Whistle Blower (Hangul: 제보자; RR: Jeboja) is a 2014 South Korean film directed by Yim Soon-rye.[1][2][3][4]
Though fictionalized, the film is based on real-life scientist Hwang Woo-suk, who was at the center of one of the largest investigations of scientific fraud in recent memory.[5][6] Hwang, then a professor of biotechnology at Seoul National University (SNU), gained international renown in 2004 after claiming that he had successfully carried out experiments cloning human embryonic stem cells. In 2005, an anonymous tip from whistleblower Ryu Young-joon, a former researcher at Hwang's lab, led to MBC program PD Notebook uncovering Hwang's ethical violations and fabricated data, which was confirmed by an SNU investigative panel in 2006.[7][8] Hwang's research was discredited and in 2009, a South Korean court convicted him of embezzlement and bioethical violations.[9][10][11]
Lee had gained widespread acclaim and press attention following his groundbreaking experiments cloning human embryonic stem cells, and is considered a national hero whose research may mean the cure to several illnesses. As Yoon hesitates whether to pursue such a revered and powerful figure, he gets an anonymous call from Shim Min-ho, a young scientist who works for Lee's lab. Shim claims that Lee's stem cell research has largely been fabricated and unethical, and the two join forces to expose Lee's scientific fraud and bring the truth to the public, despite its disbelieving and harsh reaction.
Whistle Blower Theatrical poster Directed by Yim Soon-rye Produced by Lee Choon-yeon Nam Jung-il Written by Lee Chun-hyeong Starring Park Hae-il Yoo Yeon-seok Lee Geung-young Music by Lee Jun-oh Edited by Kim Sun-min Production company Watermelon Pictures Distributed by Megabox Plus M M-Line Distribution Release date October 2, 2014 (2014-10-02) Running time 114 minutes Country South Korea Language Korean
== 举报者 == 电影海报 基本资料 导演 任順禮 主演 朴海日 柳演錫 李璟榮 片长 114 分钟 产地 大韩民国 语言 Korean 上映及发行 上映日期 2014年10月2日 (2014-10-02) 发行商 = Megabox电影中心 =
Whistle Blower (film)
举报者 (电影)
↑ Conran, Pierce (17 December 2013).
↑ Conran, Pierce. .
"PARK Hae-il Cast in New YIM Soon-rye Film". Korean Film Biz Zone.
17 December 2013 [2014-10-05]. ↑ Jin, Eun-soo. .
Retrieved 2014-10-05. ↑ Jin, Eun-soo (26 September 2014).
26 September 2014 [2014-10-05]. ↑ Conran, Pierce. .
"Stem cell scandal movie casts doubts on integrity of press". Korea JoongAng Daily.
29 September 2014 [2014-10-05]. ↑ Ahn, Sung-mi. .
Retrieved 2014-10-05. ↑ Conran, Pierce (29 September 2014).
28 September 2014 [2014-10-05]. ↑ .
"In Focus: Whistle Blower".
[2014-10-05]. ↑ .
Korean Film Biz Zone.
[2014-10-05]. ↑ .
Retrieved 2014-10-05. ↑ Ahn, Sung-mi (28 September 2014).
25 December 2005 [2014-10-05]. ↑ Cyranoski, David. .
"Herald Review: Exploring blurred line between truth and national interest".
11 January 2006 [2014-10-05]. ↑ Park, Si-soo. .
The Korea Herald. Retrieved 2014-10-05. ↑ "Specials: Woo Suk Hwang". Nature.
26 October 2009 [2014-10-05]. ↑ Cyranoski, David. .
Retrieved 2014-10-05. ↑ "Special Online Collection: Hwang et al.
14 January 2014 [2014-10-05]. ↑ Cyranoski, David. .
Controversy -- Committee Report, Response, and Background". Science. Retrieved 2014-10-05. ↑ "Clone Scientist Relied on Peers and Korean Pride".
28 January 2014 [2014-10-05]. ↑ Lee, Ji-hye (10 November 2014).
The New York Times. 25 December 2005. Retrieved 2014-10-05. ↑ Cyranoski, David (11 January 2006).
"Actor YOO Yeon-seok of WHISTLE BLOWER: A Hard Worker on the Run".
