
Жэл Нэрэн Хэни наадаб Хабсаралга 1999–2000 Freaks and Geeks Саара 4 эпизоод 2000 From Where I Sit Лиили Телевиизэрээ киноо 2001 Undeclared Сэбэр басаган Эпизоод: "Prototype" 2001–2003 Smallville Тиина Гриир 2 эпизоод 2001 Once and Again Саара Эпизод: "Tough Love" 2002 Everybody's Doing It Анджела Телевиизэрээ киноо 2003 Pitts, TheThe Pitts Faith Pitt 7 эпизоод 2005 Tru Calling Avery Bishop 4 эпизоод 2005–2006 Related Marjee Sorelli 18 эпизоод 2006–2009 American Dad!
Year Title Role Notes 1999–2000 Freaks and Geeks Sara 4 episodes 2000 From Where I Sit Lily Television film 2001 Undeclared Beautiful girl Episode: "Prototype" 2001–2003 Smallville Tina Greer 2 episodes 2001 Once and Again Sarah Episode: "Tough Love" 2002 Everybody's Doing It Angela Television film 2003 Pitts, TheThe Pitts Faith Pitt 7 episodes 2005 Tru Calling Avery Bishop 4 episodes 2005–2006 Related Marjee Sorelli 18 episodes 2006–2009 American Dad!

Debbie (voice) 4 эпизоод 2006–2007 Class, TheThe Class Kat Warbler 19 эпизоод 2008 True Blood Amy Burley 6 эпизоод 2008 Life & Times of Tim, TheThe Life & Times of Tim Episode: "Insurmountable High Score/Tim vs. the Baby" 2009–2010 Party Down Casey Klein 20 эпизоод 2010–2011 Childrens Hospital Harmony / Casey Klein 2 эпизоод 2011 Cleveland Show, TheThe Cleveland Show Patty Donner (voice) : "The Essence of Cleveland" 2011 Mr. Sunshine Vivian Cornelli Episode: "Ben and Vivian" 2011 Wainy Days Arielle Episode: "Kelly and Arielle – Part 2" 2012 New Girl Julia 4 episodes 2013 Newsreaders Anya Turpo Episode: "Hedge Fun" 2013–present Masters of Sex Virginia Johnson Main role; also producer Nominated—Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Actress in a Drama Series Nominated—Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series Nominated—Satellite Award for Best Actress – Television Series Drama (2014–15) 2013–2014 League, TheThe League Rebecca Ruxin 3 episodes 2014 Kroll Show Signing Bonus Contestant #1 Episode: "Krolling Around with Nick Klown" 2014 Comedy Bang!
Debbie (voice) 4 episodes 2006–2007 Class, TheThe Class Kat Warbler 19 episodes 2008 True Blood Amy Burley 6 episodes 2008 Life & Times of Tim, TheThe Life & Times of Tim Episode: "Insurmountable High Score/Tim vs. the Baby" 2009–2010 Party Down Casey Klein 20 episodes 2010–2011 Childrens Hospital Harmony / Casey Klein 2 episodes 2011 Cleveland Show, TheThe Cleveland Show Patty Donner (voice) Episode: "The Essence of Cleveland" 2011 Mr. Sunshine Vivian Cornelli Episode: "Ben and Vivian" 2011 Wainy Days Arielle Episode: "Kelly and Arielle – Part 2" 2012 New Girl Julia 4 episodes 2013 Newsreaders Anya Turpo Episode: "Hedge Fun" 2013–present Masters of Sex Virginia Johnson Main role; also producer Nominated—Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Actress in a Drama Series Nominated—Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series Nominated—Satellite Award for Best Actress – Television Series Drama (2014–15) 2013–2014 League, TheThe League Rebecca Ruxin 3 episodes 2014 Kroll Show Signing Bonus Contestant #1 Episode: "Krolling Around with Nick Klown" 2014 Comedy Bang!

Элизабеэта Энни "Лиизза" Каплаан (июль hарын 30, 1982) америкын актриса.
Elizabeth Anne "Lizzy" Caplan (born June 30, 1982) is an American actress.

