Luis Felipe Crespo Centeno (Nato en Guayaquil, Ecuador) tamién sabíu como Loco Crespo, ye un artista Ecuatorianu, actor y comedian, quién participó en delles películes Ecuatorianes y programes televisivos, y tamién desdobla como reconoció YouTuber n'Ecuador.[1]
Luis Felipe Crespo Centeno (Born in Guayaquil, Ecuador) also known as Loco Crespo, is an Ecuadorian artist, actor and comedian, who has participated in several Ecuadorian films and television programs, and also unfolds as a recognized YouTuber in Ecuador.[1]
En 2015 diseñe la estauína “Iguana *Dorada” para la primer edición del Festival Internacional de Cine de Guayaquil.[1]
In 2015 He designed the statuette “Iguana Dorada” for the first edition of the Guayaquil International Film Festival.[6]
En 2016 paecencia na película Entre Sombras: Averno, del director Xavier Bustamante, xuntu con Juan Pablo Asanza, Daniela Vallejo, Marlon Pantaleón y Montse Serra, onde toque un reporteru de “Cronica Colorada”, amás de ser en cargu del faciendo-de, y actuando delles actuaciones como extras.[1]
In 2016 appeared in the film Entre Sombras: Averno, the director Xavier Bustamante, along with Juan Pablo Asanza, Daniela Vallejo, Marlon Pantaleon and Montse Serra, where he played a reporter of “Cronica Roja”, in addition to being in charge of the making-of, and performing several performances as extra.[1]
En 2018 protagonizáu con Paola Olaya el curtiumetraxe d'horror Clown, del director Maxime Pailloux, onde toque un payasu.[1]
In 2018 starred with Paola Olaya the horror short film Clown, of the director Maxime Pailloux, where he played a clown.[7]
Loco Crespo en 2018, posando en ropa interior nes fasteres de Chimborazo.
Loco Crespo in 2018, posing in underwear on the slopes of Chimborazo.
Enriba agostio 12, 2009 cree la so canal de YouTube col mesmu nome, Felipe Crespo, en qué él vídeos de poste de curtiumetraxes con vídeos y hestories graciosos d'animación que lleve a cabu nel so sitiu d'estudios, de cuenta que pueden ver el so familiares y amigos, aun así, casi nengún conteníu tuvo criáu.[1][2][3][4]
On August 12, 2009 he created his YouTube channel with the same name, Felipe Crespo, in which he post videos of short films with funny stories and videos of animation that he carried out in his place of studies, so that they can see his family and friends , however, almost no content was raised.[1][9][10][11]
En 2011 sía parte d'un proyectu creáu pol productor xeneral Irving Zambrano, dirixíu por Salvatore Fonseca y producíu por Calé Rodríguez para YouTube/, llamáu INperfectos, en qué Crespo interpretó Andy, un asustáu y home nuevu inútil quién queda namá n'en casa xunto El so hermanu Manuel, tocáu por Douglas Armijos, dempués de los sos padres ganaron la llotería y foi n'una lluna de miel llargo alredor del mundu, dexándo-yos con dalgún dineru asina que pueden subsistir, viviendo con dellos de los sos amigos, como Albino, interpretaos por Suager Segura, quién irónicamente ye Afrodescendiente y namá paez cuándo afai, Nathy, la aneñada, interpretáu por Nathaly Troya, quién tien un prima “montubia” llamó “Ceci la chonera”, interpretáu por Saira Aráuz, y un amigu curiosu nomó Pamela, tocáu por Andrea Alvear, quién tien un secretu aquello asusta'l so suitors, amás de la novia de Andy, Roxana llamada, tocáu por Andrea Ojeda, quién ta miráu pola so madre Viviana, tocáu por Carolina Ossa, quién grabó un documental de vida de la vuesa fía.[1][2]
In 2011 It was part of a project created by the general producer Irving Zambrano, directed by Salvatore Fonseca and produced by Calé Rodriguez for YouTube, called INperfectos, in which Crespo interpreted Andy, a scared and useless young man who is left alone at home together His brother Manuel, played by Douglas Armijos, after his parents won the lottery and went on a long honeymoon around the world, leaving them with some money so they can subsist, living with several of his friends, such as Albino, interpreted by Suager Segura, who ironically is Afrodescendant and only appears when it suits, Nathy, la aniñada, interpreted by Nathaly Troya, who has a prima “montubia” called “Ceci la chonera”, interpreted by Saira Aráuz, and an attractive friend named Pamela, Played by Andrea Alvear, who has a secret that frightens his suitors, in addition to Andy's girlfriend, called Roxana, played by Andrea Ojeda, who is watched by her mother Viviana, played by Carolina Ossa, who recorded a documentary of life of your daughter.[12][13]