"Rise and fall". Nature.
Korean Cinema Today.
Retrieved 2014-10-05. ↑ Park, Si-soo (26 October 2009). "Hwang Convicted of Embezzlement, Cleared of Fraud". The Korea Times.
Retrieved 2015-01-04. ↑ Lee, Ji-young (7 October 2014).
Retrieved 2014-10-05. ↑ Cyranoski, David (14 January 2014). "Cloning comeback". Nature.
"Whistle Blower Trumps Slow Video by Narrow Margin".
Retrieved 2014-10-05. ↑ Cyranoski, David (28 January 2014).
Korean Film Biz Zone.
"Whistle-blower breaks his silence". Nature. Retrieved 2014-10-05. ↑ Lee, Ji-hye (10 November 2014).
Retrieved 2014-10-09. ↑ Jin, Eun-soo (7 October 2014).
"Actor YOO Yeon-seok of WHISTLE BLOWER: A Hard Worker on the Run".
"Whistle Blower blasts to No. 1 spot at box office".
Korean Cinema Today.
Korea JoongAng Daily.
Retrieved 2015-01-04. ↑ Lee, Ji-young (7 October 2014).
Retrieved 2014-10-09. ↑ Ma, Kevin (20 October 2014).
"Whistle Blower Trumps Slow Video by Narrow Margin".
"Bride remake tops quiet weekend in South Korea".
Korean Film Biz Zone.
Film Business Asia.
Retrieved 2014-10-09. ↑ Jin, Eun-soo (7 October 2014). "Whistle Blower blasts to No. 1 spot at box office". Korea JoongAng Daily.
Retrieved 2014-10-20. ↑ Conran, Pierce (3 November 2014).
Retrieved 2014-10-09. ↑ Ma, Kevin (20 October 2014).
"Box Office Monthly Report: October 2014".
"Bride remake tops quiet weekend in South Korea".
Korean Film Biz Zone.
Film Business Asia. Retrieved 2014-10-20. ↑ Conran, Pierce (3 November 2014). "Box Office Monthly Report: October 2014".
Retrieved 2014-11-07. ↑ Conran, Pierce (4 November 2014).
Korean Film Biz Zone. Retrieved 2014-11-07. ↑ Conran, Pierce (4 November 2014). "Top Honors for HILL OF FREEDOM at 34th Korean Film Critics Association Awards".
"Top Honors for HILL OF FREEDOM at 34th Korean Film Critics Association Awards".
This War of Mine was released for the Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux operating systems in November 2014. Android and iOS versions were released in July 14, 2015. A PlayStation 4 and Xbox One release titled This War of Mine: The Little Ones has been announced for a January 29, 2016 release.
这是我的战争(英语:This War of Mine)是由11 bit studios在2014年开发的一款战争生存游戏。[3]游戏的开发灵感来自1992-96年萨拉热窝在波黑战争中的被包围。不同于多数战争游戏,这是我的战争相对前线战斗情节更倾向平民在战争中的经验。Microsoft Windows、OS X和Linux平台运行的游戏版本在2014年11月发布,Android和iOS版本在2015年7月14日发布。于PlayStation 4和Xbox One运行的续作这是我的战争:小家伙(This War of Mine: The Little Ones)被宣布将于2016年1月29日发布 。[2]
The main goal of the game is to survive the war with the tools and materials the player can gather with the characters they control. Most of the characters under the player's control have no military background or any kind of survival experience, and will require constant intervention by the player in order to stay alive. It is the player's responsibility to maintain their characters' health, hunger and mood levels until the declaration of a ceasefire, which occurs after a randomized duration.
During the daytime, hostile snipers will prevent the survivors from venturing outside, thereby offering the player time to craft tools from gathered materials, trade, upgrade the shelter, cook food and heal the survivors. At night, the player is given the opportunity to venture out and scavenge nearby areas for valuable resources for their everyday survival. During their excursions, the player-controlled survivors can encounter other NPC survivors of the war, who they can choose to help with gifts of food or medicine, or rob and kill.
The player starts off with two, three or even four survivors whose actions the player can affect. The actions the player makes will change the type of endings each survivor has. The game starts the player with Bruno, Pavle, and Marko or Katia on their first time through.
