# en/apertium-sardware.xml.gz
# sc/apertium-sardware.xml.gz
(src)="1"> Apertium _ A free/open-source machine translation platform
(trg)="1"> Apertium _ Una prataforma lìbera a còdighe abertu pro sa tradutzione automàtica
(src)="2"> A free/open-source machine translation platform
(trg)="2"> Una prataforma lìbera a còdighe abertu pro sa tradutzione automàtica
(src)="3"> Apertium is a rule-based machine translation platform .
(trg)="3"> Apertium est una prataforma de tradutzione automàtica basada subra de règulas .
(src)="4"> It is free software and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License .
(trg)="4"> Est unu programa lìberu publicadu suta sas cunditziones de sa GNU General Public License .
(src)="5"> Translation
(trg)="5"> Tradutzione
(src)="6"> Choose two languages and translate your text using Apertium 's translation platform !
(trg)="6"> Sèbera duas limbas e borta testos cun sa prataforma de tradutzione de Apertium !
(src)="7"> Translate
(trg)="7"> Borta
(src)="8"> Detect Language
(trg)="8"> Rileva sa limba in manera automàtica
(src)="9"> detected
(trg)="9"> rilevada
(src)="10"> Instant translation
(trg)="10"> Tradutzione istantànea
(src)="11"> Mark unknown words
(trg)="11"> Sinnala sas paràulas disconnotas
(src)="12"> Translate a document
(trg)="12"> Borta unu documentu
(src)="13"> Drop a document
(trg)="13"> Traga unu documentu
(src)="14"> Translation not yet available !
(trg)="14"> Sa tradutzione no est galu a disponimentu !
(src)="15"> File is too large !
(trg)="15"> S ' archìviu est tropu mannu !
(src)="16"> Cancel
(trg)="16"> Cantzella
(src)="17"> Format not supported !
(trg)="17"> Su formadu no est suportadu !
(src)="18"> Download { { fileName } }
(trg)="18"> Iscàrriga { { fileName } }
(src)="19"> Morphological analysis
(trg)="19"> Anàlisi morfològica
(src)="20"> Choose a language and analyse your text using Apertium 's morphological analysers .
(trg)="20"> Sèbera una limba e analiza testos cun sos analizadores morfològicos de Apertium !
(src)="21"> Analyse
(trg)="21"> Analiza
(src)="22"> Morphological generation
(trg)="22"> Generatzione morfològica
(src)="23"> Choose a language and generate surface forms from your text using Apertium 's morphological generators .
(trg)="23"> Sèbera una limba e genera formas superfitziales de su testu tuo cun sos generadores morfològicos de Apertium !
(src)="24"> Generate
(trg)="24"> Gènera
(src)="25"> Spell checker
(trg)="25"> Curretore ortogràficu
(src)="26"> APY sandbox
(trg)="26"> APY sandbox
(src)="27"> Send arbitrary requests
(trg)="27"> Imbia una rechesta cale si siat
(src)="28"> APY Request
(trg)="28"> Rechesta de APY
(src)="29"> Request
(trg)="29"> Rechesta
(src)="30"> Language
(trg)="30"> Limba
(src)="31"> Input text
(trg)="31"> Testu de intrada
(src)="32"> Spotted a mistake ?
(trg)="32"> Ais agatadu una faddina ?
(src)="33"> Help us improve Apertium !
(trg)="33"> Agiuade · nos a megiorare Apertium !
(src)="34"> Feel free to contact us if you find a mistake , there 's a project you would like to see us work on , or you would like to help out .
(trg)="34"> Iscriide · nos si agatades carchi faddina , si cherides chi traballemus a carchi progetu o si cherides collaborare .
(src)="35"> This website is maintained by { { maintainer } } .
(trg)="35"> Custu situ web est mantènnidu dae { { maintainer } } .
