1 2 3 4 5 6 "Layal Abboud". insight-egypt.com. Insight Publishing House Limited, UK. Retrieved 24 August 2017. ↑ "Layal Abboud: The unworthy recipient of a cultural award". now.mmedia.me.
1 2 3 4 5 6 ↑ ↑ 1 2 "ليال عبود layal abboud". asraroki.com/.

The NOW team.

Retrieved 23 August 2017. ↑ "ليال عبود - Layal Abboud". معلومات السيرة الذاتية، قصة حياة المشاهير. knopedia.com.
Retrieved 24 August 2017. ↑ "The official lebanese Top 20 - Layal Abboud".

Retrieved 23 August 2017. 1 2 "ليال عبود layal abboud". asraroki.com/. Asraroki.
The official lebanese Top 20. ↑ "layale abboud". alfananine.com.

Retrieved 24 August 2017. ↑ "The official lebanese Top 20 - Layal Abboud".
Syndicate Of Professional Artists In Lebanon.

The official lebanese Top 20. ↑ "layale abboud". alfananine.com.
Retrieved 24 August 2017. ↑ "Al Kahera Wal Nas". youtube.com.

Syndicate Of Professional Artists In Lebanon.
You Tube.

Retrieved 24 August 2017. ↑ "Al Kahera Wal Nas". youtube.com. You Tube. 15 June 2017. ↑ "ليال عبود:وضع مسدساً في رأسي ولولا العناية الإلهية لما خرجتُ سالمة - ليالينا". ليالينا (in Arabic).
15 June 2017. ↑ "ليال عبود:وضع مسدساً في رأسي ولولا العناية الإلهية لما خرجتُ سالمة - ليالينا". ليالينا (in Arabic).

Layal Abboud (Arabic: ليال عبود‎‎:pronounced [layāl ʿab'boud]; born 15 May 1982) is a Lebanese pop singer, folk music entertainer, sound-lyric poet, concert dancer, fit model, Muslim humanitarian and businesswoman.[1][2][3]
Layal Abboud (Arabic: ليال عبود‎‎:pronounced [layāl ʿab'boud]; nato il 15 maggio 1982) è un cantante pop del Libano, intrattenitore di musica folk, poeta suono lirico, ballerino di concerti, modello di forma, musulmano umanitario e imprenditrice.[1][2][3]



Lu capiri

The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music (German: Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik) is an 1872 work of dramatic theory by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. It was reissued in 1886 as The Birth of Tragedy, Or: Hellenism and Pessimism (German: Die Geburt der Tragödie, Oder: Griechentum und Pessimismus). The later edition contained a prefatory essay, "An Attempt at Self-Criticism", wherein Nietzsche commented on this earliest book.
La Nàscita dâ Traggèdia dû Spiritu dâ Musica (Tudiscu: Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik) eni na opira dû 1872 dû filòsufu tudiscu Friedrich Nietzsche.

The book
Lu libbru

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