Retrieved June 6, 2014. ↑ "City of College Station : Type Of Government". ↑ "Parole Division Region I Archived September 28, 2011, at the Wayback Machine."
Retrieved June 6, 2014. ↑ "City of College Station : Type Of Government". ↑ "Parole Division Region I Error in webarchive template: Check |url= value. Empty.."
Retrieved on May 15, 2010. ↑ "Post Office Location - COLLEGE STATION Archived 2010-05-19 at the Wayback Machine."
Retrieved on May 15, 2010. ↑ "Post Office Location - COLLEGE STATION Error in webarchive template: Check |url= value. Empty.."
Retrieved on May 15, 2010. ↑ "Post Office Location - NORTHGATE COLLEGE STATION Archived 2010-05-19 at the Wayback Machine."
Retrieved on May 15, 2010. ↑ "Post Office Location - NORTHGATE COLLEGE STATION Error in webarchive template: Check |url= value. Empty.."
The Bryan-College Station Eagle. Archived from the original on October 26, 2012. ↑ "Wellborn, Texas".
The Bryan-College Station Eagle. మూలం నుండి October 26, 2012 న ఆర్కైవు చేసారు. ↑ "Wellborn, Texas".
The Bryan-College Station Eagle. Archived from the original on November 4, 2005.
The Bryan-College Station Eagle. మూలం నుండి November 4, 2005 న ఆర్కైవు చేసారు.
Retrieved January 7, 2008. ↑ Levey, Kelli (April 4, 2004).
Retrieved January 7, 2008.[dead link] ↑ Levey, Kelli (April 4, 2004).
The Bryan-College Station Eagle. Archived from the original on September 1, 2007.
The Bryan-College Station Eagle. మూలం నుండి September 1, 2007 న ఆర్కైవు చేసారు.
Retrieved July 1, 2008. ↑
Retrieved July 1, 2008.[dead link] ↑
Retrieved July 1, 2008. ↑ "The Texas A&M University System".
Retrieved July 1, 2008.[dead link] ↑ "The Texas A&M University System".
The Bryan College Station Eagle. Archived from the original on April 24, 2008.
The Bryan College Station Eagle. మూలం నుండి April 24, 2008 న ఆర్కైవు చేసారు. Retrieved June 16, 2008.
Retrieved June 16, 2008. ↑ Matthew Watkins (May 4, 2008).
Cite news requires |newspaper= (help) ↑ Matthew Watkins (May 4, 2008).
The Bryan College Station Eagle. Archived from the original on September 11, 2009.
The Bryan College Station Eagle. మూలం నుండి September 11, 2009 న ఆర్కైవు చేసారు. Retrieved June 16, 2008.
Retrieved June 16, 2008. ↑ "Office of the president, History of the office".
Cite news requires |newspaper= (help) ↑ "Office of the president, History of the office".
The Eagle.
The Eagle (ఆంగ్లం లో).
Amarillo Globe-News. Archived from the original on June 3, 2011.
Amarillo Globe-News. మూలం నుండి June 3, 2011 న ఆర్కైవు చేసారు.
Black nationalism (BN) advocates a racial definition (or redefinition) of national identity. There are different indigenous nationalist philosophies but the principles of all Black nationalist ideologies are unity and self-determination—that is, separation, or independence, from European society.
నల్ల జాతీయత్వం అనేది ఒక జాతి యొక్క గుర్తింపును ప్రబోధిస్తుంది. అనేకమైన స్థానిక జాతీయతల తాత్త్వికతలు ఉన్నా, అన్ని నల్ల జాతీయతల సిద్ధాంతాలూ ఐక్యత మరియు స్వంత గుర్తింపులు, అంటే యూరోపియన్ సమాజాల నుంచి విభజన, లేదా స్వాతంత్ర్యం కోరుతుంది.
Early history
Martin Delany (1812-1885), an African-American abolitionist, was the grandfather of Black nationalism.[1]
మార్టిన్ డెలనీ అనే నాయకుడు నల్ల జాతీయతా పితామహునిగా వ్యవహరింపబడ్డారు..[1]
Inspired by the success of the Haitian Revolution, the origins of Black and African indigenous nationalism in political thought lie in the 19th century with people like Marcus Garvey, Henry McNeal Turner, Martin Delany, Henry Highland Garnet, Edward Wilmot Blyden, Paul Cuffe, etc. The repatriation of African-American slaves to Liberia or Sierra Leone was a common Black nationalist theme in the 19th century.
