Tidligt Liv
Early Life
Sadiki Thirston (7. november 1994), bedre kendt under kunstnernavnet SD, var en Amerikansk rapper fra Chicago, Illinois.
Sadiki Thirston (born November 7, 1994), also known as SD, is an American rapper, in the past, the signatory of the mark Glory Boyz Entertainment, left to exist in January of 2014.[1][2][3] Executive issued the 3 mixtapes of the series Life of to Savage.
Han var en del af Glory Boyz Entertainment med Chief Keef, Fredo Santana, Lil Reese, Gino Marley, Tadoe & Ballout.
The First launching downloaded more than 48 one thousand times in DatPiff (bronze been according to the criteria of the web).[4][5]
SD voksede op med at lytte til 50 Cent, Eminem, Gucci Mane og Cam'ron.
SD grew up listening to 50 Cent, Eminem, Gucci Mane and Cam'ron.
Det var medlem af den Black Gate, en bande af Black Disciples.[6]
It was member of black gate, a gang of Black Disciples, of the zone of Chicago, Illinois.[6]
↑ . Missing or empty |title= (help) ↑ . Missing or empty |title= (help) ↑ . Missing or empty |title= (help) ↑ . Missing or empty |title= (help) ↑ . Missing or empty |title= (help) ↑ . Missing or empty |title= (help) ↑ . Missing or empty |title= (help) Discography Studio Album Truly Blessed (2014) Mixtapes Life of A Savage (2012) Life of A Savage 2 (2012) Life of A Savage 3 (2013) Life of A Savage 4 (2015) Just The Beginning (2015) ↑ . Missing or empty |title= (help)
↑ http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2012-07-27/entertainment/ct-ae-0729-chicago-hip-hop-20120727_1_chief-keef-lil-reese-chicago-rap. Missing or empty |title= (help)Missing or empty |title= (help) ↑ http://www.complex.com/music/2012/04/where-did-chief-keef-come-from/page/2. Missing or empty |title= (help)Missing or empty |title= (help) ↑ http://pitchfork.com/news/52010-watch-the-video-for-chicago-rapper-sds-new-world-order-remix-featuring-danny-brown/.
SD I Twitter SD I Facebook
SD In Twitter SD In Facebook
Pete Shelley (født Peter Campbell McNeish) (født 17. april 1955, død 6. december 2018) var en engelsk sanger, sangskriver og rockguitarist.
Pete Shelley (born Peter Campbell McNeish; 17 April 1955 – 6 December 2018) was an English singer-songwriter and rock guitarist.
Han blev født i Leigh, Lancashire, men voksede op i Bolton, Manchester.
He was born in Leigh, Lancashire, but was raised in Bolton, Manchester.
Shelley var bedst kendt som grundlægger af, og frontmand i, bandet Buzzcocks.
Shelley was best known as the founder and bandleader of Buzzcocks.
Hans mest kendte sang som solist er "Homosapien" (1981).
His best known song was "Homosapien" (1981).
Shelley døde 6. december 2018, 63 år gammel, af et hjerteanfald i sit hjem i Estland.[1][2]
Shelley died on 6 December 2018 from a heart attack at his home in Estonia, aged 63.[1][2]
Hentet 6 December 2018. ↑ Buzzcocks' Pete Shelley Has Died.
Retrieved 6 December 2018. ↑ "Buzzcocks' Pete Shelley Has Died".
6 December 2018.
6 December 2018.
Buzzcocks er et punk-rock band fra Bolton, England.
Buzzcocks are a punk rock band from Bolton, England.
De blev dannet i 1976.
They were formed in 1976.
Doo-wop er en musikgenre der blev udviklet i afrikansk-amerikanske samfund i USA.
Doo-wop is a genre of music that was developed in African-American communities in The USA.
Den startede i 1940'erne, og doo-wop opnåede bred popularitet i 1950'erne og begyndelsen af 1960'erne.
It started in the 1940s. Doo-wop achieved mainstream popularity in the 1950s and early 1960s.
Baseret på vokal harmonier blev doo-wop en af den tids mest udbredte og pop-orienterede R&B stilarter.
Built upon vocal harmony, doo-wop was one of the most mainstream, pop-oriented R&B styles of the time.
Sangeren Bill Kenny (1914-1978) kaldes ofte "Godfather of Doo-wop".
Singer Bill Kenny (1914–1978) is often called the "Godfather of Doo-wop".
Han indførte "top and bottom"-stilen hvor en høj tenor synger lead og en bassanger fremfører teksten i sangens midte.
He introduced the "top and bottom" format which featured a high tenor singing the lead and a bass singer reciting the lyrics in the middle of the song.
