Ádahooníłígíí (Athabaskan pronunciation: [átàhòːníɬíkíː] Navajo: "occurrences in the area/current events"[2]) was a Navajo-language monthly newspaper that was published in the Southwestern United States from 1943 to 1957.[3] After the Cherokee Phoenix, operating from 1828 to 1834, it was the second regularly circulating newspaper in the United States that was written in a Native American language.
Ádahooníłígíí (anarâškielân Kuávlu tábáhtusah[1]) lâi maailm vuossâmuš navajokielâg aavis, mii almostui ohtii máánust Ovtâstum staatâi maadâviestârist iivij 1943–1944 já 1946–1957.[2] Aavisist lijjii uđđâseh, almottâsah já eres äigikyevdilis saavah, moh kuoskii navajoid.
It was the first newspaper to be published in Navajo[4] and the only one to have been written entirely in Navajo.[5][6] In April 2019, roughly 100 issues of the newspaper were digitized as a part of the University of Arizona Library's National Digital Newspaper Program and they are currently available online.[7]
Kielâtotkeekyevtis — navajo William Morgan, Sr. já ij-navajo Robert W. Young — toimâttáin aavis maaŋgâid iivijd oovtâst. Cuáŋuimáánust 2019 Arizona ollâopâttuv kirjerááju skannai puoh 103 numerijd já piejui täid almosin neetin, kost toh láá puohâi luuhâmnáálá nuuvtá.
External links
Fáádást eres soojijn
Ádahooníłígíí on the Arizona Memory Project
Ádahooníłígíí netist Ádahooníłígíí Internet-arkkâduvvâst (103 numerid)
Ádahooníłígíí was published by the Navajo Agency of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Window Rock, Arizona, from 1943 to 1957 and contributed to the standardization of Navajo orthography as it was widely distributed.[8] Until that time, the only widely available texts intended for a Navajo audience had been religious publications and parts of Diyin God Bizaad (a Navajo translation of the Bible).[5] Its first issue was published in August 1943.
Ton maŋa aavis almostui vistig vittii ovdilgo tot nuuvâi koskâpuddâsávt uđđâivemáánust 1944 tondiet ko nubbe maailmsuáđi ääigi Young seervâi Ovtâstum staatâi merâjyelgiviehân já varrij Window Rockist Phoenixân.[1] Tobbeen sun poorgâi nk. Koodisárnooh-projektist, mast navajokielâ kevttui syelikielân Kuálhismeerâ suátitoimâkuávlust. Suáđi nuuhâm maŋa Young maacâi Window Rockân já toimâtškuođij aavis vuot.
The paper was edited by Robert W. Young and William Morgan, Sr.
Veikkâ suáti nuuvâi jo čohčâmáánu 2. peeivi 1945, esken skammâmáánust 1946 aavis almostuuškuođij oppeet.[2][3] Suáđi maŋa Ádahooníłígíí vijđedui já toos pottii eŋgâlâskielâg koveteevstah.[2] Aavis almostui tääl mestâ njuolgâduslávt ive 1950 räi. Ive 1951 Young vuolgij toimâttâsâst já Morgan tooimâi mottoom ääigi uáivitoimâtteijen tassaažân R. Ethelyn Miller seervâi toimâttâsân.[4] Miller ij kuittâg pissoom kuhháá já jo ive 1952 aalgâst Leon Wallist šoodâi uáivitoimâtteijen.[4] Wall ääigi aavis almostui oppeet njuolgâduslávt suulân 4 ive. Ive 1956 cuáŋuimáánu numerist Wall almottij, ete sun looppât aavispargo, ko sust šadda Chilocco indianij eennâmtuáluškoovlâ rehtorin.[5] Ko Wall talle vuolgij, suu sajan poođij aavis majemuš uáivitoimâtteijee Edward Mays.
(Navajo), who had collaborated on The Navajo Language, the standard dictionary used until the present day.[9]
Čohčâmáánu 1956 rääjist aavis almostui jyehi nube máánu tassaaš ko ton almostittem nuuhâi lopâlávt vyesimáánust 1957. Muádi ive maŋeláá eŋgâlâskielâg Navajo Times vuáđudui.
Apollo 7 (October 11 – 22, 1968) was the first crewed flight in NASA's Apollo program, and saw the resumption of human spaceflight by the agency after the fire that killed the three Apollo 1 astronauts during a launch rehearsal test on January 27, 1967.
