The main hardware platform for Android is the ARM (ARMv7 and ARMv8-A architectures), with x86 and MIPS architectures also officially supported in later versions of Android.
Plataforma hardware prinsipál ba Android mak LIMAN (ARMv7 no architectures ARMv8-A), ho x86 no architectures MIPS mós ofisialmente fó apoiu iha versaun ikus anteriór nian Android.

Since Android 5.0 "Lollipop", 64-bit variants of all platforms are supported in addition to the 32-bit variants.[90] The unofficial Android-x86 project provided support for the x86 architectures ahead of the official support.[6][91] MIPS architecture was also supported before Google did.
Dezde 5.0 Android "Lollipop", 64-bit variants kona-ba plataforma sira ne ' ebé hotu-hotu hetan suporta aleinde variants 32 bit. Projetu Android-x86 unofficial ne ' ebé fó apoiu ba x86 architectures futuru ba ofisiál apoiu. Arkitetura MIPS mós hetan apoiu antes Google ne ' ebé halo.

Since 2012, Android devices with Intel processors began to appear, including phones[92] and tablets.
Iha tinan 2012, devices Android ho Intel processors hahú mosu, inklui uzu ba telefoni no galaxy.

While gaining support for 64-bit platforms, Android was first made to run on 64-bit x86 and then on ARM64.
Kuandu nia hetan apoiu ba plataforma sira 64-bit, Android uluk halo halai kona-ba x86 64 bit no depois neʼe kona-ba ARM64.

Requirements for the minimum amount of RAM for devices running Android 5.1 range from 512 MB of RAM for normal-density screens, to about 1.8 GB for high-density screens.[93] The recommendation for Android 4.4 is to have at least 512 MB of RAM,[94] while for "low RAM" devices 340 MB is the required minimum amount that does not include memory dedicated to various hardware components such as the baseband processor.[95] Android 4.4 requires a 32-bit ARMv7, MIPS or x86 architecture processor (latter two through unofficial ports),[6][96] together with an OpenGL ES 2.0 compatible graphics processing unit (GPU).[97] Android supports OpenGL ES 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.1 and as of latest major version, 3.2 and Vulkan.
Rekizitu ba montante RAM mínimu ba devices ne ' ebé halai Android 5.1 nivel husi MB 512 nian RAM ba normál refleta screens, atu besik GB 1.8 ba high-density screens. Rekomendasaun ba Android 4.4 ne ' ebé mak atu hetan pelumenus MB 512 RAM nian, enkuantu devices "RAM ki'ik" 340 MB mak montante mínimu presiza katak la inklui memória ne ' ebé dedika ba komponente hardware oin-oin hanesan baseband processor. Android 4.4 ezije ARMv7 32-bit ida, MIPS ka x86 arkitetura processor (rua ikus liu husi portu unofficial), hamutuk ho OpenGL ES 2.0 prosesamentu graphics kompatível unidade ida (GPU).

Some applications may explicitly require a certain version of the OpenGL ES, and suitable GPU hardware is required to run such applications.[97]
Android apoia OpenGL ES 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.1 no to'o iha ikus boot versaun, 3.2 no Vulkan. Aplikasaun balun bele esplisitamente ezije balu versaun ida OpenGL ES, no hardware GPU adekuadu sei presiza atu halai hirak ne'e nia aplikasaun s.[97]

Android devices incorporate many optional hardware components, including still or video cameras, GPS, orientation sensors, dedicated gaming controls, accelerometers, gyroscopes, barometers, magnetometers, proximity sensors, pressure sensors, thermometers, and touchscreens.
Android devices enkuadra barak hardware opsionál komponente, ne ' ebé inklui nafatin ka cctv maior parte vídeo, GPS, orientasaun sensors, kontrole gaming ne, accelerometers, gyroscopes, barometers, magnetometers, proximidade sensors, presaun sensors, thermometers, no touchscreens.

