24 August 2012. ↑ "Kuber Golden Temple". ↑ "Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 2003 - Schedule 2 Prohibited new organisms". New Zealand Government. Retrieved 26 January 2012. ↑ Remembering Duluth's famous mongoose, Mr. Magoo, by Andrew Krueger at the Duluth News Tribune (via; published November 30, 2010; retrieved July 27, 2014 ↑ Yoder, A. D.; Zehr, Sarah; Delefosse, Thomas; Veron, Geraldine; Goodman, Steven M.; Flynn, John J. et al.

Mongoose is the popular English name for 29 of 34[2] species in the 14 genera of the family Herpestidae, which are small carnivorans that are native to southern Eurasia and mainland Africa. The other five species in the family are the four kusimanses in the genus Crossarchus, and the only species in the genus Suricata: Suricata suricatta, commonly called meerkat in English.
Lasun nya éta kelompok sato (34 spésiés) dina kulawarga (taksonomi) Herpestidae, karnivora leutik pituin Eurasia kidul jeung Afrika.

Herpestidae is placed within the suborder Feliformia, together with the cat, hyena, and civet families.
Herpestidae perenahna di jero subordo Feliformia, ngahiji jeung kulawarga ucing, hiéna, jeung careuh.


Yellow mongoose, Cynictis penicillata
24 August 2012. ↑ "Kuber Golden Temple". ↑ "Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 2003 - Schedule 2 Prohibited new organisms". New Zealand Government. Retrieved 26 January 2012. ↑ Remembering Duluth's famous mongoose, Mr. Magoo, by Andrew Krueger at the Duluth News Tribune (via; published November 30, 2010; retrieved July 27, 2014 ↑ Yoder, A. D.; Zehr, Sarah; Delefosse, Thomas; Veron, Geraldine; Goodman, Steven M.; Flynn, John J. et al.

Slow lorises are a group of several species of nocturnal strepsirrhine primates which make up the genus Nycticebus.
Kukang nya éta hiji golongan spésiés primata strepsirrhine nokturnal anu ngabentuk genus Nycticebus.

Found in Southeast Asia and bordering areas, they range from Bangladesh and Northeast India in the west to the Sulu Archipelago in the Philippines in the east, and from Yunnan province in China in the north to the island of Java in the south.
Hirupna sumebar di sabudeureun Asia Tenggara, ti Bangladés jeung India Wétan-ngalér nepi ka Kapuloan Sulu di Pilipina, sarta ti Propinsi Yunnan di Cina nepi ka Jawa.

Although many previous classifications recognized as few as a single all-inclusive species, there are now at least eight that are considered valid: the Sunda slow loris (N. coucang), Bengal slow loris (N. bengalensis), pygmy slow loris (N. pygmaeus), Javan slow loris (N. javanicus), Philippine slow loris (N. menagensis), Bangka slow loris (N. bancanus), Bornean slow loris (N. borneanus), and Kayan River slow loris (N. kayan).
Kiwari, ieu golongan sato kabagi kana dalapan: Kukang Sunda (N. coucang), Kukang Bengali (N. bengalensis), Kukang katé (N. pygmaeus), Kukang Jawa (N. javanicus), Kukang Pilipin (N. menagensis), Kukang Bangka (N. bancanus), Kukang Bornéo (N. borneanus), jeung Kukang Walungan Kayan (N. kayan).

The group's closest relatives are the slender lorises of southern India and Sri Lanka.
Baraya pangdeukeutna nya éta slender lorises of southern India and Sri Lanka.

Loris is the common name for the strepsirrhine primates of the subfamily Lorinae[1] (sometimes spelled Lorisinae[2]) in the family Lorisidae.
Kukang atawa Loris nya éta primata strepsirrhine ti subfamili Lorinae[1] (sakapeung disebut Lorisinae[2]) ti famili Lorisidae.

Loris is one genus in this subfamily and includes the slender lorises, while Nycticebus is the genus containing the slow lorises.
Ieu subfamili ngawengku dua genus, nya éta Loris jeung Nycticebus.

Lorises are nocturnal. They are found in tropical and woodland forests of India, Sri Lanka, and parts of southeast Asia.
Kukang hirupna nokturnal, sumebar di leuweung tropis jeung leuweung kai di India, Sri Langka, jeung sawaréh Asia Tenggara.