Apollo 7 (roovvâdmáánu 11 – 22. peeivi 1968) lâi vuossâmuš almaidittum mánudâškirdem NASA Apollo-ohjelmist. Taat kirdem piejâi uđđâsist joton kirdemohjelm, mii koskâldittui 21 mánuppajan Apollo 1:ii luhottesvuođâ keežild. Taan luhottesvuođâst uđđivemáánu 27. peeivi 1967 jammii kulmâ astronaut rakkeet vyelgimtestaamij ohtâvuođâst.
The Apollo 7 crew was commanded by Walter M. Schirra, with command module pilot Donn F. Eisele and lunar module pilot R. Walter Cunningham (so designated even though Apollo 7 did not carry a Lunar Module).
Kommandmooduul kirden lâi Donn F. Eisele. Mánudâšmooduul kirden tooimâi R. Walter ("Walt") Cunningham. Missio kontroljuávhu stivrejii kirdemjođetteijeeh Glynn Lunney, Gene Kranz já Gerry Griffin.
The three astronauts were originally designated for the second crewed Apollo flight, and then as backups for Apollo 1.
Schirra, Eisele já Cunningham lijjii suunâttâllum nube almaidittum mánudâškirdem váldujuávkkun, já sij toimii Apollo 1:ii värijuávkkun.
After the Apollo 1 fire, crewed flights were suspended while the cause of the accident was investigated and improvements made to the spacecraft and safety procedures, and uncrewed test flights made.
Taan juávhust algâalgâlávt Eisele lâi jurdâččum Apollo 1:ii juávkun Roger Schaffee sajan, mut taah kyevtis lonottáin saje, tastko Eisele lâi lammim uálgátuáivis já tarbâšij čuopâdâs.
Determined to prevent a repetition of the fire, the crew spent long periods monitoring the construction of their Apollo command and service modules (CSM).
Apollo 7 kirdeeh testajii ehidist siämmáá mooduul ko main Apollo 1:ii kirdeeh parttâšuvvii iđedist.
Training continued over much of the 21-month pause that followed the Apollo 1 disaster.
Áinoo iäruttâssân lâi tot, et sist rakkeet uksâ ij lam kiddejum tego čuávuváá iiđeed.
Despite tension between the crew and ground controllers, the mission was a complete technical success, giving NASA the confidence to send Apollo 8 into orbit around the Moon two months later. In part because of these tensions, none of the crew flew in space again, though Schirra had already announced he would retire from NASA after the flight. Apollo 7 fulfilled Apollo 1's mission of testing the CSM in low Earth orbit, and was a significant step towards NASA's goal of landing astronauts on the Moon.
Apollo 7 paččui komovuotân roovvâdmáánu 11. peeivi 1968 Cape Canaveralist Floridast pääččimvuáláást 34, já tot maasâi Enâmân Atlant väldimeerân 11 peivid maŋeláá.
Archived from the original (PDF) on May 1, 2019. ↑ Orloff & Harland 2006, pp. 171–172. ↑ Cunningham 2003, pp. 115–116. ↑ Eisele 2017, p. 38. ↑ Eisele 2017, pp. 35–39. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Jones, Tom (October 2018). "The Flight (and Fights) of Apollo 7".
Käldeeh Jurgâlus Taat artikkâl teikkâ uási tast lii jurgâlum teikkâ toos láá uccum tiäđuh ereskielâlâš Wikipedia artikkâlist. Algâalgâliih artikkâleh: sl:Robert Golob & en:Robert Golob
Robert Golob (born 23 January 1967)[2] is a Slovenian businessman and politician, serving as Prime Minister of Slovenia and leader of the Freedom Movement since 2022.[2]
Robert Golob (š. uđđâivemáánu 23. peeivi 1967 Šempeter pri Gorici, Jugoslavia)[1][2] lii slovenialâš šleđgâinsner, finnodâholmooš já politikkár, kii lii toimâm Slovenia uáiviministerin kesimáánu 1. peeivi 2022 rääjist.[3]
Early life and education
Golob obtained his PhD in electrical engineering at the University of Ljubljana in 1994. After his studies, he was a post-doctoral Fulbright scholar in the United States at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.[4][5]
