The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique[lower-alpha 1][lower-alpha 2] numeric commercial book identifier.
Yon International Standard Book Number (« ISBN » oswa « Nimewo Entènasyonal Nòmalize Liv » se yon chèn nimerik pou idantifye yon sèl liv.

The parts of a 10-digit ISBN and the corresponding EAN‑13 and barcode.
Pyès yo nan yon ISBN de 10 chif (pi wo) ak mènm idantifikasyon tradui nan vèsyon de 13 chif (anba).

Note the different check digits in each. The part of the EAN‑13 labeled "EAN" is the Bookland country code.
(Group : gwoup ; publisher : piblikatè oswa edisyon ; title : tit ; check digit : chif pou verifye.)

Miami Edison High School is a secondary school located at 6161 NW 5th Court in the Little Haiti neighborhood of Miami, Florida, USA.
Lekòl Segondè Miami Edison (Miami Edison High School an angle) se yon lekòl nan katye Ti Ayiti nan Miyami pou elèv yo ki gen laj katòz a diznèf.

It is part of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools system. Its provost is Dr. Pablo G. Ortiz.
Li sitiye nan ri 5th Court ak lekòl la se yon pati de sistèm Lekòl Leta Miami-Dade County.

Miami Edison, a low-income inner city school, As of 2011[update] was known for historically having the largest Haitian American student population of any Miami-Dade public school.[1]
Lekòl la gen anpil anpil moun ayisyen. Nan 2008, 240 de 1150 elèv an total te itilize angle kòm dezyèm lang.

After the 2010 Haiti earthquake occurred, the MDCPS expected that there would be a large influx of students to Miami Edison. Ultimately only six earthquake survivors enrolled there, with other students enrolling at other high schools.[1]
Apre goudougougou nan Ayiti nan 2010 te gen sis nouvo èlev.[1]

Ravine-Sèche, is a village in Haiti in the Sud-Est Department.[1]
Ravin Sèch (Ravine-Sèche an franse) se yon ti vil nan peyi Ayiti nan depatman Sidès.[1]

Antillanité is a literary and political movement developed in the 1960s that stresses the creation of a specific West Indian identity out of a multiplicity of ethnic and cultural elements.
Antiyanite (franse : antillanité) se yon mouvman literè ak politik devlope nan lane 1960 yo ki aksantye kreyasyon an yon idantite espesifikman antiyè sòti nan anpil diferan gwoup kiltirèl.

Incorrect phrases

<!--Do NOT extend the below rule to "based around". Regardless of the FP rate, an incorrect change could render text nonsensical.--> <Typo word="Based (off) of" find="\b([Bb])ased\s+(?<!-[Bb]ased)(off\s+)?of\b" replace="$1ased on"/> <Typo word="et al." find="\bet(\.\s*al\b\.?|\s+al\b(?!\.))" replace="et al."/> <Typo word="known as" find="\b(is|w?as|are|were|became|or|but|perhaps|been|(?:usual|wide|normal|general|common|most)ly|well|better|best|often|[Aa]lso)\s+know(?:s|ed)?\s+(as|for)\b" replace="$1 known $2"/> <Typo word="the first time" find="\b([Tt])he\s+(very\s+)?fr?ist\s+time\b" replace="$1he $2first time"/> <Typo word="per se" find="\bper\s+say\b" replace="per se"/>
<Typo word="Ayisyen" find="\b([Aa])hytian\b" replace="$1yisyen"/>

Nea Salamis Famagusta FC or Nea Salamina Famagusta FC (Greek: Νέα Σαλαμίνα Αμμοχώστου) is a professional football club based in Ammochostos (also known by its romanized name, Famagusta), Cyprus.
Nea Salamis Famagusta FC oswa Nea Salamina Famagusta FC (grèk : Νέα Σαλαμίνα Αμμοχώστου ; tou sou non li nan alfabè a women : Famagoust ; Famagouste nan òtograf franse) se yon klib foutbòl pwofesyonèl ki baze nan Ammochostos, nan zile Chip.