Loris locomotion is a slow and cautious climbing form of quadrupedalism.
Ojahna laun, ngarayap dina tatangkalan ku opat sukuna quadrupedalisme.

Some lorises are almost entirely insectivorous, while others also include fruits, gums, leaves, and slugs in their diet.[3]
Aya anu ampir sagemblengna inséktivora, aya ogé anu ngahakan bungbuahan, gum, dangdaunan, jeung kéong.[3]

Female lorises practice infant parking, leaving their infants behind in nests.
Lamun anakan, anakna ditinggalkeun dina sayang.

Before they do this, they bathe their young with allergenic saliva that is acquired by licking patches on the insides of their elbows, which produce a mild toxin that discourages most predators,[3] though orangutans occasionally eat lorises.[4]
Saméméh ditinggalkeun, anakna sok dimandian ku ciduh alergén tina jero sikuna, anu ngahasilkeun toksin anu teu dipikaresep ku prédator,[3] najan kadang angger sok dihakan ku orangutan.[4]

Taxonomic classification

The family Lorisidae is found within the infraorder Lemuriformes and superfamily Lorisoidea, along with the family Galagidae, the galagos.
Famili Lorisidae aya dina infraordo Lemuriformes jeung superfamili Lorisoidea, bareng jeung famili Galagidae.

This infraorder is a sister taxon of Lemuriformes, the lemurs.
Ieu infraordo téh minangka takson baraya Lemuriformes, nya éta bangsa lemur.

Within Lorinae, there are ten species (and several more subspecies) of lorises across two genera:[1]
Dina Lorinae, aya sapuluh spésiés (jeung sababaraha subspésiés) loris dina dua genera:[1]

Family Lorisidae Subfamily Perodicticinae Subfamily Lorinae Genus Loris Gray slender loris, Loris lydekkerianus Highland slender loris, L. lydekkerianus grandis Mysore slender loris, L. lydekkerianus lydekkerianus Malabar slender loris, L. lydekkerianus malabaricus Northern slender loris, L. lydekkerianus nordicus Red slender loris, L. tardigradus Dry Zone slender loris, L. tardigradus tardigradus Horton Plains slender loris, L. tardigradus nyctoceboides Genus Nycticebus Bangka slow loris, Nycticebus bancanus Bengal slow loris, N. bengalensis Bornean slow loris, N. borneanus Sunda slow loris, N. coucang Javan slow loris, N. javanicus Kayan River slow loris, N. kayan Philippine slow loris, N. menagensis †? N. linglom (fossil, Miocene) Pygmy slow loris, N. pygmaeus
Famili Lorisidae Subfamili Perodicticinae Subfamili Lorinae Genus Loris Loris lydekkerianus L. lydekkerianus grandis L. lydekkerianus lydekkerianus L. lydekkerianus malabaricus L. lydekkerianus nordicus L. tardigradus L. tardigradus tardigradus L. tardigradus nyctoceboides Genus Nycticebus Kukang Bangka, Nycticebus bancanus Kukang Bengali, N. bengalensis Kukang Bornéo, N. borneanus Kukang Sunda, N. coucang Kukang Jawa, N. javanicus Kukang Walungan Kayan, N. kayan Kukang Pilipin, N. menagensis N. linglom (fosil, Miosin) Kukang Katé, N. pygmaeus


The Sunda slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) or greater slow loris is a strepsirrhine primate and a species of slow loris native to Indonesia, western Malaysia, southern Thailand and Singapore.
Kukang Sunda (Nycticebus coucang) nya éta primata strepsirrhine jeung spésiés kukang pituin Indonésia, Malaysia kulon, Muangthai kidul, jeung Singapura.

It measures 27 to 38 cm (11 to 15 in) from head to tail and weighs between 599 and 685 g (21.1 and 24.2 oz).
Panjang awakna 27-38 cm ti hulu ka buntut, beuratna 599-685 g.

Like other slow lorises, it has a wet nose (rhinarium), a round head, small ears hidden in thick fur, a flat face, large eyes and a vestigial tail.
Kawas kukang lianna, irungna baseuh (rhinarium), huluna buleud, ceulina leutik nyumput dina bulu anu kandel, beungeut rata, panon gedé bolotot, sarta buntut anu sauted.

