
პოენიკიანი gaml არაბული ǧīm ებრაყლი gimel ბერძნული Gamma ეტრუსკანი C ძველი ლათინური C (G)
Phoenician gaml Arabic ǧīm Hebrew gimel Greek Gamma Etruscan C Old Latin C (G)

"C" მოდის იმავე წერილში, როგორც "G". სემიტებმა დაასახელა ეს გემი. ნიშანი შესაძლოა ადაპტირებული იყოს ეგვიპტური იეროგლიფისგან პერსონალის სლინგისთვის, რომელიც შეიძლება ყოფილიყო სახელი გეიმელის მნიშვნელობა. კიდევ ერთი შესაძლებლობა ის არის, რომ იგი ასახავდა აქლემი, სემიტური სახელი, რომელიც gamal იყო. წერილობითი ისტორიის სპეციალისტი ბერი ბ. პაუელი ამბობს: "ძნელი წარმოსადგენია, თუ როგორ აიღო აქლემი =" აქლემი "აქლემის სურათზე (შეიძლება მისი კეხი ან მისი თავი და კისერი!)" [2]
The sign is possibly adapted from an Egyptian hieroglyph for a staff sling, which may have been the meaning of the name gimel. Another possibility is that it depicted a camel, the Semitic name for which was gamal. Barry B. Powell, a specialist in the history of writing, states "It is hard to imagine how gimel = "camel" can be derived from the picture of a camel (it may show his hump, or his head and neck!)".[2]

Etruscan ენაში, plosive consonants არ ჰქონდა კონტრასტული ხმაური, ამიტომ ბერძნული "Γ" (გამა) მიღებულ იქნა Etruscan ანბანი წარმოადგინოს / k /. უკვე დასავლეთით ბერძნულ ანბანში, გამა პირველი "ადრეული ეტრუსკანში", მაშინ "კლასიკური ეტრუსკანში" მიიღო. ლათინურად იგი საბოლოოდ აიღო "გ" ფორმა კლასიკურ ლათინურ ენაზე. ადრეული ლათინურ წარწერებში, ასოები 'კ ~ q' გამოყენებულ იქნა ჟღერს / კ / და / ɡ / (რომელიც არ იყო დიფერენცირებული წერილობით). ამ "q" გამოყენებული იყო / k / ან / ɡ / წარმოგიდგენთ მომრგვალებული ხმოვნებამდე, 'k' ადრე 'a' და 'c' სხვაგან. მე -3 საუკუნეში ძვ.წ. / ɡ / დაინერგა მოდიფიცირებული ხასიათი და "გ" შენახული იყო / k /. 'გ' და მისი ვარიანტის '' გ '' - ის გამოყენება '' 'და' '' q- ის უმეტესობა შეცვალა. აქედან გამომდინარე, კლასიკურ პერიოდში და შემდეგ "გ" განიხილებოდა, როგორც ბერძნული გამა, და "გ", როგორც კაპას ეკვივალენტი; ეს გვიჩვენებს ბერძნული სიტყვების romanization, როგორც 'ΚΑΔΜΟΣ', 'ΚΥΡΟΣ', ​​და 'ΦΩΚΙΣ' შევიდა ლათინური როგორც "cadmvs", "cyrvs" და "phocis", შესაბამისად.
Of these, 'q' was used to represent /k/ or /ɡ/ before a rounded vowel, 'k' before 'a', and 'c' elsewhere.[3] During the 3rd century BC, a modified character was introduced for /ɡ/, and 'c' itself was retained for /k/. The use of 'c' (and its variant 'g') replaced most usages of 'k' and 'q'. Hence, in the classical period and after, 'g' was treated as the equivalent of Greek gamma, and 'c' as the equivalent of kappa; this shows in the romanization of Greek words, as in 'ΚΑΔΜΟΣ', 'ΚΥΡΟΣ', and 'ΦΩΚΙΣ' came into Latin as 'cadmvs', 'cyrvs' and 'phocis', respectively.