Some hardware components are not required, but became standard in certain classes of devices, such as smartphones, and additional requirements apply if they are present.
Komponente hardware balu mak la presiza, maibé sira sai padraun iha devices, hanesan smartphones, sira-nia kategoria balu no rekizitu sira ne ' ebé adisionál aplika se ema ida-ne'e.

Some other hardware was initially required, but those requirements have been relaxed or eliminated altogether.
Hardware seluk balun hetan ona, maibé rekizitu sira iha ona kriteria ka eliminasaun hamutuk.

For example, as Android was developed initially as a phone OS, hardware such as microphones were required, while over time the phone function became optional.[79] Android used to require an autofocus camera, which was relaxed to a fixed-focus camera[79] if present at all, since the camera was dropped as a requirement entirely when Android started to be used on set-top boxes.
Porezemplu, hanesan Android mak dezenvolve ona hanesan telefone OS, hardware hanesan microphones mak presiza, no ba tempu funsaun telefone sai opsionál. Android ne ' ebé uza hodi ezije camera autofocus ida, ne ' ebé mak kriteria ba camera data-foku ida se ida-ne'e, dezde camera ne ' ebé mak tun no rekizitu hotu bainhira Android hahú uza iha kaixa nian lubuk-leten.

In 2011, Google demonstrated "Android@Home", a home automation technology which uses Android to control a range of household devices including light switches, power sockets and thermostats.[338] Prototype light bulbs were announced that could be controlled from an Android phone or tablet, but Android head Andy Rubin was cautious to note that "turning a lightbulb on and off is nothing new", pointing to numerous failed home automation services.
Iha tinan 2011, Google hatudu "Android@Home", teknolojia automation uma ida ne ' ebé uza Android atu kontrola devices uma-kain sira ne ' ebé inklui switches naroman, poder sockets no thermostats lubuk ida. Prototype naroman bulbs sira fó sai katak bele kontrola husi ida telefone Android ka ai-kabelak, maibé xefe Android Andy Rubin nia an atu nota katak "hasees-an lightbulb ida kona-ba no pontu buat ida ne ' ebé foun", la hatudu ba lubuk ida servisu automation uma.

Google, he said, was thinking more ambitiously and the intention was to use their position as a cloud services provider to bring Google products into customers' homes.[339][340]
Google, nia dehan, nia hanoin liu ambitiously no intensaun mak atu uza sira-nia pozisaun hanesan kalohan servisu nian ba fornesedór sira atu hatama produtu Google ba kliente sira-nia uma.[339][340]

Parrot unveiled an Android-based car stereo system known as Asteroid in 2011,[341] followed by a successor, the touchscreen-based Asteroid Smart, in 2012.[342] In 2013, Clarion released its own Android-based car stereo, the AX1.[343] In January 2014, at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Google announced the formation of the Open Automotive Alliance, a group including several major automobile makers (Audi, General Motors, Hyundai, and Honda) and Nvidia, which aims to produce Android-based in car entertainment systems for automobiles, "[bringing] the best of Android into the automobile in a safe and seamless way."[344]
Parrot unveiled kareta ne ' ebé bazeia ba Android stereo sistema ida koñesidu hanesan Asteroid iha tinan 2011, tuir fali susesór ida, ne'e bazeia ba touchscreen Asteroid Nomós, iha tinan 2012. Iha tinan 2013, Clarion fó rasik kareta ne ' ebé bazeia ba Android stereo, AX1 nian. Iha fulan-Janeiru tinan 2014, iha ba Konsumidór Eletrónika Hatudu (CES), Google anunsia formasaun Nakloke Automotive Aliansa nian, grupu ida, inklui na'in automobile boot (Audi, Truk en-Jerál, Hyundai no Honda) no Nvidia, ne ' ebé hakarak atu prodús Android bazeia ba iha sistema halimar kareta la'o ba oin-oin, "[lori] di'ak Android ba automobile ne'e ho maneira ida ne ' ebé seguru no seamless."[344]