En 2014 grabe para'l JoviVlogs canal del so amigu José Villacís, onde dirixieron crítica cínica de sociedá, televisión local o reggaeton música, en qué tenga aspeutos nestos vídeos para un añu, tan les persones pidiéron-y para crear un la so canal propia.[2] Nel agostu d'aquel añu mesmu tuvo aguantáu en “*La Casa de la Cultura de Guayaquil”, los Premios Youtubizados, onde Crespo ganaos na categoría de Variedá Meyor para'l conteníu de la so canal de YouTube, sol criteriu del xuráu formáu por Cristian Cortez, guionista d'El Combo Amarillo, y Alejandro Lalelo, actor y director creativos d' [3][4]
In 2014 he recorded for the JoviVlogs channel of his friend José Villacís, where they conducted cynical criticism of society, local television or reggaeton music, in which he had appearances in these videos for one year, so people asked him to create a his own channel.[1][15] In August of that same year was held in “La Casa de la Cultura de Guayaquil”, the Youtubizados Awards, where Crespo won in the category of Best Variety for the content of his YouTube channel, under the criterion of the jury formed by Cristian Cortez, screenwriter of El Combo Amarillo, and Alejandro Lalelo, creative director and actor of[16][17]
A principios de 2015 empezó para faer conteníu consecutivo para la so canal dempués d'un amigu, el cineasta Luis *Avilés, apuntólu para alicar él nel formatu d'entrevistes de cai con medios de comunicación y retos o asuntos polémicos con humor para criar dineru y mercar alimentario a quien lo precisen.[1][2][3][4] Originalmente Crespo nun llamó muncha atención para faer tal conteníu porque tema para paecer en televisivu, pero acabó gustar -y dempués de ser nel campu, hasta que finalmente en 2016, Luis Avilés se disoció tan director de conteníu de la canal de Crespo para lo dedicar al so proxecto cinematográficu Minuto final. [1][2][3][5]
At the beginning of 2015 began to make consecutive content for its channel after a friend, the filmmaker Luis Avilés, prompted him to revive it in the format of street interviews with media and controversial issues or challenges with humor to raise money and buy Food to those who need it.[1][2][8][4] Originally Crespo did not call much attention to make such content because he feared to appear on television, but ended up liking him after being in the field, until finally in 2016, Luis Avilés dissociated himself as director of content of the channel of Crespo to devote himself to his Minuto final cinematographic project.[1][14][8][5]
Crespo ta sabíu por persones como “Loco Crespo” por cuenta de los vídeos actúa.[1][2] Ricardo Ponce ye unu de los sos amigos meyores y el so cameraman nel tiempu de faer los vídeos, mientres Felipe ye en cargu d'editar los sos vídeos propios porque sabe más la hestoria del captáu en cámara y da-y el so moda estraña.[2] El so conteníu predomina entevistes en casos sociales, adolescentes n'escueles, visitando delles ciudaes d'Ecuador, y al traviés d'un humor satírico xenera conflictu con paradigmes seguros de cultura Ecuatoriana.[3]
Crespo is known by people like “Loco Crespo” because of the videos he performs.[1][14] Ricardo Ponce is one of his best friends and his cameraman at the time of making the videos, while Felipe is in charge of editing his own videos because he knows more the history of the captured in camera and gives him his peculiar style.[14] Its content predominates interviews in social events, adolescents in schools, touring several cities of Ecuador, and through a satirical humor generates conflict with certain paradigms of Ecuadorian culture.[18]
