Sportradar AG is a multinational corporation with headquarters in St. Gallen, Switzerland, that collects and analyzes sports data.
Sportradar AG er et multinasjonalt selskap med hovedkontor i Sankt Gallen, Sveits, som samler og analyserer sports data.

Sportradar provides services to bookmakers, national football associations and international sports associations such as UEFA[1] and IOC.[2] As of January 2016, the company has 35 offices in 24 countries around the world including Trondheim, London and Ljubljana.
Sportradar leverr tjenester til medie- og spillbransjen, samt nasjonale og internasjonale sportforbund som UEFA[1] og IOC.[2] I januar 2016 hadde selskapet 35 kontor i 24 land, inkludert Trondheim, London og Ljubljana.

Sportradar's products includes lives results and statistics and white-label sports content solutions.
Sportradars produktportefølje inkluderer resultat- og statistikktjenester, samt skreddersydde innholdsløsninger.

Through the brand Betradar, Sportradar operates a suite of tools for bookmakers, including in-game and pre-match odds suggestions, resulting, market monitoring and trading services.
Under merkenavnet Betradar leverer Sportradar oddsforslag og andre tjenester for spillselskap og statslotteri.

Through the US subsidiary, Sportradar US, Sportradar is the official data provider of the US sports federations NFL, NHL and NASCAR.
Gjennom det amerikanske datterselskapet, Sportradar US, er Sportradar offisiell leverandør for NFL, NHL og NASCAR.

At the end of 2015 Sportradar renewed the partnership with the International Tennis Federation as their official data collection service partner.[3]
Ved utgangen av 2015 fornyet Sportradar partnerskapet med International Tennis Federation.[3]

Since 2005, the company has had a partnership with German Football Association to detect fraud and match fixing.[4] This system was later developed and launched as Fraud Detection System.[1] In addition to detection of fraud, Sportradar organizes integrity workshops together with federations such as Major League Soccer,[5] Serie A[6] and International Ice Hockey Federation.[7] These workshops teach clubs and players about how the betting market works, the different forms of match fixing and how match manipulation is detected.[8]
Siden 2005, har Sportradar samarbeidet med det tyske fotballforbundet om avsløring av kampfiksing.[4] Systemet ble senere lansert som Fraud Detection System.[1] I tillegg til å avdekke kampfiksing arrangerer også Sportradar idéverksted med forbund som Major League Soccer,[5] Serie A[6] and International Ice Hockey Federation.[7] Disse arbeidsseminarene lærer forbund og klubber hvordan kampfiksing påvirker sporten og hvordan kampfiksing blir avslørt.[8]


Sportradar started as Market Monitor, which was founded in 2000 in Trondheim, Norway, by Petter Fornæss and Tore Steinkjer.[9] Market Monitor provided services for online bookmakers based on crawler technology developed as part of a thesis at Norwegian University of Science and Technology.[9] Market Monitor together with Austrian and German partners, created the product in 2001. provides a set of reporting and monitoring tools for the online betting markets.
Sportradar startet som trønderske Market Monitor AS, grunnlagt i år 2000 av Petter Fornæss og Tore Steinkjer.[9] Selskapet leverte verktøy til spillbransjen basert på teknologi utviklet som en del av en masteroppgave ved NTNU.[9] Carsten Koerl ble investor og majoritetseier kort tid etter selskapet ble grunnlagt.[10] Sportradar AG ble grunnlagt i 2007 av Petter Fornæss, Ivar Arnesen og Carsten Koerl.

Carsten Koerl joined Market Monitor as a major investor, obtaining 51% of the shares.[10] In 2007, Sportradar AG was founded by the owners of Market Monitor and served as a parent company for the various companies in the group.
Dette selskapet overtok eierskapet av Market Monitor og andre selskap Market Monitor samarbeidet med.

