Arthur Cornwallis Madan (1846–1917) was a British linguist and Anglican missionary who became famous for his research in African languages and his Swahili dictionaries.
Arthur Cornwallis Madan (1846–1917) alikuwa mwanaisimu na mmisionari Mwanglikana anayejulikana hasa kwa utafiti wake wa lugha za Kiafrika na hasa kamusi za Kiswahili.
He was born on March 8, 1846 in the parish of Cam, Gloucestershire, England as third child of the Anglican pastor George Madan.
Alizaliwa 8 Machi 1846 kwenye kijiji cha Cam, Gloucestershire, Uingereza akiwa mwana wa tatu wa mchungaji Mwanglikana George Madan.
He was educated at Marlborough College and studied at Christ College of Oxford university from 1865 to 1869.
Alisoma kwenye shule ya sekondari ya Marlborough College, akaendelea kusoma kwenye Christ College ya Chuo Kikuu cha Oxford 1865-1869.
After obtaining his bachelor degree he started teaching at Christ College as a tutor from 1870-1880; during this period he also got a Master's degree.
Baada ya kutimiza shahada ya kwanza alifundisha Christ College 1870-1880; katika kipindi hiki alipokea pia shahada ya Uzamili.
He joined the Universities Mission to Central Africa[1].
Alijiunga na Universities Mission to Central Africa[1].
In 1880 he was sent to Zanzibar where he learned Swahili and assisted bishop Edward Steere in his language research and translation work.
Mwaka 1880 alifika Zanzibar alipojifunza Kiswahili akashirikiana na askofu Edward Steere katika utafiti wa lugha na kazi ya kutafsiri.
When Steere passed away in August 1882 Madan finished Steere's manuscript of a Swahili Grammar until the end of the year. ("A handbook of the Swahili language as spoken at Zanzibar, edited for the Universities' Mission to Central Africa"). Madan was considered the mission's chief linguist in East Africa.[1] He continued to work on Swahili dictionaries.
Steere alipoaga dunia kwenye Agosti 1882 Madan alichukua muswada wa marehemu wa masahihisho ya Sarufi ya Kiswahili akaimaliza hadi mwisho wa mwaka ("A handbook of the Swahili language as spoken at Zanzibar, edited for the Universities' Mission to Central Africa").
At this time Ludwig Krapf's dictionary of Swahili, the first for this language, had not yet been published.
Alikuwa mtaalamu mkuu wa lugha wa shirika yake ya misioni katika Afrika ya Mashariki[2] Akaendelea na kazi ya kamusi.
In 1894 Madan's English- Swahili Dictionary was published, followed by a Swahili-English dictionary in 1903.
Mwaka 1894 alitoa Kamusi ya Kiingereza-Kiswahili, iliyofuatwa na Kamusi ya Kiswahili-Kiingereza kwenye mwaka 1903.
1906 Madan moved to Northern Rhodesia (today: Zambia) where he continued reseacrhing a umber of African languages like Lenje and Wisa[2].
Mnamo 1906 alihamia Rhodesia ya Kaskazini (leo: Zambia) alipoendelea kufanya uchunguzi wa lugha za Kiafrika kama vile Kilenje na Kiwisa[3].
In 1911 he returned to Oxford where he taught until his death in 1917, reaching the age of 72[3].
Mnamo 1911 alirudi Oxford alipofundisha hadi kifo chake mwaka 1917 akiwa na umri wa miaka 72[4].
He is remembered mostly for his dictionaries and other writings about the Swahili language.
Anajulikana kwa kamusi zake za Kiingereza-Kiswahili na Kiswahili-Kiingereza (Madan 1902), pamoja na vitabu kuhusu Kiswahili.
His dictionaries became the base for the Standard English-Swahili Dictionary and Standard Swahili-English Dictionary which are known and reprinted into the 21 century under the name of „Madan-Johnson“.