Mean Girls (2004), Cloverfield (2008), Hot Tub Time Machine (2010), Bachelorette (2012), The Interview (2014), and Now You See Me 2 (2016) гэхэ мэтэ кинонуудта буулгагдаад мэдэгдэhэн. Related, The Class, True Blood, Party Down and Masters of Sex гэhэн сериалнуудар баhа буулгагдаhан.
She is known for her film roles, such as Mean Girls (2004), Cloverfield (2008), Hot Tub Time Machine (2010), Bachelorette (2012), The Interview (2014), and Now You See Me 2 (2016). She has also starred in a number of television shows, including Related, The Class, True Blood, Party Down and Masters of Sex.

Залуу сагууд
Early life

Лос-Анджелес хотын Miracle Mile тойрогто дурэгдэhэн ба ургаhан. Эжэ абаниинь еврей яhатан байгаа.[2][3] Абанинь юристор худэлдэг, эжынинь политигуудта хамалсадаг байhан.[4] Лииззи гурбан хүүгэд соонь аhань залуу байhан.[5] 13 болоодуй байхаданинь эжэниинь гээгдэшэhэн. [1][6][7] Каплаан Alexander Hamilton High School hураха ороhон,[9] тэндээ Дуунай академиин hургуулидан hураhан.
Caplan was born and raised in the Miracle Mile district of Los Angeles, California.[1] Her family were Reform Jews.[2][3] Her father was a lawyer and her mother was a political aide.[4] She was the youngest of three children with an older brother and sister.[5] Her mother died of illness when she was 13 years old.[1][6][7] Her uncle is publicist Howard Bragman.[8] Caplan attended Alexander Hamilton High School,[9] and was a student at the school's Academy of Music.

Анханhаа пианиинаар наадажа hуржайгаад hулдэнь драмада hуража эхилэ.[10] 2000 ондо тэрэ hургуулия дуургэhэн, тиигэд колледжа оронгуйгоор актриса болохоо hанаба.[11]
She first focused on playing the piano, then later decided to pursue drama.[10] She was also on her school's soccer team.[11] She graduated in 2000, but did not attend college because it was time consuming and she wanted to focus on acting.[11]


1999 киноонудта наадажа эхилhэнь, Freaks and Geeks гэhэн сериалда Саара гэжэ басаган боложо наадаhан, тэрээнинь туруушын роолинь болоно.
Caplan began her acting career in 1999, first playing a girl named Sara in the critically acclaimed series Freaks and Geeks.[12] Due to her performance, her character became the girlfriend of Jason Segel's character.[13] She then had a series of guest appearances on numerous shows, and appeared in Jason Mraz's music video "You and I Both". In 2000 she appeared in her first film From Where I Sit which was released straight to television.[14] In 2001, she played Tina Greer in an episode of Smallville, and reprised her role on the show in 2003. She appeared in two episodes of the ABC series Once and Again.

Тэрээнэ hүүлдэ элдэб сериалнуудар буулгагдаа Jason Mrazай дуунай киноодо "You and I Both".
In 2003, she starred in the television series The Pitts, playing Faith Pitt.

2000 ондо From Where I Sit .[14] 2001 ондо, Тиина Гриир гэжэ хүни Smallvillай эпизоодто наадаhан.
She gained wider notice for playing Janis Ian in the 2004 film Mean Girls. She played Avery Bishop in the second season of Tru Calling.

2005 ондо Каплаан Марджа Сореэлли боложо Relatedдэ буулгагдаhан, энэнь ганса нэгэ сезоон болоод саашань хаагдаhан. 2006 Саара Вээллер болоод Love is the Drug киноодо Variety журнаалда "10 хархаар актеорнууд" гэжэ нэрлэгдээ.[15] Relatedдээ hүүлоор CBS канаалэ The Class ситкоомдо худэлоо, энэнь баhал нэгэ сезоон болоод болео. Ендээ Кээт Вэмблеэр боложо, яагаад 20 жэл болоод hургуулиин үүринууд дахин уулзаhын харуула.[15]
In 2005, Caplan played troubled sister Marjee Sorelli in Related, a one-hour comedy-drama on The WB that was canceled after one season. In 2006, she starred as Sara Weller in the thriller film Love is the Drug and was named one of "10 Actors to Watch" by Variety.[15] After Related ended, Caplan was cast in the CBS sitcom The Class, which premiered in September 2006 and lasted for one season. She played Kat Warbler, one of several elementary school friends that reunite after 20 years.[15]