Market Monitor was renamed to Sportradar AS and became a subsidiary of Sportradar AG.[11]
Market Monitor ble omdøpt til Sportradar AS.[11]

In 2012, Sportradar acquired the Slovenian development company Klika.[12] Later the same year EQT acquired a minority stake by investing 44 million Euro in the company.[13] Sportradar's expansions continued in 2013, with Sportradar became the majority shareholder of Usk-based Sportstat. Sportstat was the official data collection partner of[14] In 2013 Sportradar also advanced into the US market by acquiring SportsData (now Sportradar US).[15]
I 2012 ble EQT minoritetsaksjonær som en del av en investering på 44 millioner euro.[13] I 2013 gikk Sportradar inn i det amerikanske markedet gjennom oppkjøpet av SportsData (nå Sportradar US).[15]

EQT reinvested in Sportradar in 2014 by EQT's flagship fund buying the shares of EQT's Capital Expansion II.[13]
I 2014 investerte EQT videre i Sportradar ved å flytte eiserkapet fra EQT II til EQT VI.[13]

In 2015, Sportradar obtained exclusive distribution rights for NASCAR, NFL and NHL.
I 2015 fikk Sportradar offisielle rettigheter til eksklusive data fra NASCAR, NFL og NHL.

The same year, Sportradar attracted investments from Michael Jordan and Mark Cuban led by Revolution LLC.[16] National Football League also acquired equity in Sportradar US as part of the partnership.
Samme året valgte Michael Jordan og Mark Cuban lå investere i selskapet.[16] NFL kjøpte seg også inn i eierskapet av Sportradar US.

A modular connector plug (6P6C) and socket (6P4C).
Modular støpsel RJ12 (6P6C) og Modularkontakten RJ11 (6P4C).

A telephone plug is a type of connector used to connect a telephone set to the telephone wiring inside a building, establishing a connection to a telephone network.
Et telefonstøpsel er en type støpsel eller plugg som benyttes for å koble en telefon til bygningens ledningsnett for telefoni. Telefonen vil normalt bli tilkoblet det offentlige telenettet, eller et bedriftsinternt telefonsystem.

It is inserted into its counterpart, a telephone jack, commonly affixed to a wall or baseboard.
Telefonståpselets motstykke telefonstikkontakten er normalt festet til en vegg.

The standard for telephone plugs varies from country to country, though the RJ11 modular connector has become by far the most common.
Standard utførelse på disse kontaktene variere fra land til land, det finnes ofte gamle og nye standarder om hverandre. Modularkontakten RJ11 er den mest vanelige intenasjonalt, i Norge benyttes RJ-45

A connection standard, such as RJ11, specifies not only the physical aspects of an electrical connector, but also the pinout, i.e. the assignment or function of each contact.[1] Modular connectors are specified for the registered jack (RJ) series of connectors, as well as for Ethernet and other connectors, such as 4P4C (4 position, 4 contacts) modular connectors, the de facto standard on handset cords,[2] often improperly[3][4] referred to as RJ connectors.
En standard som RJ11 og andre RJ utførelser spesifiserer både fysisk utførelse og bruk av de ulike kontaktepunktene til denkelte kontakt.Dette er beskrevet i standarder kjent som: registered jack (RJ) seriene av kontakter, og omfatter både tele og data.De ulike kontaktene blir ofte beskrevet uprist som RJ-kontakter. Enkelte firmaer benytter slike kontakter ut over standarene, og det har også blitt benyttet bedriftsinterne standarder.


Historically telephones were typically owned by the telephone company and were usually permanently wired to the telephone line.
Opprinnelig ble telefonene eid av telefonselskapene.

However, for many installations it was necessary or convenient to provide mobile telephone sets that could be moved to a different location within the customer's premises.
(Det har vært mange private selskaper også i Norge), Uansett ble behovet for å kunne flytte telefonen rundt i huset slik at telefonstikkontakter ble vanelig.

For this purpose telephone companies developed jacks and plugs with a varying number of contacts.
I mange år var kontakter med 3 hull vanelig.

Before 1930 concentric connectors with three contacts were sufficient.
(6 hull i områder med manuell sentral)

The most common connector type in the Bell System in the United States was developed by 1930.
Den vanligste kontakten i Norge var med 3 hull som dannet et mønster av en likebent trekant med spissen ned.

