
De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas,[42] full Latin text, available on Google Books A discourse of the Kingdome of China, taken out of Ricius and Trigautius, containing the countrey, people, government, religion, rites, sects, characters, studies, arts, acts; and a Map of China added, drawne out of one there made with Annotations for the understanding thereof (an early English translation of excerpts from De Christiana expeditione) in Purchas his Pilgrimes (1625). Can be found in the "Hakluytus posthumus".[43] The book also appears on Google Books, but only in snippet view.[44] An excerpt from The Art of Printing by Matteo Ricci[45] Ricci's World Map of 1602[46] Rare 1602 World Map, the First Map in Chinese to Show the Americas, on Display at Library of Congress, Jan. 12 to April 10, 2010.[47] The Chinese translation of the ancient Greek mathematical treatise Euclid's Elements (幾何原本), published and printed in 1607 by Matteo Ricci and his Chinese colleague Xu Guangqi
《耶稣会在中国的传教》 《坤舆万国全图》 《幾何原本》.

(Italian: [matˈtɛːo ˈrittʃi]; October 6, 1552 – May 11, 1610), was an Italian Jesuit priest and one of the founding figures of the Jesuit China missions. His 1602 map of the world in Chinese characters introduced the findings of European exploration to East Asia. He is considered a Servant of God in Roman Catholicism.
利玛窦,(Italian: [matˈtɛːo ˈrittʃi]; 1552.10.6 – 1610.5.11), 意大利籍天主教耶稣会神父,天主教耶稣会勒中国传教个开拓者之一。伊绘制个《坤舆万国全图》首次担欧洲地理大发现个成果介绍到东亚地区。天主教会勒1984年授予伊天主之仆称号。

Ricci arrived at the Portuguese settlement of Macau in 1582 where he began his missionary work in China. He became the first European to enter the Forbidden City of Beijing in 1601 when invited by the Wanli Emperor, who sought his selected services in matters such as court astronomy and calendrical science. He converted several prominent Chinese officials to Catholicism, such as his colleague Xu Guangqi, who aided in translating Euclid's Elements into Chinese as well as the Confucian classics into Latin for the first time.

Early life

While there, in addition to philosophy and theology, he also studied mathematics, cosmology, and astronomy under the direction of Father Christopher Clavius. In 1577, he applied for a missionary expedition to the Far East. He sailed from Lisbon, Portugal in March 1578 and arrived in Goa, a Portuguese Colony, the following September.

Ricci in China

Matteo Ricci's way from Macau to Beijing

In August 1582, Ricci arrived at Macau, a Portuguese trading post on the South China Sea. At the time, Christian missionary activity in China was almost completely limited to Macau, where some of the local Chinese people had converted to Christianity and lived in the Portuguese manner. No Christian missionary had attempted seriously to learn the Chinese language until 1579 (three years before Ricci's arrival), when Michele Ruggieri was invited from Portuguese India expressly to study Chinese, by Alessandro Valignano, founder of St. Paul Jesuit College (Macau), and to prepare for the Jesuits' mission from Macau into Mainland China.[2]

Once in Macau, Ricci studied Chinese language and customs. It was the beginning of a long project that made him one of the first Western scholars to master Chinese script and Classical Chinese. With Ruggieri, he traveled to Guangdong's major cities, Canton and Zhaoqing (then the residence of the Viceroy of Guangdong and Guangxi), seeking to establish a permanent Jesuit mission outside Macau.[1]
利玛窦勒澳门当地努力学习中文搭相关个风俗文化,箇使得伊成为了第一位掌握汉字搭文言个西方学者。期间伊搭罗明坚游历仔广东个主要城市——广州和肇庆,以期建立一所澳门之外个耶稣会教堂。 [1]

Unattributed, very detailed, two-page colored edition (1604?), copy of the 1602 map with Japanese katakana transliterations of the phonetic Chinese characters
《坤舆万国全图》 利玛窦应万历皇帝个要求勒1602年绘制详尽个彩页版《坤舆万国全图》(日本片假名音译副本)

In 1583, Ricci and Ruggieri settled in Zhaoqing, at the invitation of the governor of Zhaoqing, Wang Pan, who had heard of Ricci's skill as a mathematician and cartographer. Ricci stayed in Zhaoqing from 1583 to 1589, when he was expelled by a new viceroy. It was in Zhaoqing, in 1584, that Ricci composed the first European-style map of the world in Chinese, now called the "Impossible Black Tulip"[3] after its rarity.
利玛窦搭罗明坚勒1583年获得肇庆知府王泮个准许入驻肇庆。利玛窦勒肇庆留驻至1589年直到畀新一任个广州总督刘继文驱逐脱。勒肇庆期间(1584年)利玛窦绘制了第一幅中文版本个欧式世界地图。尽管1584年版个地图嘸沒流传下来,1602年个六份复刻版本个地图得以保存至今。[3] [4]