(src)="36"> About this website
(trg)="36"> Subra de custu situ
(src)="37"> This site only works with JavaScript enabled , if you cannot < a href='http://www.enable-javascript.com/' target='_blank' > enable Javascript < /a > , then try the < a href='http://traductor.prompsit.com' target='_blank' > translators at Prompsit < /a > .
(trg)="37"> Custu situ funtzionat petzi si JavaScript est ativadu , si non podides < a href = ' http : / / www.enable-javascript.com / ' target = ' _ blank ' > ativare JavaScript < / a > , proade sos < a href = ' http : / / traductor.prompsit.com ' target = ' _ blank ' > tradutores de Prompsit < / a > .
(src)="38">< b > 404 Error : < /b > Sorry, that page doesn't exist anymore!
(trg)="38"> < b > 404 Error : < / b > Custa pàgina no esistet prus !
(src)="39"> About
(trg)="39"> Informatziones
(src)="40"> Download
(trg)="40"> Iscàrriga
(src)="41"> Contact
(trg)="41"> Cuntatade · nos
(src)="42"> Documentation
(trg)="42"> Documentatzione
(src)="43"> About Apertium
(trg)="43"> Subra de Apertium
(src)="44">< p > Apertium is a < b > free/open-source m achine translation platform < /b > , initially aimed at related-language pairs but expanded to deal with more divergent language pairs (such as English-Catalan).
(trg)="44"> < p > Apertium est una < b > prataforma de tradutzione automàtica lìbera e a còdighe abertu < / b > , a su cumintzu creada pro una paja de limbas serentes , e posca ampliada .
(src)="45"> The platform provides < /p > < ol > < li > a language-independent machine translation engine < /li > < li > tools to manage the linguistic data necessary to build a machine translation system for a given language pair and < /li > < li > linguistic data for a growing number of language pairs. < /li > < /ol > < p > Apertium welcomes new developers: if you think you can improve the engine or the tools, or develop linguistic data for us, do not hesitate to < a data-toggle='modal' data-target='#contactModal' data-text='Help_Improve' data-keyboard='true' data-dismiss='modal' style='cursor: pointer' > contact us < /a > . < /p >
(trg)="45"> Sa prataforma frunit < / p > < ol > < li > unu motore de tradutzione automàtica indipendente dae sa limba < / li > < li > ainas pro gestire sos datos linguìsticos e netzessàrios pro fraigare unu sistema de tradutzione pro una cumbinatzione linguìstica dislindada e < / li > < li > datos linguìsticos pro unu nùmeru in crèschida de còpias de limbas . < / li > < / ol > < p > Apertium dat su bene bènnidu a isvilupadores noos : si pensades chi si potzat megiorare su motore , sas ainas o chi si potzant isvilupare sos datos linguìsticos < a data-toggle = ' modal ' data-target = ' # contactModal ' data-text = ' Help _ Improve ' data-keyboard = ' true ' data-dismiss = ' modal ' style = ' cursor : pointer ' > cuntatade · nos < / a > . < / p >
(src)="46"> Documentation can be found on our < a href='http://wiki.apertium.org/' > Wiki < /a > under the < a href='http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Documentation' target='_blank' > Documentation < /a > sub-page.
(trg)="46"> Podides agatare sa documentatzione in sa < a href = ' http : / / wiki.apertium.org / ' > wiki < / a > nostra , in sa pàgina < a href = ' http : / / wiki.apertium.org / wiki / Documentation ' target = ' _ blank ' > Documentation < / a > .
(src)="47"> We have published various conference papers and journal articles , a list of which may be found on the Wiki under < a href='http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Publications' target='_blank' > Publications < /a > .
(trg)="47.1"> Amus publicadu paritzos artìculos e cunferèntzias .
(trg)="47.2"> Agatades sa lista intrea in sa wiki , in sa pàgina < a href = ' http : / / wiki.apertium.org / wiki / Publications ' target = ' _ blank ' > Publications < / a > .