It was a cube-shaped four-prong connector type (No. 238) with uneven prong spacings to prevent improper insertion of the plug into the jack (type 404).
Denne typen kontakt ble brukt i flere land, deriblant Finland. For manuelle systemer ble det benyttet en rektangulær kontakt med 6 hull plassert slik at støpselet passet kun en vei.

This type was redesigned as a round version (No. 505A) in the mid 1960s.
På begynnelsen av 1980-tallet ble modularkontakten introdusert.

The four-prong connector type was used for several decades until it was superseded by the modular connector in the 1970s.
I Norge ble det valgt å benytte RJ-45 som er bredere enn RJ-11 som ble vanlig i veldig mange land.

Many countries initially used different specifications for connectors, and some national connector types remain in service, but few are used for new installations for which modular connector types are prescribed.
Eldre kontakter blir normalt ikke montert lenger, men man kan finne slike i bruk fortsatt. Ofte med adaptere til dagens norske eller amerikanske standard.


Bell system line cord with a 505A type plug as used in the mid-1960s The front of a US four-pronged telephone jack, 1964 The back of a US four-pronged telephone jack, 1964
[[File:Telephone plugs Norway.jpg|thumb|Telephone plugs Norway]]

The installation of a conventional wired telephone set has four connection points, each of which may be hardwired, but more often use a plug and socket:
Installeringen av en telefon skjer normalt med to ledere som kan kobles direkte , men vanligvis forbindes telefonen med ståpsel og stikkontakt.

telephone line to phone cord: The wall jack. This connection is the most standardized, and often regulated as the boundary between an individual's telephone and the telephone network.
I moderne installasjoner er skillet melom teleselskapets kabel og huseiers installasjon i første koblingsboks eller stikkontakt i huset.

In many residences, though, the boundary between utility-owned and household-owned cabling is a network interface on an outside wall; all wall jacks in the home are part of the household's internal wiring. telephone cord to telephone set base: This connection is generally not regulated, but instead follows de facto standards.
Intern kabling i huset er regulert i mindre grad en hva som gjelder sterkstrøm, og huseier har lov til å legge/montere telefonledninger og stikkontakter for telefon på egenhånd.

It is often a 6P4C connector, which is often RJ11, but may be proprietary or hardwired. telephone set base to handset cord: By de facto standard, this is usually a 4P4C connector. handset cord to handset: The handset end of the straight-through handset cord also uses a 4P4C connector.
Telefonrøret er normalt forbundet med telefonen med 4P4C kontakter i begge ender av ledningen, uten regulert standard.

List of telephone connectors used in various countries and territories
Oversikt over enkelte telefonkontakter benyttet i ulike land.

This list covers only single line telephone plugs commonly used in homes and other small installations; there are 44 different variations of plugs, including an Israeli version of BS6312 with different internal wiring of the pins, plus hard wiring to a junction box with no adapter.
Denne oversikten inneholder standarder normalt benyttet i husholdninger; det er 44 ulike varianter inkludert en Israelsk versjon av Britisk standard med ulik bruk av kontaktpunktene.

Special telephone sets use a variety of special plugs, for example micro ribbon for key telephone systems.
Det benyttes i tillegg mange andre løsninger. Listen er hentet fra engelsk wikipedia.