On March 18, 2014, Google announced Android Wear, an Android-based platform specifically intended for smartwatches and other wearable devices; only a developer preview was made publicly available.[345] This was followed by the unveiling of two Android-Wear-based devices, the LG G Watch and Moto 360.[346]
Iha loron 18 fulan-Marsu tinan 2014, Google anunsia Android Uza, hanesan bazeia ba Android plataforma espesifikamente iha intensaun smartwatches no devices wearable seluk; de'it ida developer preview halo disponibiliza. Ida-ne'e tuir kedas ho unveiling rua Android Taka-bazeia ba devices, LG G Hadeer no Moto 360.[346]

On June 25, 2014, at Google I/O, it was announced that Android TV, a Smart TV platform, is replacing the previously released Google TV.
Iha loron 25, fulan-Juñu tinan 2014, iha Google I/O, anunsia katak TV Android, plataforma TV Nomós ida, ne'e muda TV Google fo-sai tiha ona.

Google also announced Android Auto for use in cars.[347]
Google mós anunsia Android Auto ba uza iha karreta. [347]

Android comes preinstalled on a few laptops (a similar functionality of running Android applications is also available in Google's Chrome OS) and can also be installed on personal computers by end users.[348] On those platforms Android provides additional functionality for physical keyboards[349] and mice, together with the "Alt-Tab" key combination for switching applications quickly with a keyboard.
Android mai preinstalled kona-ba laptops balun (functionality ida ne ' ebé hanesan kona-bá kandidatura Android ne'e mós iha OS Chrome Google nian), no bele sai tiha ona mós kona-ba komputadór pesoal husi uzuáriu nia rohan. Kona-ba plataforma sira Android fornese functionality adisionál keyboards fíziku no mice, hamutuk ho teatru xave "Alt-Tab" ba switching kandidatura lalais ho keyboard ida.

In December 2014, one reviewer commented that Android's notification system is "vastly more complete and robust than in most environments" and that Android is "absolutely usable" as one's primary desktop operating system.[350]
Iha fulan-Dezembru tinan 2014, reviewer ida komenta "katak sistema notifikasaun Android nian vastly liu kompletu no forte liu iha liu", no katak Android "absolutamente uza" hanesan ema ida mak operasaun sistema desktop prinsipál.[350]

In October 2015, The Wall Street Journal reported that Android will serve as Google's future main laptop operating system, with the plan to fold Chrome OS into it by 2017.[351][352] Google's Sundar Pichai, who led the development of Android, explained that "mobile as a computing paradigm is eventually going to blend with what we think of as desktop today."[351] and back in 2009, Google co-founder Sergey Brin himself said that Chrome OS and Android would "likely converge over time."[353] Lockheimer, who replaced Pichai as head of Android and Chrome OS, responded to this claim with an official Google blog post stating that "While we've been working on ways to bring together the best of both operating systems, there's no plan to phase out Chrome OS [which has] guaranteed auto-updates for five years".[354] That is unlike Android where support is shorter with "EOL dates [being..] at least 3 years [into the future] for Android tablets for education".[355]
Iha fulan-Outubru tinan 2015, The Journal Estrada Didin relata katak Android sei serve hanesan Google nia futuru laptop prinsipál operasaun sistema, ho planu atu fold Chrome OS ba ida-neʼe husi tinan 2017. Sundar Pichai Google nian, ne ' ebé lori ba dezenvolvimentu Android, esplika katak "móvel hanesan paradigma computing ida mak ikusmai sei blend ho saida mak ita hanoin hanesan desktop ohin." no iha tinan 2009, Google ko fundadór Brin Sergey rasik hatete katak Chrome OS no Android sei "karik converge tempu ba tempu." Lockheimer, ne ' ebé substitui Pichai nu'udar xefe Android no Chrome OS, responde ba reklamasaun ne'e hanesan ofisiál Google blog post hateten katak "Bainhira ita atividade servisu kona-ba dalan atu lori hamutuk di'ak liu kona-ba sistema operasaun rua ne'e, katak laiha planu atu retira Chrome OS [ne'ebe iha] garante auto-aktualizasaun ba tinan lima nia laran".

