Swithhelm was King of Essex from 660 to 664.
Swithelm is vun um un bi 660 bit 664 König vun dat Königriek Essex ween.

Humans are omnivorous, capable of consuming a wide variety of plant and animal material, and have used fire and other forms of heat to prepare and cook food since the time of H. erectus.
Minsken sind omnivoor un könnt ville verscheudene Planten un Lievensmiddel van Beustern verdauen. Minsken sind kumpabel Fiur teo briuken Eten teo koken, wat oll de Homo erectuskonn.

They can survive for up to eight weeks without food, and three or four days without water.
Minsken könnt bet teo acht Wieken one Eten öbberlieven un dreu oder veur Dage sunner Water.

Humans are generally diurnal, sleeping on average seven to nine hours per day.
Minsken sind generell den Dag öbber aktiv un slopet in’n Middelmoot nieen Stunnen den Dag.

Childbirth is dangerous, with a high risk of complications and death.
De Geburt es geföörlik un het ville Risiken.

Often, both the mother and the father provide care for their children, who are helpless at birth.
Faken sorgt de Modder os auk de Vadder vör de Kinner, de sülvenst gans van de Hülpe un Stüüt van üren Öllern afhängi sind.

Humans have a large and highly developed prefrontal cortex, the region of the brain associated with higher cognition.
Minsken Humans have a large and highly developed prefrontal cortex, the region of the brain associated with higher cognition.

Between November and December 1976, Gacy murdered a 21-year-old named Francis Alexander.
Twisken November un Dezember 1976 moorde Gacy den 21-jörigen Francis Alexander.

His last contact with his family was a phone call to his mother made sometime in November.[119] Alexander was buried in the crawl space directly beneath the room Gacy used as his office.[120]
De letste Kontakt teo süine Famüilje was eun Anreop med süine Modder in’n November.[1] Alexander lee in den Kirupkeller direkt unner de Schrüivstoven van Gacy verbuddeld.[2]

In December 1976, another PDM employee, 17-year-old Gregory Godzik, disappeared. His girlfriend last saw him outside her house after he had driven her home following a date.[121][122] Godzik had worked for PDM for less than three weeks before he disappeared.
Gregory Godzik In’n Dezember 1976 verswund noch en PDM-Anstellten: deu 17-jörige Gregory Godzik.[121][122] Godzik hadde man dreu Wieken büi PDM arbeud, eur dat heu verswund.

He had informed his family that Gacy had had him "dig trenches for some kind of (drain) tiles" in his crawl space.
Heu see süine Famüilje, dat heu Drainageaftüge in Gacys Kriupkeller graven moss.

Godzik's car was later found abandoned in Niles.
Den Wagen van Godzik fung eun läter in Niles, Illionois.

His parents and older sister, Eugenia, contacted Gacy about Godzik's disappearance.
Süine Öllern un süine Söster verbünnen sik med Gacy, os Godzik verswund.

Gacy claimed that he had run away from home, having indicated before that he wished to do so.
Gacy see, dat Godzik van Teohius wegrenne.

Gacy also claimed to have received an answering machine message from Godzik shortly after he had disappeared.
Gacy see auk, dat eune Noricht up süinen Antweordapparoot teorüggeleut.

When asked if he could play back the message to Godzik's parents, Gacy said he had erased it.[68][123]
Os de Öller frpgen, of seu de Noricht häuren können, sse Gacy dat heu de Noricht ol lösked hadde.[68][123]

On January 20, 1977, Gacy lured 19-year-old John Szyc to his house on the pretext of buying his Plymouth Satellite.[122] He later confessed to strangling Szyc in his spare bedroom, claiming Rossi was asleep in the house the following morning.
Den 20. Januar 1977 locke Gacy den 19-jörigen John Szyc in süin Hius un spille vör, heu wolle den Jungen süinen Wagen, eune Plymouth Sattelite, afkaupen.[122] Gacy bichte läter, dat heu Szyc in süinen Gästesloopkamer daudwörge.

Gacy later sold the car to Rossi for $300.[57]
Gacy verköfte dat Auto läter vör 300$ veurder.[57]

Two months later, on March 15, a 20-year-old Michigan native named Jon Prestidge disappeared.
Tweu Moonde läter an den 15. März 1977 verswund de 20-jörige Jon Prestige iut Michigan.