It has been a refugee club since the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus, when Turkey occupied the northern part of the island.
Se yon klib refijye depi 1974, lè peyi Tiki te kòmanse okipasyon nan pati nò zile a.

The club is temporarily based in Larnaca.
Klib la se tanporèman baze nan vil Larnaca.

External links
Lyen ekstèn

Official website (Greek) Team profile at Team profile at Cyprus Football Association website (Greek) Nea Salamis Αnthem on YouTube
Sit ofisyèl (nan lang grèk)

Early years
Anfans li

Prelude to rebellion
Kijan rebelyon an kòmanse

Social roles of Asante women
Wòl sosyal fanm nan nanchon Asante

Yaa Asantewaa in batakarikese (ceremonial war dress) in an undated photograph.
Yaa Asantewaa nan batakarikese (rad gerye seromonyal) nan yon foto san dat.

1840 – 17 October 1921) (pronounced /ˈjɑː ɑːsɑːn.teɪ.wə/) was appointed queen mother of Ejisu in the Ashanti Empire—now part of modern-day Ghana—by her brother Nana Akwasi Afrane Okpese, the Ejisuhene—or ruler of Ejisu.
1840 – 17 oktòb 1921) (pwononse /ˈjɑː ɑːsɑːn.teɪ.wə/) te vin renn Ejisu nan Lanpi Ashanti —ki fè pati de peyi Gana jodi-a— apre frèl Nana Akwasi Afrane Okpese, Ejisuhene—oswa chèf nan Ejisu te vin bal tit la.

In 1900, she led the Ashanti rebellion known as the War of the Golden Stool, also known as the Yaa Asantewaa war, against British colonialism.[1]
An 1900, li te lidè rebelyon Ashanti yo rele Lagè Asantewaa oubyen Lagè Twòn Dore, kont kolon Angle.[1]

Born in 1840 in Besease in central Ghana, Yaa Asantewaa was the older of two children.
Yaa Asantewaa te fèt an 1840 nan Besease nan sant peyi Gana.

Her brother, Afrane Panin became the Chief of Edweso, a nearby community.
Li te lene nan yon fanmi de timoun. Frèl, Afrane Panin te vin Chèf nan Edweso, yon kominote ki tou pre.

After a childhood without incident, she cultivated crops on the land around Boankra.
Apre yon anfans san problèm, li te kiltive latè ki sou nan alantou Boankra.

She entered a polygamous marriage with a man from Kumsai, with whom she had a daughter.[2]
Li te antre nan yon maryaj poligam ak yon nonm soti nan Kumsai e li te gen yon pitit fi avèl.[2]

During her brother's reign, Yaa Asantewaa saw the Ashanti Confederacy go through a series of events that threatened its future, including civil war from 1883 to 1888.
Pandan rèy frè li, Yaa Asantewaa te wè Konfederasyon Ashanti pase anpil tray ki menase lavni li, kankou yon gè sivil soti nan 1883 rive nan 1888.

When her brother died in 1894, Yaa Asantewaa used her right as Queen Mother to nominate her own grandson as Ejisuhene.
Lè frèl te mouri an 1894, Yaa Asantewaa itilize dwa li tankou Manman Renn peyi a pou nonmen pitit pitit li kòm Ejisuhene.

When the British exiled him in the Seychelles in 1896, along with the King of Asante Prempeh I and other members of the Asante government, Yaa Asantewaa became regent of the Ejisu-Juaben District.
Lè Angle yo depòtel nan la Sechèl an 1896, ansanm ak Wa Asante Prempeh I ak lòt manm nan gouvènman Asante an, Yaa Asantewaa te vin rejan nan distrik Ejisu-Juaben.

After the deportation of Prempeh I, the British governor-general of the Gold Coast, Frederick Hodgson, demanded the Golden Stool, the symbol of the Asante nation.[2] This request led to a secret meeting of the remaining members of the Asante government at Kumasi, to discuss how to secure the return of their king.
Apre depòtasyon Prempeh I, gouvènè-jeneral Kòt Dò a, Frederick Hodgson ki te yon blan Angle, te egzije oou yo remèt li twòn dore-a ki se senbòl nanchon Asante-a.[2] Dikta sa-a te a te fè rès manm gouvènman Asante a reyini nan Kumasi pou diskite kijan pou yo fè wa yo tounen lakay li.