სხვა დამწერებლებს აქვთ ჰომოლიფური ასოები "გ", მაგრამ არა ანალოგიური გამოყენება და წარმოება, ისევე როგორც კირილეული ასო Es (С, с), რომელიც მომდინარეობს ცუნამის სიგმადან, სახელწოდებით ნახევარმთვარის მთვარის გამო.
Other alphabets have letters homoglyphic to 'c' but not analogous in use and derivation, like the Cyrillic letter Es (С, с) which derives from the lunate sigma, named due to its resemblance to the crescent moon.

Уи дара аҭыҧ ала Европа. Ирышьҭуеит:Қырҭтәыла, Ермантәыла, Урыстәыла и Азербаиџьан.
The Caucasus /ˈkɔːkəsəs/ or Caucasia /kɔːˈkeɪʒə/ is a mountain range and also a regional term used to describe an area situated between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea and occupied by Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia. It is home to the Caucasus Mountains including the Greater Caucasus mountain range, which has historically been considered a natural barrier between Eastern Europe and Western Asia, but is today accepted by the majority of scholars as being part of Asia.[2]

Aшьха Эльбрус
Mount Elbrus


The modern name for the region is usually similar in the many languages, and is generally between Kavkaz and Kawkaz.

Карта (2008)
Political map of the Caucasus region (2008)

Этническая группа [15]
Ethno-linguistic groups in the Caucasus region[15]

Georgian Airways (Georgian: ჯორჯიან ეარვეისი) Уи дара ааныжьра ала Қырҭтәыла.амҵ ааныжьра.Ашара-1994.[3]
Georgian Airways (Georgian: ჯორჯიან ეარვეისი), formerly Airzena, is the privately owned flag carrier of Georgia, with its headquarters in Tbilisi.[2] Its main base is Tbilisi International Airport.[3]

Латвиа (/ˈlɑːtviə/ or /ˈlætviə/ (listen); Latvian[16]
Latvia (/ˈlɑːtviə/ or /ˈlætviə/ (listen); Latvian: Latvija [ˈlatvija]), officially the Republic of Latvia (Latvian: Latvijas Republika), is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe.[13] Since its independence, Latvia has been referred to as one of the Baltic states. It is bordered by Estonia to the north, Lithuania to the south, Russia to the east, and Belarus to the southeast, and shares a maritime border with Sweden to the west. Latvia has 1,957,200 inhabitants[14] and a territory of 64,589 km2 (24,938 sq mi).[15] The country has a temperate seasonal climate.[16]


Ильҳам Алиев (Azerbaijani: İlham Heydər oğlu Əliyev, [ilhɑm hɛjdær ɔɣlu ælijɪf]; апрезидент урҭ [[Азербаиџьан]].
Ilham Heydar oglu Aliyev (Azerbaijani: İlham Heydər oğlu Əliyev, [ilhɑm hɛjdær ɔɣlu ælijɪf]; born 24 December 1961) is an Azerbaijani politician and currently the fourth President of Azerbaijan, in office since 2003. He also functions as the Chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party and the head of the National Olympic Committee.

Ильҳам Алиев-2018
Aliyev and his wife at the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia

аҧа урҭ Ильҳам Алиев
His son Heydar in a military uniform.

Ильҳам Алиев 2018
Aliyev's 2018 inauguration ceremony.

Ильҳам Алиев-2016
Ilham Aliyev and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Washington, D.C., 30 March 2016

Ильҳам Алиев
Ilham Aliyev


Саломе Зурабишвили ({{lang-ka|სალომე ზურაბიშვილი}}) апрезидент урҭ [[Қырҭтәыла]].
Salome Zourabichvili[2] (Georgian: სალომე ზურაბიშვილი; born 18 March 1952) is a Georgian politician and former French diplomat who currently serves as the President of Georgia, in office since December 2018. She is the first woman to be elected as Georgia's president,[3] a position she will occupy for a term of six years. As a result of constitutional changes coming into effect in 2024, Zourabichvili is expected to be Georgia's last popularly elected president; all future heads of state are to be elected indirectly by an electoral college.