Unu de los vídeos que tuvo lliberáu nel programa mientres el 2015, ta tituláu Ecuador Fashion WEED, onde atienda un casu de moda Selmana de Moda llamada y pidíu ¿ónde ye'l weed?, mientres asomando un diariu clipping d'unos medios de comunicación qué menta'l casu de moda, confundiendo la palabra week (la cual n'inglés significa selmana) por weed (la cual n'inglés ye como la conoz a la mariguana), como crítica del erru nel testu.[1][2] N'Esti casu entevisti'l competidor de realidá BLN La Competencia, Nathalie Carvajal, quién coyó l'atención para ser sosprendida por Felipe que nun supo quién sía mientres la entrevista.[1]
One of the videos that was released on the platform during the 2015, is titled Ecuador Fashion WEED, where he attended a fashion event called Fashion Week and asked ¿where is the weed?, while showing a newspaper clipping of a media which mentions the fashion event, confusing the word week (which in English means weeks) by weed (which in English is known as marijuana), as a critique of the error in the text.[1][2] In This event he interviewed the competitor of reality BLN La Competencia, Nathalie Carvajal, who caught the attention to be surprised that Philip did not know who she was during the interview.[1]
Ente 2017y 2018, sía parte del molde de eleOeleTV (LOL), dirixíu por Jorge Toledo n'asociación cola productora Play On por Nicolás Lapentti, xuntu con Katherine Escobar, Marián Sabaté, Vicente Romero, Jaime Roca, David Coloma, Carolina Dávila, Pedro Gonzales, ente otru.[1][2]
Between 2017 and 2018, he was part of the cast of eleOeleTV (LOL), directed by Jorge Toledo in association with the production company Play On by Nicolás Lapentti, together with Katherine Escobar, Marián Sabaté, Vicente Romero, Jaime Roca, David Coloma, Carolina Dávila, Pedro Gonzales, among Other.[19][20]
Años tempranos
Early years
Luis Felipe Crespo Centeno nació en Guayaquil, Ecuador, los sos padres son de Guayaquil y tamién tenga güelos de Cuenca.[1] Estudie en “Escuela de belles artes Juan Jose *Plaza”, onde gradúe como bachelor n'artes Plástiques, la so pintura d'especialización.[1] Tenga un grau como diseñador gráficu y tamién llogró'l títulu de technologist en **infographics.[1]
Luis Felipe Crespo Centeno was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, his parents are from Guayaquil and he also have Cuenca grandparents.[1] He studied at “Escuela de bellas artes Juan Jose Plaza”, where he graduated as a bachelor in Plastic arts, his specialization painting.[1] He have a degree as graphic designer and also obtained the title of technologist in infographics.[1]
Dende entós 2012, sía parte del Teatro Fantoche un grupu d'Hugo Avilés, xuntu con Katty García, Adrián Avilés, Fabricio Mantiella, Luis Fernando Puig, Paco Barcia y Álex Vizuete, en qué especialice en impro, y tuvo una estación de Impro Partíu en Casa Fantoche, en 2015, conformando l'equipu del “Iguanayacos” delantre de “Crosfiteros *Represos”, “Los Brocolitos sicodélicos”, “Tiwinza N.O.P.Un.” Y “*Pericu & Cocu”.[1][2][3]
Since 2012, he was part of the Teatro Fantoche a group of Hugo Avilés, along with Katty García, Adrián Avilés, Fabricio Mantilla, Luis Fernando Puig, Paco Barcia and Álex Vizuete, in which he specialized in impro, and had a season of Impro Match at Casa Fantoche, in 2015, conforming the team of the “Iguanayacos” in front of “Crosfiteros Arrepentidos”, “Los Brocolitos psicodélicos”, “Tiwinza N.U.P.A.” and “Perico & Coco”.[2][3][4]
En 2014 sía parte de el xuegu de los neños Juan El Imaginario, xuntu con Marcelo Gálvez, Danilo Esteves, Alexis Egas y Santiago Vázquez nel Teatro del Ángel.[1]
In 2014 was part of the children's play Juan El Imaginario, along with Marcelo Gálvez, Danilo Esteves, Alexis Egas and Santiago Vázquez in the Teatro del Ángel.[5]
En 2016 faiga guionista con Jorge Toledo para delles obres.[1]
In 2016 he made screenplays with Jorge Toledo for several works.[1]
Mortal Magazine é unha revista mensual internacional e un sitio web de novas publicadas en edicións impresas e en liña.