హైటియన్ విప్లవం విజయం సాధించడంతో 19వ శతాబ్దంలో మార్కస్ గార్వే, హెన్రీ మాక్నీల్ టర్నర్, మారిటన్ డెలనీ, హెన్రీ హైలాండ్ గార్నెట్, ఎడ్వర్డ్ విల్మట్ బ్లిడిన్, పాల్ కాఫ్ వంటి వారి కృషితో రాజకీయంగా నల్ల జాతీయులు, ఆఫ్రికా జాతీయవాదం తెరపైకి వచ్చాయి. నల్లా జాతీయవాద నేపధ్యంలో 19వ శతాబ్దంలో అమెరికాలోని ఆఫ్రికా బానిసలను తిరిగి వారి స్వదేశాలైన లిబీరియా, సైర లియోన్ లకు తరలించారు.
Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association of the 1910s and 1920s was the most powerful black nationalist movement to date, claiming millions of members. McGarveyite movement was opposed by mainline black leaders, and crushed by government action. However its many alumni remembered its inspiring rhetoric.[2]
1910 నుండి 1920ల వరకు మార్కస్ గార్వే స్థాపించిన యూనివర్శల్ నీగ్రో ఇంప్రూవ్ మెంట్ సొసైటీ నల్ల జాతీయిల హక్కుల పోరాటంలో కీలకమైన పాత్ర పోషించింది. ఆ కాలంలో ఈ సొసైటీలో 11 మిలియన్ సభ్యులు ఉండేవారు. [2]
According to Wilson Jeremiah Moses, Black nationalism as a philosophy can be examined from three different periods giving rise to various ideological perspectives for what we can today consider what Black nationalism really is.[3]
విల్సన్ జెరెమై మోసెస్ తన ప్రముఖ పుస్తకం క్లాసికల్ బ్లాక్ నేషనలిజంలో నల్లా జాతీయత్వాన్ని గురించి అవగాహన చేసుకోవాలంటే 3 వివిధ సమయాల్లోని నల్ల జాతీయవాదాన్ని పరిశీలిస్తే దాని గురించి వివిధ సైద్ధాంతిక కోణాల్లో దృక్పధం పెరుగుతుందని అంటారాయన.
The first period was pre-Classical Black nationalism beginning from the time the first Africans were brought ashore in the Americas up to the Revolutionary period. The second period began after the Revolutionary War, when a sizeable number of Africans in the colonies, particularly in New England and Pennsylvania, were literate and had become disgusted with the social conditions that arose out of Enlightenment ideas.[clarification needed] We find in such historical personalities as Prince Hall, Richard Allen, and Absalom Jones a need to found certain organizations as the Free African Society, African Masonic lodges and Church Institutions. These institutions served as early foundations to developing independent and separate organizations.
నల్ల జాతీయవాదానికి ముందు నుంచి మొదటిసారి ఆఫ్రికన్లను అమెరికన్లు బానిసలుగా తీసుకువెళ్లాకా వచ్చిన మొదటి విప్లవ సమయం వరకు మొదటి దశగా పరిగణిస్తారు. రెండో దశ విప్లవ యుద్ధం మొదలుపెట్టినప్పటి నుంచి కాలనీల్లో ముఖ్యంగా న్యూ ఇంగ్లాండ్, పెన్సైల్వనియాల్లోని ఆఫ్రికా విద్యావంతులు సమాజంలో ఆఫ్రికన్లపై జరుగుతున్న అసమానతల గురించి ఆలోచించే సమయాన్ని రెండవ పరిణామ సమయంగా పరిగణిస్తారు. ఆ సమయంలోనే చారిత్రిక ప్రాముఖ్యత సంపాదించుకున్న ప్రిన్స్ హాల్, రిచర్డ్ అల్లెన్, అబ్సలం జోన్స్ వంటి వారు కొన్ని ఆఫ్రికన్ సొసైటీలను ప్రారంభించారు. ఈ సొసైటీలు లాడ్జ్ లు, చర్చ్ లు స్థాపించాయి. ఈ సంస్థలు వ్యక్తిగత పరిణితికీ, వేరే సంస్థల అభివృద్ధిలోనూ కీలక పాత్ర పోషించాయి.
