Edubuntu, previously known as Ubuntu Education Edition, is an official derivative of the Ubuntu operating system designed for use in classrooms inside schools, homes and communities.
Edubuntu, chìn-chêng hō-chòe Ubuntu kàu-io̍k pán, sī Ubuntu chok-gia̍p hē-thóng ê chi̍t ê koaⁿ-hong ián-seng pán, siat-kè hō͘ ha̍k-hāu, ka-têng kap siā-khu lâi sú-iōng.
Edubuntu has been developed in collaboration with teachers and technologists in several countries.
Edubuntu kap chi̍t-kóa kok-ka ê kàu-su ah-sī ki-su̍t jîn-oân hia̍p-tông khai-hoat liáu kúi-lō nî.
Edubuntu is built on top of the Ubuntu base, incorporates the LTSP thin client architecture and several education-specific applications, and is aimed at users aged 6 to 18.
Edubuntu kiàn-li̍p tī Ubuntu ê ki-chhó͘ téng, thóng-ha̍p LTSP khin-hêng kheh-hō͘-toan kè-kò͘ kap chi̍t-kóa kàu-io̍k-iōng èng-iōng têng-sek, tùi-siōng sī 6 kàu 18 hè ê sú-iōng-chiá.
It is designed for easy installation and ongoing system maintenance.
I sī siat-kè lâi kā an-chong kap pêng-sî î-hō͘ pìⁿ kán-tan--ê.
Included with Edubuntu is the Linux Terminal Server Project and many applications relevant to education including GCompris, KDE Edutainment Suite, Sabayon Profile Manager, Pessulus Lockdown Editor, Edubuntu Menueditor, LibreOffice, Gnome Nanny and iTalc.
Edubuntu siu-lo̍k ū Linux Chiong-Toan Sū-Ho̍k-Khì Choan-Àn kap chin chōe kàu-io̍k siong-koan ê èng-iōng têng-sek, pau-koat GCompris, KDE Edutainment Suite, Sabayon Profile Manager, Pessulus Lockdown Editor, Edubuntu Menueditor, LibreOffice, Gnome Nanny kap iTalc.
Edubuntu CDs were previously available free of charge through their Shipit service; since version 8.10 (2008)[update] it is only available as a download in a DVD format.
Í-chêng ū Shipit ho̍k-bū thê-kiong bián-hùi ê Edubuntu CD; Chóng--sî ùi 8.10 pán (2008) khai-sí chí ē-táng ùi bāng-lō͘ hā-chài jî-chhiáⁿ sī DVD keh-sek--ê.
Edubuntu's default GUI is Unity while GNOME is still available.[1] Unity has been the default GUI since the release of 12.04.
Edubuntu ū-siat ê GUI sī Unity, chóng--sî mā ē-táng chng GNOME.[1] Unity ùi 12.04 khai-sí chiâⁿ-chòe ū-siat GUI.
Since release 7.10, KDE is also available as Edubuntu KDE. In 2010 Edubuntu and the Qimo 4 Kids project were working on providing Qimo within Edubuntu,[2] but this was not done as it would not have fitted on a CD.[3]
Ùi 7.10 khai-sí, mā ē-táng ēng KDE, hō-chòe Edubuntu KDE. Tī 2010 nî Edubuntu kap Qimo 4 Kids choan-àn ha̍p-chok tī Edubuntu ni̍h thê-kiong Qimo,[2] chóng--sî in-ūi chiⁿ bōe ji̍p chi̍t tiuⁿ CD soah lâi pàng-sak.[3]
Project goals
Choan-àn bo̍k-phiau
The primary goal of Edubuntu is to enable an educator with limited technical knowledge and skills to set up a computer lab or an on-line learning environment in an hour or less and then effectively administer that environment.