Doo-wop indeholder vokalgruppe-harmonier, vrøvlestavelser, et simpelt beat, nogle gange lidt eller ingen instrumentering og enkel musik og lyrik.[1]
Doo-wop features vocal group harmony, nonsense syllables, a simple beat, sometimes little or no instrumentation, and simple music and lyrics.[1]
Den første plade der anvendte stavelserne "doo-wop" var hittet "When You Dance" af The Turbans fra 1955.[1] Udtrykket "doo-wop" dukkede for første gang op på tryk i 1961.
The first record to use the syllables "doo-wop" was the 1955 hit "When You Dance" by the Turbans.[2] The term "doo-wop" first appeared in print in 1961.
I slutningen af 1950'erne bidrog mange italiensk-amerikanske grupper til doo-wop scenen.
During the late 1950s many Italian-American groups added to the doo-wop scene.
Doo-wop toppede i 1961, men doo-wops indflydelse fortsatte blandt 1960'ernes soul, pop og rockgrupper.
The peak of doo-wop was in 1961. Doo-wop's influence continued in soul, pop, and rock groups of the 1960s.
På forskellige tidspunkter i 1970'erne, 1980'erne og 1990'erne oplevede genren en fornyet interesse.
At various times in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, the genre has seen revivals.
Doo-wop var en forløber for mange af de afro-amerikanske musikalske stilarter der ses i dag.
Doo-wop was a precursor to many of the afro-American musical styles seen today.
Som en videreudvikling af jazz og blues, har doo-wop også påvirket mange af de største rock and roll-grupper der dominerede de sidste årtier af det 20 århundrede.
An evolution of jazz and blues, doo-wop also influenced many of the major Rock and Roll groups that defined the later decades of the 20th century.
Doo-wop er kendetegnet ved dens swing-lignende beats og brugen af off-beat til at holde tiden.
Doo-wop is iconic for it’s swing-like beats and using the off-beat to keep time.
Doo-wop lagde grunden til mange musikalske nyskabelser, som for eksempel R&B.
Doo-wop laid the foundation for many musical innovations, for example, R&B.
Monterey er en by beliggende i Monterey County i den amerikanske delstat Californien. Den ligger på den sydlige kant af Monterey Bay på Californiens Central Coast, .
Monterey is a city located in Monterey County in the U.S. state of California, on the southern edge of Monterey Bay on California's Central Coast.
Byen er beliggende 26 meter (8 m) over havets overflade og har et areal på 8.466 sq mi (21.93 km2). I følge folketællingen i USA 2010 var befolkningen på 27.810.[1]
It stands at an elevation of 26 feet (8 m) above sea level, on a land area of 8.466 sq mi (21.93 km2).The 2010 census recorded a population of 27,810.[1]
Brændende bygninger under opstanden
Burning buildings during the riots
Watts-opstanden var en opstand i Los Angeles , Californiens Watts bydel, der fandt sted 11. august til 16. august 1965.[1] 34 mennesker døde,[2] 1.032 blev såret og 3.438 blev fængslet.
The Watts riots was a race riot which lasted 6 days in August 1965 in Watts part of Los Angeles, California. 34 people died, 1,032 were hurt, and 3,438 went to jail.
Det var den værste opstand i Los Angeles historie indtil opstanden i Los Angeles i 1992.
It was the worst riot in Los Angeles history until the 1992 Los Angeles riots.