It is thought that, during their time in Zhaoqing, Ricci and Ruggieri compiled a Portuguese-Chinese dictionary, the first in any European language, for which they developed a system for transcribing Chinese words in the Latin alphabet. The manuscript was misplaced in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, rediscovered only in 1934, and published only in 2001.[5][6]
勒肇庆期间利玛窦搭罗明坚编纂了一部葡中对照字典,箇是第一部担汉字翻译成拉丁字母个字典。1934年字典抄本勒罗马耶稣会存档裏向畀发现,后首来勒2001年出版。 [5][6]

There is now a memorial plaque in Zhaoqing to commemorate Ricci's six-year stay there, as well as a "Ricci Memorial Centre"[7] in a building dating from the 1860s.
目前肇庆市造仔“利玛窦纪念中心”[7] 以纪念利玛窦勒肇庆箇六年个传教工作。

Expelled from Zhaoqing in 1589, Ricci obtained permission to relocate to Shaoguan (Shaozhou, in Ricci's account) in the north of the province, and reestablish his mission there.[8]

In August 1597, Alessandro Valignano (1539–1606), his superior, appointed him Major Superior of the mission in China, with the rank and powers of a Provincial, a charge that he fulfilled until his death.[9] He moved to Tongzhou (a port of Beijing) in 1598, and first reached the capital Beijing itself on 7 September 1598. However, because of a Korean/Japanese war at the time, Ricci could not reach the Imperial Palace. After waiting for two months, he left Beijing; first for Nanjing and then Suzhou in Southern Zhili Province.

During the winter of 1598, Ricci, with the help of his Jesuit colleague Lazzaro Cattaneo, compiled another Chinese-Portuguese dictionary, in which tones in Chinese syllables were indicated in Roman text with diacritical marks. Unlike Ricci's and Ruggieri's earlier Portuguese-Chinese dictionary, this work has not been found.[5]

In 1601, Ricci was invited to become an adviser to the imperial court of the Wanli Emperor, the first Westerner to be invited into the Forbidden City. This honour was in recognition of Ricci's scientific abilities, chiefly his predictions of solar eclipses, which were significant events in the Chinese world.[10] He established the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Beijing, the oldest Catholic church in the city.[11] Ricci was given free access to the Forbidden City but never met the reclusive Wanli Emperor, who, however, granted him patronage, with a generous stipend and supported Ricci's completion of the Zhifang waiji, China's first global atlas.[12]
勒1601年利玛窦受邀成为了明神宗个宫廷顾问,伊也是第一位畀邀请进入紫禁城个西方人。迭份荣誉主要是基于利玛窦个科学知识,勒成功预测了一趟日食之后伊成为了有名个人物。[10] 利玛窦勒北京建立了第一座天主教堂——宣武门天主堂。[11]伊能够自由出入紫禁城,尽管伊搭近乎隐居个明神宗朆谋面歇,皇帝给予个津贴搭支持使得利玛窦完成了第一部欧洲地理学著作《职方外纪》个中文翻译工作。[12]

Once established in Beijing, Ricci was able to meet important officials and leading members of the Beijing cultural scene and convert a number of them to Christianity. One conversion, which he called "extraordinary", occurred in 1602, when Li Yingshi, a decorated veteran of the Japanese/Korean War and a well-known astrologer and feng shui expert, became a Christian and provided the Jesuits with a wealth of information.[13][14]

Ricci was also the first European to learn about the Kaifeng Jews,[15] being contacted by a member of that community who was visiting Beijing in 1605. Ricci never visited Kaifeng, Henan Province, but he sent a junior missionary there in 1608, the first of many such missions. In fact, the elderly Chief Rabbi of the Jews was ready to cede his power to Ricci, as long as he gave up eating pork, but Ricci never accepted the position.[15]
利玛窦是第一位知晓开封犹太人存在个欧洲人[15] ,勒拉开封个犹太人社区勒1605年联络伊之后。尽管利玛窦本人朆造访歇开封,但伊派出了年轻个神父访问伊搭。事实浪当地个犹太拉比准备擔职位交畀利玛窦,只要伊放弃喫猪肉,不过利玛窦弗接受。[15]