Kamusi zake zilikuwa msingi wa Kamusi za Standard English-Swahili Dictionary na Standard Swahili-English Dictionary zinazojulikana kwa jina la „Madan-Johnson“ zikitumiwa hadi karne ya 21.
Mrima or Mrima Coast is the traditional name for the part of the East African coast facing Zanzibar.
Mrima (ing. Mrima Coast) ni jina kwa sehemu ya pwani la Afrika ya Mashariki inayotazama Zanzibar.
The inhabitants were often called "Wamrima" or Mrima people even though they could belong to different tribes and language groups.
Wenyeji wake walijulikana kama Wamrima ilhali kati yao walikuwa watu wa makabila mbalimbali.
The sources give different definitions about the borders of the coastal stretch.
Mipaka ya eneo hili ilielezwa tofauti katika vyanzo vya kihistoria.
Generally the Mrima comprised only of a coastal strip of a width of 2 days travel, i.e. about 20 miles or 30 km.
Kwa jumla ilieleweka Mrima ilihusu ukanda wa pwani hadi umbali wa matembezi ya siku mbili hivi kutoka mwambao kuelekea bara, kwa hiyo takribani maili 20 au kilomita 30-25.
Ludwig Krapf, who collected his information at Mombasa betwen 1844-1852, wrote that the Wamrima began on the northern side with the Vumba people, the speakers of the Kivumba dialect of Swahili, who lived in the area of Shimoni, opposite Wasini Island, continued southwards until the Usambara Hills and "the land of Mrima".[1].
Ludwig Krapf aliyekusanya habari zake mnamo 1844 - 52 mjini Mombasa alitaja eneo la Waswahili Wamrima lilianza upande wa kaskazini kwa Wavumba, yaani wasemaji wa lahaja ya Kiswahili ya Kivumba, wanaotazama kisiwa cha Wasini (Shimoni, Kenya), na kuendelea hadi vilima vya Usambara penye "nti ya Mrima" (nchi ya Mrima)[1].
A.C. Madan who collectd his material at Zanzibar around 1890, described Mrima being the area between Wasini and Kipumbwi at the mouth of the Msangasi River, about 25 km of the Tanzanian town of Pangani [1].
A.C. Madan aliyekusanya habari wa kamusi yake mnamo 1890 pale Zanzibar, alitaja Mrima kuwa eneo kati ya "Oassi" (Wassini) hadi Kipumbwi kwenye mdomo wa mto Msangasi, takriban km 25 upande wa kusini ya Pangani [2].
Later authors described a wider use of the name on the southern side. Stigand for example described the Kimrima dialect reaching from Vanga (southern Kenya) until the neighbourhood of Kilwa [1]
Watafiti wengine walikuta matumizi ya jina hili kwa eneo pana zaidi upande wa kusini, mfano Stigand alieleza lahaja ya Kimrima kuenea kuanzia Vanga (kenya) hadi karibu na Kilwa [3]
In southern Kenya there is a village and a small mountain called Mrima about 20 km north of Vanga, Kwale County[1].
Nchini Kenya kuna kijiji cha Mrima na kilima cha Mrima takriban km 20 upande wa kaskazini wa Vanga, Kaunti ya Kwale[4].
Fungu Mrima (also Fungu Marima) is a coral reef in the Mafia Channel between the mainland and Mafia Island[1].
Fungu Mrima (pia Fungu Marima) ni kundi la miamba ya matumbawe baharini kati ya Kisiwa cha Mafia na bara[5].
Catherine Ruge (born June 25 , 1982 ) is a Tanzanian politician and a member of the CHADEMA party. She is the member of parliament for Serengeti.
Catherine Ruge (alizaliwa Juni 25, 1982)[1] ni mbunge wa viti maalumu kwa tiketi ya chama cha CHADEMA akichukua nafasi iliyoachwa wazi na Dr. Macha aliyefariki dunia 21 Machi 2017.[2].
Early years and education
She had her high school education in Dodoma from 2001 to 2003.
Alisoma Shule ya Sekondari Msalato mkoani Dodoma kuanzia mwaka 2001 hadi 2003.