Update schedule
Tabela atualizasaun

Google provides major incremental upgrades to Android every six to nine months, with confectionery-themed names, which most devices are capable of receiving over the air.[113] The latest major release is Android 7.0 "Nougat".
Google fornese atualiza adisional ne ' ebé boot ba Android kada fulan neen ba sia, ho naran confectionery-pontu, ne 'ebé devices ne' ebé barac barak liu mak bele simu kona-ba anin. Imprensa liu husi barak liu mak Android 7.0 "Nougat".


Android is developed in private by Google until the latest changes and updates are ready to be released, at which point the source code is made available publicly.[109] This source code will only run without modification on select devices, usually the Nexus series of devices.
Android dezenvolve iha privadu husi Google to'o ikus mudansa no aktualizasaun sira besik ona atu sai livre ona, iha espesialidade kódigu fonte mak disponível iha ema hotu nia oin. Kódigu fonte ida ne'e sei deit ne'ebe la muda iha devices selesionadu, normalmente Nexus devices oin-oin.

The source code is, in turn, adapted by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to run on their hardware.[110] Android's source code does not contain the often proprietary device drivers that are needed for certain hardware components.[111]
Kódigu fonte ne'e, hodi adapta husi manufacturers ekipamentu original (OEMs) atu partisipa iha sira-nia hardware. Kódigu fonte android nian la inklui iha kondutór pesoal compete dala barak ne ' ebé presiza ba komponente hardware balu.[111]

In 2007, the green Android logo was designed for Google by graphic designer Irina Blok.
Idistrito tinan 2007, ministériu Android matak mak dezeña ba Google husi graphic designer Irina Blok.

The design team was tasked with a project to create a universally identifiable icon with the specific inclusion of a robot in the final design.
Ekipa dezeñu ne'e diretamente ho projetu ida atu kria prestíjiu ida-ne ' ebé obriga identifiable ho inkluzaun espesífiku robot ida iha dezeñu finál.

After numerous design developments based on science-fiction and space movies, the team eventually sought inspiration from the human symbol on restroom doors and modified the figure into a robot shape.
Hafoin lubuk ida dezeñu evolusaun bazeia ba siénsia-ficção no fatin filme, ekipa ikusmai buka inspirasaun husi símbolu umanu iha odamatan restroom no hatudu iha figura ba investimentu robot ida.

As Android is open-sourced, it was agreed that the logo should be likewise, and since its launch the green logo has been reinterpreted into countless variations on the original design.[112]
Hanesan Android loke-mai, nia mak konkorda katak ministériu tenke nune‟e mós, no hahú kedas ninia lansamentu iha variasaun rihun ba rihun iha dezeñu orijinál reinterpreted ona ministériu matak[112]

In May 2016, it was announced that Google is considering "shaming" smartphone makers who fail to release updated versions of Android to their devices.[121]
Iha fulan-Maiu tinan 2016, anunsia katak Google hanoin "shaming" smartphone na'in ne ' ebé falla atu husik livre atualizadu versaun anteriór sira Android ba devices sira.[121]

Compared to its primary rival mobile operating system, iOS, Android updates typically reach various devices with significant delays.
Kompara ho ninia prinsipál rivaál móvel operasaun sistema, iOS, aktualizasaun Android normalmente to'o devices oin-oin ho atrazu sira ne ' ebé signifikativu.

Except for devices with the Google Nexus brand, updates often arrive months after the release of the new version, or not at all.[114] This is partly due to the extensive variation in hardware of Android devices, to which each upgrade must be specifically tailored, as the official Google source code only runs on their own Nexus devices.
Exetu se devices ho preokupasaun Google Nexus hirak, aktualizasaun sira dala barak to'o fulan nia laran hafoin imprensa versaun foun, ka la iha ema hotu-hotu. Ida ne'e parsialmente tanba iha estensivu variedade konsideradu iha hardware nian devices Android, ne ' ebé-ne ' ebé realiza ida-idak tenke espesifikamente adaptadu, hanesan kódigu fonte Google ofisiál de'it halai kona-ba sira-nia devices Nexus.