The Wanli Emperor granted this request and designated a Buddhist temple for the purpose. In October 1610, Ricci's remains were transferred there.[16] The graves of Ferdinand Verbiest, Johann Adam Schall von Bell, and other missionaries are also there, and it became known as the Zhalan cemetery (Chinese: 栅栏墓地; pinyin: Zhàlán Mùdì). It is now part of the campus of Beijing Administrative College (located at 6 Chegongzhuang Road, Xicheng District, Chinese: 西城区车公庄大街6号; pinyin: Xīchéng Qū Chēgōngzhuāng Dàjiē 6Hào).
1610年5月11日利玛窦病逝于北京,享年57岁。伊歇明朝政府个惯例是,殁勒中国个外国传教士必须迁回澳门墓地下葬。为仔让利玛窦能够安葬勒北京,借此来认可教会搭天主教勒中国个合法存在,耶稣会庞迪我神父向明神宗上疏,希望能破例赐地埋葬利玛窦。迭份上疏老快得到了万历皇帝个批准。1610年10月,利玛窦迁葬勒万历皇帝所赐个二里沟个滕公栅栏。[16] 朝后交关传教士,包括南怀仁搭汤若望也侪安葬于此。至19世纪末,安葬于滕公栅栏个欧洲传教士已逾百名。利玛窦墓乃朝勒拉北京行政学院内。

Ricci was succeeded as Superior General of the China mission by Nicolò Longobardo, in 1610. Longobardo entrusted another Jesuit, Nicolas Trigault, with expanding and editing, as well as translating into Latin, those of Ricci's papers that were found in his office after his death. This work was first published in 1615 in Augsburg as De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas and soon was translated into a number of other European languages.[17]
利玛窦中国教区负责人个职位由龙华民神父接任。龙华民委托另外一位耶稣会神父金尼阁擔利玛窦个著述编译成拉丁文。迭些著述勒1615年以《耶稣会在中国个传教》为名出版并畀翻译成多国文字。 [17]

Ricci's approach to Chinese culture

Matteo Ricci dressed in traditional Chinese robes.

Ricci could speak Chinese as well as read and write classical Chinese, the literary language of scholars and officials. He was known for his appreciation of Chinese culture in general but condemned the prostitution which was widespread in Beijing at the time.[18] During his research, he discovered that in contrast to the cultures of South Asia, Chinese culture was strongly intertwined with Confucian values and therefore decided to use existing Chinese concepts to explain Christianity. He did not explain the Catholic faith as entirely foreign or new; instead, he said that the Chinese culture and people always believed in God and that Christianity is simply the completion of their faith.[19] He borrowed an unusual Chinese term, Lord of Heaven (Chinese: 天主; pinyin: Tiānzhǔ), which is based on the theistic Zhou term "Heaven", to use as the Catholic name for God.

Like developments in India, the identification of European culture with Christianity led almost to the end of Catholic missions in China, but Christianity continued to grow in Sichuan and some other locations.[20]

Ricci became the first to translate some of the Confucian classics into a western language, Latin, with assistance from the scholar Xu Guangqi.

Ricci also met a Korean emissary to China, Yi Su-gwang.
利玛窦勒北京期间还擔天主教经典搭西学传授畀了一位朝鲜派来明朝个特使,李睟光。利玛窦赠与个西学书籍帮助了第一本朝鲜百科全书《芝峰类说》个编写以及朝鲜半岛实学运动个发展。[22] [23]

Cause of canonization

The cause moved to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints at the Vatican in 2014.
天主教会勒1984年授予伊天主之仆个称号。天主教会马切拉塔教区勒2011年1月24日开始对利玛窦神父列真福品进行审理。[24][25] 教区阶段个审理已于2013年5月10日完成,后续审理已于2014年已交至梵蒂冈。


The following places and institutions are named after Matteo Ricci:

Matteo Ricci's grave (利玛窦墓) in the backyard of the Beijing Administrative College (Chinese: 北京行政学院; pinyin: Běijīng Xíngzhèng Xuéyuàn, formerly the Beijing Communist Party School), off Chegongzhuang Dajie.

