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The Linus/Linux connection
Il leam Linus/Linux

Initially, Torvalds wanted to call the kernel he developed Freax (a combination of "free", "freak", and the letter X to indicate that it is a Unix-like system), but his friend Ari Lemmke, who administered the FTP server where the kernel was first hosted for download, named Torvalds's directory linux.[41]
Al principi, Torvalds al voleve clamâ il kernel di lui svilupât Freax (union di "free" libar, "freak" particolâr, e la letare X par disi ch'al è un sisteme Unix-like), ma il so amì Ari Lemmke, ch'al aministrave il server FTP ch'al ospitave il kernel, al à clamât la cartele di Torvalds linux.[41]

Linus Benedict Torvalds (/ˈliːnəs ˈtɔːrvɔːldz/; nassût il 28 di Dicembar dal 1969 a Helsinki, Finlandie) al è un inzegnîr informatic finlandês-american [2][6] ch'al è il creatôr e, par tancj agns, principâl svilupadôr dal kernel Linux, ch'al è deventât il cûr di tancj sistemis operatîfs come Linux, Android, e Chrome OS. Al à ancje creât il sisteme di control de version distribuît Git e Subsurface, un program par planificâ escursions subacuiis. Al è stât onorât, insiemi cun Shinya Yamanaka, cul premi Millennium Technology dal 2012 dale Academie de Tecnologjie Finlandese "in ricognossince de creazion di un gnûf sisteme operatîf open source par computers ch'al à puartât a une grande difusion dal kernel Linux".[7] Al è ancje stât premiât tal 2014 cul premi IEEE Computer Society Computer Pioneer Award[8] e tal 2018 IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award.[9]

Linus Torvalds
Utent:DPD-/Linus Torvalds

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Gaudete by Collegium Vocale Bydgoszcz.
Gaudete cjantât dal Collegium Vocale Bydgoszcz.

Collegium Vocale Bydgoszcz
La prime pagjine de version origjinâle.

The Hobbit, or There and Back Again Cover of the 1937 first edition, from a drawing by Tolkien Author J. R. R. Tolkien Illustrator J. R. R. Tolkien Cover artist J. R. R. Tolkien Country United Kingdom Language English Genre High fantasy Juvenile fantasy Set in Middle-earth Publisher George Allen & Unwin (UK) Publication date 21 September 1937 Pages 310 (first edition) OCLC 1827184 LC Class PR6039.O32 H63 Followed by The Lord of the Rings
Mape di Thror cu li scritis runichis

The plot involves a host of other characters of varying importance, such as the twelve other dwarves of the company; two types of elves: both puckish and more serious warrior types;[7] Men; man-eating trolls; boulder-throwing giants; evil cave-dwelling goblins; forest-dwelling giant spiders who can speak; immense and heroic eagles who also speak; evil wolves, or Wargs, who are allied with the goblins; Elrond the sage; Gollum, a strange creature inhabiting an underground lake; Beorn, a man who can assume bear form; and Bard the Bowman, a grim but honourable archer of Lake-town.[2][8]
A cjapin part te storie ancje tancj atris personaçs di varie impuartance, come i dodis atris nanui de comitive, doi tipos di elfs, oms, tròi, orcui, rai boconons, grandis acuilis, lôfs, Elrond il savint, Golum (une strane creature che a vîf in un lâc sot tiere), Beorn (un om che al si trasforme in ors) e Bard (un valorôs arcîr dal Lâc Lunc).



Gandalf tricks Bilbo Baggins into hosting a party for Thorin Oakenshield and his band of twelve dwarves, (Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur) who sing of reclaiming the Lonely Mountain and its vast treasure from the dragon Smaug.
Gandalf al met sù une fieste a cjase di Bilbo Bèghins, cence visâlu. A la fieste al invide une compagnie di dodis nanui (Dvalin, Balin, Chili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur e Bombur) vuidâts di Thorin Scûd-di-rôl. I nanui a cjantin dal Mont Solitari e dal grant tesaur vuardât di Smaug, un drâc.

When the music ends, Gandalf unveils Thrór's map showing a secret door into the Mountain and proposes that the dumbfounded Bilbo serve as the expedition's "burglar".
Dopo il cjant Gandalf al fâs viodi la Mape di Thrór la che a si po viodi une puarte segrete tal flanc dal mont e al propon di ingaiâ Bilbo come scassinadôr par recuperà il tesaur che Smaug al veve robât lôr.

The dwarves ridicule the idea, but Bilbo, indignant, joins despite himself.
I nanui a ridin a la idee, ma Bilbo, indignât, al acete ancje se a nol varès volût aventuris.

