The Apicius manuscript (ca.
Apicius manuskripto (c.
900 CE) of the monastery of Fulda in Germany, which was acquired in 1929 by the New York Academy of Medicine
900 pK) en la Fulda monakeyo en Germania, quo aquiresis en 1929 da l'Akademio di medicino di New York
Apicius is a collection of Roman cookery recipes, usually thought to have been compiled in the late 4th or early 5th century CE and written in a language that is in many ways closer to Vulgar than to Classical Latin.
Apicius (od Apikio) esas Romana koquo-receptaro, ofte kredanta kompilesis ye la fino di la 4ma o la komenco di la 5ma yarcento pK e skribita en linguo ke esas multamaniere plu simila a Vulgara kam Klasika Latina.
The name "Apicius" had long been associated with excessively refined love of food, from the habits of an early bearer of the name, Marcus Gavius Apicius, a Roman gourmet and lover of refined luxury who lived sometime in the 1st century CE, during the reign of Tiberius.
La nomo "Apicius" longatempe asociesas kun exajere rafinita amo por manjajo, de la kustumi di frue portanto di la nomo, Marcus Gavius Apicius, Romana gastronomo ed amanto di luxo rafinanta quo vivis ultempe en l'1ma yarcento pK, dum la regno di Tiberius.
He is sometimes erroneously asserted to be the author of the book that is pseudepigraphically attributed to him.
Il esas kelkafoye erore asertita esar l'autoro di la libro quo pseudoepigrafe atribuesas a lu.
Apicius is a text to be used in the kitchen.
Apicius esas texto ke uzesar en la koqueyo.
In the earliest printed editions, it was most usually given the overall title De re coquinaria ("On the Subject of Cooking") and attributed to an otherwise unknown Caelius Apicius, an invention based on the fact that one of the two manuscripts is headed with the words "API CAE".[1]
En la maxim frua edituri impriminta, ol esis maxim ofte donita la generala titulo De re coquinaria ("Ye la temo di koquo") ed atribuas a la nesavanta Caelius Apicius, inventuro bazita sur la fako ke un de la du manuskripti titulizesas kun la vorti "API CAE".[1]
The text is organized in ten books, in an arrangement similar to that of a modern cookbook:[2]
La texto aranjesas en dek libri, en aranjuro qua similesas la moderna koquolibri:[1]
Epimeles — The Careful Housekeeper Sarcoptes — The Meat Mincer Cepuros — The Gardener Pandecter — Many Ingredients Ospreon — Pulse Aeropetes — Birds Polyteles — The Gourmet Tetrapus — The Quadruped Thalassa — The Sea Halieus — The Fisherman
Epimeles — La sorgema menajisto Sarcoptes — La karno-hachilo Cepuros — La gardenisto Pandecter — Multa ingredienti Ospreon — Legumi Aeropetes — Uceli Polyteles — La gastronomo Tetrapus — La quadripedo Thalassa — La maro Halieus — La peskisto
The foods described in the book are useful for reconstructing the dietary habits of the ancient world around the Mediterranean Basin.
La manjaji deskriptita en la libro esas utila por rikonstruktar la dietala kustumi di l'anciena mondo proxim la Mediteranea baseno.
But the recipes are geared for the wealthiest classes, and a few contain what were exotic ingredients at that time (e.g., flamingo).
Ma la recepti direktesas por la klasi maxim richa, e kelki kontenas quo esis exotika ingredienti ye tatempe (ex., flamingo).
A sample recipe from Apicius (8.6.2–3) follows:[3]
Simpla recepto ek Apicius (8.6.2–3) sequas:[3]
Put the pieces of meat into a pan.
Pozez la peci di karno aden kasrolo.
Finely chop an onion and coriander, pound pepper, lovage, cumin, liquamen, oil, and wine.
Tenue hachez onyono e koriandro, pistata pipro, levistiko, kumino, liquamen, oleo, e vino.
Cook, turn out into a shallow pan, thicken with wheat starch.
Koquez, ekturnez aden kasrolo desprofunda, pludikigez kun frumento-amilo.
If you take lamb you should add the contents of the mortar while the meat is still raw, if kid, add it while it is cooking.
Se vu pozas mutonkarno vu devas adjuntar la kontenajo di la mortero kande la karno ya ankore esas kruda, se kapro, adjuntez lu kande lu koquesas.
