Пӗрремӗш кӑларӑм хыҫҫӑн темиҫе ҫултан кӗнеке "метафизика классики" пулса тӑчӗ[1] hompotencialo ӑрӑвӗн шайӗнче леголистсем рекомендациленӗ издательствӑсенче темиҫе хут та пулнӑ.[2][3][4][5] Унӑн испани версине кӗнекерен пичетленсе тухнӑ хыҫҫӑн 25 ҫул иртсен иегова хушшинчи чи лайӑх кӗнекесенчен пӗри тесе йышӑннӑ.[6][7] Кунсӑр пуҫне кӗнеке ҫӗнӗ шухӑша кӗртрӗ, мӗншӗн тесен унта творчествӑлла визуализаци концепцийӗ уҫӑлать: позитивлӑ менсбилдойн тӑвас практика.[8][9]
Kelkaj jaroj post ties unua eldono, la libro fariĝis "metafizika klasikaĵo"[7] kaj multfoje aperis ĉe rekomendaj legolistoj ene de la genro de hompotencialo[8][9][10][11] Ties hispana versio estis konsiderita inter la plej bonaj libroj pri spiritualeco 25 jaroj post la publikigo de la libro.[12][13]
Кӗнекене hompotenciala юхӑмӗпе йышӑннӑ.[1][2]Кӗнеке пӗр-пӗринпе хутшӑнусен пайӗнче "классика" пулса тӑчӗ.[3][4] Гэри авторӗ Зукав "практикӑллӑ тата хавхалантаракан" кӗнекене асӑнчӗ.[5] Авторӗ Марианна Вильямсон "кашни мӑшӑр компаньонӗ пулмалла"тесе ҫырнӑ.[6]Publishers Weekly Мориссин стилӗ "чарусӑр", ҫавӑн пекех "туйӑмлӑ", тесе ҫырнӑ, анчах ку кӗнекесен ансатлӑхӗ пулнӑ.[7]
La libro estis adoptita de la hompotenciala movado.[2][3] La libro iĝis "klasikaĵo" ĉe la fako de interrilatoj.[4][5] La aŭtoro Gary Zukav nomis la libron "praktika kaj inspira".[6] Aŭtoro Marianne Williamson verkis ke la libro "devus esti akompananto de ĉiu paro."[7]
Ҫӗнӗ шухӑш: практикӑллӑ иегова (2003) - Мэри Мориссин виҫҫӗмӗш кӗнеки, унта вӑл ҫӗнӗ шухӑш проповедникӗсен ӗҫӗсене пухса редакциленӗ. Кӗнекере хӑйӗн пӗрремӗш веб-сайтне мӗнле йӗркелесси ҫинчен тӗпчерӗм, сирӗн шухӑшӑрсем реальноҫсене ӑнланччӑр.
Nova Penso: Praktika Spiritualismo (2003) estas la tria libro de Mary Morrissey, en kiu ŝi kolektis kaj redaktis la verkaĵojn de predikistoj de Nova Penso.
Кӗнеке ҫӗнӗ шухӑша тӗнчери юхӑм вырӑнне хурса ӑнланмалли ҫӑлкуҫ пулса тӑчӗ.[1][2][3] Академири тӗрлӗ эсплоринститутсем, издательствӑна кӗртсе Оксфорд университечӗ мэри Морисси кӗнеки ҫине яраҫҫӗ".Ҫӗнӗ шухӑш""Ҫӗнӗ шухӑш"социаллӑ тата тӗн аспекчӗсене ӑнланма тӗп ҫӑлкуҫӗ пек.[1][4]
La libro esploris la judkristanan premison ke pensoj influas la percepton de la realo.
See: ↵↵Joan Rosenberg mentions Morrissey being her "premier" teacher.
See: Joan Rosenberg mentions Morrissey being her "premier" teacher.
Мэри Морисси (1949 ҫулта ҫуралнӑ) - Novpensa америка писателӗ.[1][2] тӗнче юхӑмӗн активистки дили.[3] Вӑл кӗнеке авторӗ"Ӗмӗтлен"унта Морисси кӗрешӗвӗпе пурнӑҫӗ ҫинчен каласа панӑ. [4][5] Вӑл та кӗнеке авторӗ "Виҫерен кая мар", ҫыхӑнусене сыватас халалласа.[6][7] 2002 ҫулта вӑл кӗнекене пуҫтарса редакциленӗ".Ҫӗнӗ шухӑш:"практикӑпа иегова" [8].Америка писателӗ Уэйн Дайер ӑна "пирӗн вӑхӑтри чи паха авторсенчен пӗри"тесе ят панӑ.[9] Морисси карьера пуҫланнӑранпах активлӑ пулнӑ; 1995 ҫулта вӑл глобаллӑ ҫӗнӗ шухӑш Ассоциацийӗн соучредителӗ пулса тӑнӑ, унӑн пӗрремӗш президенчӗ пулнӑ.[1][10] 1997 ҫулта вӑл мӑнукӗпе ҫыхӑнса ӗҫленӗ Ганди Махатмисем- Ганди арунӗ, туса хур Тӗнче сезонӗ.[11][3] 2019 ҫулхи кӑрлач уйӑхӗнче Эмили сезонӗ пӗтӗм тӗнчипе "пӗтӗм тӗнчери сенперфорфан тума, вӗсене визуализацилеме тата пулӑшма май панӑ, пӗрле пӗрлешме, вӗсемпе пӗрле пулма май пуррине палӑртнӑ"[12]
Mary Morrissey (naskiĝis en 1949) estas Usona Novpensa aŭtoro[1][2] kaj aktivulo pri internacia senperforto.[3] Ŝi estas la aŭtoro de Konstruante Vian Kampon de Revoj, libro kiu kronikas la luktojn kaj vivlecionojn fruvivajn de Morrissey.[4][5] Ŝi estas ankaŭ la autoro de Ne Malpli ol Grandeco, libro pri sanigado de interrilatoj.[6][7] En 2002 ŝi kolektis kaj redaktis la libron Nova Penso: Praktika Spiritualismo. [8] Usona aŭtoro Wayne Dyer ŝin nomis "unu el la plej gravaj aŭtoroj de nia epoko."[9]
ISBN 978-1-61159-228-3 https://books.google.com/books?id=hJlVcj8_cv4C&dq=%22mary+manin+Morrissey%22&pg=PA157 as well as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/978-1-61159-228-3 ↑ She is among the authors thanked by the Hendricks for having "been with uson our incredible journey": ↵↵She is among the authors thanked by the Hendricks for having "been with uson our incredible journey": Hendricks, Gay; Hendricks, Kathlyn (2009).