Prestidge was last seen leaving a Near North Side restaurant.
Tuigen seuen den junen Keerl upletst, os heu iut eunen Restaurant in’r Near North Side, eune Noverskop van Chicago, kamm.

He was buried in the crawl space above the body of Francis Alexander.[124] Shortly before his disappearance, Prestidge had mentioned he had obtained work with a local contractor.[1] Gacy murdered one additional unidentified youth and buried him in the crawl space in the spring or early summer of 1977; the exact time of this murder is unknown.
Heu was in den Kiurpkeller över de Lüike van Francis Alexander inbuddeld. Vörlaag:SfnEun Tüid eur dat heu verswund, vertelle dat eune lokale Biuforma enne anstellen wolle.[1] Gacy moorde noch eunen annneren jungen Mann, den süine Identiteut un eksakte Daudsdatum unkünnsig sind un begreov enne in’n Freojore oder Sommer 1977 in süinen Kirupkeller.

On July 5, Gacy killed a 19-year-old from Crystal Lake, Matthew Bowman.
Den 5. Juli. 1977 däude Gacy den 19-jörigen Matthew Bowman iut Crystal Lake.

Bowman's mother last saw him at a suburban train station; he had intended to travel to Harwood Heights for a scheduled court appointment regarding an unpaid parking ticket.[106][126]
De Modder van Bowman sag enne upletst an eunen Baanhov in’r Vöörstad, denn heu wolle no Harwood Heights vör eunen Gerichtstermin.106][126]

Gacy was an overweight and unathletic child.
Gacy was eun teo sworen un unsportlik Kind.

Because of a heart condition, he was told to avoid all sports at school.[3] During the fourth grade, Gacy began to experience blackouts.
Vanwegen eune Härtkrankheud solle heu den Sportunnerricht müiden.[1] In’r veurden Klasse begunn et, dat heu vaken oonmächtig worde.

He was hospitalized on occasion because of these episodes and also, in 1957, for a burst appendix.[17] Gacy later estimated that between the ages of 14 and 18, he had spent almost a year in hospital and attributed the decline of his grades to missing school. His father suspected these episodes were an effort to gain sympathy and attention and openly accused his son of faking the condition as Gacy lay in a hospital bed.[2] Although his mother, sisters, and few close friends never doubted his illness, Gacy's medical condition was never conclusively diagnosed.[14][lower-alpha 1]
Heu moste ünnerwüilen no’t Krankenhius wegen düssen Anfällen.[2] Süin Vadder hadde in’n Verdacht, dat Gacy de Oonmacht vöörspille ümme Sympahtie un Upmärksaamkeud teo krüigen un beschüllige süinen Sune de Krankheud teo simuleuren.[3] Gacy besöchte de Cooles Vocational High School, man wessele no eunen Joor up de Prosser Vocational High School. In’n vöörletsten Joor breuk Gacy de Scheole sunner High School Diploma af.[4][5]✅☑️

By mid-1978, the crawl space had no room for further bodies.[34][49][10] Gacy later confessed to police that he considered stowing bodies in his attic initially, but had been worried about complications arising from "leakage".[52] Therefore, he chose to dispose of his victims off the I-55 bridge into the Des Plaines River.[70] Gacy stated he had thrown five bodies into this river in 1978, one of which he believed had landed on a passing barge;[49] only four bodies were ever found.[125]
InBy mid-1978, the crawl space had no room for further bodies.[34][49][10] Gacy later confessed to police that he considered stowing bodies in his attic initially, but had been worried about complications arising from "leakage".[52] Therefore, he chose to dispose of his victims off the I-55 bridge into the Des Plaines River.[70] Gacy stated he had thrown five bodies into this river in 1978, one of which he believed had landed on a passing barge;[49] only four bodies were ever found.[1]

The first known victim thrown from the I-55 bridge into the Des Plaines River was 20-year-old Timothy O'Rourke.
Dat eurste Offer, dat Gacy van de Interstate 55-Brügge över den Des Plaines River smeit was de 20-jörige Timothy O’Rourke.

He was murdered in mid-June after leaving his Dover Street apartment to purchase cigarettes.
Gacy moorde den Jungen Midde Juni, os O’Rourke up’n Padd was Zigratenn teo kaupen.