Лииззи Каплаан
Lizzy Caplan

Оорын байдал
Personal life

Каплан Matthew Perrитээ 2006 онhо 2012 он хүртэр уулзадаг байhан.[27][28][29][30]
Caplan dated actor Matthew Perry from 2006 to 2012.[27][28][29][30] She is the godmother of the daughter of actress Busy Philipps and screenwriter Marc Silverstein.[31]



Жэл Нэрэнь Хэни наадаб Хабсаралта 2002 Orange County Party girl 2003 Hardcore Action News Lizzy Lyons богони киноо 2004 Mean Girls Janis Ian 2006 Love Is the Drug Sara Weller 2007 Crashing Jacqueline 2008 Cloverfield Marlena Diamond Nominated—Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress 2008 My Best Friend's Girl Ami 2009 Crossing Over Marla 2010 Successful Alcoholics Lindsay богони киноо 2010 Hot Tub Time Machine April Drennan Nominated—Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie Actress: Comedy 2010 Last Rites of Ransom Pride, TheThe Last Rites of Ransom Pride Juliette Flowers 2010 127 Hours Sonja Ralston 2011 High Road Sheila 2012 Save the Date Sarah 2012 Bachelorette Gena 2012 3,2,1...
Year Title Role Notes 2002 Orange County Party girl 2003 Hardcore Action News Lizzy Lyons Short film 2004 Mean Girls Janis Ian 2006 Love Is the Drug Sara Weller 2007 Crashing Jacqueline 2008 Cloverfield Marlena Diamond Nominated—Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress 2008 My Best Friend's Girl Ami 2009 Crossing Over Marla 2010 Successful Alcoholics Lindsay Short film 2010 Hot Tub Time Machine April Drennan Nominated—Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie Actress: Comedy 2010 Last Rites of Ransom Pride, TheThe Last Rites of Ransom Pride Juliette Flowers 2010 127 Hours Sonja Ralston 2011 High Road Sheila 2012 Save the Date Sarah 2012 Bachelorette Gena 2012 3,2,1...

Frankie Go Boom Lassie 2012 Queens of Country Jolene Gillis 2012 Marvel One-Shot: Item 47 Claire богони киноо 2014 Interview, TheThe Interview Agent Lacey 2015 The Night Before Diana 2016 Now You See Me 2 Lula May 2016 Allied Bridget Буулгагдажайна
Frankie Go Boom Lassie 2012 Queens of Country Jolene Gillis 2012 Marvel One-Shot: Item 47 Claire Short film 2014 Interview, TheThe Interview Agent Lacey 2015 The Night Before Diana 2016 Now You See Me 2 Lula May 2016 Allied Bridget Filming

Бурса гээшэ Түрэг уластахи, Баруун-хойто Анатолидахи Мармара нютаг можодо байрладаг томо хото.
Bursa is a large city in Turkey, located in northwestern Anatolia, within the Marmara Region.

Тус хото ажаһуугшадай тоогой талаар Түрэгэй дүрбэдэхи томо хото болон гүрэнэйнгөө эгээн ажаүйлэдбэрижүүлһэн түбүүдэй нэгэн.
It is the fourth most populous city in Turkey and one of the most industrialized metropolitan centres in the country.

Бурса можын засаг захиргаанай түб мүн.
The city is also the administrative centre of Bursa Province.

