Tabla de mecanismos simples, de Chambers' Cyclopædia, 1728.[1] As maquinas simplas proporcionan un vocabulario para comprender maquinas mas compleixas.
Table of simple mechanisms, from Chambers' Cyclopædia, 1728.[1] Simple machines provide a vocabulary for understanding more complex machines.

Una maquina simpla ye un dispositivo mecanico que cambeya a dirección u a magnitut d'una fuerza. En cheneral, se pueden definir como os mecanismos mas simples que utilizan avantalla mecanica pa multiplicar a fuerza. Por lo cheneral, o termin se refiere a la seis maquinas simplas clasicas que estioron definidas por os scientificos d'a Renaixencia:
A simple machine is a mechanical device that changes the direction or magnitude of a force.[2] In general, they can be defined as the simplest mechanisms that use mechanical advantage (also called leverage) to multiply force.[3] Usually the term refers to the six classical simple machines which were defined by Renaissance scientists:[4]

Ceprén Eixe y Rueda (u Torno) Carrucha Plano inclinau Falca Torniello
Lever Wheel and axle Pulley Inclined plane Wedge Screw

Una maquina simpla utiliza una sola fuerza aplicada pa fer o treballo en contra d'una carga de fuerza sola.
A simple machine uses a single applied force to do work against a single load force.

Fendo caso omiso d'as perduas por fricción, o treballo realizau sobre a carga ye igual a o treballo realizau por a fuerza aplicada.
Ignoring friction losses, the work done on the load is equal to the work done by the applied force.

A maquina puede aumentar a cantidat d'a fuerza de salida, a costa d'una disminución proporcional en a distancia recorrida por a carga.
The machine can increase the amount of the output force, at the cost of a proportional decrease in the distance moved by the load.

A relación d'a salida a la fuerza aplicada se diz l'avantalla mecanica.
The ratio of the output to the applied force is called the mechanical advantage.

As maquinas simplas se pueden considerar como os "bloques de construcción" elementals d'os quals todas as maquinas mas complicadas (a vegadas clamadas "maquinas compuestas") se componen. Por eixemplo, ruedas, ceprens y carruchas son totz utilizaus en o mecanismo d'una bicicleta. L'avantalla mecanica d'una maquina compuesta ye nomás o producto d'as avantallas mecanicas d'as maquinas simplas d'as qualas ye compuesto.
Simple machines can be regarded as the elementary "building blocks" of which all more complicated machines (sometimes called "compound machines"[5][6]) are composed.[3][7] For example, wheels, levers, and pulleys are all used in the mechanism of a bicycle.[8][9] The mechanical advantage of a compound machine is just the product of the mechanical advantages of the simple machines of which it is composed.

Tot y que siguen estando de gran importancia en a mecanica y en a sciencia aplicada, a mecanica moderna ha iu dillá de l'anvista d'as maquinas simplas como os bloques de construcción de finals d'os quals totz os equipos son compuestos, que surtió en a Renaixiencia como una amplificación neoclasica d'antigos textos griegos en a tecnolochía.
Although they continue to be of great importance in mechanics and applied science, modern mechanics has moved beyond the view of the simple machines as the ultimate building blocks of which all machines are composed, which arose in the Renaissance as a neoclassical amplification of ancient Greek texts on technology.

A gran variedat y sofisticación d'os vinclos de maquinas modernas, que surtió entre a Revolución Industrial, se describe de forma inadequada por istas seis categorías simplas.
The great variety and sophistication of modern machine linkages, which arose during the Industrial Revolution, is inadequately described by these six simple categories.

Como resultau, quantos autors post-renaixentistas han compilau listas enampladas de "maquinas simplas", a ormino utilizando termins como maquinas basicas, maquinas compuestas, u elementos de maquina pa distinguir-las d'as maquinas simplas clasicas anteriors.
As a result, various post-Renaissance authors have compiled expanded lists of "simple machines", often using terms like basic machines,[8] compound machines,[5] or machine elements to distinguish them from the classical simple machines above. By the late 1800s, Franz Reuleaux[10] had identified hundreds of machine elements, calling them simple machines. Models of these devices may be found at Cornell University's KMODDL website.[11]

O molinete ye una aplicación de a rueda y eixe.
The windlass is a well-known application of the wheel and axle.

A rueda y eixe, ye una d'as seis maquinas simplas identificadas por os scientificos d'o Renaixiencia dende os textos griegos en tecnolochía. A rueda y l'eixe se considera por un regular como una rueda unida a un eixe de traza que istas dos partes chiran solidarias en o qual una fuerza se transfiere dende una a l'atra.
The wheel and axle is one of six simple machines identified by Renaissance scientists drawing from Greek texts on technology.[1] The wheel and axle is generally considered to be a wheel attached to an axle so that these two parts rotate together in which a force is transferred from one to the other.

