Layal Abboud (Arabic: ليال عبود‎‎:pronounced [layāl ʿab'boud]; born 15 May 1982) is a Lebanese pop singer, folk music entertainer, sound-lyric poet, concert dancer, fit model, Muslim humanitarian and businesswoman.[1][2][3]
Layal Abboud (Arabic: ليال عبود‎‎:pronounced [layāl ʿab'boud]; geboren am 15. Mai 1982) ist ein libanesischer Pop-Sänger, Volksmusik-Entertainer, Sound-Lyriker, Konzerttänzer, Fit-Modell, muslimische humanitäre und geschäftsfrau.[1][2][3]

Layal Abboud
Laial Abboud

Edirne (US: /eɪˈdɪərnə, ɛˈ-/,[2][3] Turkish: [eˈdiɾne]), historically known as Adrianople (/ˌeɪdriəˈnoʊpəl/; Latin: Hadrianopolis; founded by the Roman emperor Hadrian on the site of a previous Thracian settlement named Uskudama),[4] is a city in the northwestern Turkish province of Edirne in the region of East Thrace, close to Turkey's borders with Greece and Bulgaria.
D Edirne, geeschend known as Adrianobel (Latin: Hadrianopolis; gegrundedd by the Romansch kaizer Hadrian on the site of a previous Thracian settlement named Uskudama),[3] is a stadt an der nordwest Tierkische provinz Edirne an der region of Oschd Thrace, close to Tirerkei grenze mit Grieschelond un de Bulgarien.

Edirne served as the third capital city of the Ottoman Empire from 1369 to 1453,[5] before Constantinople (present-day Istanbul) became the empire's fourth and final capital between 1453 and 1922.
Edirne diende als the third hauptschdadt schdadt an der Osmanisches Reich vun 1369 to 1453,[4] before Constantinobbel (das heudigge Istanbul) became the raisch's fourth un de final hauptschdadt between 1453 un 1922.

The city's estimated population in 2014 was 165,979.
D schdadt estimatat oiwohnazahl in 2014 war 165,979.





Further reading
Fer zum nooleese

External links