaril 2014. ↑ Alaska Native elder Poldine Carlo dies
Retrieved February 17, 2014. ↑ Alaska Native elder Poldine Carlo dies

Patty Aubery on Californiast pärit Ameerika kirjanik.
Patty Aubery is an American author from California.

Ta on kirjutanud raamatud näiteks Chicken Soup for the Soul, sealhulgas Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul.
She wrote some books like Chicken Soup for the Soul series, including Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul.

Naiste õiguste eestvedaja Aubery on kirjutanud naistele mõeldud raamatu "Chicken Soup for the Christian Woman's".
A leader of women's rights, Aubery wrote a book for women only, Chicken Soup for the Christian Woman's Soul.

Raamat räägib lugusid naistest, kes seisavad silmitsi väljakutsetega, nende rasketest aegadest ja uuenevast usust.
The book tells stories of women facing challenges, difficult times and renewing faith.

Peatükid sisaldavad lugusid teemadel usk, perearmastus, Jumala tervendav jõud, sõprus, muutuste tegemine, väljakutsed ja imed.
The chapters contain Faith, Family Love, God's Healing Power, Friendship, Making a Difference, Challenges and Wonders.

Chicken Soup for the Christian Teenage Soul, autorid Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen ja Patty Aubery ISBN-10: 1623610109
Chicken Soup for the Christian Teenage Soul by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen and Patty Aubery ISBN-10: 1623610109

Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mother's Soul, autorid Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen ja Patty Aubery ISBN-10: 1623610931
Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mother's Soul by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen and Patty Aubery ISBN-10: 1623610931

Chicken Soup for the Cancer Survivor's Soul, autorid Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen ja Patty Aubery ISBN-10: 1623610397
Chicken Soup for the Cancer Survivor's Soul by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen and Patty Aubery ISBN-10: 1623610397

Kanasupp ellujääja hingele, autorid Jack Canfield, Bernie S. Siegel ja Patty Aubery.
Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul by Jack Canfield, Bernie S. Siegel, and Patty Aubery.

Permission Granted Kate Butler Cpsc ja Patty Aubery.
Permission Granted by Kate Butler Cpsc and Patty Aubery.

Capture Your Power, autorid Patty Aubery ja Mark Mirkovich.
Capture Your Power by Patty Aubery and Mark Mirkovich.

↑ "Resources". {{cite journal}}: viitemall journal nõuab parameetrit |journal= (juhend) ↑ {{citation}}: tühi viide (juhend) ↑ {{citation}}: tühi viide (juhend) ↑ Brown, Pamela N. (1999).
↑ "Resources". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help) ↑ "Wake Up!" Love and Fear (TV Episode) - Plot - IMDb ↑ The Soul of Success: The Jack Canfield Story ↑ Brown, Pamela N. (1999).

Facing Cancer Together: How to Help Your Friend Or Loved One (inglise).
Facing Cancer Together: How to Help Your Friend Or Loved One.

Jaico Publishing House ↑ Business networking and sex : not what you think. ↑ Wright, Brian K. (20. märts 2018).
Jaico Publishing House ↑ Business networking and sex : not what you think. ↑ Wright, Brian K. (20 March 2018).

Success Profiles: Conversations With High Achievers Including Jack Canfield, Tom Ziglar, Loral Langemeier and More (inglise).
Success Profiles: Conversations With High Achievers Including Jack Canfield, Tom Ziglar, Loral Langemeier and More.

ISBN 9781683506164. ↑ Sandella, Deborah (september 2016).
ISBN 9781683506164. ↑ Sandella, Deborah (September 2016).

Goodbye, Hurt & Pain: 7 Simple Steps for Health, Love, and Success (inglise).
Goodbye, Hurt & Pain: 7 Simple Steps for Health, Love, and Success.

You Can Coach (inglise).
You Can Coach.

1 2 Nichols, Lisa (6. mai 2010).
1 2 Nichols, Lisa (6 May 2010).

No Matter What!: 9 Steps to Living the Life You Love (inglise).
No Matter What!: 9 Steps to Living the Life You Love.

ISBN 9780748117529. ↑ Honda, Ken (13. juuni 2019).
ISBN 9780748117529. ↑ Honda, Ken (13 June 2019).

Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money (inglise).
Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money.

ISBN 9781473684171. ↑ Wright, Brian K. (20. märts 2018).
ISBN 9781473684171. ↑ Wright, Brian K. (20 March 2018).

ISBN 9781683506164. ↑ McNealy, Megan (28. november 2019).
ISBN 9781683506164. ↑ McNealy, Megan (28 November 2019).

Reinvent the Wheel: How Top Leaders Leverage Well-Being for Success (inglise).
Reinvent the Wheel: How Top Leaders Leverage Well-Being for Success.

ISBN 9781529374711. ↑ Path of the Pearl (inglise) (EasyRead Large Bold ed.).
ISBN 9781529374711. ↑ Path of the Pearl (EasyRead Large Bold ed.).

Patty on osalenud televisioonisaates "Wake!" 2015. aastal [1] ning 2017. aastal osales ta ka filmis Soul of Success.
She was on the program "Wake!" on TV in 2015. [2] In 2017 she was also in the movie Soul of Success.

[2] Tema kirjutised on äratanud tähelepanu eneseabi kategoorias. [3] [4] Ta on kaasautor mitmetes eneseabi, [5] [6] vaimu ja keha, [7] treeningu, [8] eluvõitluste, [9] raha, [10] edu, [11] ja uuenduslikkuse raamatutes. [12] Autor Lisa Nichols on kirjutanud, et Aubery "oli jõud võimalustele".
[3] Her writings drew attention within the self-help genre.[4][5] She is a contributor to several books in the area of self-help,[6][7] mind and body,[8] training,[9] life struggle, [10] money,[11] success,[12] and innovation.[13] Author Lisa Nichols wrote that Aubery "was a force for possibility".

[9] Paljud inimesed arvavad, et Aubery kirjutatud raamatuid on oluline lugeda. .
[10] Many people think her books are important to to read..


Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul, autorid Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen ja Patty Aubery, ISBN-10: 1558745017
Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen and Patty Aubery, ISBN-10: 1558745017