Альцгеймерэй үбшэн, гээшэ аажам эхилжэ аажамаар муудадаг архаг мэдэрэлэй һуларха (нейродегенеративна) үбшэн.[1][2] Зүнтэглэлэй 60% - 70% тохёолдолые ушар болоно.[1][2] Эгээн таараһан эртын симптом һаядаа болоһон ушарые ой ухаанда һанаха бэрхэшээл (хурдан һанаха ой тогтоолтын гээлгэ).[1] Үбшэн дэбжэхэдээ хэлэхэ бэохэшээл, зүгые алдууха, огтууригүй һанаанай байдал, зоригые алдууха, өөрөө харууһалха, ба аяг зангай асуудалнууд гэхэ мэтэ ондоо симптомууд бии болоно [1][2] Хүнэй бэе ухаанай байдал муудажа, тэдэ ехэбшэлэн гэр бүлэһөө ба ниигэмһээ гарана.[1] Аажамаар бэе махабадай үүргэнүүдые алдаһаар, эсэстэнь үбшэн үхэлдэ хүргэнэ.[3] Үбшэн хүгжэхэ хурданиинь илгаржа болохошье һаа, диагноз табиһанай һүүлдэ дундажа наһалалта гурбан жэлһээ юһэн жэл хүрэнэ.[4][5]
Alzheimer's disease (AD), also known as just Alzheimer's, is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that usually starts slowly and gets worse over time.[1][2] It is the cause of 60% to 70% of cases of dementia.[1][2] The most common early symptom is difficulty in remembering recent events (short-term memory loss).[1] As the disease advances, symptoms can include problems with language, disorientation (including easily getting lost), mood swings, loss of motivation, not managing self care, and behavioural issues.[1][2] As a person's condition declines, they often withdraw from family and society.[1] Gradually, bodily functions are lost, ultimately leading to death.[3] Although the speed of progression can vary, the average life expectancy following diagnosis is three to nine years.[4][5]

Альцгеймерэй үбшэнэй ушар шалтагааниинь ойлгожо мэдэшэгүй.[1] Аюулай 70% оршом генетикэһээ ушаруулаад, элдэб түрэлэй генүүдые зэмэлжэ болоно.[6] Ондоо аюулай факторнууд дунда толгойн бэртэлгэ, депресси, гипертони юм.[1] Үбшэнэй урасхал тархиин бляшка болон тархиин монсогтой холбогдоно.[6] Ондоо боломжотой ушар шалтагааниие гаргахын тулада үнэншэмэ диагноз үбшэнэй түүхэ болон танин мэдэхын туршалга ба эмнэлгын зураглал болон шуһанай шэнжэлгэ дээрэ тулгуурилна.[7] Эхинэй шэнжэ тэмдэгынь ехэбшэлэн юрын хүгшэрэлгэтэй худхажа болоно.[1] Тодо диагнозые табихын тула тархиин эд эсые туршаха ёһотой.[6] Сэдьхэсын болон бэеын дадхаалга болон өөхэлэлгые тэрьелгэ Альцгеймерэй үбшэнэй аюул түгшүүрые багадхажа магадгүй.[6] Аюул түгшүүрые багадхадаг эм гү, али БАД үгы байна.[8]
The cause of Alzheimer's disease is poorly understood.[1] About 70% of the risk is believed to be genetic with many genes usually involved.[6] Other risk factors include a history of head injuries, depression, or hypertension.[1] The disease process is associated with plaques and tangles in the brain.[6] A probable diagnosis is based on the history of the illness and cognitive testing with medical imaging and blood tests to rule out other possible causes.[7] Initial symptoms are often mistaken for normal aging.[1] Examination of brain tissue is needed for a definite diagnosis.[6] Mental and physical exercise, and avoiding obesity may decrease the risk of AD.[6] There are no medications or supplements that decrease risk.[8]

Үбшэнэй дэбжэлтые зогсохо гү, али урбуулха эмнэлгэ үгы байхашье һаа, зарим шэнжэ тэмдэгые (симптомые) саг зуура һайжаруулжа магад.[2] Үбшэһэн хүнүүд бусадай туһаламжада этигэжэ найдана; ходо һанаашархагшада дарамтые байралуулна.[9]
No treatments stop or reverse its progression, though some may temporarily improve symptoms.[2] Affected people increasingly rely on others for assistance, often placing a burden on the caregiver; the pressures can include social, psychological, physical, and economic elements.[9] Exercise programmes are beneficial with respect to activities of daily living and can potentially improve outcomes.[10][needs update] Treatment of behavioural problems or psychosis due to dementia with antipsychotics is common but not usually recommended due to there often being little benefit and an increased risk of early death.[11][12]