The group travels into the wild, where Gandalf saves the company from trolls and leads them to Rivendell, where Elrond reveals more secrets from the map.
Il grup al zire par zonis salvadis de Tiere di Mieç, tant che Gandalf al à di salvâju dai tròi, fin a rivà a Valvierte (Rivendell) lì che Elrond ai conte alc di plui sui segrets de mape.

When they attempt to cross the Misty Mountains they are caught by goblins and driven deep underground.
Tentânt di passâ i Monts dai Nui a vegnin cjapâts dai orcui e puartâts sot tiere tal lôr côf.

Although Gandalf rescues them, Bilbo gets separated from the others as they flee the goblins.
Ancjemò Gandalf al rive a salvâju, ma Bilbo a si piert e al cjate un anel par tiere.

Lost in the goblin tunnels, he stumbles across a mysterious ring and then encounters Gollum, who engages him in a game of riddles.
Pôc pi in la al incuintre Gollum e i doi a fasin une gare di induvinei: Bilbo al vinç e Gollum al à di fai viodi la strade par la fûr, ma al si inacuarç che chel atri i à robât l'anel.

As a reward for solving all riddles Gollum will show him the path out of the tunnels, but if Bilbo fails, his life will be forfeit.
Bilbo al met su cence volê l'anel e al devente invisibil , cussì al scjampe e al torne dai nanui.

With the help of the ring, which confers invisibility, Bilbo escapes and rejoins the dwarves, improving his reputation with them.
Il grup al ven po dopo metût sot di un trop di lôfs, ma a son puartâts vie da un scuam di acuilis amîs di Gandalf.

The goblins and Wargs give chase, but the company are saved by eagles before resting in the house of Beorn.
Prime di continuâ il viaç a si fermin a polsâ la di Beorn: un om che al po trasformâsi in ors.

The company enters the black forest of Mirkwood without Gandalf. In Mirkwood, Bilbo first saves the dwarves from giant spiders and then from the dungeons of the Wood-elves.
La comitive a jentre tal Bosc Scûr (Mirkwood) cence Gandalf che al à atris afârs di distrigâ pi in ju a Dol Guldur.

Nearing the Lonely Mountain, the travellers are welcomed by the human inhabitants of Lake-town, who hope the dwarves will fulfil prophecies of Smaug's demise.
Tal bosc Bilbo prime al salve i nanui dai rais grandonons, e dopo dalis presons dai elfs dal bosc, simpri graciis al anel.

The expedition travels to the Lonely Mountain and finds the secret door; Bilbo scouts the dragon's lair, stealing a great cup and espying a gap in Smaug's armour.
Dongje dal Mont Solitari a cjatin in oms di Esgaroth sul Lâc Lunc, che a sperin che i nanui a inveredin la profezie de espulsion di Smaug.

The enraged dragon, deducing that Lake-town has aided the intruder, sets out to destroy the town.
Rivâts al mont e vierte la puarte segrete Bilbo al jentre a viodi cemût che e je la situazion.

A thrush had overheard Bilbo's report of Smaug's vulnerability and reports it to Lake-town defender Bard.
Il drâc a si svee e al va a brusâ Esgaroth pensânt che nanui e oms a si sedin aleâts cuintri di lui.

Bard's arrow finds the hollow spot and kills the dragon.
Un rusignûl però al vise Bard, une vuardie di Esgaroth, che al rive a copâ il drâc cund'une frece fate a pueste.

When the dwarves take possession of the mountain, Bilbo finds the Arkenstone, an heirloom of Thorin's family, and hides it away.
Cuant che i nanui a jentrin tal mont, Bilbo al cjate la Piere dal Re (Arkenstone), un cimeli di famee di Thorin, e a la plate.

The Wood-elves and Lake-men besiege the mountain and request compensation for their aid, reparations for Lake-town's destruction, and settlement of old claims on the treasure.
I elfs dal bosc e i oms di Esgaroth a asediein il mont domandânt une paie par vê judât i nanui a mandâ vie Smaug.

Thorin refuses and, having summoned his kin from the Iron Hills, reinforces his position.
Thorin al rifiute e, clamât il cusin dalis Culinis di Fiar, al rinfuarce la so posizion di Re sot dal mont.

Bilbo tries to ransom the Arkenstone to head off a war, but Thorin is only enraged at the betrayal.
Bilbo al prove a cirì la pâs, ancje dant la Piere dal Re ai oms e elfs, ma chest al fasarà dome rabià di plui Thorin, che al bandirà Bilbo.