Edubuntu chi̍t-khai-sí ê lí-sióng sī hō͘ ki-su̍t tì-sek kap ki-lêng iú-hān ê kàu-io̍k kang-chok-chiá ū châi-tiāu thang tī chi̍t tiám-cheng sīm-chì koh khah chió ê sî-kan lāi-tè, chiū ē-táng kè-siat chi̍t ê tiān-náu si̍t-giām-sek ah-sī sòaⁿ-téng ha̍k-si̍p khoân-kéng, jiân-āu ū hāu-lu̍t-á koán-lí chit-ê khoân-kéng.
The principal design goals of Edubuntu are centralized management of configuration, users and processes, together with facilities for working collaboratively in a classroom setting.
Edubuntu ê chú-iàu siat-kè bo̍k-phiau sī chiong chó͘-thài, sú-iōng-chiá kap têng-sū chi̍p-tiong koán-lí kiat-liân si̍t-thé siat-si, thang tī kàu-sek ê siat-tēng ē ūn-hêng.
Equally important is the gathering together of the best available free software and digital materials for education.
Kâng-khoán tiōng-iàu--ê sī siu-chi̍p siōng hó ê chū-iû nńg-thé kap sò͘-ūi kàu-io̍k chu-liāu.
According to a statement of goals on the official Edubuntu Website: "Our aim is to put together a system that contains all the best free software available in education and make it easy to install and maintain."[4]
Kun-kù Edubuntu koaⁿ-hong bāng-chām só͘ siá--ê: "Goán ê bo̍k-phiau chiū-sī kā só͘-ū siōng hó ê kàu-io̍k chū-iû nńg-thé khǹg tī chi̍t ê hē-thóng, jî-chhiáⁿ hō͘ chit-ê hē-thóng hó an-chong kap î-hō͘."[4]
It also aims to allow low income environments to maximize utilisation of their available (older) equipment.
Lēng-gōa chi̍t ê bo̍k-phiau sī hō͘ kē-siu-ji̍p--ê mā ē-táng hoat-hui in ū--ê (kū--ê) tiān-náu ê siōng tōa kong-hāu.
Edubuntu 7.04 package
Edubuntu 7.04 pau-tsong
The first Edubuntu release coincided with the release of Ubuntu 5.10, which was codenamed Breezy Badger on 2005-10-13.
Edubuntu ê tē it pái hoat-hêng sī tī 2005-10-13, tè hō-chòe Breezy Badger ê Ubuntu 5.10 hoat-hêng.
With the 8.04 Hardy Heron release of Edubuntu it was given the name of Ubuntu Education Edition[5] and was changed to be an add-on to a standard Ubuntu installation instead of being an installable LiveCD. From version 9.10 onwards, Edubuntu changed to be available as a full system DVD instead of an Add-on CD.[6] Edubuntu is also installable[7] via a selection of "edubuntu" packages for all distributions using the official Ubuntu repositories (Ubuntu and Kubuntu mainly).
Tī 8.04 Hardy Heron hoat-hêng ê sî, hō-chòe Ubuntu Kàu-Io̍k Pán[5], jî-chhiáⁿ piàn-sêng piau-chún Ubuntu an-chong ê chi̍t ê gōa-kòa, put-chài sī ē-táng an-chong ê LiveCD. Ùi 9.10 pán khai-sí, Edubuntu koh chiâⁿ-chòe chi̍t ê oân-chéng hē-thòng ê DVD, jî m̄-sī chi̍t ê gōa-kòa CD.[6] Edubuntu mā ē-táng tī só ū sú-iōng Ubuntu koaⁿ-hong thò-kiāⁿ-khò ê hoat-hêng-pán (chú-iàu sī Ubuntu kap Kubuntu) lāi-té soán "edubuntu" thò-kiāⁿ-chi̍p lâi an-chong. [7]
Since 14.04, Edubuntu has become LTS-only;[8] Edubuntu have announced that they will skip Ubuntu 16.04 LTS update.
Ùi 14.04 khai-sí, Edubuntu chí-ū chhut LTS;[8] Edubuntu soan-pò͘ in ōe thiàu ké Ubuntu 16.04 LTS keng-sin.
And they plan on staying with 14.04 due to lack of contributors.