She then studied in the Desert from June 2001 to May 2003 and graduated from secondary school.
Baadaye alisoma Jangwani kuanzia Juni 2001 hadi Mei 2003 na kuhitimu elimu ya juu ya sekondari.
She joined the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) from 2004 to 2007 studying for a degree in Business and Accounting.
Alijiunga na Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam (UDSM) mwaka 2004 hadi 2007 akisomea Shahada ya Biashara na Uhasibu.
In 2011 - 2015 she studied for a Master's degree in Business Management at ESAMI (Eastern and Southern Africa Management Institute).
Mwaka 2011 – 2015 alisoma Shahada ya Uzamili katika Usimamizi wa Biashara katika chuo cha ESAMI (Eastern and Southern Africa Management Institute).
She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree (PHD) at the University of Dar es Salaam on gender issues in the field of accounting.
Kwa sasa anachukua masomo ya udaktari (PHD) Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam kwenye masuala ya jinsia katika fani ya uhasibu.[3]
Harakati za kisiasa
She joined Chadema in 2010 and in late 2013 she officially started the political process. She started by running for the position of finance secretary in the Serengeti region and winning. On May 04, 2017 she was appointed by NEC to be the Chairman of the CHADEMA party special seats in place of Dr Elly Marco Macha.
Alijiunga na Chadema mwaka 2010 na ilipofika mwaka 2013 mwishoni alianza rasmi harakati za siasa.Alianza kwa kugombea nafasi ya katibu wa rasilimali fedha Kanda ya Serengeti na kushinda.[4]
Pijini (Pidgin) and Krioli are types of new languages which originate from unique environments.
Pijini na Krioli ni aina za lugha mpya ambazo zinajitokeza katika mazingira ya pekee.
The following are explanations regarding differences and similarities between their nature and usage.
Yafuatayo ni maelezo juu ya tofauti na mahusiano kati ya aina hizo mbili katika asili na matumizi.
Both the languages, Pidgin and Krioli are lingua franca.
Lugha zote mbili, Pijini na Krioli, ni lingua franka.
The International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine(ISAKOS) is an international medical society with around 4000. members.
Shirika la Kimataifa la Athroskopia, Upasuaji wa Goti na Taaluma ya Tiba ya Mifupa katika Michezo (ISAKOS) ni shirika la taaluma ya tiba lililo na takriban wanachama 4000.
The members are from some 92 different countries and are members of there local orthopaedic sports medicine societies or similar associations. Members may also be associated with there global regional orthopaedic associations, such as the Arthroscopy Association Of North America(AANA),American Orthopaedic Society of Sports Medicine (AOSSM),The Asia- Pacific Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine society(APKASS),The European Society For Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy(ESSKA) and Sociedad Latinoamericana de Artroscopia,Rodilla Deporte(SLARD) in particular.
Wanachama wanatoka katika nchi 92 tofauti tofauti na kila mmoja ni sharti awe mwanachama wa mashirika ya taaluma ya tiba ya mifupa katika michezo ya nchi zao au mashirika ya kimaeneo ulimwenguni ya taaluma ya tiba ya mifupa katika michezo kama vile Shirika la Taaluma ya tiba ya mifupa la Marekani Kaskazini (AANA) , Shirika la Marekani la Taaluma ya Tiba ya mifupa (AOSSM ()), Shirika la Asia-Pasifiki la Athroskopia ya goti,na Taaluma ya Tiba ya Spoti (APKASS), Shirika la Ulaya la Elimu Kiwewe Michezoni, Upasuaji wa goti,na Athroskopia (ESSKA[dead link]) na Shirika la Sociedad Latinoamerikana la Athroskopia na kimahususi Rodilla y Deporte (SLARD)
The purpose of ISAKOS is to act as an umbrella association for these regional societies to provide a means for exchange of knowledge between them and most importantly, to promote education in the fields of knee surgery and orthopaedic sports medicine to those areas of the world where such educational opportunities are lacking.ISAKOS achieves these goals by the involvement of members in educational meetings, sponsoring of visitations by surgeons from poorer countries to centres of excellence along with other awards,scolarships and endorsements of regional meetings
Madhumuni ya ISAKOS ni kuwa shirika jumuishi la mashirika haya ya kimaeneo na kuwezesha ubadilishanaji wa maarifa baina yao na la muhimu zaidi, kukuza elimu katika nyanja za upasuaji wa goti na taaluma ya tiba ya mifupa kwa maeneo ya dunia ambako fursa ya namna hii ya elimu ni adimu.ISAKOS hufanikisha malengo haya kwa kuwahusisha wanachama katika mikutano ya kielimu, udhamini wa ziara za madaktari wapasuaji kutoka nchi masikini kutembelea vituo vya ubora pamoja na tuzo kadhaa, ruzuku na idhinisho ya mikutano ya kimaeneo.