The third period of Black nationalism arose during the post-Reconstruction era, particularly among various African-American clergy circles. Separated circles were already established and accepted because African-Americans had long endured the oppression of slavery and Jim Crowism in the United States since its inception. The clerical phenomenon led to the birth of a modern Black nationalism that stressed the need to separate from non-blacks and to build separated communities to promote racial pride and to collectivize resources.
నల్ల జాతీయవాదంలో మూడవ దశ పునర్నిర్మాణ యుగంతో మరీ ముఖ్యంగా ఆఫ్రికా-అమెరికా క్రైస్తవ మతాధికారుల మధ్య వైషమ్యాలతో ప్రారంభమయింది. ఆఫ్రికన్లు అనుభవించిన బానిసత్వానికి వ్యతిరేకంగా క్రైస్తవ మతాధికారుల వృత్తాలు అప్పటికే విడిపోయి, ప్రజల ఆమోదాన్ని పొందాయి. ఆ సమయంలో అమెరికాలో జిం క్రో చట్టాలు అమలులో ఉండేవి. ఈ బలవంతపు బానిసత్వం వల్ల ఆధునిక నల్ల జాతీయవాదం తెరపైకి వచ్చింది. తమ జాతి మర్యాదను కాపాడుకోవాలనే ఉద్దేశ్యంతో ఈ దశలో నల్ల జాతీయులు కానివారు విడిపోయి, కొత్త కమ్యూనిటీలను నిర్మించుకున్నారు. ఈ పరిణామాల వల్ల మూరిష్ సైన్స్ టెంపుల్, ఇస్లామ్ జాతీయత వంటి కొత్త రకపు సిద్ధాంతాలు బయలుదేరాయి.
The new ideology became the philosophy of groups like the Moorish Science Temple and the Nation of Islam. Although the 1960s brought a period of heightened religious, cultural and political nationalism, still it was Black nationalism that would lead the promotion of Afrocentrism.
1960లలో మత, సాంస్కృతిక, రాజకీయ జాతీయవాదం ముందుకు వచ్చింది. కానీ నల్ల జాతీయవాదం మాత్రం ఆఫ్రోసెంట్రిజమ్ అనే సాంస్కృతిక సిద్ధాంతాలను ప్రచారం చేస్తూనే ఉంది. నల్ల జాతీయవాదుల సంస్కృతిని ఆఫ్రోసెంట్రిజమ్ కాపాడుతుంటుంది.
20th century
20వ శతాబ్దం
Marcus Garvey
మార్కస్ గార్వే
A central idea to Garveyism was that African people in every part of the world were one people and they would never advance if they did not put aside their cultural and ethnic differences and contrast. He was heavily influenced by the earlier works of Booker T. Washington, Martin Delany, and Henry McNeal Turner.[4] Garvey used his own personal magnetism and the understanding of black psychology and the psychology of confrontation to create a movement that challenged bourgeois blacks for the minds and souls of African Americans. Marcus Garvey's return to America had to do with his desire to meet with the man who inspired him most, Booker T. Washington but unfortunately Garvey did not return in time to meet Washington.
మార్కస్ గార్వే ప్రపంచంలోని అందరు నల్లజాతీయులను తమ సంస్కృతిలోని అందాన్ని గుర్తించాలని, నల్ల జాతీయులుగా ఉండడానికి గర్వపడాలి అంటూ పిలుపునిచ్చారు. ఈ భావజాలంతో రూపొందిన విప్లవం తర్వాత్తర్వాత గార్వేయిజం అనే విప్లవంగా మారింది.
↑ ↑ William L. Van Deburg, ed., Modern Black Nationalism: From Marcus Garvey to Louis Farrakhan (1996) ↑ Wilson Jeremiah Moses, Classical Black Nationalism (1996) ↑ Skyers, Sophia Teresa (1982). Marcus Garvey and the philosophy of black pride (M.A. thesis), Wilfrid Laurier University. ↑ Watson, Elwood (Winter 1994 – Spring 1995). "Marcus Garvey's Garveyism: Message from a forefather".
↑ ↑ Skyers, Sophia Teresa (1982).
Journal of Religious Thought 51 (2): 79. ↑ Robert L. Harris, "Malcolm X: Critical Assessments and Unanswered Questions." Journal of African American History 98.4 (2013): 595-601. ↑ James H. Cone (1992). Martin and Malcolm and America: A Dream or a Nightmare.