Mortal Magazine is a monthly international magazine and news website published in print and online editions.
World Wide - Sitio web Revista Mortal - Páxina web
World Wide - Website Mortal Magazine - Website
Incorpora os últimos produtos electrónicos de consumo, tecnoloxías emerxentes e o mundo de mañá.
It embodies the latest consumer electronics, emerging technologies and the world of tomorrow.
Propiedade de Le Group Mortal, publica versións dixitais e impresas.
Owned by Le Group Mortal, it publishes digital and print versions.
Este mes de abril, a sede do Sur / marzo de 2020 publicará.
This April, the headquarters of South / March 2020 [1] to publish it.
A revista Mortal lanzou unha serie de spin-off, incluída World Wide.
The Mortal Magazine launched a number of spin-offs, including World Wide.
Le Group Mortal é unha conglomeración de información e información.
Le Group Mortal is a media and information conglomerate.
A palabra inglesa "Mortal" significa "Humano" e, en contraste coa revista, significa a visión do lector e quere inspirar e facelos pensar máis grandes. novas tecnoloxías e estilo de vida, economía, tecnoloxía, moda, etc.
The English word "Mortal” means “Human” and in contrast to the magazine it meant the readers vision and wants to inspire and make it think bigger. The magazine also try to connect to its readers' vision as people to make them connect on new technologies and with lifestyle, economy, Technology, fashion, etc.
A revista foi fundada por estudantes indios Rahul Babu e a súa parella Eshan Joseph cun capital inicial de 10 dólares.
The magazine was founded by Indian students Rahul Babu and his partner Eshan Joseph with an initial capital of $10.
Os dous piares da revista The Mortal tiñan uns 14 anos e estaban na escola secundaria
Both of the standing pillars of The Mortal Magazine were about 14 years old and in high school.
Desde a súa primeira edición, a revista mostrou un gran interese por avaliar como evolucionaron as tecnoloxías emerxentes e os avances tecnolóxicos noutros aspectos.
From its very first issue, the magazine has shown a keen interest in evaluating how emerging technologies have evolved and technological advances in other respects.
Na súa creación, a perspectiva editorial da revista tivo a maior influencia nas mentes do fundador e do seu colaborador en tecnoloxías e estilo modernos.
At its inception, the magazine's editorial outlook had the strongest influence on the minds of the founder and his collaborator on modern technologies and style.
Revista Mortal lanzada como libro electrónico mensual; En primeiro lugar, lanza o sitio web da revista Mortal no sitio web oficial da India o 14 de abril, antes de que se converta nunha revista de edición impresa e dixital.
Mortal Magazine launched as a monthly e-book; First, launch the Mortal Magazine's website on India's official website on April 14, before it becomes a magazine in print and digital editions.
O primeiro número da revista Mortal foi o número Apollo ou o número APR 2020.
The First Issue of the Mortal Magazine was The Apollo issue or the APR 2020 issue.
A portada contaba co S20 Ultra 5G e tamén incluíu Foldable (Galaxy Z Flip, Mate XS), iPad Pro, Apple Arcade, Galaxy Buds +, Google Stadia, Apple Watch Series 5, Porsche Taycan Turbo e iMac G3 na sección Retrospectiva.
The Cover page starred the S20 Ultra 5G and also featured Foldable (Galaxy Z Flip , Mate XS ) ,IPad Pro , Apple Arcade , Galaxy Buds + , Google Stadia , Apple Watch Series 5, Porsche Taycan Turbo and iMac G3 in the Retrospective Section.
Ligazóns externas
External links