The Sunda slow loris is nocturnal and arboreal, typically occurring in evergreen forests. It prefers rainforests with continuous dense canopies and has an extremely low metabolic rate compared to other mammals of its size. Its diet consists of sap, floral nectar, fruit and arthropods.
Kukang Sunda liar peuting (nokturnal) dina tatangkalan (arboreal), hirup di leuweung hujan anu rembet ku tatangkalan.

It will feed on exudates such as gum and sap by licking wounds in trees. The species is generally solitary; one study showed only 8% of its active time was spent near other individuals. Social behavior makes up a very small part of the activity budget, though it has monogamous mating system with the offspring living with the parents.
Kecepatan métabolikna laun pisan, dibanding mamalia lian anu ukuranana sapantar. kadaharanana bungbuahan, artropoda, sarta nyeuseup cai tina tutuwuhan jeung sari kembang.

It sleeps during the day, rolled up in a ball in hidden parts of trees above the ground, often on branches, twigs, palm fronds, or lianas.
Hirupna solitér, jarang pisan ngumpul jeung nu lian.

The species is polyoestrous, usually giving birth to a single offspring after a gestation period of 192 days.
Anakan sakali hiji, keureuneuh salila 192 poé.

The young disperses between 16 and 27 months, generally when it is sexually mature.
Anakna mimiti mandiri sanggeus umur 16-27 bulan, nalika geus sawawa sacara séksual.

The species is listed as "Vulnerable" on the IUCN Red List. It is threatened with extinction due to a growing demand in the exotic pet trade, and has become one of the most abundant primate species on sale at Indonesian pet markets. Its teeth are often pulled out before being sold as pets which can result in infection and/or death, this process makes reintroduction to the wild impossible.
Ieu spésiés kaasup "Vulnerable" dina IUCN Red List, kaancam lastari alatan loba diala pikeun sato ingon, pangpangna di Indonésia.

It also suffers from habitat loss, which has been severe in the areas in which it is found.
Kaancamna téh ogé alatan leungitna habitat.

Taxonomy and phylogeny
Taxonomi jeung filogeni

The Sunda slow loris was first described (in part) in 1785 by the Dutch physician and naturalist Pieter Boddaert under the name Tardigradus coucang.[10][11] However, its discovery dates to 1770, when the Dutchman Arnout Vosmaer (1720–1799) described a specimen of it as a type of sloth. Vosmaer gave it the French name "le paresseux pentadactyle du Bengale" ("the five-fingered sloth of Bengal"), but Boddaert later argued that it was more closely aligned with the lorises of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and Bengal.[12]
Kukang Sunda munggaran dipedar dina literatur Kulon taun 1785 ku dokter & naturalis Walanda Pieter Boddaert, diaranan Tardigradus coucang.[10][11] Saméméhna, Arnout Vosmaer (1720–1799) taun 1770 ngalaporkeun hiji spésimén anu disebut 'kungkang lima ramo ti Bengali', tapi kadieunakeun Boddaert boga pamanggih yén ieu sato leuwih deukeut ka kukang di Sri Langka jeung Bengali.[12]

Anatomy and physiology
Anatomi jeung fisiolog

The Sunda slow loris has dark rings around its large eyes,[28] a white nose with a whitish strip that extends to the forehead and a dark stripe that stretches from the back of the head along the spine.[29][30] Its soft, thick, woolly fur ranges from light brown to deep reddish brown, with a lighter underside.[8][30] The species is distinct from the Bengal slow loris due to the dark inverse teardrop markings around the eyes which meet the dark dorsal stripe on the back of the head.[31] It tends to have a much more distinct white stripe between the eyes, more distinct dark coloring around the eyes, and a browner coat than the Bengal slow loris which is larger, grayer, and shows less contrast.[31] The Sunda slow loris has less white facial coloring than the much smaller pygmy slow loris.[31] Local color variations are known to occur.[8]
Kukang Sunda boga polet poek ngurilingan panonna,[28] a white nose with a whitish strip that extends to the forehead and a dark stripe that stretches from the back of the head along the spine.[29][30] Its soft, thick, woolly fur ranges from light brown to deep reddish brown, with a lighter underside.[8][30] The species is distinct from the Bengal slow loris due to the dark inverse teardrop markings around the eyes which meet the dark dorsal stripe on the back of the head.[31] It tends to have a much more distinct white stripe between the eyes, more distinct dark coloring around the eyes, and a browner coat than the Bengal slow loris which is larger, grayer, and shows less contrast.[31] The Sunda slow loris has less white facial coloring than the much smaller pygmy slow loris.[31] Local color variations are known to occur.[8]

Douglas de Araujo Smigly (Portuguese pronunciation: [ dˈoglaʃ' dʒi ɐɾɐˈuʒu ˈɕmiɡlj]; born 7 January 1998) is a Brazilian mathematician.
Douglas de Araujo Smigly (7 Januari 1998) nyaéta saurang ahli matematika Brasil.