Marcus Garvey and the philosophy of black pride (M.A. thesis), Wilfrid Laurier University. ↑ Watson, Elwood (Winter 1994 – Spring 1995).
Orbis Books. p. 49. ↑ Manning Marable, Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention (2011) ↑ David Macey, Frantz Fanon: a biography (Verso Books, 2012). ↑ Juliet E.K. Walker, and Manning Marable.
"Marcus Garvey's Garveyism: Message from a forefather".
"Carmichael, Stokely (Kwame Turé): Civil rights and political activist." by Raymond Gavins, ed.
Journal of Religious Thought 51 (2): 79.
The Cambridge Guide to African American History (2015) p 53. 1 2 Document sans titre [dead link] ↑ University Press of Kentucky
1 2 Document sans titre [dead link] ↑ University Press of Kentucky
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State Geographical Indication Type Andhra Pradesh Srikalahasthi Kalamkari Handicraft Kondapalli Bommalu Handicraft Machilipatnam Kalamkari Handicraft Budiiti Bell & Brass Craft Handicraft Andhra Pradesh Leather Puppetry Handicraft Uppada Jamdani Sarees Handicraft Tirupati Laddu Foodstuff Guntur Sannam Chilli Agricultural Venkatagiri Sarees Handicraft Bobbili Veena Handicraft Mangalagiri Sarees and Fabrics Handicraft Dharmavaram Handloom Pattu Sarees and Paavadas Textile Assam Muga Silk Handicraft Assam (Orthodox) Logo Agricultural Muga Silk of Assam (Logo) Handicraft Bihar Madhubani paintings Handicraft Applique – Khatwa Patch Work of Bihar Handicraft Sujini Embroidery Work of Bihar Handicraft Bhagalpur Silk Handicraft Chhattisgarh Bastar Dhokra Handicraft Bastar Wooden Craft Handicraft Bastar Iron Craft Handicraft Champa Silk Saree and Fabrics Handicraft Bastar Dhokra (Logo) Handicraft Goa Fenni Manufactured Gujarat Sankheda Furniture Handicraft Agates of Cambay Handicraft Kutch Embroidery Handicraft Tangaliya Shawl Handicraft Surat Zari Craft Handicraft Gir Kesar Mango Agricultural Bhalia Wheat Agricultural Kachchh Shawls Handicraft Patan Patola Handicraft Himachal Pradesh Kullu Shawl Handicraft Kangra Tea Agricultural Chamba Rumal Handicraft Kinnauri Shawl Handicraft Kullu ShawL (logo) Textile Jammu & Kashmir Kani Shawls Handicraft Kashmir Pashmina Handicraft Kashmir Sozani Craft Handicraft Kashmir Papier Mache Handicraft Kashmir Walnut Wood Carving Handicraft Khatamband Handicraft Karnataka Mysore silk Handicraft Mysore Agarbathi Manufactured Bidriware Handicraft Channapatna Toys & Dolls Handicraft Mysore Rosewood Inlay Handicraft Mysore Sandalwood Oil Manufactured Mysore Sandal Soap Manufactured Kasuti Embroidery Handicraft Mysore Traditional Paintings Handicraft Mysore Betel leaf Agricultural Nanjanagud Banana Agricultural Mysore Jasmine Agricultural Udupi Jasmine Agricultural Hadagali Jasmine Agricultural Ilkal Sarees Handicraft Ganjifa cards of Mysore (Karnataka) Handicraft Navalgund Durries Handicraft Karnataka Bronze Ware Handicraft Molakalmuru Sarees Handicraft Monsooned Malabar Arabica Coffee Agricultural Monsooned Malabar Robusta Coffee Agricultural Coorg Green Cardamom Agricultural Dharwad Pedha Foodstuff Devanahalli Pomello Agricultural Appemidi Mango Agricultural Kamalapur Red Banana Agricultural Sandur Lambani Embroidery Handicraft Byadgi chilli Agricultural Udupi Mattu Gulla Brinjal Agricultural Bangalore Blue Grapes Agricultural Kerala