Retrieved 7 July 2017. ↑ "Nothing To share On iTunes". iTunes. 28 December 2016. Retrieved 7 July 2017.
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Jongno 종로구 Autonomous District 종로구 · 鐘路區 Sejong-ro looking south, fair on the pedestrian stretch Location of Jongno-gu in Seoul Coordinates: 37°35′58″N 126°58′29″E / 37.59944°N 126.97472°E / 37.59944; 126.97472Coordinates: 37°35′58″N 126°58′29″E / 37.59944°N 126.97472°E / 37.59944; 126.97472 Country South Korea Region Sudogwon Special City Seoul Administrative dong 19 Government • Mayor Kim Yeong-Jong (김영종) Area • Total 23.92 km2 (9.24 sq mi) Population (2010[1]) • Total 155,575 • Density 6,500/km2 (17,000/sq mi) Time zone UTC+9 (Korea Standard Time) Postal code 03000~03299 Area code 02-300,700 Website Jongno-gu official website
Jongno 종로구 Districte autonom 종로구 · 鐘路區 Sejong-ro vident vers li sud Localisation de Jongno-gu in Seoul Coordinates: 37°35′58″N 126°58′29″E / 37.59944°N 126.97472°E / 37.59944; 126.97472Coordinates: 37°35′58″N 126°58′29″E / 37.59944°N 126.97472°E / 37.59944; 126.97472 Land South Korea Region Sudogwon Special Cité Seoul Administrativ dong 19 Guvernament • Borgomastre Kim Yeong-Jong (김영종) Superficie • Total 23.92 km2 (9.24 sq mi) Population (2010[1]) • Total 155,575 • Densitá 6,500/km2 (17,000/sq mi) Zone temporal UTC+9 Code postal 03000~03299 Code regional 02-300,700 Website Jongno-gu official website
Jongno District (Jongno-gu) is a gu, or district, in central Seoul, South Korea.
Li districte Jongno (Jongno-gu) es un gu, o districte, in li centre de Seoul, Sud Korea.
It takes its name from a major local street, Jongno, which means "Bell Street".
Su nómine veni de un grand strade quel anc se nómina Jongno, quel significa "cloche-strada": 종 (鐘) por cloche, e li sufix 로 (路 por designar un strada.
Jongno District has been the center of the city for 600 years, since it is where the Joseon dynasty established its capital city.
Jongno ha esset li centre del cité durant 600 annus. Su image es to del centre traditional de Seoul, nam Seoul self ha devenit un metropole pluricentral u un excursion a Jongno es totmen ne necessi por tis queles vive in altri regiones quam Gangnam e li altri partes sud del Fluvie Han.
Jongno District is commonly referred to as the face and heart of Korea because of its important roles in the politics, economics, culture, and history as the capital city.[2] Jongno District is home to palaces in which the kings used to reside and work, such as Gyeongbok Palace, Changdeok Palace, Changgyeonggung and Unhyeon Palace.
To ne significa que Jongno ha devenit oldmodic o caduc, solmen que li cité self ha crescet talmen que por mult citeanes Jongno ha devenit un loc min e min necessi visitar. Quam li centre traditional, it es in Jongno que trova se li palaces traditional quam Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Changgyeonggung, e Unhyeonggung.
The South Korean president's current residence, the Cheongwadae, is also located in Jongno District.[2]
Anc li residentia del presidente, nominat Cheongwadae (litteralmen li 'blu-tegulat dom'), trova se in Jongno.[2]
Thomas Edmondson (30 June 1792 in Lancaster, England – 22 June 1851 in Manchester, England) is the inventor of the Edmondson railway ticket.
Thomas Edmondson (30 junio 1792 in Lancaster, Anglia – 22 junio 1851 in Manchester, Anglia) es li inventor del Edmondson ferrovia-billete. Quande il comensat laborar quam chef de station in Milton (plu tarde Brampton) por li relvia de Newcastle e Carlisle, li idé venit a il simplificar li processu por far li passageros montar li tren, quel til tande esset totalmen scrit per li manu.
He was a member of the Religious Society of Friends and originally worked in the Lancaster cabinet making business of Gillow.
Il esset *chef de station* proxim Carlisle, in Anglia; ma in li etá heroic del ferrovia, li viageatores esset atraet tre numerosi per li novitá, e li station-chef, sol employate, esset anc agulliero, portator e garda-barriere. Li viageatores venit solmen poc témpor ante li passage del tren e, pro que on devet scrir per li manu chascun « bon » de transporte, li convoy devet sovente atender long. Edmonson successat eliminar ti retardes preparante in antey billetes: in inventet un specie de scri-machine de quel li incrat bande printat sur paperin quadrates li loc del destination, li classe, li numeró del sede in li vagon e li date de emission del billet.