Alternative editions
Edituri alternativa
Frontispiece of the second edition of Martin Lister's privately printed version of Apicius.
Frontispico di la duesma edituro di private imprimita versiono di Apicius di Martin Lister.
In a completely different manuscript, there is also a very abbreviated epitome entitled Apici excerpta a Vinidario, a "pocket Apicius" by "an illustrious man" named Vinidarius,[4] made as late as the Carolingian era; it survives in a single 8th-century uncial manuscript.[5] However, despite the title, this booklet is not an excerpt from the Apicius text we have today, as it contains material that is not in the longer Apicius manuscripts.
En tote diferenta manuskripto, existas anke tre abreviita epitomo titulizita Apici excerpta a Vinidario, "posho-Apicius" da "famozo" nomita Vinidarius,[4] facita tam tarda kam la Karolingian ero; transvivesas en unopla 8ma yardeka unciala manuskripto.[5] Tamen, malgre la titulo, ca libreto ne esas extrakturo del Apicius-texto ni havas nune, pro lo kontenas materio ke ne existas en la plu longa Apicius-manuskripto.
Either some text was lost between the time the excerpt was made and the time the manuscripts were written, or there never was a "standard Apicius" text because the contents changed over time as adapted by readers.
Sive kelka texti ke perdesis inter la tempo la extrakturo fracesis e la tempo la manuskripti skribesis, sive nultempe existis "regulal' Apicius"-texti per la kontenajo chanjis depos tempo kande adaptesis da lektanti.
Once manuscripts surfaced, there were two early printed editions of Apicius, in Milan (1498)[6] and Venice (1500).
Kande manuskripti aparis, existis du frua edituri imprimita di Apicius, en Milan (1498)[6] e Venice (1500).
Four more editions in the next four decades reflect the appeal of Apicius.
Quar plusa edituri en la sequanta quar yardeki reflektas l'apelo di Apicius.
In the long-standard edition of C. T. Schuch (Heidelberg, 1867), the editor added some recipes from the Vinidarius manuscript.
En la longa-regulal' edituro of C. T. Schuch (Heidelberg, 1867), la redaktanto adjuntis kelka recepti de la Vinidarius manuskripto.
Between 1498 (the date of the first printed edition) and 1936 (the date of Joseph Dommers Vehling's translation and bibliography of Apicius), there were 14 editions of the Latin text (plus one possibly apocryphal edition).
Inter 1498 (la dato di l'unesma edituro imprimita) e 1936 (la dato di tradukuro e bibliografio di Apicius da Joseph Dommers Vehling), existis 14 edituri di la texto Latina (plus un posible edituro apokrifta).
The work was not widely translated, however; the first translation was into Italian, in 1852, followed in the 20th century by two translations into German and French.
La verko ne larje tradukesis, tamen; l'unesma tradukuro esis aden Italiana, en 1852, sequanta en la 20ma yarcento per du tradukuri aden Germaniana e Franciana.
The French translation by Bertrand Guégan was awarded the 1934 Prix Langlois by the Académie française.[7]
La tradukuro Franciana da Bertrand Guégan adjudikesis la 1934 Prix Langlois de la Académie française.[7]
Vehling made the first translation of the book into English under the title Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome.
Vehling facita l'unesma tradukuro di la libro aden Angliana sub la titulo Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome (Koquado e dinear en Imperial' Rome).
It was published in 1936 and is still in print, having been reprinted in 1977 by Dover Publications.
Lo unesme editita en 1936 ed ankore imprimesas, riimprimita en 1977 da Dover Publications.
It is now of historical interest only, since Vehling's knowledge of Latin was not always adequate for the difficult task of translation, and several later and more reliable translations now exist.
Lo nur havas nune historiala intereso, pro la savo pri Latina di Vehling ne omnatempe esis adequata por la desfacila tasko di tradukar, e plura plu posa e plu fidinda tradukuri existas nune.
↑ Lindsay, p. 144 ↑ The Roman Cookery Book, trans.
↑ The Roman Cookery Book, trans.