Salome Zurabishvili in June 2004.

Саломе Зурабишвили
Salome Zourabichvili


U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, with U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden, delivers remarks in honor of Erdoğan, 16 May 2013

Erdoğan joined by his Kosovo counterpart Hashim Thaçi, 3 November 2010

Erdoğan meeting Palestinian President Abbas in Erdogan's Presidential Palace

Реджеп Тайип Эрдоган (/ˈɛərdəwæn/;[2] Turkish: [ɾeˈdʒep taˈj:ip ˈæɾdoan] (listen); апрезидент урҭ Ҭырқәтәыла[4]
He previously served as Prime Minister from 2003 to 2014 and as Mayor of Istanbul from 1994 to 1998. He founded the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in 2001, leading it to general election victories in 2002, 2007 and 2011 before standing down upon his election as President in 2014. Coming from an Islamist political background and as a self-described conservative democrat, he has promoted socially conservative and liberal economic policies in his administration.[3] Under his administration, Turkey has experienced democratic backsliding.[4]

Реджеп Тайип Эрдоган
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

Аладатәи Кореа
South Korea

Sonae.com's takeover bid opposed Belmiro de Azevedo (founder and historical chairman of Sonae holding company) and his son Paulo Azevedo (then the head officer of Sonae.com telecommunications operator) to the investor José Berardo and PT's administrators Zeinal Bava and Henrique Granadeiro. In April 2007 the European Commission gave an ultimatum to the Portuguese government ordering it to give up on the 500 golden shares pack that it owned on the company and that enable special veto powers to the government on vital issues.
Sonae.com's takeover bid opposed Belmiro de Azevedo (founder and historical chairman of Sonae holding company) and his son Paulo Azevedo (then the head officer of Sonae.com telecommunications operator) to the investor José Berardo and PT's administrators Zeinal Bava and Henrique Granadeiro.[clarification needed] In April 2007 the European Commission gave an ultimatum to the Portuguese government ordering it to give up on the 500 golden shares pack that it owned on the company and that enable special veto powers to the government on vital issues.

On October 2, 2013, Portugal Telecom and Brazil's Oi said they would combine operations to form a new Brazil-based company with more than 100 million subscribers.[1] The resulting company's provisional name is CorpCo.
On October 2, 2013, Portugal Telecom and Brazil's Oi said they would combine operations to form a new Brazil-based company with more than 100 million subscribers.[8] The resulting company's provisional name is CorpCo.

Zeinal Bava skipped off to Oi in Brazil.[1]
Zeinal Bava skipped off to Oi in Brazil.[9]

On June 2, 2015, Altice Group announced closing of Portugal Telecom acquisition.[1][2] Paulo Manuel da Conceição Neves was appointed as CEO.[3]
On June 2, 2015, Altice Group announced closing of Portugal Telecom acquisition.[10][11] Paulo Manuel da Conceição Neves was appointed as CEO.[12]

On November 21, 2017, Paulo Neves resigned as CEO and was replaced by Alexandre Filipe Fonseca.[1]
On November 21, 2017, Paulo Neves resigned as CEO and was replaced by Alexandre Filipe Fonseca.[13]

Altice owns MEO, the largest landline operator in Portugal.[1] Its operating brands include MEO, a quadruple play service provider and SAPO, an ISP and producer of web content.
Altice owns MEO, the largest landline operator in Portugal.[14] Its operating brands include MEO, a quadruple play service provider and SAPO, an ISP and producer of web content.

The assets in Portugal were sold to Altice[1] in 2015 per request of Oi SA to reduce debt.[2] The African assets were mostly sold for the same reason.
The assets in Portugal were sold to Altice[3] in 2015 per request of Oi SA to reduce debt.[4] The African assets were mostly sold for the same reason.