Songpa Station is a station on the Seoul Subway Line 8.
Li Station Songpa (송파역) es un station del Via Subterran de Seoul, Linea 8.
Exit 1 : Jamsil Girls' High School Exit 2 : Jungdae Elementary School Exit 3 : Garak Market Exit 4 : Garak Elementary School
Exeada 1 : Jamsil Licéo por Puellas Exeada 2 : Jungdae Scole Primari Exeada 3 : Mercate Garak Exeada 4 : Garak Scole Primari
Station layout
Sequent stationes
Seokchon ↑ S/B | | N/B ↓ Garak Market
Seokchon ↑ S/B | | N/B ↓ Mercate Garak
Northbound ← ●Line 8 toward Amsa Southbound → ●Line 8 toward Moran →
Nord ← ●Linea 8 vers Amsa Sud → ●Linea 8 vers Moran →
Clovis (Latin: Chlodovechus; reconstructed Frankish: *Hlōdowig;[1] c. 466 – 27 November 511)[2] was the first king of the Franks to unite all of the Frankish tribes under one ruler, changing the form of leadership from a group of royal chieftains to rule by a single king and ensuring that the kingship was passed down to his heirs.[3] He is considered to have been the founder of the Merovingian dynasty, which ruled the Frankish kingdom for the next two centuries.
Clovis (Latin: Chlodovechus; lingue franc:*Hlōdowig;[1] c. 466 - 27 novembre 511) esset li unesim rey del Francos quel ha unit tot li tribes franc sub un sol guvernator, transformante li sistema de un gruppe del chefes a ti de un sol rey, assecurante quel li titul de rey vell esser heredat de su heredes. Il es considerat li fondator del dinastie Merovingian, quel regnat li reyatu del Francos durante li du sequent secules.
Clovis is important in the historiography of France as "the first king of what would become France".[4]
Clovis es important in li historie de Francia quam "li unesim rey de quo vell devenir Francia".[1]
Roman Law
Roman Lege
Under Clovis, the first codification of the Salian Frank law took place.
Sub Clovis, li unesim codification del Salic lege evenit.
The Roman Law was written with the assistance of Gallo-Romans to reflect the Salic legal tradition and Christianity, while containing much from Roman tradition. The Roman Law lists various crimes as well as the fines associated with them.[35]
Li Roman Lege esset scrit con li auxilie de Gallo-Romani por reflecter li tradition legal Salic e li Cristianisme, dum contenente mult del tradition roman.
In modern German the name became Ludwig (although the king himself is named Chlodwig in German); in Spanish, Luis; in Italian, Luigi; and in English, Lewis.
In modern German su nómine devenit Ludwig (benque il rey self es nominat Chlodwig in German); in Hispan, Luis; in Italian, Luigi; e in Anglesi, Lewis.
Various cryptocurrency logos.
Varie criptomoné simbols.
A cryptocurrency (or crypto currency) is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange wherein individual coin ownership records are stored in a ledger existing in a form of computerized database using strong cryptography to secure transaction records, to control the creation of additional coins, and to verify the transfer of coin ownership.[1][2] It typically does not exist in physical form (like paper money) and is typically not issued by a central authority.
Un criptomoné (o cripto moné) es un digital valuta dessinat a functionar quam un medie de exchange u individual monete-possessitá cronicas es retenet in un contolibre existent in un forme de computisat database usant fort criptografie securar transaction cronicas, controlar li creation de additional monetes, e verificar li transferte de monete-possessitá.[1][2] It tipicmen ne existe in fisic forme (quam paper moné) e ne es tipicmen distribuet de un central autoritá.
Cryptocurrencies typically use decentralized control as opposed to centralized digital currency and central banking systems.[3] When a cryptocurrency is minted or created prior to issuance or issued by a single issuer, it is generally considered centralized.
Criptomonés tipicmen usa decentralisat guvernantie contra centralisat digital moné and central bankant sistemes.[3] Quande un criptomoné es monetat o creat ante distribuentie or distribuet per un sol distribuente, it es generalmen considerat centralisat.
When implemented with decentralized control, each cryptocurrency works through distributed ledger technology, typically a blockchain, that serves as a public financial transaction database.[4]
Quande executet con decentralisat guvernantie, chascun criptomoné functiona tra distribuet contolibre tecnologie, tipicmen un blococaten, quel servi quam un public financial transaction database.[4]
Bitcoin, first released as open-source software in 2009, is the first decentralized cryptocurrency.[5] Since the release of bitcoin, over 6,000 altcoins (alternative variants of bitcoin, or other cryptocurrencies) have been created.
