Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Building on Hill Street
新加坡中華總商會,禧街(Hill Street)

The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (abbrev: SCCCI; Chinese: 新加坡中华总商会) is a business chamber in Singapore.
新加坡中華總商會( Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry),乃南洋獅城之一企業也。


Established in 1906 as the General Chinese Trade Affairs Association, the SCCCI's original purpose was to look after the interests of the Chinese business community, but it has expanded its scope over the years. It served as a guardian of Chinese customs and values, provided assistance in times of crisis and promoted business, educational, cultural and community activities, and continues to do so today.
公元一九零六年,商會始創建,初為General Chinese Trade Affairs Association。


External links

APA Hotels operates the largest group of hotels in Japan with more than 150 properties. APA recently expanded into the United States in 2015. On November 13, 2015, APA opened the APA Hotel Woodbridge (formely a Hilton) in Iselin, New Jersey.
阿巴旅舍(APA Group)日本一旅棧也。 丁酉年正月九日(西曆二月五日),華人巡行日京新宿,聲阻阿巴旅舍。阿巴社長嘗作書,謂無南京之屠,而舍寘其書。

Retrieved October 19, 2015. ↑ "Justin Trudeau to be prime minister as Liberals surge to majority". CBC News.
Retrieved October 19, 2015. ↑ "Justin Trudeau to be prime minister as Liberals surge to majority".

October 19, 2015.
CBC News.

Archived from the original on October 20, 2015.
October 19, 2015.

Retrieved October 19, 2015. ↑ "Justin Trudeau plans to announce his cabinet Nov. 4". Toronto Star.
Archived from the original on October 20, 2015.

October 20, 2015. Archived from the original on October 21, 2015. Retrieved October 20, 2015. ↑ "'We're back,' Trudeau tells allies abroad".
Retrieved October 19, 2015. ↑ "Justin Trudeau plans to announce his cabinet Nov.

Hamilton Community News.

October 20, 2015.
Toronto Star.

Archived from the original on November 26, 2015.
October 20, 2015.

Retrieved October 20, 2015. ↑ "Justin Trudeau". Foundation Trudeau.
Archived from the original on October 21, 2015.

Archived from the original on October 23, 2015. Retrieved November 5, 2015. ↑ Judd, Amy (October 20, 2015). "Vancouver schools remember new PM Justin Trudeau as a great teacher".
Retrieved October 20, 2015. ↑ 'We're back,' Trudeau tells allies abroad- Hamilton Community News - 存於November 26, 2015自[{{{址}}} 原本]。 ↑ Justin Trudeau- Foundation Trudeau - 存於October 23, 2015自[{{{址}}} 原本]。 ↑ Vancouver schools remember new PM Justin Trudeau as a great teacher- Global News - 存於October 28, 2015自[{{{址}}} 原本]。 ↑ Griffin, Eugene (March 6, 1971).

Global News. Archived from the original on October 28, 2015.
"Trudeau's Bride Takes All by Surprise".

Retrieved November 5, 2015. ↑ Griffin, Eugene (March 6, 1971).
Chicago Tribune.

"Trudeau's Bride Takes All by Surprise".
Chicago Tribune Press Services.

Chicago Tribune. Chicago Tribune Press Services.
Archived from the original on March 5, 2017.

Archived from the original on March 5, 2017. Retrieved September 4, 2016. ↑ "Rumors confirmed: Mrs. Trudeau expecting, due December".
Retrieved September 4, 2016. ↑ "Rumors confirmed: Mrs. Trudeau expecting, due December".

Justin Pierre James Trudeau PC MP (/ˈtrʊdoʊ/; French: [ʒystɛ̃ tʁydo]; born December 25, 1971) is a Canadian politician serving as the 23rd and current Prime Minister of Canada since 2015 and Leader of the Liberal Party since 2013.[2][3] Trudeau is the second-youngest Canadian Prime Minister, after Joe Clark. He is the eldest son of Pierre Trudeau, and the first to be related to a previous holder of the post.[4][5]
賈斯汀·皮勒·詹姆斯·杜魯道、 西曆一九七一年一十二月廿五日生、加拿大士人、西曆二〇一三年始自由黨黨首在役、並、二〇一五年始第二十三代加拿大首相在役。特魯多者、加史自喬·克拉克以降二番幼之首相也。其父皮勒·杜魯道、前代加國首相耳、生前予有三子、賈即大男也。

Born in Ottawa, Trudeau attended Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf and graduated from McGill University in 1994 and the University of British Columbia in 1998. He gained a high public profile in October 2000, when he delivered a eulogy at his father's state funeral.[6] After graduating, he worked as a teacher in Vancouver, British Columbia. He completed one year of an engineering program at Montreal's École Polytechnique, from 2002 to 2003, and one year of a master's program in environmental geography at McGill University, from 2004 to 2005.