Porting Android to specific hardware is a time- and resource-consuming process for device manufacturers, who prioritize their newest devices and often leave older ones behind.[114] Hence, older smartphones are frequently not updated if the manufacturer decides it is not worth the investment of resources, although the device may be compatible.
Porting Android ba hardware espesífiku, hanesan prosesu tempu - no rekursu-konsumu ba pesoal manufacturers, ne ' ebé fó prioridade ba sira-nia devices karakterístiku no dala barak sai ema sira ne ' ebé boot husi. Tan neʼe, smartphones boot beibeik la halo nafatin atualizasaun ba se manufacturer nian hola desizaun ida ne'e la folin-boot ba investimentu iha rekursu, maske pesoal ne ' ebé mak kompatível.

This problem is compounded when manufacturers customize Android with their own interface and apps, which must be reapplied to each new release.
Problema ida ne'e, tendensia bainhira manufacturers customize Android ho sira-nia eletrónikus no apps, ne ' ebé tenke reapplied komunikadu ida-idak ne ' ebé foun.

Additional delays can be introduced by wireless carriers who, after receiving updates from manufacturers, further customize and brand Android to their needs and conduct extensive testing on their networks before sending the upgrade out to users.[114]
Atrazu sira adisionál bele introduz husi karreira wireless ne ' ebé, hafoin simu aktualizasaun manufacturers, tan customize no preokupasaun hirak Android ba sira-nia nesesidade no halo teste estensivu kona-ba sira-nia rede molok haruka realiza ba utilizadores internet [114]

The lack of after-sale support from manufacturers and carriers has been widely criticized by consumer groups and the technology media.[115][116] Some commentators have noted that the industry has a financial incentive not to upgrade their devices, as the lack of updates for existing devices fuels the purchase of newer ones,[117] an attitude described as "insulting".[116] The Guardian complained that the method of distribution for updates is complicated only because manufacturers and carriers have designed it that way.[116] In 2011, Google partnered with a number of industry players to announce an "Android Update Alliance", pledging to deliver timely updates for every device for 18 months after its release;[118] however, there has not been another official word about that alliance since its announcement.[114][119]
Komentadór balun nota katak indústria, iha insentivu finanseiru ida atu atualiza devices sira, hanesan falta aktualizasaun ba devices eziste halo sosa foun sira, hanoin deskreve hanesan "hasaʼe". Ema kesar katak metodu distribuisaun ba aktualizasaun mak komplikadu tanba de'it manufacturers no karreira iha dezeñu neʼe dalan. Iha tinan 2011, Google halo parseria ho lubuk ida kona-ba indústria jogadór anunsia proposta "Android Atualizasaun Aliansa ida", ne ' ebé pledging atu salva aktualizasaun tempu oportunu ba pesoal hotu-hotu ba fulan 18 tiha husi kadeia ninian; maibé, iha tiha kona-ba aliansa neʼe hahú fó sai ninia liafuan ofisiál seluk.[114][119]

In 2012, Google began decoupling certain aspects of the operating system (particularly core applications) so they could be updated through Google Play Store independently of the operating system.
Iha tinan 2012, Google hahú decoupling aspetu balu kona-ba sistema operasaun (liu-liu prinsipál kandidatura) tan neʼe, sira bele informa liuhosi Google Halimar loja Ne‟e la haree ba sistema operasaun.

One of these components, Google Play Services, is a closed-source system-level process providing APIs for Google services, installed automatically on nearly all devices running Android version 2.2 and higher.
Komponente hirak ne'e, Google Halimar Servisu, ida ne'e hanesan nivel sistema taka-fonte prosesu, fornese APIs Google servisu, ne ' ebé ona automatikamente kona-ba devices kuaze hotu-hotu ne ' ebé suli versaun Android 2.2 no aas liu.

With these changes, Google can add new operating system functionality through Play Services and application updates without having to distribute an upgrade to the operating system itself.
Ho mudansa hirak-ne'e, Google bele aumenta functionality operasaun sistema foun liu husi Servisu ne ' ebé Halimar no aktualizasaun sira-nia aplikasaun la fahe realiza ida ba sistema operasaun ne'e rasik.