There was a disagreement among those present on how to go about this.
Yo pat rive dakò sou kijan pou sa te fèt.

Yaa Asantewaa, who was present at this meeting, stood and addressed the members of the council with these now-famous words:[3]
Yaa Asantewaa, ki te prezan nan reyinyon sa a te kanpe poul pale ak manm konsèy la. Pawòl li nan okazyon sa-a vin selèb:[3]

"Now I have seen that some of you fear to go forward to fight for our king.
"Sanble gen nan nou ki pè batay pou wa nou.

If it were the brave days of Osei Tutu, Okomfo Anokye and Opuki Ware, chiefs would not sit down to see their king taken without firing a shot.
Mwen sonje epòk Osei Tutu, Okomfo Anokye ak Opuki Ware, epòk chèf ki pat kite moun vin atake wa nou.

No white man could have dared to speak to the Chief of Asante in the way the governor spoke to you chiefs this morning.
Pat gen okenn blan ki tap vin pèmèt li pale ak ak Chèf Asante jan gouvènè angle a te vin pal avèk nou maten an.

Is it true that the bravery of Asante is no more?
Eske se ta vre Asante pa gen grenn ankò?

I cannot believe it.
Mwen pa ka kwè sa.

It cannot be!
Li pa ka!

I must say this: if you, the men of Asante, will not go forward, then we will.
Map sèmante: si gason vanyan Asante yo pap batay, en ben noumenm fanm nap degaje nou.

I shall call upon my fellow women.
Map rele fanm parèy mwen.

We will fight the white men. We will fight till the last of us falls on the battlefield."[4]
Nou pral goumen kont nonm blan yo. Nou pral goumen jouk nou tout tonbe sou chan batay la."[4]

The next morning, 28 March 1900, Yaa Asantewaa gathered her women together, followed by her shame-faced men.
Nan denmen maten, 28 Mas 1900, Yaa Asantewaa rasanble fanm yo ansanm, ak tout gason ki deside swiv yo.

With an army of some five thousand, she led the Asante Uprising, known as the War of the Golden Stool.
Ak yon lame senk mil moun, li te dirije Soulèvman Asante ke yon vin rele Lagè Twòn Dore a.

Supported by some of the other Asante nobility, she fought valiantly against the British.[4][5]
Ak sipò rès noblès Asante-a, li te goumen ak vanyans kont Britanik yo.[4][5]

The confrontation of a woman, serving as political and military head of an empire, was foreign to British colonial troops in 19th-century Africa.
Konfwontasyon yon fanm ki tap sèvi kòm chèf politik ak militè yon anpi pat yon bagay lame kolon Angle te abitye nan 19yèm syèk.

Yaa Asantewaa's call upon the women of the Asante Empire is based on the political obligations of Akan women and their respective roles in legislative and judicial processes.
Jan Yaa Asantewaa te rasanble fanm nan peyi Akan an soti nan obligasyon politik fanm nan peyi Akan yo ki te gen wòl yo nan lajistis ak nan paleman.

The hierarchy of male stools among the Akan people were complemented by female counterparts.
Yerachi twòn gason nan pèp Akan te ale men nan men ak fanm ki nan menm pozisyon.

Within the village, elders known as (mpanyimfo) heads of the matrilineages, constituted with the village council known as the ôdekuro.
Nan lakou yo, granmoun fanm ki te rele mpanyimfo yo te travay tèt kole ak konsèy lakou a ki te rele ôdekuro.

These women known as the mpanyinfo referred to aberewa or ôbaa panyin, to look after women's affairs.
Fanm mpanyinfo yo te travay ak aberewa oswa ôbaa panyin, pou rezoud pwoblèm fanm.

For every ôdekuro, an ôbaa panyin acted as the responsible party for the affairs of the women of the village and served as a member of the village council.[10]
Pou chak ôdekuro, yon ôbaa panyin te responsab zafè fanm yo nan vilaj la e te sèvi kòm yon manm nan konsèy vilaj la.[10]