2015 ондо бүхы дэлхэй дээрэ 48 сая шахуу Альцгеймерэй үбшөөр үбшэдэг хүнүүд байгаа.[2] Диилэнхидээ энэ үбшэн 65-һаа дээшэ наһатай хүнүүд үбшэдэгшье һаа, тохёолдолой 4% - 5% эртын Альцгеймерэй үбшэн энэнһээ эртэ эхилнэ.[13] 65-һаа дээшэ наһатай хүнүүдэй дунда 6% Альцгеймерээр үбшэдэг.[1] 2010 ондо, зүнтэглэл 486 000 шахуу үхэлые ушаруулба.[14] 1906 ондо Германиин психиатр ба патолог Алоис Альцгеймер эгээн түрүүшынхиеэ тодорхойлбо.[15] Хүгжөөһэн гүрэнүүдтэ, Альцгеймерэй үбшэн санхүүгэй талаар эгээн гаргашатай үбшэнүүдэй дунда.[16][17]
In 2015, there were approximately 48 million people worldwide with AD.[2] It most often begins in people over 65 years of age, although 4% to 5% of cases are early-onset Alzheimer's which begin before this.[13] It affects about 6% of people 65 years and older.[1] In 2010, dementia resulted in about 486,000 deaths.[14] It was first described by, and later named after, German psychiatrist and pathologist Alois Alzheimer in 1906.[15] In developed countries, AD is one of the most financially costly diseases.[16][17]

Юрий Цолакович Оганесян (1933 оной 4 һарын 14, Дондохи Ростовто түрэһэн), армян яһатан Оросой сүмын физик, Оросой Эрдэм Ухаанай Академиин акакдемик (2003).
Yuri Tsolakovich Oganessian (Russian: Юрий Цолакович Оганесян; born 14 April 1933) is a Russian nuclear physicist of Armenian descent.

Тэрэ багтаяа үелхэ таблицын эгээн хүнды элементнүүдые нээһэн намтартай.[1][2]
He and his team discovered the heaviest elements in the periodic table.[1][2]

Оганесян Дондохи Ростовто армян уг гарбалай бүлэдэ түрөө һэн.[3]
Oganessian was born in Rostov-on-Don and is of Armenian descent.[3]

Оганесян Дубнын Сүмын шэнжэлгын нэгэдэһэн институдай Г. Н. Флёровой нэрэмжэтэй сүмын урбалай лабораториин эрдэм ухаанай хүтэлбэрилэгшэ байна.[4] 2009 ондо, АНУ-ай эрдэмтэд Оганесянай багайнь флеровийе арбан жэл урда нээһэниие баталһан.[5]
Oganessian is the scientific leader of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (FLNR) in Dubna.[4] In 2009, scientists in the United States confirmed Oganessian's team's discovery of flerovium over a decade before.[5] He is an acknowledged world-leader in the field of synthesizing and exploring new elements.[citation needed]

2016 оной 6 һарын 8, ИЮПАК 118-дугаар элементые Оганесянай нэрэмжээр оганессон гэжэ нэрлэхые дурадхаба.[6]
On June 8, 2016, IUPAC formally proposed that element 118 be named oganesson to honor Oganessian.[6] Prior to this announcement, a dozen elements had been named after people,[7] with seaborgium likewise being named while the person was alive. If approved, oganesson would be the first noble gas named for a person.