(src)="48"> Apertium Downloads
(trg)="48"> Iscarrigamentos de Apertium
(src)="49"> Current versions of the < b > Apertium toolbox < /b > as well as of < b > language-pair data < /b > are available from < a href='https://sourceforge.net/projects/apertium/' target='_blank' > the SourceForge page < /a > .
(trg)="49"> Sas versiones atuales de < b > Apertium < / b > e sos < b > datos linguìsticos < / b > sunt a disponimentu in < a href = ' https : / / sourceforge.net / projects / apertium / ' target = ' _ blank ' > sa pàgina de SourceForge < / a > .
(src)="50"> Installation instructions for Apertium on all major platforms are provided on the < a href='http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Installation' target='_blank' > Wiki's Installation page < /a > .
(trg)="50"> Sas istrutziones de installatzione de Apertium in sa majoria de sas prataformas sunt a disponimentu in < a href = ' http : / / wiki.apertium.org / wiki / Installation ' target = ' _ blank ' > sa pagina Installation de sa wiki < / a > .
(src)="51">< h4 > IRC channel < /h4 > < p > The quickest way to contact us is by joining our < a href='http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/IRC' target='_blank' > < abbr title='Internet Relay Chat' > IRC < /abbr > channel, #apertium < /a > at irc.freenode.net, where users and developers of Apertium meet.
(trg)="51"> < h4 > Canale IRC < / h4 > < p > Sa manera prus lestra de nos cuntatare est intrende a su < a href = ' http : / / wiki.apertium.org / wiki / IRC ' target = ' _ blank ' > canale < abbr title = ' Internet Relay Chat ' > IRC < / abbr > nostru , # apertium < / a > in irc.freenode.net , in ue bi sunt sos utentes e sos isvilupadores de Apertium .
(src)="52"> You do n't need an IRC client ; you can use < a href='http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=apertium' > freenode webchat < /a > . < /p > < h4 > Mailing list < /h4 > < p > Also, subscribe to the < a href='https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/apertium-stuff' target='_blank' > apertium-stuff mailing list < /a > , where you can post longer proposals or issues, as well as follow general Apertium discussions. < /p > < h4 > Contact < /h4 > < p > Feel free to contact us via the < a href='mailto:apertium-contact@lists.sourceforge.net' target='_blank' > apertium-contact mailing list < /a > if you find a mistake, there's a project you would like to see us work on, or you would like to help out. < /p >
(trg)="52"> Si non tenides perunu cliente IRC ; podides impreare su < a href = ' http : / / webchat.freenode.net / ? channels = apertium ' > webchat de Freenode < / a > . < / p > < h4 > Lista de messàgios < / h4 > < p > Podides fintzas aderire a sa < a href = ' https : / / lists.sourceforge.net / lists / listinfo / apertium-stuff ' target = ' _ blank ' > lista de messàgios apertium-stuff < / a > , in ue podides iscriere propostas , chistionare de problemas e sighire chistiones generales de Apertium . < / p > < h4 > Cuntatu < / h4 > < p > Cuntatade · nos tràmite sa < a href = ' mailto : apertium-contact @ lists.sourceforge.net ' target = ' _ blank ' > lista de messàgios apertium-contact < / a > si agatades carchi faddina , si cherides chi traballemus a carchi progetu o si cherides collaborare . < / p >
# en/omegat-sardware.xml.gz
# sc/omegat-sardware.xml.gz
(src)="1"> #Files
(trg)="1"> Nùm. archìvios
(src)="2"> & About ...
(trg)="2"> & Informatziones ...
(src)="3"> & Access Project Contents
(trg)="3"> & Atzede a is cuntenutos de su progetu
(src)="4"> & Add
(trg)="4"> & Agiunghe
(src)="5"> & Add ...
(trg)="5"> & Agiunghe ...
(src)="6"> & Align Files ...
(trg)="6"> & Allìnia archìvios ...