As a result, Android 4.2 and 4.3 contained relatively fewer user-facing changes, focusing more on minor changes and platform improvements.[3][120]
Hanesan rezultadu, Android 4.2 no 4.3 tama relativamente menus hasoru uzuáriu mudansa, foka liu ba mudansa menor no plataforma progresu.[3][120]

The flash storage on Android devices is split into several partitions, such as /system for the operating system itself, and /data for user data and application installations.[140] In contrast to desktop Linux distributions, Android device owners are not given root access to the operating system and sensitive partitions such as /system are read-only.
Armazenamentu ne ' ebé akontese iha Android devices mak mosu ba partitions oin-oin, hanesan /system ba sistema operasaun ne'e rasik, no /data ba uzuáriu instalasaun dadus no sira-nia aplikasaun. Kontrariu ho distribuisaun Linux desktop pesoal Android nain sira la abut ne ' ebé fó asesu ba sistema operasaun no partitions sensitivu hanesan /system sira lee deit.

However, root access can be obtained by exploiting security flaws in Android, which is used frequently by the open-source community to enhance the capabilities of their devices,[141] but also by malicious parties to install viruses and malware.[142]
Maibé, asesu abut bele halo servisu aproveita buat neʼebé seguransa defeitu iha Android, ne ' ebé mak uza beibeik husi komunidade fonte-nakloke atu hametin kapabilidade sira devices, maibé mós hosi parte basá instala virus no malwarel.[142]

Android's kernel is based on one of the Linux kernel's long-term support (LTS) branches.
Kernel android nian bazeia ba ramu apoiu (LTS) longu prazu Linux kernel ida.

Since April 2014, Android devices mainly use versions 3.4, 3.10 or 3.18 of the Linux kernel.[122][123] The specific kernel version depends on the actual Android device and its hardware platform;[124][125][126] Android has used various kernel versions since the version 2.6.25 that was used in Android 1.0.[42]
Desde fulan Abril tinan 2014, Android devices prinsipalmente uza versaun anteriór 3.4, 3.10 ka 3.18 Linux kernel. Versaun kernel espesífiku ne ' ebé depende ba pesoal Android atuál no ninia plataforma hardware; Android uza oin-oin kernel versaun anteriór hahú kedas iha versaun 2.6.25 ne ' ebé uza iha Android 1.0. [42]

Android's variant of the Linux kernel has further architectural changes that are implemented by Google outside the typical Linux kernel development cycle, such as the inclusion of components like Binder, ashmem, pmem, logger, wakelocks, and different out-of-memory (OOM) handling.[127][128][129] Certain features that Google contributed back to the Linux kernel, notably a power management feature called "wakelocks", were rejected by mainline kernel developers partly because they felt that Google did not show any intent to maintain its own code.[130][131][132] Google announced in April 2010 that they would hire two employees to work with the Linux kernel community,[133] but Greg Kroah-Hartman, the current Linux kernel maintainer for the stable branch, said in December 2010 that he was concerned that Google was no longer trying to get their code changes included in mainstream Linux.[131] Some Google Android developers hinted that "the Android team was getting fed up with the process," because they were a small team and had more urgent work to do on Android.[134]
Karakterístika balun ne ' ebé Google kontribui atu fila fali ba kernel Linux, liu-liu podér jestaun ne'ebe hanaran "wakelocks", sira la simu developers mainline kernel parsialmente tanba sira sente katak Google mak la hatudu kualkér intensaun atu mantein kódigu rasik. Google fó sai iha Abril 2010 katak sira sei selu funsionáriu rua atu servisu ho komunidade kernel Linux, maibé Greg Kroah-Hartman, ba atuál Linux kernel maintainer ba ramu estavel, hatete iha Dezembru 2010 katak nia mak preokupasaun katak Google mak la koko atu halo mudansa kódigu sira ne ' ebé inklui iha mainstream Linux. Balun developers Google Android hinted katak "ekipa Android mak atu fó-han ho prosesu ne'e," tanba sira ekipa ki'ik oan ida, no iha servisu ne ' ebé urjente liu atu halo kona-ba Android.