Matteo Ricci Pacific Studies Reading Room at The National Central Library of Taiwan Ricci Hall,[26] a dormitory at The University of Hong Kong Ricci Building, a building at Wah Yan College, Kowloon in Hong Kong The Matteo Ricci Study Hall,[27] at the Ateneo de Manila University Matteo Ricci College, Kowloon[28] in Hong Kong Matteo Ricci College,[29] at Seattle University Colégio Mateus Ricci,[30] Macau Sekolah Katolik Ricci 1 and 2 in Jakarta, Indonesia Taipei Ricci Institute, Taiwan Macau Ricci Institute,[31] Macau[32] Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History[33] at the University of San Francisco. The Matteo Ricci Seminar at Fordham University[34] Matteo Ricci Hall-"R" Hall,[35] Ricci Hall Annex-"RA" Hall,[35] two buildings at Sogang University in Seoul, South Korea Townhouse block #14 at Fairfield University
利玛窦与太平洋研究室,台湾国立中央图书馆 利玛窦堂[26],是香港大学个一所天主教男宿舍,1929年由耶稣会建立。 香港九龙华仁书院利玛窦楼 马尼拉典耀大学马泰奥利玛窦堂[27] 马泰奥利玛窦学院[28],勒香港九龙 西雅图大学马泰奥利玛窦学院,[29] 马泰奥利玛窦学院[30] 勒澳门 利玛窦纪念高中,勒印度尼西亚雅加达 台湾利玛窦书院 澳门利玛窦书院[31][32] 旧金山大学利玛窦中西文化历史研究院,[33] 福特汉姆大学马泰奥利玛窦研讨会 [34] 首尔西江大学利玛窦楼[35] 费尔菲尔德大学利玛窦楼

In the run-up to the 400th anniversary of Ricci's death, the Vatican Museums hosted a major exhibit dedicated to his life. Additionally, Italian film director Gjon Kolndrekaj produced a 60-minute documentary about Ricci, released in 2009, titled Matteo Ricci: A Jesuit in the Dragon's Kingdom, filmed in Italy and China.[36][37]

In Taipei, the Taipei Ricci Institute and the National Central Library of Taiwan opened jointly the Matteo Ricci Pacific Studies Reading Room[38] and the Taipei-based online magazine eRenlai, directed by Jesuit Benoît Vermander, dedicated its June 2010 issue to the commemoration of the 400th anniversary of Ricci's death.[39]

Map of East Asia by Matteo Ricci in 1602.

The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven

The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven is a book written by Ricci, which argues that Confucianism and Christianity are not opposed and in fact are remarkably similar in key respects. Ricci used the treatise in his missionary effort to convert Chinese literati, men who were educated in Confucianism and the Chinese classics. There was controversy over whether Ricci and other Jesuits had gone too far and changed Christian beliefs to win converts.

Peter Phan argues that True Meaning was used by a Jesuit missionary to Vietnam, Alexander De Rhodes, in writing a catechism for Vietnamese Christians.[citation needed] In 1631, Girolamo Maiorica and Bernardino Reggio, both Jesuit missionaries to Vietnam, started a short-lived press in Thăng Long (present-day Hanoi) to print copies of True Meaning and other texts.[40] The book was also influential on later Protestant missionaries to China, James Legge and Timothy Richard, and through them John Nevius, John Ross, and William Soothill, all influential in establishing Protestantism in China and Korea.

There are at least eight subspecies with little variation in appearance, although recent research has demonstrated significant genetic differences among populations from various regions. It is one of the two largest corvids, alongside the thick-billed raven, and is possibly the heaviest passerine bird; at maturity, the common raven averages 63 centimetres (25 inches) in length and 1.2 kilograms (2.6 pounds) in mass. Common ravens can live up to 21 years in the wild,[2] a lifespan exceeded among passerines by only a few Australasian species such as the satin bowerbird[3] and probably the lyrebirds.
渡鸦,拉丁学名 Corvus corax,是一种常见个乌鸦。基本浪向勒北半球全好看到。一般性来讲,渡鸦身长63公分,重1.2公斤。可以活到21

International business

Genelec in the 2000s

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Early history

Genelec Oy is a manufacturer of active loudspeaker systems based in Iisalmi, Finland. It designs and produces products especially for professional studio recording, mixing and mastering applications, broadcast, and movie production. M.Sc.
真力有限公司(Genelec Oy)是一家有源音箱系统个生产商,总部来勒芬兰个伊萨尔米(Iisalmi)。该公司主要为专业录音室、混音及母带应用、广播、电影制作等方面来设计生产各种产品。M.Sc.

Ilpo Martikainen founded the company in 1978.
Ilpo Martikainen(人名)于1978年建立了该公司。

Genelec 8030A