Shortly before his disappearance, O'Rourke had told his roommate a contractor on the Northwest Side had offered him a job.[56][104]
O’Rorke vertelle süinen dat eune Biufirma enne Arbeud anoboden hadde.[56][104]

On November 4, Gacy killed 19-year-old Frank Landingin.[134] He was last seen alive by his father walking along Foster Avenue; his naked body was found close to an inlet in the Des Plaines River by two duck hunters in Channahon on November 12.[104] On November 24, a 20-year-old Elmwood Park resident, James Mazzara, disappeared after sharing Thanksgiving dinner with his family.[135] Mazzara had informed his sister the day prior to his disappearance that he was working in the construction industry and "doing all right".[104] He was last seen alive walking in the direction of Bughouse Square, carrying a suitcase.[56]
November morde Gacy den 19-jörigen Frank Landingin.[134] Upletst see eun den jungen Mann de Foster Avenue langs laupen; süine blaute Lüike vund eun den 12. November in’n Des Plaine s River büi Channanhon.[104] Den 24. November verswund de 20-jörige James Mazzara iut Elmwood Park no den Thansgiving-Mool med süine Fmüilje.[1] Mazzara vertelle süine Söster had informed his sister the day prior to his disappearance that he was working in the construction industry and "doing all right".[104] He was last seen alive walking in the direction of Bughouse Square, carrying a suitcase.[56]

Murder of Robert Piest
Mord an Robert Piest

On the afternoon of December 11, 1978, Gacy visited the Nisson Pharmacy in Des Plaines, to discuss a potential remodeling deal with the store owner, Phil Torf.[136] While he was within earshot of 15-year-old part-time employee Robert Piest, Gacy mentioned his firm often hired teenage boys at a starting wage of $5 per hour—almost double the pay Piest earned at the pharmacy.[1]
Den Nomeddag van den 11. Dezember 1978 besöchte Gacy de Nissan Pharmacy, eune Afteuke un Drogerüige in Des Plaines, eunen Ümmebiu me den Ladenbesitter teo bespreken.[136] Gacy spreke, os de junge Deultüidanstellte Robert Piest et häuren konn, kort an, dat süine Firma Teenager vör eunen Anfangslaun van 5$ de Stunne instelt—meust dat Dubbelde, wat Piest in de Nissan Pharmacy verdeune.[1]

Shortly after Gacy left the pharmacy, Piest's mother arrived at the store to drive her son home so the family could celebrate her birthday together.[56] Piest asked his mother to wait, adding that "some contractor wants to talk to me about a job".
Kort no dat Gacy de Drogerüige un Afteuke verloten hadde, kamm Piests Modder üren Sune af teo langen, dat de Famüilje teohaupeüren Boordsdag füiren konn. Vörlaag:SfnPiest bede süine Modder up enne teo täuven, denn heu wolle noch med eunen spreker, deu enne instellen wolle.

He left the store at 9:00 p.m., promising to return shortly.[1]
He güng Klocke niegen den Ovend iut den Laden un sekere teo swanke wedder teo kumen.[1]

Piest was murdered shortly after 10:00 p.m. at Gacy's home.[1] Gacy later stated that at his house, he gave Piest a soft drink before asking whether there was anything he "wouldn't do for the right price", to which Piest replied that he did not mind working hard.
Piest worde kort no Klocke teggen den Ovend in Gacys Hiuse ümmebrocht. Gacy vertelle läter, dat heu Piest eunen alkoholfrüigen Drunk gav un enne denn vroge of et wat gieve, dat heu nich vör den passliken Prüis dö. Pist anfer, dat he nih teorügge schrecke hard teo arbeuden.

In response, Gacy stated "good money" could be earned by hustling, although Piest was dismissive.
Gacy uitere heu os Strotenjunge geod Geld verdeunen könne, man Piest sleog af.