Portugal Telecom, SGPS SA was split in separate companies: PT Portugal (now Altice Portugal) and Pharol (formerly PT SGPS), which owns a 27,5% stake in Oi.[3][4]
Portugal Telecom, SGPS SA was split in separate companies: PT Portugal (now Altice Portugal) and Pharol (formerly PT SGPS), which owns a 27,5% stake in Oi.[5][6]

PT agreed to acquire 22.4% of Telemar Norte Leste (Oi), the country's largest telecommunications firm, in July 2010.[1] Separately it also had 29% of UOL, a major Brazil-based ISP and online service provider; and was the sole owner of Dedic, a call centre operator.[2] PT previously held 29.7% of Vivo, the country's largest mobile phone network, which it controlled jointly with Telefónica.
PT agreed to acquire 22.4% of Telemar Norte Leste (Oi), the country's largest telecommunications firm, in July 2010.[15] Separately it also had 29% of UOL, a major Brazil-based ISP and online service provider; and was the sole owner of Dedic, a call centre operator.[2] PT previously held 29.7% of Vivo, the country's largest mobile phone network, which it controlled jointly with Telefónica.

It agreed however to sell its stake to Telefónica for €7.5 billion in July 2010.[1]
It agreed however to sell its stake to Telefónica for €7.5 billion in July 2010.[15]

Through a 75%-owned investment holding company Africatel, PT had an effective 18.75% of Angola's largest mobile operator Unitel; 30% of Cabo Verde Telecom (CVT) of Cape Verde; 38.25% of Companhia Santomense de Telecomunicações (CST) of São Tomé and Príncipe; and 25.5% of the Namibian mobile firm MTC.[1] The firm sold a 32% shareholding in Méditel of Morocco in September 2009.[2]
Through a 75%-owned investment holding company Africatel, PT had an effective 18.75% of Angola's largest mobile operator Unitel; 30% of Cabo Verde Telecom (CVT) of Cape Verde; 38.25% of Companhia Santomense de Telecomunicações (CST) of São Tomé and Príncipe; and 25.5% of the Namibian mobile firm MTC.[1] The firm sold a 32% shareholding in Méditel of Morocco in September 2009.[16]

After privatization the Portuguese government owned 500 golden shares in PT, which carried special rights over the company's management decisions and blocked any one shareholder from holding more than 10% of voting rights within the company.[1] The golden shares were the subject of a long running dispute between the government and the European Commission, which alleged that their existence was illegal under EU law.
After privatization the Portuguese government owned 500 golden shares in PT, which carried special rights over the company's management decisions and blocked any one shareholder from holding more than 10% of voting rights within the company.[17] The golden shares were the subject of a long running dispute between the government and the European Commission, which alleged that their existence was illegal under EU law.

A case brought before the European Court of Justice by the commission to force the government to cede its shares resulted in the announcement of their abolition in July 2011.[2]
A case brought before the European Court of Justice by the commission to force the government to cede its shares resulted in the announcement of their abolition in July 2011.[18]

On 2 October 2013 it was reported that Portugal Telecom and Brazil's Oi are to Merge to create a Brazil-based company.[1]
On 2 October 2013 it was reported that Portugal Telecom and Brazil's Oi are to Merge to create a Brazil-based company.[19]

Portugal Telecom was the only telephone operator in Portugal, being a monopoly, until 1994,[1] when the government gradually reduced its control over the corporation.
Portugal Telecom was the only telephone operator in Portugal, being a monopoly, until 1994,[7] when the government gradually reduced its control over the corporation.

Target's original bullseye logo, used from 1962 until 1987

In 2002, it expanded to 1,147 units, which included stores in San Leandro, Fremont, and Hayward, California, and sales reached $37.4 billion.[1] Most of those locations replaced former Montgomery Ward locations, which closed in 2001. In 2003, Target reached 1,225 units and $42.0 billion in sales.[19] Despite the growth of the discount retailer, neither Marshall Field's nor Mervyn's were adding to its store count, and their earnings were consistently declining. Marshall Field's sold two of its stores in Columbus, Ohio, this year.[2] On June 9, 2004, Target Corporation announced its sale of the Marshall Field's chain to St. Louis-based May Department Stores, which would become effective July 31, 2004.