Aranmula Kannadi Handicraft Alleppey Coir Handicraft Navara rice Agricultural Palakkadan Matta Rice Agricultural Changalikodan of Kerala Banana Malabar Pepper Agricultural Spices - Alleppey Green Cardamom Agricultural Maddalam of Palakkad Handicraft Screw Pine Craft of Kerala Handicraft Brass Broidered Coconut Shell Crafts of Kerala Handicraft Pokkali Rice Agricultural Vazhakulam Pineapple Agricultural Cannanore Home Furnishings Handicraft Balaramapuram Sarees and Fine Cotton Fabrics Handicraft Kasaragod Sarees Handicraft Kuthampully Saree Handicraft Central Travancore Jaggery Agricultural Wayanad Jeerakasala Rice Agricultural Wayanad Gandhakasala Rice Agricultural Payyannur Pavithra Ring Handicraft Chendamangalam Dhoties & Set Mundu Handicraft Kaipad Rice Agriculture Chengalikodan Banana Agriculture Madhya Pradesh Chanderi Fabric Handicraft Leather Toys of Indore Handicraft Bagh Prints of Madhya Pradesh Handicraft Bell Metal Ware of Datia and Tikamgarh Handicraft Maheshwar Sarees & Fabrics Handicraft Bell Metal Ware of Datia and Tikamgarh (Logo) Handicraft Maharashtra Solapuri chaddar Handicraft Solapur Terry Towel Handicraft Nagpur orange Agricultural Puneri Pagadi Handicraft Nashik Valley Wine Manufactured Paithani Sarees and Fabrics Handicraft Mahabaleshwar Strawberry Agricultural Nashik Grapes Agricultural Warli Painting Handicraft Kolhapur Jaggery Agriculture Manipur Shaphee Lanphee Textile Wangkhei Phee Textile Moirang Phee Textile Nagaland Naga Mircha Agricultural Odisha Orissa Pattachitra (logo) Textile Kotpad Handloom fabric Handicraft Orissa Ikat Handicraft Konark Stone carving Handicraft Pattachitra Handicraft Pipli Applique Work Handicraft Khandua Saree and Fabrics Handicraft Gopalpur Tussar Fabrics Handicraft Ganjam Kewda Rooh Agricultural Ganjam Kewda Flower Agricultural Dhalapathar Parda & Fabrics Handicraft Sambalpuri Bandha Saree & Fabrics Handicraft Bomkai Saree & Fabrics Handicraft Habaspuri Saree & Fabrics Handicraft Berhampur Patta (Phoda Kumbha) Saree& Joda Handicraft Puducherry Villianur Terracotta Works Handicraft Tirukanur Papier Mache Craft Handicraft Punjab, Haryana & Rajasthan Phulkari Handicraft Rajasthan Kota Doria Handicraft Blue Pottery of Jaipur Handicraft Molela Clay Work Handicraft Kathputlis of Rajasthan Handicraft Sanganeri Hand Block Printing Handicraft Bikaneri Bhujia Agricultural Kota Doria (Logo) Handicraft Bagru Hand Block Print Handicraft Thewa Art Work Handicraft Tamil Nadu Salem Fabric Handicraft Kancheepuram Silk Handicraft Bhavani Jamakkalam Handicraft Madurai Sungudi Handicraft Coimbatore Wet Grinder Manufactured Thanjavur Paintings Handicraft Temple Jewellery of Nagercoil Handicraft Thanjavur Art Plate Handicraft E. I. Leather Manufactured Salem Silk (Salem Venpattu) Handicraft Kovai Cora Cotton Handicraft Arani Silk Handicraft Swamimalai Bronze Icons Handicraft Eathomozhy Tall Coconut Agricultural Thanjavur Doll Handicraft Nilgiri (Orthodox) Logo Agricultural Virupakshi Hill Banana Agricultural Sirumalai Hill Banana Agricultural Madurai Malli Agricultural Pattamadai Pai (‘Pattamadai Mat’) Handicraft Nachiarkoil Kuthuvilakku (‘Nachiarkoil Lamp’) Handicraft Chettinad Kottan Handicraft Toda Embroidery Handicraft Thanjavur Veenai Handicraft Telangana Pochampally Ikat Handicraft Silver