Nimrod esis specala projeto-komputero qua pleis la ludi di Nim, desegnis e konstruktis da Ferranti e montranta ye la Expozo di cienco dum la 1951 Festivalo di Britain. Pos, kande la Festivalo finis, la komputero montresis en Berlin. Pro olua historiala importo, famoza Germaniana politikisti asistesis inkluzite Konrad Adenauer, la Federala kancelero di la Federala Republiko di Germania (FRG) e Ludwig Erhard, la Federala ministro por Ekonomikal aferi.[1]
Bertie the Brain
Olu esis l'unesma dijitala komputero exkluzive desegnesis plear videoludo, quankam olua vera intenco esis ilustrar la principi di la (lore romano) dijitala komputero por la publiko. Plu mikra kopiuro di Nimrod konstruktabis por la Computerspielemuseum Berlin.
visual graphics
↑ Baker, Chris (2010-06-02). "Nimrod, the World’s First Gaming Computer". Wired.
Model of a knarr in the Hedeby Viking Museum in Germany
Modelo di knorr en la Vikingo-muzeo di Hedeby en Germania
A knarr /nɔːr/ is a type of Norse merchant ship used by the Vikings.
Knorr o Knǫrr (pluralo: Knorr-i/Knǫrr-i o Knerrir) esas tipo di Nordikana komerco-navo uzita da la Vikingi.
The knarr (Old Norse: knǫrr, plural knerrir) was constructed using the same clinker-built method as longships, karves, and faerings.
La knorr (Anciena Nordikana: knǫrr, pluralo knerrir) konstruktesis per la sama klino-metodo kam longnavi, karv-i, e færing-i.
Knarr is the Old Norse term for a type of ship built for long sea voyages and used during the Viking expansion.
Knorr esas la Anciena Nordikana termino por tipo di navo konstruktita por longa maro-voyaji ed uzita dum la Vikingal expanso.
The knarr was a cargo ship; the hull was wider, deeper and shorter than a longship, and could take more cargo and be operated by smaller crews.
La knorr esis kargo-navo; la kareno esis plu larja, profunda e plu kurta kam longnavo, e povis tenar plu multa kargajo ed operacar da plu mikra bandi.
They were built with a length of about 16 m (54 ft), a beam of 5 m (15 ft), and a hull capable of carrying up to 24 tons.[ambiguous][1] It was primarily used to transport trading goods like walrus ivory, wool, timber, wheat, furs and pelts, armour, slaves, honey, and weapons.
Li konstruktesis kun longeso di cirkum 16 m (54 ft), trabo di 5 m (15 ft), e kareno kapabla adportar adsur 24 tuni.[ambiguous][1] Esis prime uzata por transportar vendo-kozi kom rosmaro-ivoro, lano, ligno, frumento, furo e felo, kuraso, sklavi, mielo, ed armi.
It was also used to supply food, drink, weapons and armour to warriors and traders along their journeys across the Baltic, the Mediterranean and other seas.
Anke uzita provizar manjajo, drinkajo, armi e kuraso a militisti e vendisti alonge lia voyaji tra la Baltiko, la Mediteraneo ed altra mari.
Knerrir routinely crossed the North Atlantic carrying livestock such as sheep and horses, and stores to Norse settlements in Iceland, Greenland and Vinland as well as trading goods to trading posts in the British Isles, Continental Europe and possibly the Middle East.
Knerrir rutine krucumis la Nord-Atlantiko adportis animali kom mutoni e kavali, e butiki a Nordikala kolonii en Islando, Grenlando e Vinlando ed anke kam vendo-kozi a komerco-posteni en la insuli Britaniana, Europa kontinental e posible la Mez-Esto.
They may have been used in colonising, although a similar small cargo vessel (the byrthing) is another possibility.
Li forsan uzesis por koloniizado, quankam simila mikra kargo-navo (la birting) esas altra posibleso.
The only well preserved knarr that has been found, was in a shallow channel in Roskilde Fjord in Denmark in 1962.
La nura bona konservata knorr ke trovesis, esis en neprofunda kanalo en Roskilde fyordo en Dania en 1962.
Known as Skuldelev 1, it was placed among two warships, a Baltic trader, and a ferryboat.
Savata kom Skuldelev 1, olu pozesis inter du militonavi, Baltikana vendonavo, e paromo.
Archaeologists believe that the ships were placed there to block the channel against enemy raiders.
Arkeologi kredas ke la navi pozesis ibe inkombrar la kanalo kontre enemikal inkursanti.