In-ūi khiàm-kheh kòng-hiàn-chiá, in kè-ōe kè-sio̍k lâu tī 14.04.
List of Ubuntu-based distributions OSDDlinux based on Ubuntu UberStudent Linux based on LTS versions of Xubuntu Skolelinux based on Debian EduLinux based on Fedora Sugar-on-a-Stick educational Linux distribution based on Fedora
Í Ubuntu choh ki-chhó͘ ê hoat-hêng-pán lia̍t-pió OSDDlinux: í Ubuntu choh ki-chhó͘ UberStudent Linux: í Xubuntu LTS pán choh ki-chhó͘ Skolelinux: í Debian choh ki-chhó͘ EduLinux: í Fedora choh ki-chhó͘ Sugar-on-a-Stick: í Fedora choh ki-chhó͘ ê kàu-io̍k ê Linux hoat-hêng-pán
External links
Chām-gōa liân-kiat
Protozoa and algae
Parasitic plants
Life cycle of the black rot pathogen, Xanthomonas campestris pathovar campes
烏腐病菌(Xanthomonas campestris pathovar campes)兮生活史。
Plant pathology (also phytopathology) is the scientific study of diseases in plants caused by pathogens (infectious organisms) and environmental conditions (physiological factors).[1] Organisms that cause infectious disease include fungi, oomycetes, bacteria, viruses, viroids, virus-like organisms, phytoplasmas, protozoa, nematodes and parasitic plants. Not included are ectoparasites like insects, mites, vertebrate, or other pests that affect plant health by consumption of plant tissues. Plant pathology also involves the study of pathogen identification, disease etiology, disease cycles, economic impact, plant disease epidemiology, plant disease resistance, how plant diseases affect humans and animals, pathosystem genetics, and management of plant diseases.
植物病理學Plant pathology ( phytopathology) 是研究植物因病原(傳染生物)抑是環境狀況(生理因素)產生兮病害兮學科。[1] 會使造成傳染病害兮生物包括真菌、卵菌、細菌、病毒、類病毒、類病毒生物、植物菌質體、原生動物、線蟲佮寄生植物。無包括外寄生物像昆蟲、蟎、脊椎動物抑是其他會食植物組織來影響植物健康兮害物。 植物病理嘛包含研究病原鑑定、病因、病害史、經濟影響、植物病害流行病學、植病抗性、植物病害對人佮動物兮影響、病害系統基因學、植物病害管理。
Disease control is achieved by use of plants that have been bred for good resistance to many diseases, and by plant cultivation approaches such as crop rotation, use of pathogen-free seed, appropriate planting date and plant density, control of field moisture, and pesticide use. Across large regions and many crop species, it is estimated that diseases typically reduce plant yields by 10% every year in more developed settings, but yield loss to diseases often exceeds 20% in less developed settings. Continuing advances in the science of plant pathology are needed to improve disease control, and to keep up with changes in disease pressure caused by the ongoing evolution and movement of plant pathogens and by changes in agricultural practices.
植病兮控制對食物生產是可靠關鍵,而且會使減少對土地、水、能源佮其他成本 。 Plants植物佇自然中佮栽培兮族群有生性兮抗病性,毋過有一寡非常嚴重兮植物病害兮例 (參見see 愛爾蘭大饑荒、板栗疫病),仝款定著嚴重兮植物病害 (參見稻熱病、 大豆包囊線蟲、 柑桔潰瘍病)。然者,病害兮控制對大部分作物是合理成功兮。病害控制 兮實現是經由抗病育種、栽培處理親像 轉作、使用無毒栽種、適當季節佮密度、控制田園濕度、佮澍害物藥劑。若大面積栽種,估病害佇較好環境設施一般逐年造成10%損失,佇較鄙環境設施定會超過20%損失。植物病理學有發展兮需要來提升病害控制,佮綴牢因為病原佮植物兮共演化、湠開、佮農業操作兮改變造成兮病害壓力改變。植物病害佇全世界對農民造成主要損失。聯合國糧食佮農業組織估實際上害物佮病害佇收成損失佔必25%。為著必解決即个問題,須要新兮方法來良早偵察著病害佮害物,像講心適兮感應器來偵測氣味、佮利用光譜學佮生物光子學來判斷植物健康佮新陳代謝。[2]
Plant pathogens
Powdery mildew, a biotrophic fungus
Most phytopathogenic fungi belong to the Ascomycetes and the Basidiomycetes.