Bitcoin, in prim liberat quam apert-fonte programmatura ye 2009, es li prim decentralisat criptomoné.[1] Desde li liberation de bitcoin, plus 6,000 alt-monetes (alternativ variantes de bitcoin, o altri criptomonés) ha esset creat.
A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), sometimes labeled a decentralized autonomous corporation (DAC), is an organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by the organization members and not influenced by a central government.[1][2] A DAO's financial transaction record and program rules are maintained on a blockchain.[3]:229[4][5] The precise legal status of this type of business organization is unclear.[6]
Un decentralisat autonom organisation (DAO), quelcvez nominat un decentralisat autonom corporation (DAC), es un organisation representat de regules acodificat quam un computatori programma quel es transparent, controlat per li organisation membres e ne influenciat de un central guvernament.[1][2] Un financial transaction cronica de un DAO e programma regules es mantenet sur un blococaten. Li precis legal statu de ti tip de affere organisation is ínclar.
A well-known example, intended for venture capital funding, was The DAO, which launched with $150 million in crowdfunding in June 2016, and was immediately hacked and drained of US$50 million in cryptocurrency.[7] This hack was reversed in the following weeks, and the money restored, via a hard fork of the Ethereum blockchain.
Un bonsavet exemple, intentet por ventura capitale provisionantie, esset The DAO, quel demettet con $150 million in hom-amasse mone-plenant in June 2016, e esset ínmediatmen haccat e drenat de $50 million in criptomoné.[1] Ti hacca esset reversat in li secun semanes, e li moné restituet, per un fort furca del Ethereum blococaten.
This bailout was made possible by the Ethereum miners and clients switching to the new fork.[2]
Ti anullament esset fat possibil per li Ethereum mineros e usatores changeant al nov furca.[2]
Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world.
Virtual realitá (VR) es un simulat experientie quel posse esser simil a o totmen diferent quam li munde real.
Applications of virtual reality can include entertainment (i.e. video games) and educational purposes (i.e. medical or military training).
Aplicationes de virtual realitá posse include divertissement (p.e. videoludes) e educational intentiones (p.e. medical o militari exercites).
Other, distinct types of VR style technology include augmented reality and mixed reality.
Altri, distint tipes de VR-esc tecnologie include augmentat realitá e mixtet realitá.
Urbit is a decentralized personal server platform.[1] The platform seeks to deconstruct the client-server model in favour of a federated network of personal servers in a peer-to-peer network with a consistent digital identity.[2]
Urbit es un decentralisat personal servitor platform.[1] Li platform espera deconstructer li client-servitor modelle in favorantie de un federat retage de personal servitores in un inter-egales retage con un consistent digital identitá.[2]
The Urbit software stack consists of a set of programming languages ("Hoon," a high-level functional programming language, and "Nock," its low-level compiled language); a single-function operating system built on those languages ("Arvo"); a personal address space, built on the Ethereum blockchain, for each instance of the operating system to participate in a decentralized network ("Azimuth"); and the decentralized network itself, an encrypted, peer-to-peer protocol running on top of the User Datagram Protocol.[3][non-primary source needed]
Li Urbit software cumul consiste de: un serie de programmant lingues ("Hoon," un alt-nivelle functional programmant lingue, e "Nock," su bass-nivelle compilat lingue) un sol-function operant sistema constructet per tis lingues ("Arvo") un personal adresse spacie, constructet sur li Ethereum blococaten, por chascun instantie del operant sistema a participar in un decentralisat retage ("Azimuth") li decentralisat retage, un acriptat, inter-egales protocol current sur li Usator Datagramma Protocol.[1]
The Urbit routing system consists approximately of 255 "galaxies", 65,000 "stars", 4 billion "planets" and 4.3 trillion "moons", which respectively function similarly to DNSs, ISPs, personal computers and devices that connect to them.[citation needed]
Li Urbit inviant sistema consiste de circa 255 "galaxes", 65,000 "stelles", 4 billion "planetes" e 4.3 trillion "lunes", quel proprimen functiona simil a DNSs, ISPs, personal computatores e devises quel conexe a los.
Skadi Mons is near the center.
Skadi Mons is near the center. Feature type Mountain Coordinates 64°N 4°E / 64°N 4°E / 64; 4Coordinates: 64°N 4°E / 64°N 4°E / 64; 4[1] Eponym Skadi Skadi Mons /ˈskɑːði ˈmɒnz/ es un monte sur li planete Venus in Maxwell Montes, ye li centre de Ishtar Terra. It es li max alt punctu del planete con un altitúdine de 10 700 metres.