Filigree of Karimnagar Handicraft Nirmal toys and craft Handicraft Nirmal furniture Handicraft Nirmal paintings Handicraft Gadwal Sarees Handicraft Hyderabadi Haleem Foodstuff Cheriyal Paintings Handicraft Pembarthi Metal Craft Handicraft Siddipet Gollabhama Handicraft Narayanpet Handloom Sarees Handicraft Uttar Pradesh Allahabad Surkha Agricultural Lucknow Chikan Craft Handicraft Mango Malihabadi Dusseheri Agricultural Banaras Brocades and Sarees Handicraft Hand made Carpet of Bhadohi Handmade Carpets Agra Durrie Handicraft Farrukhabad Prints Handicraft Lucknow Zardozi Handicraft Banaras Brocades and Sarees (logo) Handicraft Kalanamak Rice Agricultural Firozabad Glass Handicraft Kannauj Perfume Manufactured Kanpur Saddlery Manufactured Moradabad Metal Craft Handicraft Saharanpur Wood Craft Handicraft Handmade Carpets of Mirzapur Handmade Carpets Handmade Carpets of Banaras Handmade Carpets Agra Petha Sweets Mathura Peda Sweets West Bengal Darjeeling Tea (word & logo) Agricultural Nakshi Kantha Handicraft Santiniketan Leather Goods Handicraft Laxman Bhog Mango Agricultural Khirsapati (Himsagar) Mango Agricultural Fazli Mango Agricultural Santipore Saree Handicraft Baluchari Saree Handicraft Dhaniakhali Saree Handicraft Joynagar Moa Food Stuff
రాష్ట్రం Type Andhra Pradesh Srikalahasthi Kalamkari Handicraft Kondapalli Bommalu Handicraft Machilipatnam Kalamkari Handicraft Budiiti Bell & Brass Craft Handicraft Andhra Pradesh Leather Puppetry Handicraft Uppada Jamdani Sarees Handicraft Tirupati Laddu Foodstuff Guntur Sannam Chilli Agricultural Venkatagiri Sarees Handicraft Bobbili Veena Handicraft Mangalagiri Sarees and Fabrics Handicraft Dharmavaram Handloom Pattu Sarees and Paavadas Textile Assam Muga Silk Handicraft Assam (Orthodox) Logo Agricultural Muga Silk of Assam (Logo) Handicraft Bihar Madhubani paintings Handicraft Applique – Khatwa Patch Work of Bihar Handicraft Sujini Embroidery Work of Bihar Handicraft Bhagalpur Silk Handicraft Chhattisgarh Bastar Dhokra Handicraft Bastar Wooden Craft Handicraft Bastar Iron Craft Handicraft Champa Silk Saree and Fabrics Handicraft Bastar Dhokra (Logo) Handicraft Goa Fenni Manufactured Gujarat Sankheda Furniture Handicraft Agates of Cambay Handicraft Kutch Embroidery Handicraft Tangaliya Shawl Handicraft Surat Zari Craft Handicraft Gir Kesar Mango Agricultural Bhalia Wheat Agricultural Kachchh Shawls Handicraft Patan Patola Handicraft Himachal Pradesh Kullu Shawl Handicraft Kangra Tea Agricultural Chamba Rumal Handicraft Kinnauri Shawl Handicraft Kullu ShawL (logo) Textile Jammu & Kashmir Kani Shawls Handicraft Kashmir Pashmina Handicraft Kashmir Sozani Craft Handicraft Kashmir Papier Mache Handicraft Kashmir Walnut Wood Carving Handicraft Khatamband Handicraft Karnataka Mysore silk Handicraft Mysore Agarbathi Manufactured Bidriware Handicraft Channapatna Toys & Dolls Handicraft Mysore Rosewood Inlay Handicraft Mysore Sandalwood Oil Manufactured Mysore Sandal Soap Manufactured Kasuti Embroidery Handicraft Mysore Traditional Paintings Handicraft Mysore Betel leaf Agricultural Nanjanagud Banana Agricultural Mysore Jasmine Agricultural Udupi Jasmine Agricultural Hadagali Jasmine Agricultural Ilkal Sarees Handicraft Ganjifa cards of Mysore (Karnataka) Handicraft Navalgund Durries Handicraft