The fungi reproduce both sexually and asexually via the production of spores and other structures. Spores may be spread long distances by air or water, or they may be soilborne. Many soil inhabiting fungi are capable of living saprotrophically, carrying out the part of their life cycle in the soil.
Fungal diseases may be controlled through the use of fungicides and other agriculture practices. However, new races of fungi often evolve that are resistant to various fungicides.
Fungus-like organisms
Plant pathology
Phytoplasmas ('Mycoplasma-like organisms') and spiroplasmas
植物菌植體(類黴漿菌生物) 佮螺旋菌植體
Viruses, viroids and virus-like organisms
Plant disease epidemiology is the study of disease in plant populations. Much like diseases of humans and other animals, plant diseases occur due to pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, oomycetes, nematodes, phytoplasmas, protozoa, and parasitic plants.[1] Plant disease epidemiologists strive for an understanding of the cause and effects of disease and develop strategies to intervene in situations where crop losses may occur.
植物病害流行病學是研究病害佇植物族群兮學科。Much like diseases of humans and other animals, plant diseases occur due to pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, oomycetes, nematodes, phytoplasmas, protozoa, and parasitic plants.[1] Plant disease epidemiologists strive for an understanding of the cause and effects of disease and develop strategies to intervene in situations where crop losses may occur.
Heinrich Anton de Bary (26 January 1831 – 19 January 1888) was a German surgeon, botanist, microbiologist, and mycologist (fungal systematics and physiology). He is considered a founding father of plant pathology (phytopathology) as well as the founder of modern mycology. His extensive and careful studies of the life history of fungi and contribution to the understanding of algae and higher plants were landmarks of biology.
哈因里希·安東·多巴里(新曆1831正月二六 – 1888正月十九) 是一位德國外科醫生、植物學家、微生物學家、佮真菌學家(真菌分類學佮生理學)。伊兮人予公認是植物病理學之父,仝時嘛開創了現代真菌學。伊對真菌生活史闊各嚴謹兮研究佮對了解藻類參高等植物兮貢獻是生物學兮界標。
Born in Frankfurt, Anton de Bary was one of ten children born to physician August Theodor de Bary (1802–1873) and Emilie Meyer de Bary. His father encouraged him to join the excursions of the active group of naturalists who collected specimens in the nearby countryside. De Bary’s youthful interest in plants and in examination of fungi and algae were inspired by George Fresenius, a physician, who also taught botany at Senckenberg Institute.
佇Frankfurt出世,安東·多巴里是歐兀·替於徒·多巴里(August Theodor de Bary, 1802–1873)醫生佮萵咪利兮·猛唷·多巴里(Emilie Meyer de Bary)兮十囝之一。尹爸鼓勵伊參加博物學家活動團兮出遊,佇近郊咧搜集標本。因為受著佇仙堅堡研究院(Senckenberg Institute)咧教植物學兮內科醫生借藉摺·會紗梁斯(George Fresenius)兮鼓舞,多巴里從早著對植物佮檢測真菌參藻類誠有興趣。會紗梁斯是原葉體植物兮專家。新曆1848,多巴里對Frankfurt兮文科學院畢業,開始佇Heidelberg各Marburg研究醫學。新曆1850,伊去Berlin繼續研究醫學,仝時發展對植物科學兮興趣。新曆1853伊佇Berlin得著醫學學位,毋過伊學位論文兮題目是"De plantarum generatione sexuali",是植物學科。伊佇仝年出版了對銹病參烏穗病兮專書。