Yderligere læsning
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Eksterne henvisninger
Other websites
Luis Felipe Crespo Centeno (Født i Guayaquil, Ecuador), også kendt som Loco Crespo, er en ecuadoriansk kunstner , skuespiller og komiker , der har deltaget i flere ecuadorianske film- og tv-programmer og udfolder sig også som en anerkendt YouTuber i Ecuador.[1]
Luis Felipe Crespo Centeno (Born in Guayaquil, Ecuador) also known as Loco Crespo, is an Ecuadorian artist, actor and comedian, who has participated in several Ecuadorian films and television programs, and also unfolds as a recognized YouTuber in Ecuador.[1]
I 2015 designet han billedet "Iguana Dorada" til den første udgave af Guayaquil International Film Festival.[1]
In 2015 He designed the statuette “Iguana Dorada” for the first edition of the Guayaquil International Film Festival.[6]
I 2016 dukkede op i filmen Entre Sombras: Averno, regissøren Xavier Bustamante, sammen med Juan Pablo Asanza, Daniela Vallejo, Marlon Pantaleon og Montse Serra, hvor han spillede en reporter af "Cronica Roja", udover at være ansvarlig for making-of, og udfører flere forestillinger som ekstra.[1]
In 2016 appeared in the film Entre Sombras: Averno, the director Xavier Bustamante, along with Juan Pablo Asanza, Daniela Vallejo, Marlon Pantaleon and Montse Serra, where he played a reporter of “Cronica Roja”, in addition to being in charge of the making-of, and performing several performances as extra.[1]
I 2018 stjernede med Paola Olaya horror short film Clown , fra regissøren Maxime Pailloux, hvor han spillede en klovn.[1]
In 2018 starred with Paola Olaya the horror short film Clown, of the director Maxime Pailloux, where he played a clown.[7]
Den 12. august 2009 oprettede han sin YouTube-kanal med samme navn, Felipe Crespo, hvor han sendte videoer af kortfilm med sjove historier og animationsfilm, som han udførte i sit studiested, så de kunne se sin familie og venner, men næsten intet indhold blev rejst.[1][2][3][4]
On August 12, 2009 he created his YouTube channel with the same name, Felipe Crespo, in which he post videos of short films with funny stories and videos of animation that he carried out in his place of studies, so that they can see his family and friends , however, almost no content was raised.[1][9][10][11]
I 2011 var det en del af et projekt, der blev oprettet af den generelle producent Irving Zambrano, instrueret af Salvatore Fonseca og produceret af Calé Rodriguez til YouTube, kaldet INperfectos, hvor Crespo fortolket Andy, en skræmt og ubrugeløs ung mand, der alene er hjemme alene Hans bror Manuel, spillede af Douglas Armijos, efter at hans forældre vandt lotteriet og gik på en lang bryllupsrejse rundt om i verden, efterladt dem med nogle penge, så de kan opholde sig og bo sammen med flere af hans venner, såsom Albino, fortolket af Suager Segura , som ironisk nok er Afrodescendant og kun vises, når den passer, Nathy, la aniñada, fortolket af Nathaly Troy, som har en fin "montubia" kaldet "Ceci la chonera", fortolket af Saira Aráuz og en attraktiv ven ved navn Pamela, spillet af Andrea Alvear, der har en hemmelighed, som frygter sine suitors, udover Andys kæreste, kaldte Roxana, som spilles af Andrea Ojeda, som er set af sin mor Viviana, spillet af Carolina Ossa, der spillede ind en dokumentar om livet for din datter.[1][2]
In 2011 It was part of a project created by the general producer Irving Zambrano, directed by Salvatore Fonseca and produced by Calé Rodriguez for YouTube, called INperfectos, in which Crespo interpreted Andy, a scared and useless young man who is left alone at home together His brother Manuel, played by Douglas Armijos, after his parents won the lottery and went on a long honeymoon around the world, leaving them with some money so they can subsist, living with several of his friends, such as Albino, interpreted by Suager Segura, who ironically is Afrodescendant and only appears when it suits, Nathy, la aniñada, interpreted by Nathaly Troy, who has a prima “montubia” called “Ceci la chonera”, interpreted by Saira Aráuz, and an attractive friend named Pamela, Played by Andrea Alvear, who has a secret that frightens his suitors, in addition to Andy's girlfriend, called Roxana, played by Andrea Ojeda, who is watched by her mother Viviana, played by Carolina Ossa, who recorded a documentary of life of your daughter.[12][13]
I 2014 optog han for JoviVlogs kanal af sin ven José Villacís, hvor de udførte kynisk kritik af samfundet, lokal tv eller reggaetonmusik, hvor han havde forestillinger i disse videoer i et år, så folk bad ham om at skabe sin egen kanal.[1][2] I august samme år blev afholdt i "La Casa de la Cultura DE Guayaquil", Youtubizados Awards, hvor Crespo vandt i kategorien Best Variety for indholdet af hans YouTube-kanal under juryens kriterium dannet af Cristian Cortez , manuskriptforfatter af El Combo Amarillo og Alejandro Lalelo, kreativ direktør og skuespiller for Enchufe.tv.[3][4]