Justin Trudeau

Under the leadership of Rector Marina, UIST is currently ranked third in Macedonia. The ranking was made by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the score was improved from 44.1 points in 2012 to 94.5 out of 100 in 2016. [1]
尼諾碼頭, 中文名 馬寧諾 (Ninoslav Marina, 1974年9月25日出生)是位於馬其頓奧赫里德的信息科學與技術大學“聖保羅使徒”校長,以及馬其頓共和國公立大學校長會議主席。在Rector Marina的領導下,UIST目前在馬其頓排名第三。排名由上海交通大學完成,得分從2012年的44.1分提高到2016年的94.5分。 [1]

From 2008 to 2009, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the UNIK Graduate Center at the University of Oslo working on a project from the Research Council of Norway. During the period 2009–2012, Prof. Marina was Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher at Princeton University on a prestigious Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). In 2014, Dr. Marina obtained funding under the Swiss-Brazilian Leading House program and had a project on distributed storage with the University of Campinas in the state of São Paulo.
在完成斯科普里圣西里爾和迪烏斯大學電氣工程學院的本科學習後,他獲得了博士學位。 2004年在洛桑聯邦理工學院(EPFL)獲得學位。他與赫爾辛基諾基亞研究中心合作,他的論文是信息理論和無線通信。 Ninoslav Marina於2005年至2007年期間擔任Sowoon Technologies的研發總監,在那裡他領導開發耳機以測量宇航員,宇航員,司機和安保人員的疲勞,壓力和困倦。從2007年到2008年,Marina博士是瑞士國家科學基金會在夏威夷大學馬諾阿分校的訪問學者。從2008年到2009年,他在奧斯陸大學UNIK研究生中心從事挪威研究委員會項目的博士後研究。在2009-2012期間,Marina教授正在普林斯頓大學訪問博士後研究員,參加第七框架計劃(FP7)下著名的瑪麗居里國際外派獎學金。 2014年,Marina博士獲得瑞士 - 巴西Leading House計劃的資助,並與聖保羅州的坎皮納斯大學建立了分佈式存儲項目。

He has raised multiple funding through various instruments both in academia and industry, including programs such as the Swiss CTI, Swiss NSF, Research Council of Norway, the European Commission and the European Space Agency. He has been an expert of the European Commission’s Framework Programmes. Dr. Marina is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Technical Program Committee Chair of the International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT).
在完成斯科普里圣西里爾和迪烏斯大學電氣工程學院的本科學習後,他獲得了博士學位。 2004年在洛桑聯邦理工學院(EPFL)獲得學位。他與赫爾辛基諾基亞研究中心合作,他的論文是信息理論和無線通信。 Ninoslav Marina於2005年至2007年期間擔任Sowoon Technologies的研發總監,在那裡他領導開發耳機以測量宇航員,宇航員,司機和安保人員的疲勞,壓力和困倦。從2007年到2008年,Marina博士是瑞士國家科學基金會在夏威夷大學馬諾阿分校的訪問學者。從2008年到2009年,他在奧斯陸大學UNIK研究生中心從事挪威研究委員會項目的博士後研究。在2009-2012期間,Marina教授正在普林斯頓大學訪問博士後研究員,參加第七框架計劃(FP7)下著名的瑪麗居里國際外派獎學金。 2014年,Marina博士獲得瑞士 - 巴西Leading House計劃的資助,並與聖保羅州的坎皮納斯大學建立了分佈式存儲項目。 [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]

Retrieved 2014-08-27. ↑ "Ninoslav Marina at Princeton". ↑ "Ninoslav Marina at the Football Federation of Macedonia (in Macedonian)". ↑ "Diploma ceremony for the first generation of students (in Macedonian)". Retrieved 2014-05-12. ↑ "Ninoslav Marina at the Politehnica University of Timișoara". Retrieved 2013-07-04. ↑ "Ninoslav Marina at the University of Porto".
↑ [http:// Macedonian HEI Ranking 2015 - 2016] ↑ Ninoslav Marina at AGH University in Krakow ↑ Ninoslav Marina at Rzeszow University of Technology ↑ Ninoslav Marina at Varna Free University ↑ Ninoslav Marina promotes the Macedonian stamp of Claude Shannon (in Macedonian) ↑ Ninoslav Marina at Hempispheres (in French) ↑ Ninoslav Marina at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (in German) ↑ Ninoslav Marina at the Swiss Radio Espace 2 (in French) ↑ Ninoslav Marina at Lanzhou Jiaotong University ↑ Ninoslav Marina at Nara Institute of Science and Technology ↑ Ninoslav Marina signs agreement with the University of Arizona President Ann Weaver Hart ↑ Ninoslav Marina at the United Nations ↑ Ninoslav Marina at the University of Campinas ↑ UIST 'St Paul the Apostle' ↑ Ninoslav Marina at Princeton ↑ Ninoslav Marina at the Football Federation of Macedonia (in Macedonian) ↑ Diploma ceremony for the first generation of students (in Macedonian) ↑ Ninoslav Marina at the Politehnica University of Timișoara ↑ Ninoslav Marina at the University of Porto ↑ Ninoslav Marina at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ↑ Ninoslav Marina at the Czech Technical University in Prague