Юрий Оганесян
Yuri Oganessian

Георгий Николаевич Флёров (1913 оной 3 һарын 2, Дондохи Ростов – 1990 оной 11 һарын 19, Москва), Зүблэлтын сүмын физик, Дубнынхи Сүмын шэнжэлгын нэгэдэһэн институдые үндэһэлэгшэ, СССР-эй Эрдэм Ухаанай Академиин академик (1968). Зүнгөөрөө болохо атомой задаралые нээбэ.
Georgy Nikolayevich Flyorov (Russian: Гео́ргий Никола́евич Флёров; IPA: [gʲɪˈorgʲɪj nʲɪkɐˈlajɪvʲɪtɕ ˈflʲɵrəf]; 2 March 1913 – 19 November 1990) was a Soviet nuclear physicist who was known for the discovery of spontaneous fission.

2012 ондо, 114-дүгээр элементые тэрэнэй нэрэмжээр флерови нэрлэбэ. Сүмын шэнжэлгын нэгэдэһэн институдай сүмын урбалай лаборатори Флёровой нэрэмжэтэй юм.[1]
In 2012, element 114 flerovium was named after the research laboratory at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research bearing his name .[1]


Флёров Дондохи Ростовто түрэһэн болон Ленинградай политехникын институдые (мүнөөгэй Агууехэ Пётрын нэрэмжэтэй Санкт-Петербургын политехникын ехэ һургуули) термофизикэ ба сүмын физикэ мэргэжэлтэйгээр дүүргэбэ.
Flyorov was born in Rostov-on-Don and attended the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (now known as the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University) and majored in thermal physics and nuclear physics.

1942 оной 4 һарада агаарай сэрэгэй лейтенант байхадаа, тэрэ АНУ, Ехэ Британи ба Германида сүмын задаралай шэнжэлгэ тухай һэжэглэмээр шагнанагүй гэжэ Сталинда бэшэг бэшэбэ.[2] Флёров "дары түргэн уранай бомбо үүсхэхэ" яаруулһаниинь эсэстэ Зүблэлтэ атомой бомбын түсэбдэ хүргэбэ.[3]
He is known for writing to Stalin in April 1942, while serving as an air force lieutenant, and pointing out the conspicuous silence within the field of nuclear fission in the United States, Great Britain, and Germany.[2] Flyorov's urgings to "build the uranium bomb without delay"[3] eventually led to the development of the Soviet atomic bomb project.

Константин Петржактай сугтаа 1940 ондо зүнгөөрөө болохо атомой задаралые нээбэ.
He discovered spontaneous fission in 1940 with Konstantin Petrzhak.

Хоёр шэлжэн оролтын элементнүүд болохо сиборгиие[4] болон бориие нээлтые гэжэ нэхэбэ мүн.[5]
He also claimed as his discovery two transition metal elements: seaborgium[4] and bohrium.[5]

1957 ондо тэрэ Сүмын шэнжэлгын нэгэдэһэн институдай гол лаборатори дунда нэгэ болохо сүмын урбалай лабораториие үндэһэлжэ, 1989 он болотор тэндэ хүтэлбэрилээ.
He founded the Flyorov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (FLNR), one of the main labs of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna in 1957, and was director there until 1989.

Тэрэ үедэ баһал СССР-эй Эрдэм Ухаанай Академиин эрдэм ухаанай зүблэлые толгойлоо.
Also during this period, he chaired the Scientific Council of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Honours and awards

Дубнадахи Флёровой хүшөө
Monument to Flyorov in Dubna.

Социалис Ажалай баатар (1949) Хоёр Ленинэй орденууд (1949, 1983) Октябриин Хубисхалай орден (1973) Ажалай Улаан Тугай орден, гурбан дахин (1959, 1963, 1975) Эсэгын Дайнай орден, 1 зэргэ (1985) Ленинэй шагнал (1967) Сталинай шагнал, хоёр дахин (1946, 1949) СССР-эй гүрэнэй шагнал (1975) Дубнын хүндэтэ хотынхин
Hero of Socialist Labour (1949) Two Orders of Lenin (1949, 1983) Order of the October Revolution (1973) Order of the Red Banner of Labour, three times (1959, 1963, 1975) Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class (1985) Lenin Prize (1967) Stalin Prize, twice (1946, 1949) USSR State Prize (1975) Honorary Citizen of Dubna The element Flerovium (atomic number 114) named after him