In 2014 he recorded for the JoviVlogs channel of his friend José Villacís, where they conducted cynical criticism of society, local television or reggaeton music, in which he had appearances in these videos for one year, so people asked him to create a his own channel.[1][15] In August of that same year was held in “La Casa de la Cultura DE Guayaquil”, the Youtubizados Awards, where Crespo won in the category of Best Variety for the content of his YouTube channel, under the criterion of the jury formed by Cristian Cortez, screenwriter of El Combo Amarillo, and Alejandro Lalelo, creative director and actor of Enchufe.tv.[16][17]
I begyndelsen af 2015 begyndte at lave konsekutivt indhold til sin kanal efter en ven opfordrede filmmakeren Luis Avilés ham til at genoplive den i form af gadeinterviews med medier og kontroversielle problemer eller udfordringer med humor til at samle penge og købe mad til dem hvem har brug for det[1][2][3][4] Oprindeligt krævede Crespo ikke meget opmærksomhed om at gøre sådant indhold, fordi han frygtede at komme på fjernsyn, men endte med at lide ham efter at være i marken, indtil Luis Avilés endelig i 2016 adskilte sig som direktør for indholdet af Crespos kanal til at afsætte sig selv til hans Minuto final cinematografiske projekt.[1][2][3][5]
At the beginning of 2015 began to make consecutive content for its channel after a friend, the filmmaker Luis Avilés, prompted him to revive it in the format of street interviews with media and controversial issues or challenges with humor to raise money and buy Food to those who need it.[1][2][8][4] Originally Crespo did not call much attention to make such content because he feared to appear on television, but ended up liking him after being in the field, until finally in 2016, Luis Avilés dissociated himself as director of content of the channel of Crespo to devote himself to his Minuto final cinematographic project.[1][14][8][5]
Crespo er kendt af folk som "Loco Crespo" på grund af de videoer, han udfører.[1][2] Ricardo Ponce er en af hans bedste venner og hans kameramand på tidspunktet for at lave videoerne, mens Felipe har ansvaret for at redigere sine egne videoer, fordi han kender mere historien om den fangede i kameraet og giver ham sin ejendommelige stil.[2] Dens indhold dominerer interviews i sociale arrangementer, unge i skolerne, tur rundt i flere byer i Ecuador, og gennem en satirisk humor skaber konflikt med visse paradigmer i den ecuadorianske kultur.[3]
Crespo is known by people like “Loco Crespo” because of the videos he performs.[1][14] Ricardo Ponce is one of his best friends and his cameraman at the time of making the videos, while Felipe is in charge of editing his own videos because he knows more the history of the captured in camera and gives him his peculiar style.[14] Its content predominates interviews in social events, adolescents in schools, touring several cities of Ecuador, and through a satirical humor generates conflict with certain paradigms of Ecuadorian culture.[18]
En af de videoer, der blev udgivet på platformen i løbet af 2015, hedder Ecuador Fashion WEED, hvor han deltog i en modebegivenhed kaldet Fashion Week og spurgte: "Hvor er græset?", Mens du viser et avisudklip af et medie, der nævner mode begivenhed, forvirrende ordet uge (som på engelsk betyder uger) ved ukrudtsbekæmpelse (som på engelsk er kendt som marihuana) som en kritik af fejlen i teksten.[1][2] I denne hændelse interviewede han kompetencen til BLN La Competencia, Nathalie Carvajal, som fik opmærksomheden på at blive overrasket over, at Philip ikke vidste, hvem hun var under interviewet.[1]
One of the videos that was released on the platform during the 2015, is titled Ecuador Fashion WEED, where he attended a fashion event called Fashion Week and asked ¿where is the weed?, while showing a newspaper clipping of a media which mentions the fashion event, confusing the word week (which in English means weeks) by weed (which in English is known as marijuana), as a critique of the error in the text.[1][2] In This event he interviewed the competitor of reality BLN La Competencia, Nathalie Carvajal, who caught the attention to be surprised that Philip did not know who she was during the interview.[1]
Mellem 2017 og 2018 deltog han i eleOeleTV (LOL), regisseret af Jorge Toledo i samarbejde med produktionsselskabet Play On af Nicolás Lapentti sammen med Katherine Escobar, Marián Sabaté, Vicente Romero, Jaime Roca, David Coloma, Carolina Dávila, Pedro Gonzales, blandt andre.[1][2]
Between 2017 and 2018, he was part of the cast of eleOeleTV (LOL), directed by Jorge Toledo in association with the production company Play On by Nicolás Lapentti, together with Katherine Escobar, Marián Sabaté, Vicente Romero, Jaime Roca, David Coloma, Carolina Dávila, Pedro Gonzales, among Other.[19][20]
Luis Felipe Crespo Centeno blev født i Guayaquil, Ecuador, hans forældre er fra Guayaquil, og han har også Cuenca bedsteforældre.[1] Han studerede på "Escuela de Bellas Artes Juan Jose Plaza", hvor han blev uddannet som bachelor i plastik, hans specialisering maleri.[1] Han har en grad som grafisk designer og fik også titlen på teknolog i infographics.[1]
Luis Felipe Crespo Centeno was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, his parents are from Guayaquil and he also have Cuenca grandparents.[1] He studied at “Escuela de bellas artes Juan Jose Plaza”, where he graduated as a bachelor in Plastic arts, his specialization painting.[1] He have a degree as graphic designer and also obtained the title of technologist in infographics.[1]