ISBN 978-1-61159-228-3 https://books.google.com/books?id=hJlVcj8_cv4C&dq=%22mary+manin+Morrissey%22&pg=PA157 as well as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/978-1-61159-228-3 ↑ She is among the authors thanked by the Hendricks for having "been with uson our incredible journey": She is among the authors thanked by the Hendricks for having "been with uson our incredible journey": Hendricks, Gay; Hendricks, Kathlyn (2009).
ISBN 978-0-307-57308-7 https://books.google.com/books?id=CnNCDABzWn0C&dq=%22mary+manin+Morrissey%22&pg=PR11 as well as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/978-0-307-57308-7 ↑ Morrissey is among a few figures thanked by Dennis Merritt Jones for having "inspired" and "encouraged" him to write the book: ↵↵Morrissey is among a few figures thanked by Dennis Merritt Jones for having "inspired" and "encouraged" him to write the book: Jones, Dennis Merritt (April 17, 2008).
ISBN 978-0-307-57308-7 https://books.google.com/books?id=CnNCDABzWn0C&dq=%22mary+manin+Morrissey%22&pg=PR11 as well as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/978-0-307-57308-7 ↑ Morrissey is among a few figures thanked by Dennis Merritt Jones for having "inspired" and "encouraged" him to write the book: Morrissey is among a few figures thanked by Dennis Merritt Jones for having "inspired" and "encouraged" him to write the book: Jones, Dennis Merritt (April 17, 2008).
ISBN 978-1-4406-3575-5 https://books.google.com/books?id=XOy9jODD3IYC&dq=Mary+manin+morrissey+1949&pg=PT226 as well as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/978-1-4406-3575-5 ↑ Morrissey is mentioned by author Susyn Reeve among the sources to have given her "the encouragement and the tools" that eventually led to the writing of ↵'The Inspired Life'.
ISBN 978-1-4406-3575-5 https://books.google.com/books?id=XOy9jODD3IYC&dq=Mary+manin+morrissey+1949&pg=PT226 as well as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/978-1-4406-3575-5 ↑ Morrissey is mentioned by author Susyn Reeve among the sources to have given her "the encouragement and the tools" that eventually led to the writing of 'The Inspired Life'.
See: ↵↵Morrissey is mentioned by author Susyn Reeve among the sources to have given her "the encouragement and the tools" that eventually led to the writing of 'The Inspired Life'.
See: Morrissey is mentioned by author Susyn Reeve among the sources to have given her "the encouragement and the tools" that eventually led to the writing of 'The Inspired Life'.
See:↵↵Author Justine Toms mentions Morrissey's teaching twice in her book 'Small Pleasures', having taught her principles that assisted in her work in 'New Dimensions' and subsequently led to the writing of the book.
See: Author Justine Toms mentions Morrissey's teaching twice in her book 'Small Pleasures', having taught her principles that assisted in her work in 'New Dimensions' and subsequently led to the writing of the book.
See: ↵↵Author Todd Michael mentioned Morrissey's help in bringing the book 'The Twelve Conditions of a Miracle' to the "attention of thousands".
See: Author Todd Michael mentioned Morrissey's help in bringing the book 'The Twelve Conditions of a Miracle' to the "attention of thousands".
See: Steven B.↵↵Steven B. Heird writes of Morrissey being one of four "mentors" that helped him in his spiritual journey, offering a "special thank you."
See: Steven B. Steven B. Heird writes of Morrissey being one of four "mentors" that helped him in his spiritual journey, offering a "special thank you."
See: ↵↵ Author Judith Orloff thanks Morrissey, among others, in the Acknowledgements section in her book 'Positive Energy'.
See: Author Judith Orloff thanks Morrissey, among others, in the Acknowledgements section in her book 'Positive Energy'.
See: ↵↵John Haller noted that Morrissey was considered a "celebrity healer" whose advice is sometimes to "replace conventional medicine."
See: John Haller noted that Morrissey was considered a "celebrity healer" whose advice is sometimes to "replace conventional medicine."
ISBN 978-0-231-53770-4 https://books.google.com/books?id=_nfeAwAAQBAJ&dq=%22mary+manin+Morrissey%22&pg=PR18 as well as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/978-0-231-53770-4 ↑ "You Can Change Your Life."
ISBN 978-0-231-53770-4 https://books.google.com/books?id=_nfeAwAAQBAJ&dq=%22mary+manin+Morrissey%22&pg=PR18 as well as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/978-0-231-53770-4 ↑ ↑ "You Can Change Your Life."