# en/all.en-zh.xml.gz
# zh/all.en-zh.xml.gz

(src)="1"> about how long have these symptoms been going on ?
(trg)="1"> 这些症状已持续多长时间 ?

(src)="2"> and all chest pain should be treated this way especially with your age
(trg)="2"> 各种胸痛均应采取这种方法进行治疗 , 尤其要考虑年龄因素

(src)="3"> and along with a fever
(trg)="3"> 并伴有发热症状

(src)="4"> and also needs to be checked your cholesterol blood pressure
(trg)="4"> 还需要检查一下胆固醇和血压

(src)="5"> and are you having a fever now ?
(trg)="5"> 您现在有发热吗 ?

(src)="6"> and are you having any of the following symptoms with your chest pain
(trg)="6"> 您的胸痛伴有以下任何症状吗

(src)="7"> and are you having a runny nose ?
(trg)="7"> 您有流鼻涕吗 ?

(src)="8"> and are you having this chest pain now ?
(trg)="8"> 现在您有这种胸痛症状吗 ?

(src)="9"> and besides do you have difficulty breathing
(trg)="9"> 另外您有呼吸困难吗

(src)="10"> and can you tell me what other symptoms are you having along with this ?
(trg)="10"> 您能描述一下除此之外还有什么其他症状吗 ?

(src)="11"> and does this pain move from your chest ?
(trg)="11"> 这种疼痛是从您胸部延伸出来的吗 ?

(src)="12"> and drink lots of fluids
(trg)="12"> 多喝水

(src)="13"> and how high has your fever been
(trg)="13"> 您发热达到多少度

(src)="14"> and i have a cough too
(trg)="14"> 我还有咳嗽症状

(src)="15"> and i have a little cold and a cough
(trg)="15"> 我有点感冒而且咳嗽

(src)="16"> and i 'm really having some bad chest pain today
(trg)="16"> 今天我的胸部真的很痛

(src)="17"> and is this the right time for your hay fever
(trg)="17"> 现在是您得花粉症的时候吗

(src)="18"> and it get the chest pain
(trg)="18"> 我开始胸痛

(src)="19"> and i think i have a little bit of a fever
(trg)="19"> 我想我有点发热

(src)="20"> and i want you to describe where the chest pain is
(trg)="20"> 我希望您描述一下胸痛的部位

(src)="21"> and she is sorta have the same symptoms
(trg)="21"> 她也出现相同的症状

(src)="22"> and tell me what symptoms are you having now ?
(trg)="22"> 描述一下现在有什么症状 ?

(src)="23"> and they 're having some fevers as well
(trg)="23"> 他们也出现一定程度的发热症状

(src)="24"> and with your history of diabetes
(trg)="24"> 有糖尿病史

(src)="25"> and you know it feels like my chest is like gonna crush
(trg)="25"> 我感觉我的胸部要被压扁了

(src)="26"> and you know people cough on me all the time
(trg)="26"> 人们一直在冲我咳嗽

(src)="27"> and you 're having chest pain
(trg)="27"> 您现在出现胸痛症状

(src)="28"> and your symptoms do not go away in five days
(trg)="28"> 您的症状五天内不会消失

(src)="29"> and you said this is a pressure in your chest
(trg)="29"> 您曾说感觉胸部受到挤压

(src)="30"> anyone in the family have a heart problem heart disease heart attack high cholesterol high blood pressure
(trg)="30"> 家中有没有亲属患有心脏问题 、 心脏病 、 心肌梗死 、 高胆固醇和高血压

(src)="31"> any other symptoms or problems that you notice with the muscle aches ?
(trg)="31"> 除了肌肉酸痛 , 您还有任何其他症状或问题吗 ?

(src)="32"> any sharp pain on your left side of your chest ?
(trg)="32"> 左胸感到刺痛吗 ?

(src)="33"> are there other people sick as you at home with your same symptoms ?
(trg)="33"> 家中有没有其他亲属生病并出现与您一样的症状 ?

(src)="34"> are you having any difficulty breathing now
(trg)="34"> 您现在有呼吸困难吗 ?

(src)="35"> are you having any other symptoms ?
(trg)="35"> 还有任何其他症状吗 ?

(src)="36"> are you having any shortness of breath ?
(trg)="36"> 您现在感到气促吗 ?

(src)="37"> are you still having the chest pain
(trg)="37"> 您现在还有胸痛吗

(src)="38"> because this is flu season
(trg)="38"> 因为现在是流感季节

(src)="39"> besides the diabetes do you have other problems or important diseases ?
(trg)="39"> 除了糖尿病 , 您还有其他问题或严重疾病吗 ?

(src)="40"> but also we shouldn 't be put aside for the heart cardiac origin chest pain
(trg)="40"> 同时 , 我们不应排除心源性胸痛

(src)="41"> but a more important problem now is this chest pain
(trg)="41"> 但现在更重要的问题是胸痛

(src)="42"> but if you have the cough
(trg)="42"> 但如果您有咳嗽

(src)="43"> but i have difficulty breathing
(trg)="43"> 但我有呼吸困难

(src)="44"> but i know lot of people cough on me
(trg)="44"> 但我知道很多人冲我咳嗽

(src)="45"> but we need to treat every chest pain with the utmost seriousness
(trg)="45"> 我们需要严肃对待每一种胸痛

(src)="46"> but you 're breathing all right right now right ?
(trg)="46"> 但您目前呼吸顺畅 , 对吗 ?