Associate members Those with an interest or ability in the fields of medicine or science with an interest in arthroscopy, Knee surgery, and orthopaedic sports medicine shall be eligible. These members are not entitled to vote and not eligible to hold office.
Wale walio na upendeleo au uwezo katika nyanja za tiba au sayansi wakiwa pia na mapendeleo katika athroskopia, upasuaji wa goti na taaluma ya tiba ya mifupa katika michezo wanastahiki.Wanachama kama hawa hawana haki ya kupiga kura na hawastahiki kupewa vyeo vya ofisi.
Active Members Individuals qualified as orthopaedic surgeons, musculoskeletal surgeons, rheumatologists or the equivalent in their home countries and who are in good medical standing in their national or regional association as determined by the membership committee of the ISAKOS.
Watu binafsi waliofuzu kama madaktari wapasuaji wa tiba ya mifupa,madaktari wapasuaji wa misuligofu, madaktari wa baridi yabisi au tiba nyingine linganifu katika nchi zao na wenye hadhi kitiba katika mashirika ya kitaifa au kimaeneo kama ilivyoamuliwa na kamati ya uanachama ya ISAKOS.
AWARDS In order to promote excellence in research and to reward those who have worked for the benefit of the Society, ISAKOS offers a number of awards.
Ili kukuza ubora katika utafiti na kuwatuza wale waliofanya kazi kwa manufaa ya shirika ISAKOS inatoa tuzo kadhaa.
Many of the Awards honour prominent present and past ISAKOS members and past notable doyens of sports surgery while others offer financial support for research, Fellowships and attendance at various ISAKOS sponsored meetings In keeping with the fundamental mission of ISAKOS some preference is given to supporting research and scholarships to individuals from countries where such opportunities may not have otherwise been available. These awards include;
Idadi kubwa ya tuzo hizi hutoa shime kwa wanachama mashuhuri wa sasa na zamaniwa ISAKOS na pia viongozi wakongwe watajika wa taaluma ya upasuaji wa michezo wakati nyingine hutoa misaada ya kifedha kwa utafiti, uanazuoni na mahudhurio katika mikutano iliyodhaminiwa na ISAKOS.
Arthroscopy(also called arthroscopic surgery) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure on a joint in which a treatment or just an examination is performed using an arthroscope,an endoscope that is inserted into the joint through a small incision.
Athroskopia (pia huitwa upasuaji wa kiathroskopia) ni upasuaji usio wa kina kwenye kiungo ambapo matibabu yanatekelezwa kwa matumizi ya kifaa kinachoitwa athroskopi kinachoingizwa kupitia chale ndogo.