Karnataka Bronze Ware Handicraft Molakalmuru Sarees Handicraft Monsooned Malabar Arabica Coffee Agricultural Monsooned Malabar Robusta Coffee Agricultural Coorg Green Cardamom Agricultural Dharwad Pedha Foodstuff Devanahalli Pomello Agricultural Appemidi Mango Agricultural Kamalapur Red Banana Agricultural Sandur Lambani Embroidery Handicraft Byadgi chilli Agricultural Udupi Mattu Gulla Brinjal Agricultural Bangalore Blue Grapes Agricultural Kerala Aranmula Kannadi Handicraft Alleppey Coir Handicraft Navara rice Agricultural Palakkadan Matta Rice Agricultural Changalikodan of Kerala Banana Malabar Pepper Agricultural Spices - Alleppey Green Cardamom Agricultural Maddalam of Palakkad Handicraft Screw Pine Craft of Kerala Handicraft Brass Broidered Coconut Shell Crafts of Kerala Handicraft Pokkali Rice Agricultural Vazhakulam Pineapple Agricultural Cannanore Home Furnishings Handicraft Balaramapuram Sarees and Fine Cotton Fabrics Handicraft Kasaragod Sarees Handicraft Kuthampully Saree Handicraft Central Travancore Jaggery Agricultural Wayanad Jeerakasala Rice Agricultural Wayanad Gandhakasala Rice Agricultural Payyannur Pavithra Ring Handicraft Chendamangalam Dhoties & Set Mundu Handicraft Kaipad Rice Agriculture Chengalikodan Banana Agriculture Madhya Pradesh Chanderi Fabric Handicraft Leather Toys of Indore Handicraft Bagh Prints of Madhya Pradesh Handicraft Bell Metal Ware of Datia and Tikamgarh Handicraft Maheshwar Sarees & Fabrics Handicraft Bell Metal Ware of Datia and Tikamgarh (Logo) Handicraft Maharashtra Solapuri chaddar Handicraft Solapur Terry Towel Handicraft Nagpur orange Agricultural Puneri Pagadi Handicraft Nashik Valley Wine Manufactured Paithani Sarees and Fabrics Handicraft Mahabaleshwar Strawberry Agricultural Nashik Grapes Agricultural Warli Painting Handicraft Kolhapur Jaggery Agriculture Manipur Shaphee Lanphee Textile Wangkhei Phee Textile Moirang Phee Textile Nagaland Naga Mircha Agricultural Odisha Orissa Pattachitra (logo) Textile Kotpad Handloom fabric Handicraft Orissa Ikat Handicraft Konark Stone carving Handicraft Pattachitra Handicraft Pipli Applique Work Handicraft Khandua Saree and Fabrics Handicraft Gopalpur Tussar Fabrics Handicraft Ganjam Kewda Rooh Agricultural Ganjam Kewda Flower Agricultural Dhalapathar Parda & Fabrics Handicraft Sambalpuri Bandha Saree & Fabrics Handicraft Bomkai Saree & Fabrics Handicraft Habaspuri Saree & Fabrics Handicraft Berhampur Patta (Phoda Kumbha) Saree& Joda Handicraft Puducherry Villianur Terracotta Works Handicraft Tirukanur Papier Mache Craft Handicraft Punjab, Haryana & Rajasthan Phulkari Handicraft Rajasthan Kota Doria Handicraft Blue Pottery of Jaipur Handicraft Molela Clay Work Handicraft Kathputlis of Rajasthan Handicraft Sanganeri Hand Block Printing Handicraft Bikaneri Bhujia Agricultural Kota Doria (Logo) Handicraft Bagru Hand Block Print Handicraft Thewa Art Work Handicraft Tamil Nadu Salem Fabric Handicraft Kancheepuram Silk Handicraft Bhavani Jamakkalam Handicraft Madurai Sungudi Handicraft Coimbatore Wet Grinder Manufactured Thanjavur Paintings Handicraft Temple Jewellery of Nagercoil Handicraft Thanjavur Art Plate Handicraft E. I. Leather Manufactured Salem Silk (Salem Venpattu) Handicraft Kovai Cora Cotton Handicraft Arani Silk Handicraft Swamimalai