Robert Golob šoodâi uđđâivemáánu 23. peeivi 1967 Šempeter pri Goricist, Jugoslaviast.[1] Sun luuvâi šleđgâtekniik Ljubljana ollâopâttuvvâst, mast sun valmâštui ive 1989.[1][2] Tast maŋa sun valmâštui maisterin ive 1992 já nágáttâlâi tuáhtárin ive 1994.[1][2] Nágáttâllâm maŋa sun varrij Atlantan, Georgian Ovtâstum staatáid kolliistâllee Fulbright-totken Georgia teknisâš ollâškoovlâst.[2]
Business career
Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska performing in 2017
Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska ive 2017
Adjágas on stage in 2012
Adjágas ive 2012
In 2017, Gaup Beaska took part in the Norwegian TV series Muitte mu — Husk meg.[1] On the show, she had to teach and coach the Swedish-Norwegian singer and winner of the 1985 Eurovision contest Elisabeth Andreassen to yoik.[2]
Ive 2017 Gaup Beaska uásálistij taažâ TV-rááiđun Muitte mu — Husk meg.[1] Ohjelmist sun ferttij rađđiđ já máttááttiđ ruátálâš-taažâ lávloo já ive 1985 Euroviisuh-lávlumkišto vyeittee Elisabeth Andreassen maht juoigâđ.[7]
Awards and recognitions
In 2002, Gaup was chosen to be Riddu Riđđu's Young Artist of the Year.[1] In conjunction with the 2018 Sámi Grand Prix, she was awarded the Áillohaš Music Award.[2][3]
Ive 2002 Gaup väljejui Riddu Riđu ive nuorâ taidârin.[1] Pessijâšlávurduv 2018 sun vuoitij Áillohaš-muusikpalhâšume.[2][3]
Compilation albums
Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska and Steinar Raknes performing together as Arvvas in 2017
Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska já Arvvas-juávkku ive 2017
2003 – Sámi Grand Prix 2003, with the song Meahcce sykkel together with Jakumbé 2004 – Sámi Grand Prix 2004, with the song Lena Sunná 2017 – Music Without Borders, with the songs Nordafjells / Liti Kjersti and Guds Godhet
2003 – Sámi Grand Prix 2003, pittáin Meahcce sykkel oovtâst Jakumbéin 2004 – Sámi Grand Prix 2004, pittáin Lena Sunná 2017 – Music Without Borders, pitáiguin Nordafjells / Liti Kjersti já Guds Godhet
On other albums
Eres skiäruh
2003 – Voices of Ice, 3 songs[1]
2003 – Voices of Ice, 3 pittáin[1]
↑ "Din dag" [Your day].
1 2 Adjágas NRK Kultur.
Finnmark Dagblad (in Norwegian).
March 21, 1990. p. 4. Retrieved May 28, 2022. 1 2 Riddu sessions.
Čujottum 9.4.2022. (tárukielân) 1 2 Riddu sessions.
Čujottum 5.4.2021 (orjâlâškielân) ↑ Anti, Kila (March 4, 2015). "Arvilis Arvvas". Ávvir (in Northern Sámi).
Čujottum 5.4.2021 (orjâlâškielân) ↑ Gaup, Ovvla.
Retrieved April 9, 2022.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link) ↑ Gaup, Ovvla (2015-12-11).
Gilvaleaba ođđa musihkain Italias.
"Gilvaleaba ođđa musihkain Italias".
Ávvir (in Northern Sami).
Retrieved 2022-05-28. ↑ "Gaup, Ánte Mikkel".
Čujottum 5.4.2021 (orjâlâškielân) ↑ Gaup, Ánte Mikkel.
FolkOrg (in Northern Sami).
Retrieved 2022-05-28. ↑ Pulk, Åse (2014-10-31).
Čujottum 5.4.2021 (orjâlâškielân) ↑ Pulk, Åse.
"Oppløser Adjágas etter ti år".
Oppløser Adjágas etter ti år.
NRK (in Norwegian Bokmål).
NRK Sápmi.
Retrieved 2022-05-28. ↑ Paltto, Aslak; Torikka, Xia (2014-11-07).
"Adjágas-joavku heaitá – Sara Marielle Gaup Beaskas ođđa joavku".
Čujottum 5.4.2021 (tárukielân) ↑ Paltto, Aslak já Torikka, Xia.
Sápmi (in Northern Sami). Retrieved 2022-05-28. ↑ Hætta, Wenche Marie já Skum, Heaika Nilsen. Måtte bløffe til ektemannen.
Adjágas-joavku heaitá – Sara Marielle Gaup Beaskas ođđa joavku.
NRK Sápmi.
Yle Säämi.
Čujottum 5.4.2021 (tárukielân) ↑ Hætta, Wenche Marie (2017-01-13).
Čujottum 5.4.2021 (orjâlâškielân) 1 2 Hætta, Wenche Marie já Skum, Heaika Nilsen.