The untimed event has no winners or prizes, but runners are showered with colored powder, made of food-grade corn starch, at stations along the run.[1][3]
粉彩跑,亦曰「大輿㞢上,五千公尺,塗而競走」,粉彩跑公司所爲,五公里走㞢一也。粉彩跑公司者,盈利公司也。[1][2] 𢍌當舉于北美、南美、歐、亞、大洋洲、非洲及阿聯酋。 是舉無定時,亦不設冠、亞諸位,惟走者皆塗㞢玉米粉以示人,若粉有所失,途皆可補㞢。[1][3]

The Color Run

1 2 3 4 5 "Frequently Asked Questions – The Color Run". The Color Run. Retrieved 2016-04-27. ↑ "FAQs".
1 2 3 4 5 Frequently Asked Questions – The Color Run ↑ FAQs - 存於August 5, 2013自[{{{址}}} 原本]。 1 2 “Pictures We Love: Best of 2012,” National Geographic, January 3, 2013.

The Color Run LLC. Archived from the original on August 5, 2013. 1 2 “Pictures We Love: Best of 2012,” National Geographic, January 3, 2013.
1 2 3 4 5 Chris Kaltenbach, “Color Run to draw 25,000 to Camden Yards,” Baltimore Sun, May 9, 2013. ↑ Jill Reilly, “Warning: Colours may run!

1 2 3 4 5 Chris Kaltenbach, “Color Run to draw 25,000 to Camden Yards,” Baltimore Sun, May 9, 2013. ↑ Jill Reilly, “Warning: Colours may run!
Vibrant pictures of paint-covered joggers joining in on craze sweeping America,” Daily Mail, August 2, 2012.

Vibrant pictures of paint-covered joggers joining in on craze sweeping America,” Daily Mail, August 2, 2012.
1 2 Demian Bulwa, “Color Run attracts casual athletes,” San Francisco Chronicle, March 2, 2013.

1 2 Demian Bulwa, “Color Run attracts casual athletes,” San Francisco Chronicle, March 2, 2013. 1 2 Michelle Hamilton, “The Color Run Now Largest 5-K Series,” Runner’s World, February 13, 2013. ↑ "The color run 2012".
1 2 Michelle Hamilton, “The Color Run Now Largest 5-K Series,” Runner’s World, February 13, 2013. ↑ "The color run 2012".

Variant 2

Rules and forms of Fonqhwang Hairpin

Notes and references

Variant 1

The standard form

The famous Ci of Fonqhwang Hairpin

Fonqhwang Hairpin(Chinese:釵頭鳳 GwoRo:Chai Toru Fonq) is a particular title of Ci. It used to be called The Ci of Picking followers(Chinese:撷芳詞 GwoRo:Shye Fang Tsyr), and it’s also be called Cutting Red Followers(Chinese:擷紅英 GwoRo:Shye Hornging),Picking Red followers(Chinese:摘紅英 GwoRo:Jeq Hornging),Deviding Hairpin Sadly(Chinese:惜分釵 GwoRo:Siq Fen chai) and so on. Picking followers-Strong Wind(Chinese:《擷芳詞·風搖動》) which comes from Guujin Tsyr huah(Chinese:《古今詞話》) is considered as the standard form.
釵頭鳳者,詞牌名也 。亦稱擷芳詞,擷紅英,摘紅英,惜分釵。《擷芳詞·風搖動》出於《古今詞話》,丗人以爲軌范也。陸游詞傳至廣。

They comes from song,so they would change when it was spared. As other Ci,Fonqhwang Hairpin also has many form. In following part, I will use L to express letel,and use C to express contour,M means both can do.

平平仄 中中仄 仄平中仄平平仄 平中仄 中平仄 仄仄平中 仄平平仄

平平仄 中平仄 中平中仄中平仄 平平仄 中平仄 平平平平 仄平中仄

(Picking followers-Strong Wind)[2]

平平仄 平仄仄 仄平仄仄平平仄 平平仄 平平仄 仄仄平平 仄平平仄 仄 仄

平平仄 平平仄 仄平仄仄平平仄 平平仄 平平仄 仄仄平平 仄平平仄 仄 仄