Bronze Icons Handicraft Eathomozhy Tall Coconut Agricultural Thanjavur Doll Handicraft Nilgiri (Orthodox) Logo Agricultural Virupakshi Hill Banana Agricultural Sirumalai Hill Banana Agricultural Madurai Malli Agricultural Pattamadai Pai (‘Pattamadai Mat’) Handicraft Nachiarkoil Kuthuvilakku (‘Nachiarkoil Lamp’) Handicraft Chettinad Kottan Handicraft Toda Embroidery Handicraft Thanjavur Veenai Handicraft Telangana Pochampally Ikat Handicraft Silver Filigree of Karimnagar Handicraft Nirmal toys and craft Handicraft Nirmal furniture Handicraft Nirmal paintings Handicraft Gadwal Sarees Handicraft Hyderabadi Haleem Foodstuff Cheriyal Paintings Handicraft Pembarthi Metal Craft Handicraft Siddipet Gollabhama Handicraft Narayanpet Handloom Sarees Handicraft Uttar Pradesh Allahabad Surkha Agricultural Lucknow Chikan Craft Handicraft Mango Malihabadi Dusseheri Agricultural Banaras Brocades and Sarees Handicraft Hand made Carpet of Bhadohi Handmade Carpets Agra Durrie Handicraft Farrukhabad Prints Handicraft Lucknow Zardozi Handicraft Banaras Brocades and Sarees (logo) Handicraft Kalanamak Rice Agricultural Firozabad Glass Handicraft Kannauj Perfume Manufactured Kanpur Saddlery Manufactured Moradabad Metal Craft Handicraft Saharanpur Wood Craft Handicraft Handmade Carpets of Mirzapur Handmade Carpets Handmade Carpets of Banaras Handmade Carpets Agra Petha Sweets Mathura Peda Sweets West Bengal Darjeeling Tea (word & logo) Agricultural Nakshi Kantha Handicraft Santiniketan Leather Goods Handicraft Laxman Bhog Mango Agricultural Khirsapati (Himsagar) Mango Agricultural Fazli Mango Agricultural Santipore Saree Handicraft Baluchari Saree Handicraft Dhaniakhali Saree Handicraft Joynagar Moa Food Stuff
ITC Hotels is India's second largest hotel chain with over 100 hotels.[citation needed] Based in the Hotels Division Headquarters at the ITC Green Centre in Gurgaon, New Delhi, ITC Hotels is also the exclusive franchisee of The Luxury Collection brand of Starwood Hotels and Resorts in India. It is part of the ITC Limited (formerly India Tobacco Company) group of companies.[1][2] ITC Hotels is regularly voted amongst the best employers in Asia in the hospitality sector.[3]
''ఐ.టీ.సి హోటల్స్'' , భారతదేశపు రెండో అతిపెద్ద హోటల్స్ చైన్. ఈ సంస్థ కు సుమారు 100 హోటల్స్ కలిగి ఉన్నాయి. దీని ప్రధాన కార్యాలయం న్యూఢిల్లీ గుర్గాన్ లోని ఐ.టీ.సి గ్రీన్ సెంటర్ ల ఉంది.ఐ.టీ.సి హోటల్స్ , భారత్ లోని స్టార్ వుడ్ హోటల్స్ అండ్ రిసార్ట్స్ యొక్క ప్రముఖ విలాస కలెక్షన్ బ్రాండ్ కు ఫ్రంచిసీ. ఈ సంస్థ ఐ.టీ.సి ( ఇండియన్ టొబాకో లిమిటెడ్ ) గ్రూప్ అఫ్ కంపెనీస్ ల ఒక భాగం.[1][2] హాస్పిటాలిటీ విభాగం ల ఈ సంస్థ ఆసియా ఖండం లోని ఉత్తమ యజమానులు గా ఎన్నికయ్యారు.[3]
ITC brands
ఐ.టీ.సి బ్రాండ్స్
ITC Grand Maratha Hotel, Mumbai
ఐ.టీ.సి గ్రాండ్ మరాఠా హోటల్ , ముంబై.
Lavasa Fortune Hotel courtyard, Lavasa, Maharashtra
లవాస ఫార్చ్యూన్ హోటల్ కోర్ట్ యార్డ్ , లవాస, మహారాష్ట్ర.
The group today operates under several distinct brands:
ఈ సంస్థ ఈరోజు ఎన్నో విభాగాలలో ప్రముఖ బ్రాండ్లను నడుపుతుంది :
Luxury Collection Hotels Sheraton Hotels Fortune Hotels, which has 54 hotels with 4,446 rooms in 41 cities across India[12] Welcom Heritage Hotels
విలసపూరిత హోటల్స్ కలెక్షన్. షెరటాన్ హోటల్స్ ఫార్చ్యూన్ హోటల్స్, ఈ సంస్థ కు భారత్ లోని 41 నగరాలలో, 54 హోటల్స్ మరియు 4,446 గదులు కలిగి ఉన్నాయి. [12] వెల్కమ్ హెరిటేజ్ హోటల్స్