Зүрхэнэй дутагдал, заримдаа шуһаар дүүргэн зүрхэнэй дутагдал, зүрхэн бэе махабадай хэрэгсээ түлөөхи хангалтатай хэмжээнэй шуһанай урасхалые дэмжэхын тула хөөжэ шадахагүй байхада болоно.[2][3][4] Гол түлэб амисхал тээрэхэ, ядарха эсэхэ ба хүл хабдаха шэнжэ тэмдэгүүд ба симптомууд элирнэ.[5] Дадхахада, хэбтэхэдэ амисхалай тээрэлгэ муудаад, һүнидэ нойрһоо һэреэжэ болоно.[5] Мүн хизаарлагдаһан дадхаха шадабари юрын шэнжэ тэмдэг юм байна.[6] Зүрхэнэй дутагдал шалтагаан дээрэһээ юрэдөө сээжээр үбдэнэгүй (тэрэшэлэн стенокарди болоногүй).[7]
Heart failure (HF), often referred to as congestive heart failure (CHF), occurs when the heart is unable to pump sufficiently to maintain blood flow to meet the body's needs.[2][3][4] Signs and symptoms commonly include shortness of breath, excessive tiredness, and leg swelling.[5] The shortness of breath is usually worse with exercise, while lying down, and may wake the person at night.[5] A limited ability to exercise is also a common feature.[6] Chest pain, including angina, does not typically occur due to heart failure.[7]

Зүрхэнэй дутагдалай юрэдын ушар шалтагаан дунда титим һудаһанай үбшэн (коронарна дутагдал) болон урдахи миокардын инфаркт, үндэр шуһанай даралта, тосхуурай фибрилляци, зүрхэнэй хабхалгын үбшэн, архиие хэтэргэхэ, халдабари болон ушар бүтүүлиг кардиомиопати байна.[5][8] Эдэнь зүрхэнэй үйлэ бүтэсые гү, али ажаллалгые хубилгаха дээрэһээ зүрхэнэй дутагдал ушаруулна.[5] Зүүн хобдол агшаха гү, али зүрхэн буураха шадабари гэмтэһэндэ хамааран зүрхэнэй дутагдалай хоёр үндэһэн түрэлнүүд байна: зүүн хобдолой дисфункци ушарһан зүрхэнэй дутагдал болон хэбэй шахалтын фракцитай зүрхэнэй дутагдал.[5] Үбшэнэй хүндэрэл дадхаха бэрхэшээлээр зэргэлэгдэнэ.[9] Зүрхэнэй дутагдал миокардын инфаркттай (зүрхэнэй балсангай хэһэг үхэхэдэ) гү, али зүрхэнэй зогсолтотой (шуһанай эрьелтэ зогсоходо) нэгэн зүйл бэшэ.[10][11] Адли шэнжэ тэмдэгтэй үбшэнүүдтэ өөхэлгэ, бөөрын дутагдал, эльгэнэй бэрхэшээлнүүд, анеми болон бамбай булшархайн үбшэн.[9]
Common causes of heart failure include coronary artery disease including a previous myocardial infarction (heart attack), high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, valvular heart disease, excess alcohol use, infection, and cardiomyopathy of an unknown cause.[5][8] These cause heart failure by changing either the structure or the functioning of the heart.[5] There are two main types of heart failure: heart failure due to left ventricular dysfunction and heart failure with normal ejection fraction depending on whether the ability of the left ventricle to contract is affected, or the heart's ability to relax.[5] The severity of disease is usually graded by the degree of problems with exercise.[9] Heart failure is not the same as myocardial infarction (in which part of the heart muscle dies) or cardiac arrest (in which blood flow stops altogether).[10][11] Other diseases that may have symptoms similar to heart failure include obesity, kidney failure, liver problems, anemia and thyroid disease.[9]