He banishes Bilbo, and battle seems inevitable.
Rivâts a chest pont la bataie a è inevitabile.

Gandalf reappears to warn all of an approaching army of goblins and Wargs.
Gandalf al torne par visà ducj de rivade di un esercit di orcui e lôfs.

The dwarves, men and elves band together, but only with the timely arrival of the eagles and Beorn do they win the climactic Battle of Five Armies.
I nanui, i oms e i elfs a si adunin, ma dome cu la vignude da li acuilis e di Beorn a rivin a vinci la Bataie dai cinc esercits.

Thorin is fatally wounded and reconciles with Bilbo before he dies.
Thorin al môr te bataie, ma prime al rive a fa pâs cun Bilbo.

Bilbo accepts only a small portion of his share of the treasure, having no want or need for more, but still returns home a very wealthy hobbit roughly a year and a month after he first left.
Il hobit al acete dome une piçule part di chel che ai spietarès dal tesaur, no coventâint, ma al torne a cjase cul siò gnûf anel e cun une gnove voie di zirà il mont.

The Hobbit, or There and Back Again is a children's fantasy novel by English author J. R. R. Tolkien.
Il Hobit, o Lâ e Tornâ (in runis ᛁᛚ᛫ᚻᚩᛒᛁᛏ᛫ᚩ᛫ᛚᚪ᛫ᛖ᛫ᛏᚩᚱᚾᚪ, titul origjinâl in inglês: The Hobbit, or There and Back Again ᚦᛖ᛫ᚻᚩᛒᛒᛁᛏ᛫ᚩᚱ᛫ᚦᛖᚱᛖ᛫ᚪᚾᛞ᛫ᛒᚪᚳk᛫ᚪᚷᚪᛁᚾ ) al è un libri di fantasie par fruts scrit dal autôr inglês J. R. R. Tolkien.

It was published on 21 September 1937 to wide critical acclaim, being nominated for the Carnegie Medal and awarded a prize from the New York Herald Tribune for best juvenile fiction.
Publicât ai 21 di Setembar dal 1937 cun une vore di entusiasim de critiche, al è stât nomenât pe Medae Carnegie e al à vint il premi dal New York Herald Tribune come miôr conte par fruts.

The book remains popular and is recognized as a classic in children's literature.
Al reste un libri popolâr e un classic de leterature par fruts.

The Hobbit is set within Tolkien's fictional universe and follows the quest of home-loving Bilbo Baggins, the titular hobbit, to win a share of the treasure guarded by Smaug the dragon.
Il Hobit al è ambientât te Tiere di Mieç in Arda, l'univiers inventât di Tolkien, e al conte da la imprese dal hobit Bilbo Bèghins (di chi il titul) che al vinç une part dal tesaur tignût sot voli dal drâc Smaug.

Bilbo's journey takes him from light-hearted, rural surroundings into more sinister territory.
Il viaç al puarte Bilbo de so calme campagne te contee (Shire) in puescj plui paurôs e pericolôs.

The story is told in the form of an episodic quest, and most chapters introduce a specific creature or type of creature of Tolkien's geography.
La storie e je contade in te forme di une cercje a episodis, e tancj cjapitui a introdusin une gnove creature dal mont di Tolkien.

Bilbo gains a new level of maturity, competence, and wisdom by accepting the disreputable, romantic, fey, and adventurous sides of his nature and applying his wits and common sense.
Bilbo al madure, al slargje li sôs cognossincis e al ven simpri pi saç acetânt i siei cjaveçs romantic, sumiadôr e aventurôs, simpri cul siò umorisim e bon sens.

The story reaches its climax in the Battle of Five Armies, where many of the characters and creatures from earlier chapters re-emerge to engage in conflict.
La conte a rive al pic te Bataie de Cinc Armadis, indulà che tancj dai personaçs e dalis creaturis dai cjapitui prime a tornin fûr par cjapâ part tal conflit.

Personal growth and forms of heroism are central themes of the story, along with motifs of warfare.
La cressite personâl e formis di eroisim a son temis centrai de storie, adun cun une trame di vuere.

These themes have led critics to view Tolkien's own experiences during World War I as instrumental in shaping the story.
Chescj temis e àn puartât dai critics a pensà che Tolkien al vedi cjapât idee da la sô esperience te Prime Vuere Mondiâl par scrivi cheste conte.

The author's scholarly knowledge of Germanic philology and interest in mythology and fairy tales are often noted as influences.
Li cognossincis di Tolkien di filologjie todescje e il siò interès par la mitologjie e li flabis a son dispès ritignudis influencis pa la scriture dal libri.