Place Plug types Albania 6P2C Algeria F-010 Argentina 6P2C Australia 610, 6P2C Austria TDO Barbados 6P2C Belarus 6P2C, Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) [Note 1] Belgium Tetrapolar plug, 6P2C Bolivia 6P2C Bosnia 6P2C, 3-pin plug used in countries of former Yugoslavia [Note 1] Botswana BS 6312 Brazil Telebrás plug, 6P2C Brunei 6P2C Bulgaria 6P2C, Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) [Note 1] Canada 6P2C Cayman Islands 6P2C Chile 6P2C China Mainland 6P2C Colombia 6P2C, 2-pin national standard[5] Costa Rica 6P2C Croatia 6P2C, 3-pin plug used in countries of former Yugoslavia [Note 1] Cyprus BS 6312, 6P2C[Note 2] Czech Republic 6P2C, 4-pin national plug [Note 1] Denmark 3-prong national standard, 6P2C [Note 3] Dominican Republic 6P2C Ecuador 6P2C Egypt 6P2C[Note 4] Estonia 6P2C, Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) [Note 1] Faroe Islands 6P2C Finland 6P2C, 3-prong national standard [Note 1] France F-010, 8P8C [Note 5][Note 3] (since 2003) Germany TAE, 8P8C [Note 5][Note 6] Gibraltar BS 6312 Greece 6P2C,[Note 7] Bipolar plug in older installations Hong Kong 6P2C, [Note 3] BS 6312 Hungary 6P2C Iceland 6P2C, SS 455 15 50 [Note 1] India 6P2C Indonesia 6P2C Iran 6P2C Ireland 6P2C, 8P8C, [Note 5][Note 8] Israel BS 6312 but wired differently from the British Standard], 6P2C Italy Tripolar plug, 6P2C, BTicino 2021 Japan 6P2C Korea, Republic of 6P2C, RJ14,[Note 9] 4 prong connector (WE-like) [Note 10] Latvia 6P2C, Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) [Note 1] Lithuania 6P2C, Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) [Note 1] Liechtenstein Reichle-connector, 4-pin Swiss telephone plugs [Note 1] Luxembourg 6P2C, 4-pin luxembourgish telephone plug [Note 1] Macedonia 6P2C, 3-pin plug used in countries of former Yugoslavia [Note 1] Malaysia 6P2C Malta BS 6312, 6P2C [Note 3] Mauritius F-010 Mexico 6P2C Montenegro 6P2C, 3-pin plug used in countries of former Yugoslavia [Note 1] Morocco F-010, 6P2C Netherlands 6P2C, Dutch telephone plug Nigeria 6P2C New Zealand BS 6312, 6P2C,[Note 3] 8P8C [Note 5][Note 3] Norway 8P8C, [Note 5][Note 3][Note 11] 3-prong national standard, [Note 1] 6-prong national standard[Note 12] Pakistan 6P2C Panama 6P2C Peru 6P2C Philippines 6P2C Poland 6P2C, Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) coupled with 6P2C socket [Note 1] Portugal 6P2C[Note 13] Romania 6P2C, 3-pin triangular plug similar to the Italian Tripolar plug,[Note 14] 5-pin R.S.-79.809[Note 15][Note 1] Russia 6P2C, Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) [Note 1] Serbia 6P2C, 3-pin plug used in countries of former Yugoslavia [Note 1] Singapore 6P2C Slovenia 6P2C, 3-pin plug used in countries of former Yugoslavia [Note 1] Slovakia 6P2C, 4-pin national plug [Note 1] South Africa 6P2C, Protea, 8P8C [Note 5][Note 6] Spain 6P2C Sri Lanka 6P2C Sweden SS 455 15 50, 6P2C Switzerland Reichle-connector, 4-pin plugs [Note 1] Taiwan 6P2C Thailand 6P2C Trinidad and Tobago 6P2C Turkey 6P2C, Tripolar plug in older installations Ukraine 6P2C, Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) [Note 1] United Arab Emirates BS 6312 United Kingdom BS 6312, 6P2C[Note 16] United States 6P2C and other Registered jacks, 4-pin Bell System plugs [Note 1] Uruguay 6P2C USSR (history) Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) Venezuela 6P2C Zimbabwe BS 6312, 6P2C