(src)="47"> ' cause of this chest pain i totally forgot
(trg)="47"> 完全忘记造成这次胸痛的原因

(src)="48"> ' cause they 're having a cough
(trg)="48"> 他们存在咳嗽症状

(src)="49"> does it feel like somebody squeezing your chest
(trg)="49"> 感觉有人在挤压您的胸部吗

(src)="50"> do still feel like shortness of breath
(trg)="50"> 仍然感到气促

(src)="51"> do they complain of being sick similar symptoms ?
(trg)="51"> 他们也在抱怨身体不适并出现类似症状吗 ?

(src)="52"> do you have any blood pressure problem as far as you know ?
(trg)="52"> 据您所知 , 您的血压有问题吗 ?

(src)="53"> do you have any other chronic like high blood pressure or anything like that ?
(trg)="53"> 您还有任何其他慢性病吗 ? 比如 , 高血压或类似疾病 。

(src)="54"> do you have any other diseases chronic medical problems like diabetes ?
(trg)="54"> 还有任何其他疾病和慢性健康问题吗 ? 比如 , 糖尿病 。

(src)="55"> do you have any shortness of breath with that chest pain ?
(trg)="55"> 您的胸痛伴有气促症状吗 ?

(src)="56"> do you have high blood pressure ?
(trg)="56"> 您有高血压病史吗 ?

(src)="57"> do you have some shortness of breath goes with that ?
(trg)="57"> 您有气促症状吗 ?

(src)="58"> do you know what symptoms she was having ?
(trg)="58"> 您知道她有什么症状吗 ?

(src)="59"> do your relatives have the same symptoms
(trg)="59"> 您的亲属有同样的症状吗

(src)="60"> do you see the image ?
(trg)="60"> 您看到图像了吗 ?

(src)="61"> drink plenty of fluids today
(trg)="61"> 今天喝了很多水

(src)="62"> have a dry cough a cold and runny nose vomiting diarrhea
(trg)="62"> 干咳 、 感冒 、 流鼻涕 、 呕吐 、 腹泻

(src)="63"> however i take tests for the diabetes
(trg)="63"> 但我接受了糖尿病的检查

(src)="64"> however she has symptoms quite similar to mine
(trg)="64"> 但她的症状与我的症状十分相似

(src)="65"> how high is your fever ?
(trg)="65"> 您的发热达到多少度 ?

(src)="66"> how ' s your blood pressure ?
(trg)="66"> 您的血压如何 ?

(src)="67"> i don 't think i have high blood pressure
(trg)="67"> 我想我没有高血压病史

(src)="68"> i feel a pain in the chest here in the front part of the chest
(trg)="68"> 我的前胸部位感到疼痛

(src)="69"> if you continue to have high fevers
(trg)="69"> 如果您继续高热不退

(src)="70"> if you have a fever of a hundred and two or higher
(trg)="70"> 如果您的发热达到 102 ° F 或以上

(src)="71"> if you think that your symptoms or problems warrant a better look
(trg)="71"> 如果您认为自己的症状或问题有必要进一步观察

(src)="72"> i got a fever yesterday
(trg)="72"> 我昨天发热

(src)="73"> i got a slight fever too
(trg)="73"> 我也出现低热症状

(src)="74"> i had a fever yesterday
(trg)="74"> 我昨天发热

(src)="75"> i had a short sharp pain in my chest
(trg)="75"> 我的胸部出现短暂刺痛

(src)="76"> i have a sharp pain here in the chest
(trg)="76"> 我的胸部刺痛

(src)="77"> i have hay fever though too
(trg)="77"> 我也有花粉症

(src)="78"> i have made on the body around the chest area ?
(trg)="78"> 我对胸部区域进行了处理 ?

(src)="79"> i have some difficulty breathing too
(trg)="79"> 我也有些呼吸困难

(src)="80"> i 'll send you an image
(trg)="80"> 我会发给您一张图像

(src)="81"> i 'm having some chest pain today
(trg)="81"> 我今天有些胸痛

(src)="82"> i 'm just having some headaches and some fever today
(trg)="82"> 我今天有些头痛和发热

(src)="83"> in my opinion it is flu
(trg)="83"> 我认为这是流感

(src)="84"> in my opinion this is a little flu
(trg)="84"> 我认为这是轻微流感

(src)="85"> i see it going from the center of your chest going up to your neck
(trg)="85"> 我看到它从胸部中心一直延伸到您的颈部

(src)="86"> is it like some heavy heavy person sitting on your chest ?
(trg)="86"> 像是一个很重的人坐在您胸口吗 ?

(src)="87"> it all started with the headaches and with the fever about the same time
(trg)="87"> 头痛和发热几乎同时开始

(src)="88"> it hurts in the chest
(trg)="88"> 胸痛

(src)="89"> it hurts in the middle of my chest
(trg)="89"> 我的胸口痛

(src)="90"> it is a pressure like chest pain
(trg)="90"> 挤压式胸痛

(src)="91"> it is in my chest
(trg)="91"> 在我的胸部

(src)="92"> it is in the center of my chest
(trg)="92"> 在我的胸口

(src)="93"> it is in the center of the chest
(trg)="93"> 在胸口

(src)="94"> it is occurring right in the middle of my chest
(trg)="94"> 刚好发生在我的胸口

(src)="95"> it is right in the center of my chest
(trg)="95"> 刚好在我的胸口

(src)="96"> it sounds like you just may have the garden variety cold or a flu
(trg)="96"> 听起来可能是普通感冒或流感 。

(src)="97"> i 've got pain in my chest
(trg)="97"> 我感到胸痛

(src)="98"> i 've very concerned of this chest pain
(trg)="98"> 胸痛让我非常苦恼

(src)="99"> i want you to tell me in describing this chest pain
(trg)="99"> 希望您描述一下胸痛的感受

(src)="100"> i will send you an image
(trg)="100"> 我会发给您一张图像