En ista configuración una alguaza, u rodamiento, suporta a rotación de l'eixe.
In this configuration a hinge, or bearing, supports the rotation of the axle.

Herón d'Aleixandría identificó a rueda y l'eixe como una d'as seis maquinas simplas que s'usan pa devantar pesas. Isto se creye que ha estau en forma de molinete que pende d'una manivela u carrucha conectada a un cuerpo cilindrico que proporciona avantalla mecanica pa enrollar una cuerda y devantar una carga, como un pozal de un pozo.
Hero of Alexandria identified the wheel and axle as one of the six simple machines used to lift weights.[2] This is thought to have been in the form of windlass which consists of a crank or pulley connected to a cylindrical barrel that provides mechanical advantage to wind up a rope and lift a load such as a bucket from of well.[3]

Iste sistema ye una versión d'o ceprén con cargas aplicadas tanchencialment a o perimetro d'a rueda y l'eixe, respectivament, que son equilibradas arredol de l'alguaza u rodamiento, que ye o punto de refirme.
This system is a version of the lever with loads applied tangentially to the perimeter of the wheel and axle, respectively, that are balanced around the hinge, which is the fulcrum.

L'avantalla mecanica d'a rueda y l'eixe ye a relación d'as distancias dende a encolla a las cargas aplicadas, u o que ye lo mesmo que a relación d'as dimensions radials d'a rueda y l'eixe.
The mechanical advantage of the wheel and axle is the ratio of the distances from the fulcrum to the applied loads, or what is the same thing the ratio of the radial dimensions of the wheel and axle.[4]

As barras ficadas en o cabrestante proporcionan l'avantalla mecanica d'una rueda y l'eixe pa devantar un ancora.
Capstan bars inserted into the capstan provide the mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle to lift an anchor.

Chirando un pomo se chira o eixe que mueve o bandobillo.
Turning a doorknob rotates the spindle which moves the latch.

Rueda d'augua conducindo un cabrestante pa devantar cargas en minería medieval.
Waterwheel driving a rope winch to lift loads in medieval mining.

A representación bien calendada mas antiga d'un vehíclo de ruedas (un vagón - quatro ruedas, dos eixes) ye en a olla de Bronocice, un charrón de ceramica de ca.
The earliest well-dated depiction of a wheeled vehicle (a wagon—four wheels, two axles) is on the Bronocice pot, a ca.

3635-3370 aC, excavau en un asentamiento d'a cultura Funnelbeaker en o sud de Polonia.
3635–3370 BC ceramic vase, excavated in a Funnelbeaker culture settlement in southern Poland.[5]

L'eixemplo mas antigo conoixiu d'una rueda de fusta y o suyo eixe se trobó en 2002 en os entibos de Ljubljana a uns 20 km a o sud de Ljubljana, capital d'Eslovenia.
The oldest known example of a wooden wheel and its axle was found in 2002 at the Ljubljana Marshes some 20 km south of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia.

D'alcuerdo con a datación por radiocarbonio, ye entre 5.100 y 5.350 anyos d'antiguidat.
According to radiocarbon dating, it is between 5,100 and 5,350 years old.

A rueda estió de fraixin y caixico y teneba un rayo de 70 cm y l'eixe yera de 120 cm de largo y ye feito de fusta de caixico.
The wheel was made of ash and oak and had a radius of 70 cm and the axle is 120 cm long and made of oak.[6]

Avantalla mecanica
Mechanical advantage

A maquina simpla clamadarueda y eixe se refiere a o conchunto formau por dos discos u cilindros de diferents diametros, amontaus de traza que chiran chuntos arredol d'o mesmo eixe. O disco de menor diametro que amenesta estar chirau se clama eixe y l'obchecto mas amplo fixo en l'eixe, en o qual aplicamos fuerza, se clama rueda.
The simple machine called a wheel and axle refers to the assembly formed by two disks, or cylinders, of different diameters mounted so they rotate together around the same axis.The thin rod which needs to be turned is called the axle and the wider object fixed to the axle, on which we apply force is called the wheel.

As fuerzas aplicadas a os cantos d'os dos discos u cilindros, proporcionan una avantalla mecanica.
Forces applied to the edges of the two disks, or cylinders, provide mechanical advantage.

Quan s'utiliza como a rueda d'un carro, o cilindro mas chicot ye l'eixe d'a rueda, pero quan s'utiliza en un torno, cabrestant, y atras aplicacions semblants o cilindro mas chicot puet estar deseparau de l'eixe amontau en os rodamientos.
When used as the wheel of a cart the smaller cylinder is the axle of the wheel, but when used in a windlass, winch, and other similar applications (see medieval mining lift to right) the smaller cylinder may be separate from the axle mounted in the bearings.