In August 2011, Linus Torvalds said that "eventually Android and Linux would come back to a common kernel, but it will probably not be for four to five years".[135] In December 2011, Greg Kroah-Hartman announced the start of Android Mainlining Project, which aims to put some Android drivers, patches and features back into the Linux kernel, starting in Linux 3.3.[136] Linux included the autosleep and wakelocks capabilities in the 3.5 kernel, after many previous attempts at merger.
Iha fulan Agostu 2011, Torvalds, lino, hatete katak "ikusmai Android no Linux fila fali ba kernel ida-ne ' ebé komún, maibé karik la duni ba tinan haat lima nia laran". Iha fulan-Dezembru tinan 2011, Greg Kroah-Hartman anunsia patches hahú Android Mainlining Projetu nian, ne ' ebé iha objetivu atu tau kondutór Android balun, no karakterístika fila ba Linux kernel, hahú iha Linux 3.3. Linux inklui kapabilidade autosleep no wakelocks iha 3.5 kernel, hafoin hala'o tiha tentativa uluk nian ne ' ebé barak iha merger.

The interfaces are the same but the upstream Linux implementation allows for two different suspend modes: to memory (the traditional suspend that Android uses), and to disk (hibernate, as it is known on the desktop).[137] Google maintains a public code repository that contains their experimental work to re-base Android off the latest stable Linux versions.[138][139]
Interfaces nian maka hanesan maibé implementasaun Linux explorasaun permite ba rua ne ' ebé diferente suspende modu: memória (tradisionál ba suspende katak Android uza), no disk (hibernate, mós hatene kona-ba desktop). Google mantein repository kódigu públiku ne ' ebé sira fó sira-nia servisu esperimentál hodi halo hikas fali Android pontu ba ikus estavel Linux versaun anteriór.[138][139]

Android is a Linux distribution according to the Linux Foundation,[143] Google's open-source chief Chris DiBona,[144] and several journalists.[145][146] Others, such as Google engineer Patrick Brady, say that Android is not Linux in the traditional Unix-like Linux distribution sense; Android does not include the GNU C Library (it uses Bionic as an alternative C library) and some of other components typically found in Linux distributions.[147]
Android mak distribuisaun Linux ida tuir Fundasaun Linux, Google nia fonte-nakloke xefe Chris DiBona no jornalista sira ne ' ebé oin-oin. Ema seluk, hanesan Google engineer Patrick Brady, hatete katak Android mak la Linux iha sentidu distribuisaun Linux Unix-hanesan tradisionál nian; Android la inklui GNU C Biblioteka (ne'e uza Bionic nu'udar ida biblioteka alternativa C) no balu kona-ba komponente seluk ne ' ebé hetan normalmente iha distribuisaun Linux.[147]

On top of the Linux kernel, there are the middleware, libraries and APIs written in C, and application software running on an application framework which includes Java-compatible libraries.
Husi parte Linux kernel, iha neʼebá mak middleware, biblioteka no APIs ne ' ebé hakerek iha C, no instalasaun sira-nia aplikasaun ne ' ebé suli kona-ba kuadru sira-nia aplikasaun ida ne ' ebé inklui biblioteka Java-kompatível.

Development of the Linux kernel continues independently of other Android's source code bases.
Dezenvolvimentu Linux kernel kontinua to'o Android seluk fonte kódigu baze

Until version 5.0, Android used Dalvik as a process virtual machine with trace-based just-in-time (JIT) compilation to run Dalvik "dex-code" (Dalvik Executable), which is usually translated from the Java bytecode.
To'o versaun 5.0, Android uza Dalvik nu'udar makina virtual prosesu ida ho baze iha sira-neʼe hetan-iha-tempu (JIT) kontein halai Dalvik "dex-kódigu" (Dalvik Executable), ne ' ebé mak normalmente katak: husi Java bytecode.