Feature type Mountain Coordinates 64°N 4°E / 64°N 4°E / 64; 4Coordinates: 64°N 4°E / 64°N 4°E / 64; 4[1] Eponym Skadi
Talmen it es anc li max frisc e minu pressionat loc del tot planete, con un temperatura de circa 380°C e pression de 45 barres.
"Map of the region with names of the features" (PDF). "USGS Planetary Names – Ishtar Terra" (PDF). (USGS I-2490).
(USGS I-2490).
The Ottoman Empire (/ˈɒtəmən/; Ottoman Turkish: دولت عليه عثمانيه Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿOsmānīye, literally "The Sublime Ottoman State"; Modern Turkish: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu or Osmanlı Devleti; French: Empire ottoman)[note 5][17] was a state[note 6] that controlled much of Southeastern Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa between the 14th and early 20th centuries.
Li Ottoman Imperie (/ˈɒtəmən/; Ottoman turces: دولت عليه عثمانيه Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿOsmānīye, litteral "Li State Sublim Ottoman"; Turces modern: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu or Osmanlı Devleti; francesi: Empire ottoman)[note 5][1] esset un state[note 6] qui controlat mult del Europa Sud-Oriental, Asia Occidental, e Africa Nordal ínter li secul 14-esim e temporan in li 20-esim secul.
It was founded at the end of the 13th century in northwestern Anatolia in the town of Söğüt (modern-day Bilecik Province) by the Turkoman[18][19] tribal leader Osman I.[20] After 1354, the Ottomans crossed into Europe and with the conquest of the Balkans, the Ottoman beylik was transformed into a transcontinental empire.
It esset fundat in li fin del 13-esim secul in Anatolia nord-occidental in li cité de Söğüt (hodie li Provincia Bilecik) per li chef tribal Turcoman[2][3] Osman I.[4] Pos 1354, li ottomanes transeat in Europa e con li conqueste del Balcan, li beylik Ottoman esset transformat in un imperie transcontinental.
The Ottomans ended the Byzantine Empire with the 1453 conquest of Constantinople by Mehmed the Conqueror.[21] The Ottoman Empire would very slowly decline until its fall after World War I, in which it sided with the losing Central Powers of the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Bulgaria.
Li Ottomanes ha terminat li Imperie Byzantin a su fin in 1453 per li conqueste di Constantinople per Mehmed li Conquestator.[5] Li Ottoman Imperie procedet decrescer mult lentmen til su cade pos li Unesim Guerre Mundal, in quel it unit se con li Forties Central (German Imperie, Austria-Hungarian Imperie, e Bulgaria), qui perdit li guerre.
Dune is a 1965 science-fiction novel by American author Frank Herbert, originally published as two separate serials in Analog magazine.
Dune es un 1965 scientic fiction romane del American autor Frank Herbert, originalmen publicat quam du separat seriales in Analog revue.
It tied with Roger Zelazny's This Immortal for the Hugo Award in 1966,[2] and it won the inaugural Nebula Award for Best Novel.[3] It is the first installment of the Dune saga; in 2003, it was cited as the world's best-selling science fiction novel.[4][5]
It ligat con This Immortal de Roger Zelazny por li Hugo Premie ye 1966,[1] e it gania li inaugural Nebula Premie por Optim Romane.[2] It es li prim installament del saga de Dune ; ye 2003, it esset citat quam li optim-vendiend scientic fiction romane del munde.[3][4]
Science fiction (sometimes shortened to sci-fi or SF) is a genre of speculative fiction that typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life.
Scientic fiction (quelcvez acurtat a sci-fi o SF) es un génere de speculativ fiction quel tipicmen relate con imaginativ e futuric conceptus quam avansat scientie e tecnologie, spacie exploration, témporal viageation, paralel universes, et extraterrestri vive.
It has been called the "literature of ideas", and often explores the potential consequences of scientific, social, and technological innovations.[1][2]
It ha esset nominat li "litteratura de idés", e sovente explora li potential consequenties de scientific, social, e tecnologic innovationes.
Jean Barnabé Personal information Born (1949-03-03) 3 March 1949 (age 73) Leopoldville, Belgian Congo
Jean Barnabé Land Democratic Republica de Congo Nascentie 3 de marte 1949 in Léopoldville, Belgic Congo Ocupation Ciclist
Jean Barnabé (born 3 March 1949) is a former Congolese cyclist.
Jean Barnabé (nascet 3 de marte 1949) es un congolés ex-ciclist.
He competed in the individual road race and the team time trial events at the 1968 Summer Olympics.[1]
Il competit in li curse in linea e li evenimentes del contrahorloge in equipes in li Olimpic Ludes del Estive 1968.[1]