Gacy then duped Piest into donning handcuffs before saying, "I'm going to rape you, and you can't do anything about it" as Piest began weeping.[137]
Gacy beküre Piestt Üisen ümme Hänne to leggen un vertelle enne, dat heu enne sexuelle Gewald andeon wör un heu niks deon könne.[137]

Gacy's subsequent statements regarding the events to unfold varied,[1][138] although in one of his initial statements, he claimed Piest failed to resist as he removed the boy's trousers.
Wat Gacy läter iutsee Gacy's subsequent statements regarding the events to unfold varied,[1][138] In eune van den eursten Iutsagen see Gacy Piest were sik nich, os heu den Jungen süin Bükse iuttaug.

He also stated that as he placed the rope around Piest's neck, the boy was "crying, scared".[139] Gacy admitted to having received a phone call from a business acquaintance as Piest lay dying, suffocating on his bedroom floor.[56]
Heu see auk, dat de Junge bange schrüige os heu enne eunen Strick ümme den Hals lee.[139] Gacy gav teo, dat eun Geschäftspartner anreup, wüil des Piest up den Boddem in Gacys Sloopkamer lee un deu Strick den Jungen daudsticke.[56]


When Piest failed to return, his family filed a missing person report with the Des Plaines police.
Os Piest nich truigge kamm, melle süine Famüilje enne büi Polizei in Des Plaines vermisst. Torf see weure Gacy up’t woorschüinlikste de Biuunnerniemer mie den Piest iut den Laden gung un över eunen Job küre.

Torf named Gacy as the contractor Piest had most likely left the store to talk to about a job.
Liutenant Jospeh Kozenczak, den süine Sune auk de Maine Wwest High School os Poiest besöchte, unnersöchte Gacy veurder.

Lieutenant Joseph Kozenczak, whose son attended Maine West High School like Piest, chose to investigate Gacy further.[140] Having spoken with Piest's mother on the morning of December 12, Kozenczak became convinced Piest had not run away from home.[141] A routine check of Gacy's criminal background revealed that he had an outstanding battery charge against him in Chicago and had served a prison sentence in Iowa for the sodomy of a 15-year-old boy.[142]
[35] Os heu den 12. Dezmeber med Piests Modder sproken hadde, was Kozenczak överuigd, dat Piest nich van Teohius wegrenne.[141]. Eune Routineübrprüfung van Gacy kriminelle Achtegrund decke den battery charge tiegen enne in Chicago up un dat heu in Geföngnis was wegen Sex mie den 15-jörigen [142]

Kozenczak and two Des Plaines police officers visited Gacy at his home the following evening.
Kozenczak un tweu Polizisten iut Des Plaines besöchten Gacy den anneren Ovend teohiuse.

Gacy indicated he had seen two youths working at the pharmacy and that he had asked one of them—whom he believed to be Piest—whether there were any remodeling materials behind the store.[142] He was adamant, however, that he had not offered Piest a job, and had only returned to the pharmacy shortly after 8:00 p.m. as he had left his appointment book at the store.[56] Gacy promised to come to the station later that evening to make a statement confirming this, indicating he was unable to do so at that moment as his uncle had just died.
Gacy berichte, dat heu deu beuden Teenager in’r Drogerie seun hadde un eunen - den heu vör Pist beul - of Renonvierungmsateirel achter den Ladne stünnen. Heu bleiv man stiur büi, dat heu Piest nenn Job anboden hadde un blaut no Klocke 8.= in Laden truige kamm, wüil heu son b`BEok vergeten hadde. Gacy versprak läter den Ovend up de Polizeistatioon teo kumen, ümme eune Iutsage tei goirven, anspile dat just nich konn, wüil süin Onkel storven was.

When questioned as to how soon he could come to the police station, he responded, "You guys are very rude.
Os seu fragen wen heu kumen könne anfer heu: , "You guys are very rude.

At 3:20 a.m., Gacy arrived at the police station covered in mud, claiming he had been involved in a car accident. On returning to the police station later that day, Gacy denied any involvement in Piest's disappearance and repeated that he had not offered him a job. When asked why he had returned to the pharmacy, Gacy reiterated that he had done so in response to a phone call from Torf informing him he had left his appointment book at the store.
Klocke 3:20 den Morgen kam Gacy in Modder bedeckt up de Polizeistation an.

Detectives had already spoken with Torf, who denied calling Gacy. At the request of detectives, Gacy prepared a written statement detailing his movements on December 11.[142]
Heu see heu hädde eunen Maläur me den Auto had.

First search warrant
Eurste Hiusdöörsoikunge