Awards John J. Joyce Award - For the best arthroscopy paper Richard B. Caspari Award - For the best upper extremity paper Jan I. Gillquist Scientific Award - For the best scientific research Gary G. Poehling Award Award - For the best elbow, wrist and hand paper Albert Trillat Young Investigator’s Award - For the best young clinical researcher Achilles Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Research Award - For the best Sports Medicine research Paolo Aglietti Award - For the best Knee Arthroplasty research The Patellofemoral Research Excellence Award - For the best Patellofemoral Research Fellowships and Scholarships ISAKOS Global Traveling Fellowship The Patellofemoral Traveling Fellowship International Sports Medicine Fellows Conference Scholarship Teaching Centre Scholarship ISAKOS Clinical Funded Research Session ISAKOS Young Investigator's Scholarship & Research Mentoring Program Applications for these Awards and Scholarships are usually invited a year before the Biennial Congress.
Tuzo ya John J. Joyce- Kwa makala bora zaidi ya athroskopia Tuzo ya Richard B. Caspari- Kwa makala bora zaidi kuhusu mikono Tuzo ya Kisayansi ya Jan I. Gillquist- Kwa utafiti bora zaidi wa kisayansi Tuzo ya Gary G. Poehling- Kwa makala bora zaidi kuhusu kiwiko, kisugudi na mkono Tuzo ya Mchunguzi Mchanga ya Albert Trillat- Kwa mtafiti mchanga wa maswala ya Kikliniki Tuzo ya utafiti katika Taaluma ya Tiba ya mifupa ya Kisigino katika Spoti- Kwa utafiti bora zaidi kuhusu Taaluma ya Tiba katika Spoti Tuzo ya Paolo Aglietti – Kwa utafiti bora zaidi wa Athroplastia ya Goti Tuzo ya utafiti bora kuhusu Fupaja – Kwa utafiti bora zaidi kuhusu Fupaja
Educational Activities The primary focus of ISAKOS is education in the fields of Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery.
Lengo la kimsingi la ISAKOS ni kuelimisha katika nyanja za Taaluma ya Tiba ya Mifupa katika Michezo, Athroskopia na upasuaji wa goti.
It achieves this goal by 4 means; the Biennial ISAKOS Congress, focussed expert consensus meetings resulting in a publication, instructional courses and surgical techniques available on the ISAKOS website and involvement with approval of many other courses with similar educational intent throughout the world.
Shirika linafanikisha lengo hili kwa njia nne: kongamano la kila miaka miwili,mikutano ya mabingwa inayolenga kupata mwafaka fulani na inayoishia kwa chapisho, kozi za mafunzo na mbinu za upasuaji zinazopatikana katika wavuti wa ISAKOS na kujihusisha, baada ya kuidhinishwa,na kozi nyingine zilizo na maudhui sawia kote ulimwenguni.
ISAKOS also allows branding of Fellowship programs and financially supports specific educational Travelling Fellowships.
ISAKOS pia huruhusu kupigwa chapa kwa programu za uanazuoni na pia hutoa msaada wa kifedha kwa uanazuoni tamba mahususi wa kielimu
The Biennial Congress. This is the most important event in the ISAKOS calendar and much activity centres on the planning and organisation of this International Congress.
Hili ndilo tukio muhimu zaidi katika kalenda ya ISAKOS na shughuli nyingi huzungukia mipango na utaratibu wa Kongamano hili la Kimataifa.
In addition, the Congress also includes Instructional Courses on specific topics led by International experts along with Symposia on topics of current interest. In recent years the Congress has expanded to include live surgical demonstrations and ‘Hands on Workshops’. The biennial ISAKOS Congress is considered to be one of the premier international orthopaedic society meetings.
Halikadhalika, Kongamano pia huhusisha kozi za mafunzo kuhusu mada mahususi zinzoongozwa na mabingwa wa Kimataifa pamoja na ikisiri za mada pendwa za masuala leo..
The most recent ISAKOS meeting was held in 2017 in Shanghai, China, and involved over 4000 attendees from 84 countries presenting 256 papers and 753 E-posters. ISAKOS also supports and collaborates on several other meetings throughout the year focusing on knee injuries or other sports related areas of interest. In addition, the Society provides accreditation for numerous other educational courses all over the world.
Katika miaka ya hivi karibuni Kongamano limetanuka na kuhusisha maonyesho ya upasuaji na warsha tendaji.