No se puet fer servir por deseparau.
It cannot be used separately.[7][8]

Suposando que a rueda y l'eixe no disipa u almagazena enerchía, a potencia chenerada por as fuerzas aplicadas a la rueda debe estar igual a la potencia de salida en l'eixe.
Assuming the wheel and axle does not dissipate or store energy, the power generated by forces applied to the wheel must equal the power out at the axle.

Como o sistema de rueda y l'eixe chira arredol d'os suyos rodamientos, os puntos d'a circumferencia, u rafe, d'a rueda se mueven mas rapido que os puntos d'a circumferencia, u rafe, de l'eixe.
As the wheel and axle system rotates around its bearings, points on the circumference, or edge, of the wheel move faster than points on the circumference, or edge, of the axle.

Por tanto, una fuerza aplicada a o canto d'a rueda debe estar menor que a fuerza aplicada a o canto de l'eixe, porque a potencia ye o producto d'a fuerza y velocidat.
Therefore, a force applied to the edge of the wheel must be less than the force applied to the edge of the axle, because power is the product of force and velocity.[9]

Sían a y b as distancias dende o centro d'o rodamiento a os cantos d'a rueda A y l'eixe B. Si a fuerza d'entrada F_A s'aplica a o canto d'a rueda A y a fuerza F_B en o canto de l'eixe B ye a salida, allora a relación d'as velocidatz d'os puntos A y B ye dada por a / b, por o que a relación d'a fuerza de salida a la fuerza de dentrada, u avantalla mecanica, vien dada por
Let a and b be the distances from the center of the bearing to the edges of the wheel A and the axle B. If the input force FA is applied to the edge of the wheel A and the force FB at the edge of the axle B is the output, then the ratio of the velocities of points A and B is given by a/b, so the ratio of the output force to the input force, or mechanical advantage, is given by

L'avantalla mecanica d'una maquina simpla como a rueda y eixe se calcula como a relación d'a resistencia a o esfuerzo.
The mechanical advantage of a simple machine like the wheel and axle is computed as the ratio of the resistance to the effort.

Quanto mayor sía a proporción mayor ye a multiplicación d'a fuerza (par) creyau u distancia aconseguida.
The larger the ratio the greater the multiplication of force (torque) created or distance achieved.

Por meyo d'a variación d'os rayos de l'eixe y/u rueda, qualsiquier cantidat d'avantalla mecanica puetz estar adquirida. D'ista traza, a grandaria d'a rueda se puet incrementar en una mida inconvenient.
By varying the radii of the axle and/or wheel, any amount of mechanical advantage may be gained.[4] In this manner, the size of the wheel may be increased to an inconvenient extent.

En iste caso s'utiliza un sistema u combinación de ruedas (a ormino dentada, ye dicir, os engranaches).
In this case a system or combination of wheels (often toothed, that is, gears) are used.

Como una rueda y l'eixe ye un tipo de ceprén, un sistema de ruedas y eixes ye como un ceprén compuesto.
As a wheel and axle is a type of lever, a system of wheels and axles is like a compound lever.[10]

Avantalla mecanica ideyal
Ideal mechanical advantage

L'avantalla mecanica ideyal d'una rueda y eixe se calcula con a siguient formula:
The ideal mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle is calculated with the following formula:

Avantalla mecanica real
Actual mechanical advantage

L'avantalla mecanica real d'una rueda y eixe se calcula con a siguient formula:
The actual mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle is calculated with the following formula:


R = fuerza de resistencia, ye dicir, o peso d'o pozal en iste eixemplo.
R = resistance force, i.e. the weight of the bucket in this example.

Eactual = fuerza d'esfuerzo real, a fuerza requerida pa chirar a rueda.
Eactual = actual effort force, the force required to turn the wheel.

Layal Abboud (Arabic: ليال عبود‎‎:pronounced [layāl ʿab'boud]; nacido el 15 de mayo de 1982) es una cantante pop libanesa, artista de música folk, poeta lírica, bailarina de conciertos, modelo en forma, humanitaria musulmana y empresaria.[1][2][3]
Layal Abboud (Arabic: ليال عبود‎‎:pronounced [layāl ʿab'boud]; born 15 May 1982) is a Lebanese pop singer, folk music entertainer, sound-lyric poet, concert dancer, fit model, Muslim humanitarian and businesswoman.[1][2][3]


Günther Haensch (22 d'abril de 1923, Múnich, Alemanya – 10 de mayo de 2018, Augsburg, Alemanya) estió un lingüista y lexicografo alemán.
Günther Haensch (April 22, 1923, Munich, Germany – May 10, 2018, Augsburg, Germany) was a German linguist and lexicographer.

Estió un especialista en dialectolochía catalana y aragonesa, y tamién publicó diccionars mas chenerals y atros treballos arredol d'a cultura espanyola y francesa.[1][2]
A specialist on Catalan and Aragonese dialectology, he has also published more general dictionaries and works on Spanish and French culture.[1][2]