Land kontakt type Albania 6P2C Algeria F-010 Argentina 6P2C Australia 610, 6P2C Austria TDO Barbados 6P2C Belarus 6P2C, Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) [Note 1] Belgium Tetrapolar plug, 6P2C Bolivia 6P2C Bosnia 6P2C, 3-pin plug used in countries of former Yugoslavia [Note 1] Botswana BS 6312 Brazil Telebrás plug, 6P2C Brunei 6P2C Bulgaria 6P2C, Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) [Note 1] Canada 6P2C Cayman Islands 6P2C Chile 6P2C China Mainland 6P2C Colombia 6P2C, 2-pin national standard[5] Costa Rica 6P2C Croatia 6P2C, 3-pin plug used in countries of former Yugoslavia [Note 1] Cyprus BS 6312, 6P2C[Note 2] Czech Republic 6P2C, 4-pin national plug [Note 1] Denmark 3-prong national standard, 6P2C [Note 3] Dominican Republic 6P2C Ecuador 6P2C Egypt 6P2C[Note 4] Estonia 6P2C, Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) [Note 1] Faroe Islands 6P2C Finland 6P2C, 3-prong national standard [Note 1] France F-010, 8P8C [Note 5][Note 3] (since 2003) Germany TAE, 8P8C [Note 5][Note 6] Gibraltar BS 6312 Greece 6P2C,[Note 7] Bipolar plug in older installations Hong Kong 6P2C, [Note 3] BS 6312 Hungary 6P2C Iceland 6P2C, SS 455 15 50 [Note 1] India 6P2C Indonesia 6P2C Iran 6P2C Ireland 6P2C, 8P8C, [Note 5][Note 8] Israel BS 6312 but wired differently from the British Standard], 6P2C Italy Tripolar plug, 6P2C, BTicino 2021 Japan 6P2C Korea, Republic of 6P2C, RJ14,[Note 9] 4 prong connector (WE-like) [Note 10] Latvia 6P2C, Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) [Note 1] Lithuania 6P2C, Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) [Note 1] Liechtenstein Reichle-connector, 4-pin Swiss telephone plugs [Note 1] Luxembourg 6P2C, 4-pin luxembourgish telephone plug [Note 1] Macedonia 6P2C, 3-pin plug used in countries of former Yugoslavia [Note 1] Malaysia 6P2C Malta BS 6312, 6P2C [Note 3] Mauritius F-010 Mexico 6P2C Montenegro 6P2C, 3-pin plug used in countries of former Yugoslavia [Note 1] Morocco F-010, 6P2C Netherlands 6P2C, Dutch telephone plug Nigeria 6P2C New Zealand BS 6312, 6P2C,[Note 3] 8P8C [Note 5][Note 3] Norway 8P8C, [Note 5][Note 3][Note 11] 3-prong national standard, [Note 1] 6-prong national standard[Note 12] Pakistan 6P2C Panama 6P2C Peru 6P2C Philippines 6P2C Poland 6P2C, Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) coupled with 6P2C socket [Note 1] Portugal 6P2C[Note 13] Romania 6P2C, 3-pin triangular plug similar to the Italian Tripolar plug,[Note 14] 5-pin R.S.-79.809[Note 15][Note 1] Russia 6P2C, Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) [Note 1] Serbia 6P2C, 3-pin plug used in countries of former Yugoslavia [Note 1] Singapore 6P2C Slovenia 6P2C, 3-pin plug used in countries of former Yugoslavia [Note 1] Slovakia 6P2C, 4-pin national plug [Note 1] South Africa 6P2C, Protea, 8P8C [Note 5][Note 6] Spain 6P2C Sri Lanka 6P2C Sweden SS 455 15 50, 6P2C Switzerland Reichle-connector, 4-pin plugs [Note 1] Taiwan 6P2C Thailand 6P2C Trinidad and Tobago 6P2C Turkey 6P2C, Tripolar plug in older installations Ukraine 6P2C, Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) [Note 1] United Arab Emirates BS 6312 United Kingdom BS 6312, 6P2C[Note 16] United States 6P2C and other Registered jacks, 4-pin Bell System plugs [Note 1] Uruguay 6P2C USSR (history) Polish national 5-pin (WT-4) Venezuela 6P2C Zimbabwe BS 6312, 6P2C