(src)="7"> & Allow blank translations in the target files
(trg)="7"> & Permite tradutziones bòidas in is archìvios tradùidos
(src)="8"> & Allow only unique characters
(trg)="8"> Permite isceti c & aràteres ùnicos
(src)="9"> & Allow translation to be equal to source
(trg)="9"> Permite chi s & a tradutzione siat uguale a s ’ originale
(src)="10"> & Also allow per-project external commands
(trg)="10"> Permite fint & as òrdines esternas dislindadas pro cada progetu
(src)="11"> & Always
(trg)="11"> & Semper
(src)="12"> & Always Confirm Quit
(trg)="12"> Cunfirm & a semper in antis de essire
(src)="13"> & Apply this font to tabular data ( project files , statistics , etc. )
(trg)="13"> & Àplica custa tipografia a is datos tabulados ( archìvios de su progetu , istatìsticas , etc . )
(src)="14"> & Apply to all
(trg)="14"> & Àplica a totus
(src)="15"> & Auto-propagation of Translations
(trg)="15"> Propagatzione & automàtica de tradutziones
(src)="16"> & Automatically Fetch Translations
(trg)="16"> Recùpera tradutziones in & automàticu
(src)="17"> & Automatically check the spelling of text
(trg)="17"> Controllu automàticu de s ’ ortografia de su testu
(src)="18"> & Automatically fetch translations
(trg)="18"> Recùpera tradutziones in & automàticu
(src)="19"> & Back
(trg)="19"> I & n segus
(src)="20"> & Back in History
(trg)="20"> In segus in sa c & ronologia
(src)="21"> & Bookmarks
(trg)="21"> Sinnali & bros
(src)="22"> & Browse
(trg)="22"> & Nàviga
(src)="23"> & Browse Online
(trg)="23"> & Nàviga in lìnia
(src)="24"> & Browse TaaS Collections ...
(trg)="24"> & Chirca intre colletziones TaaS ...
(src)="25"> & Browse ...
(trg)="25"> & Nàviga ...
(src)="26"> & Built-in ( LanguageTool { 0 } )
(trg)="26"> & Integradu ( LanguageTool { 0 } )
(src)="27"> & Cancel
(trg)="27"> A & nnulla
(src)="28"> & Check for Updates ...
(trg)="28"> & Controlla atualizatziones ...
(src)="29"> & Clear Menu
(trg)="29"> & Lìmpia su menù
(src)="30"> & Close
(trg)="30"> & Serra
(src)="31"> & Comments
(trg)="31"> & Cummentos
(src)="32"> & Compatibility with OmegaT 2.6
(trg)="32"> & cumpatibilidade cun OmegaT 2.6
(src)="33"> & Copy Support Info
(trg)="33"> & Còpia informatziones de agiudu
(src)="34"> & Current Source Document
(trg)="34"> & Documentu originale atuale
(src)="35"> & Cycle
(trg)="35"> & Alterna
(src)="36"> & Defaults
(trg)="36"> Predefini & dos
(src)="37"> & Dictionaries
(trg)="37"> & Ditzionàrios
(src)="38"> & Do not check printf-variables
(trg)="38"> & Non controlles is variàbiles printf
(src)="39"> & Download
(trg)="39"> & Iscàrriga
(src)="40"> & Edit
(trg)="40"> & Modìfica
(src)="41"> & Edit ...
(trg)="41"> & Modìfica ...
(src)="42"> & Editor ...
(trg)="42"> & Editore ...
(src)="43"> & Empty lines
(trg)="43"> Lìnias & boidas
(src)="44"> & Enable TaaS terminology lookup
(trg)="44"> Permit & e sa consulta de terminologia TaaS
(src)="45"> & Enable autotext
(trg)="45"> Ativa t & estu automàticu
(src)="46"> & Enable character table
(trg)="46"> Ativa tab & ella de caràteres
(src)="47"> & Enable glossary suggestions
(trg)="47"> Ativa cussìgios d & e glossàriu
(src)="48"> & Enable history completion
(trg)="48"> & Ativa su cumpletamentu de sa cronologia