Шэнжэ тэмдэгэй түүхэ ба бэеын үзэлгэ болон эхокардиограммаар (ЭхоКГ) баталгын баазада диагноз табина.[12] Үндэһэн шалтагааниие таахын тула шуһанай шэнжэлгэ, ЭКГ, сээжын радиографи хэрэгтэй байха магадгүй.[12] Хүндэлэл ба үбшэнэй шалтагааниие хамааран эмнэнэ.[12] Архаг тогтоборитой дунда зэргын зүрхэнэй дутагдалтай үбшэтэдтэ тамхи татахаяа болихо,[13] бэеын дадхаалга,[14] ба хоол хубилгаха, тэрэшэлэн эм уухаһаа бүридэнэ.[13] Зүүн хобдолой дисфункци ушарһан зүрхэнэй дутагдалаар үбшэтэдтэ, ангиотензиниие хубиргагша ферментын ингибитор гү, али ангиотензинай рецепторые хориглогшо, бета хориглогшотой хамта эмнэлгые зүблэжэ байна.[12] Хүндэ үбшэтэдтэ, альдостероны антагонист гү, али нитраттай гидралазин хэрэглэжэ болохо юм.[12] Шээһэн хөөхэ эм шэнгэн һаатуулхые уридшалан һэргылхэдэ туһатай юм.[13] Шалтагаан хамаараад, заримдаа кардиостимулятор (хэм үүсгэгшэ) гү, али һуулгаха зүрхэнэй дефибриллятор адли һуулгаһан түхөөрэмжые һанал болгожо болоно.[12] Зарим дунда ба хүндэ зэргын тохёолдолдо зүрхые дахин синхронизацилгын терапи (СРТ, ресинхронизировалха терапи)[15] гү, али зүрхэнэй агшалтын модуляци (МСС) ашагтай байна.[16] Бусад бүхы арга хэмжээнүүд үрэ дүнгүй бол, хобдолдо туһалха түхөөрэмжэ гү, али зүрхые шэлжүүлэн һуулгаха арга зүблэжэ болоно.[13]
The condition is diagnosed based on the history of the symptoms and a physical examination with confirmation by echocardiography.[12] Blood tests, electrocardiography, and chest radiography may be useful to determine the underlying cause.[12] Treatment depends on the severity and cause of the disease.[12] In people with chronic stable mild heart failure, treatment commonly consists of lifestyle modifications such as stopping smoking,[13] physical exercise,[14] and dietary changes, as well as medications.[13] In those with heart failure due to left ventricular dysfunction, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers along with beta blockers are recommended.[12] For those with severe disease, aldosterone antagonists, or hydralazine with a nitrate may be used.[12] Diuretics are useful for preventing fluid retention.[13] Sometimes, depending on the cause, an implanted device such as a pacemaker or an implantable cardiac defibrillator may be recommended.[12] In some moderate or severe cases cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) may be suggested[15] or cardiac contractility modulation may be of benefit.[16] A ventricular assist device or occasionally a heart transplant may be recommended in those with severe disease despite all other measures.[13]

Зүрхэнэй дутагдал хадаа тарааһан, үнэтэй болон аминда аюултай үбшэн юм.[8] Хүгжөөһэн оронуудта наһаа хүсэһэн хүнүүдэй 2% шахуу зүрхэнэй дутагдалтай байгаад, 65-һаа дээшэ наһатайшуулда 6–10% үбшэтэй.[8][17] Диагноз табиһанай нэгэ жэлэй һүүлдэ үхэлэй аюул 35% байха аад, һүүлдэнь жэл бүри 10% доорохи хүрэтэр буурана.[5] Зүрхэнэй дутагдал эртын үеһөө мэдэгдэжэ байгаад, МЭҮ 1550 он тухай бэшэгдэһэн Эберсын папирус соо энэнь тухай тайлбарилна.[6]
Heart failure is a common, costly, and potentially fatal condition.[8] In developed countries, around 2% of adults have heart failure and in those over the age of 65, this increases to 6–10%.[8][17] In the year after diagnosis the risk of death is about 35% after which it decreases to below 10% each year.[5] This is similar to the risks with a number of types of cancer.[5] In the United Kingdom the disease is the reason for 5% of emergency hospital admissions.[5] Heart failure has been known since ancient times with the Ebers papyrus commenting on it around 1550 BCE.[6]

Зүрхэнэй дутагдал
Heart failure