Sense-for-sense translation is the oldest norm for translating.
Mening-for-mening oversettelse er den elste normen innen oversettelse.

It fundamentally means translating the meaning of each whole sentence before moving on to the next, and stands in normative opposition to word-for-word translation (also known as literal translation), which means translating the meaning of each lexical item in sequence.
Den tilsier at man oversetter meningen i hver setning før man begynner på den neste, og den står i normativ opposisjon til ord-for-ord oversettelse (også kjent som ordrett-oversettelse), som tilser at man oversetter hver enkelt leksikalsk enhet etter hverandre.

The coiner of the term "sense-for-sense" was Jerome in his "Letter to Pammachius", where he said that, "except of course in the case of Holy Scripture, where even the syntax contains a mystery," he translates non verbum e verbo sed sensum de sensu: not word for word but sense for sense.[1]
Den som først brukte utrykket ”mening-for-mening” var Hieronymus i sitt ”brev til Pammachius”, hvor han skrev at, ”med det unntak av de Hellige Tekster, hvor syntakst inneholder ett mysterie”, Oversetter han non verbum e verbo sed sensum de sensu: ikke ord for ord men mening-for-mening.[1]

However, arguably Jerome is here not inventing the concept of sense-for-sense translation, which most scholars believe was invented by Cicero in De Oratore ("On the Orator"), when he said that in translating from Greek to Latin "I did not think I ought to count them out to the reader like coins, but to pay them by weight, as it were."[2]
Til tross for dette kan man argumentere for at Jerome ikke oppfant konseptet mening-for-mening, som flere fagfolk mener ble funnet opp av Cicero i De Oratore (”Om den Talende”), hvor han skriver at når man oversetter fra Gresk til Latin hadde han ”tenkt at jeg ikke burde telle dem til leseren som mynter, men heller gjengi dem ut ifra vekt"[2]

And he is certainly not even coining the term "word-for-word," but borrowing it from Cicero as well, or possibly from Horace, who warned the writer interested in retelling ancient tales in an original way Nec verbo verbum curabit reddere / fidus interpretes: "not to try to render them word for word [like some] faithful translator."[3]
Og han er med sikkerhet ikke den som finner opp utrykket ”mening-for-mening”, men låner det heller fra Cicero, eller muligens fra Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Horace anbefalte forfatter som var interessert i å gjenfortelle antikke fortellinger på en orginal måte om å nec verbo verbum curabit reddere/fidus unterpretes: ”ikke prøve å gjengi dem ord for ord[som enkelte] trofaste oversettere”.[3]

Some have read that passage in Horace differently:
Enkelte har lest Horace sitt avsnitt anderledes:

Boethius in 510 CE and Johannes Scotus Eriugena in the mid-9th century read it to mean that translating literally is "the fault/blame of the faithful interpreter/translator," and fear that they have incurred it; Burgundio of Pisa in the 1170s and Sir Richard Sherburne in 1702 recognize that Horace is advising not translators but original writers, but still assume that he is calling all translation literal; and John Denham in 1656 and André Lefevere in 1992 take Horace to be warning translators against translating literally.[4]
Boethius i 510 og Johannes Scotus ErigenaJohannes Scotus Erigena i midten av de 9 århundret tolket det til å bety at det å oversette ordrett er ”skylden til den trofaste tolken/oversetteren” og frykter at de har pådratt seg den. Borgundio av Pisa på 1170-tallet og Sir Rickard Sherbourne i 1702 annerkjente at Horace ikke gir råd til oversettere men originale forfattere, men antar fortsatt at han kaller all oversettelse ordrett. John Denham i 1656 og Andre Lefevre i 1992 tolker Horace til at han advarer oversettere mot det å oversette ordrett.[4]

In his 1680 preface to his translation of Ovid's Epistles, John Dryden borrowed the ancient terms metaphrase for word-for-word translation and paraphrase for sense-for-sense translation.
I forordene til oversettelse av boken Ovid’s Epistles, låner John Dryden i 1680 de antikke begrepene metafrase om ord-for-ord oversettelse og parafrase for mening-for-mening oversettelse.

He takes the opposition from Quintilian's 95 CE Institutio Oratoria ("Institutes of Oratory"); Quintilian himself borrowed the former term from Philo Judaeus in his 20 BCE De vita Mosis ("The Life of Moses").[5]
Han tar denne opposisjonen fra Quintilans Instituio Oratoria (”Institutt for talekunsten) fra 95 f. Kr. Quintilian lånte selv begrepet fra Philo Judaesus sitt verk De vita Mosis (Livet til Moses) fra 20[5]

Dryden's third term is imitation, by which he means something like what Horace counseled: making a traditional story your own by not translating it faithfully (either word-for-word or sense-for-sense).
Det tredje begrepet til Dryden er imitasjon. Han bruker det noenlunde likt som Horace sitt råd: gjøre historien din ved å ikke oversette den helt trofast (enten ord-for-ord eller mening-for-mening).