Known for his contributions to the algebra and numeric sequences, describing sequences like (sequence A274085 in the OEIS) [1], he currently is a graduate student at Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of Universidade de São Paulo.[2][3]
Dipikanyaho keur kontribusi ka nu aljabar jeung numerik urutan, ngajéntrékeun urutan jiga (runtuyan A274085 di OEIS), manéhna saurang murid lulusan Ayeuna di Institute of Matematika sarta Statistik Universitas São Paulo.[2][3]

The Treaty of Granada was signed and ratified on November 25, 1491 between Boabdil, the sultan of Granada, and Ferdinand and Isabella, the King and Queen of Castile, León, Aragon and Sicily.
Perjangjian Granada nya éta perjangjian titimangsa 25 Nopémber 1491 antara Boabdil, Sultan Granada, jeung Ferdinand jeung Isabella, Raja jeung Ratu Kastile, Léon, Aragon, jeung Sisili.

It ended the Granada War which had started in 1482, culminating in the siege and battle of Granada beginning in spring 1491.
Ieu perjangjian téh mungkas Perang Granada anu lumangsung ti taun 1482.

Also known as the Capitulation of Granada, the treaty provided a short truce, followed by the relinquishment in January 1492 of the sovereignty of the Moorish Emirate of Granada (founded five centuries earlier) to the Catholic monarchs of Spain.[1] The treaty guaranteed a set of rights to the Moors, including religious tolerance and fair treatment in return for their surrender and capitulation.
Dumasar kana ieu perjangjian, Kaamiran Granada anu umurna geus lima abad dipasrahkeun ka Karajaan Katolik Spanyol.[1] Ieu perjangjian ngajamin sababaraha hak Muslim, kaasup toleransi jeung perlakuan adil.

The Catholics' subsequent policy inviting the Moors to either convert or be expelled triggered an uprising by the Moors in 1500, and the Catholic side used this uprising to argue that the Moors had violated the Treaty and justify revoking its provisions. See Morisco rebellions in Granada.
Jaminan ieu henteu lana, Katolik mutuskeun kelompok Muslim kudu murtad asup Katolik atawa diusir. Ngalawanna kelompok Muslim kana ieu kaputusan dijadikeun alesan ku pihak Katolik pikeun nuduh yén pihak Muslim ngarumpak perjangjian.

Treaty articles
Eusi perjangjian

The capitulation of 1492 contained sixty-seven articles among which were the following:
Kapitulasi 1492 ngabéréndélkeun 67 pasal, di antarana:

Implementation and breakdown

Forced conversions under Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros were seen as violations of the treaty and the main reason for the later rebellions by the Muslim population.
Pamaksaan pindah agama ku Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros ngabalukarkeun baruntakna populasi Muslim.

Painting by Edwin Long
Lukisan karya Edwin Long


Oxyeleotris marmorata Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)[1] Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes Family: Eleotridae Genus: Oxyeleotris Species: O. marmorata Binomial name Oxyeleotris marmorata (Bleeker, 1852) Synonyms Eleotris marmorata Bleeker, 1852 Bostrichthys marmoratus (Bleeker, 1852) Gigantogobius jordani Fowler, 1905 Callieleotris platycephalus Fowler, 1934

The marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata) is a widely distributed species of sleeper goby native to fresh and brackish waters of the Mekong and Chao Praya basins, as well as rivers and other water bodies in Thailand (where it is called ปลาบู่), Malaysia, Singapore, Indochina, the Philippines, and Indonesia. It is probably the largest gobioid fish, reaching a length of 65 cm (26 in), though most do not exceed 30 cm (12 in).[2]
Boboso (Oxyeleotris marmorata), hiji spesies lauk darat anu sumebar di Asia Tenggara. Anu badag, panjangna bisa nepi ka 65 cm (26 in), najan lolobana mah teu leuwih ti 30 cm (12 in).[2]