在开始,玩家可控制2-4个角色,玩家做出的行动会改变各个角色在最后的结局类型。一周目时游戏开始的角色为布鲁诺和帕夫莱,另外随机选择马尔科或卡蒂亚。每个角色有一或两个特点会帮助或妨碍玩家进行游戏。有些特点在某些时刻有帮助,另外的则长期有效。例如布鲁诺有一个名为精通厨技(Good Cook)的特点可以帮助玩家在烹饪时使用更少的食材和水。总共有12个可以供玩家使用的角色。[5]
A scenario editor was added into the game through update 1.3, which will allow players to create and select survivors. The editor also allows environmental conditions and the length of conflicts to be changed.[6]
The game was inspired by the poor living conditions and wartime atrocities that Bosnian civilians endured during the 1992–96 Siege of Sarajevo, the longest city siege since World War II.[7] In November 2014, pirated copies of the game were made available online. The developer's response was to post a number of working serial numbers in comments, encouraging downloaders to share them with friends, and buy the game if their financial situation allowed.[8]
游戏的灵感来自波斯尼亚平民在从二战至今最长的围困战——1992至96年萨拉热窝围城战役中的经历。[7] 游戏的盗版镜像于2014年11月出现在网络上,开发商对此的应答是开放了一些序列号并鼓励下载者与朋友分享,希望在经济条件许可的情况下购买正版。[8]
This War of Mine was well received by critics, earning a score of 83 out of 100 from Metacritic on the basis of 55 professional reviews.[10] The game reportedly made back its development costs in its first two days on sale.[14]
Abduction refers to a motion that pulls a structure or part away from the midline of the body. In the case of fingers and toes, it refers to spreading the digits apart, away from the centerline of the hand or foot. Abduction of the wrist is also called radial deviation.[13] For example, raising the arms up, such as when tightrope-walking, is an example of abduction at the shoulder.[11] When the legs are splayed at the hip, such as when doing a star jump or doing a split, the legs are abducted at the hip.[3]
Motion includes movement of organs, joints, limbs, and specific sections of the body. The terminology used describes this motion according to its direction relative to the anatomical position of the joints. Anatomists use a unified set of terms to describe most of the movements, although other, more specialized terms are necessary for describing the uniqueness of the movements such as those of the hands, feet, and eyes.
Flexion and extension are examples of angular motions, in which two axes of a joint are brought closer together or moved further apart. Rotational motion may occur at other joints, for example the shoulder, and are described as internal or external. Other terms, such as elevation and depression, refer to movement above or below the horizontal plane.
A rectilinear motion refers to a motion in a straight line between two points, whereas a curvilinear motion refers to a motion following a curved path.[2] Angular motions (or rotary motions) occur when an object is around another object increasing or decreasing the angle. The different parts of the object do not move the same distance. Examples include a movement of the knee, where the lower leg changes angle compared to the femur, or movements of the ankle.[2]
Linear motions (or translatory motions), which move in a line between two points. A rectilinear motion refers to a motion in a straight line between two points, whereas a curvilinear motion refers to a motion following a curved path.[2]
線運動(Linear motions) 及平移(Translatory motions)是描述兩點之間的相對運動。其中又可按其運動路徑分為直線運動(Rectilinear motion)和曲線運動(Curvilinear motion) [2] 角運動(Angular motions) 及旋轉(Rotatory motions)是描述角度發生改變的運動。移動部位上的各點以不同速率移動,距離支點越遠的部位移動速率越快。例如膝關節運動時,大腿和小腿之間的角度會發生改變[2]
Ulnar deviation is the hand moving towards the ulnar styloid (or, towards the pinky/fifth digit).
Adduction refers to a motion that pulls a structure or part toward the midline of the body, or towards the midline of a limb.
Radial deviation is the hand moving towards the radial styloid (or, towards the thumb/first digit).
In the case of fingers and toes, it refers to bringing the digits together, towards the centerline of the hand or foot. Adduction of the wrist is also called ulnar deviation.
(See: https://o.quizlet.com/uDf07L6r7LRa.H4VxXXziQ_m.jpg for appropriate image)
Dropping the arms to the sides, or bringing the knees together, are examples of adduction.[1]
Anatomical terms of motion