# en/facebook.li-en.xml.gz
# liv/facebook.li-en.xml.gz

(src)="1"> en
(trg)="1"> li

(src)="2"> Best wishes to our dear colleague , researcher of Estonian , Latvian and also Livonian language contacts Lembit Vaba on the occasion of receiving the Latvian and Estonian Ministries of foreign affairs Language prize !
(trg)="2"> Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ mäd kolēgõn , ēsti , leț ja ka līvõ kīel kontaktõd tuņšlijizõn Lembit Vaban , kis tämpõ sai Lețmō ja Ēstimō Uļļiztažād ministrijd Kīel ovpālka !

(src)="3"> Greetings to the president elect of the Republic of Estonia Alar Karis – former rector of the University of Tartu , who being the director of the Estonian National museum is also a keeper of the Livonian heritage !
(trg)="3"> Tēriņtõm ūdtõ Ēstimō prezidentõ Alar Karis – kunāgizt Tartu Iļīzskūol rektōrt , kis paldīņ , Ēstimō Rov muzej direktōr vȯlds vȱidab līvõd pierādõkst !

(src)="4"> Laimonis Rudzitis – descendant of Riga Livonians – 115 !
(trg)="4"> Laimonis Rudzītisõn – Rīgõ līvõd tagāntuļļizõn – 115 !

(src)="5"> Monthly item – Livonian Summer University and the Lāži Oak
(trg)="5"> Kū ažā – Līvõ sõv iļļiskūol ja Lōz täm

(src)="6"> The tradition of the Livonian Summer University since the beginning in 2013 has been a photograph of its participants at the famous Lāžu Oak on the Livonian Coast .
(trg)="6"> Līvõ sõviļīzskūolst , mis sugīz 2013. āigasts , sīe irdõksõks um jaggõvõtājizt īti foto Līvõd rāndas tundtõb Lōz tam jūs .

(src)="7"> From July 30 to August 8 , 2021 , the third Livonian Summer University took place in Košrags , organized by the UL Livonian Institute in cooperation with the University of Tartu .
(trg)="7"> 2021. āigast 30. jūlijst 8. ougust sōņõ Kuoštrõgõl vȯļ jõvā kuolmõz Līvõ sõv iļļiskūol , mis tei LI Līvõd institūt īdskubs Tartu Iļīzskūolõks .

(src)="8"> During the Livonian Summer University , the participants learned Livonian , met with Livonian speakers , got acquainted with the Livonian history , culture and learnt about the situation nowadays ; one of the topics also including the last historical settlement of the Livonians – the Livonian Coast , which is why it was chosen as the venue of the Livonian Summer University .
(trg)="8"> Līvõ sõv iļīzskūol āigal sīe jaggõvõtājizt sait kubbõ līvõ kīel prațțijiztõks , opīztõ līvõ kīel , iļ līvõd istōrij , kultūr ja tämpizpǟva , ka iļ līvõd perīz mōarā – Līvõd rāndaks , mis kūoḑõn sīepierāst sai sõv iļīzskūol suggimiz pāikaks .

(src)="9"> The tradition of the Livonian Summer University since the beginning in 2013 has been a photograph of its participants at the famous Lāži Oak on the Livonian Coast .
(trg)="9"> Jõvā ežmizõst Līvõ sõviļīzskūolst , mis sugīz 2013. āigasts , sīe irdõksõks um jaggõvõtājizt īti foto Līvõd rāndas tundtõb Lōz tam jūs .

(src)="10.1"> Lāži Oak has been the decor and treasure of the Lāžu homestead in the village of Vaide for at least two hundred years .
(src)="10.2"> Nika Polmanis ( 1823 ) , the first professionally educated Livonian teacher , was born in Lāži homestead ; since the 60s of the 19th century , the Launičs ’ family , whose representative Andrejs Launičs wrote descriptions of Livonian weddings and household customs in the 19th century .
(trg)="10"> Lōz täm um Vaid kilā Lōz kōrand eldõm ja rikūz jemīņ äbku kakš āigastsaddõ .

(src)="11"> The Lāži house has also been a Livonian elementary school children ( 1923 – 1937 ) .
(trg)="11"> Lōz kōrands um sindõn ežmi opātõks sōnd līvõd opātiji Nikā Polmaņ ( 1823 ) , 19. āigastsadā 60. āigastist täs um jellõn Launitz aim – sīe jednikā Aņdrõks Launitz 19. āigastsadās um ilzõ kēratõn līvõd kōzgõnd ja mūd irdõkst , Lōz kōrands um vȯnd alliskūol līvõd lapst pierāst ( 1923 . – 1937. āigast sōņõ ) .

(src)="12"> At the end of the 1930s , Alfons Bertholds ( 1910 – 1993 ) – a fisherman , a Livonian poet , and a connoisseur of Livonian folklore – became the owner of Lāži homestead , and even now the Bertholds ’ family still watch over the territory from underneath the Lāži Oak .
(trg)="12"> 20. āigastsadā 30. āigastõd lopāndõkspūol Lōz perīmīekõks sai Alfon Berthold ( 1910 – 1993 ) – kalāmīez , līvõd lūoltiji , rovvīļa tīedaji – , ja ka paldīņ Lōz tam ležgõl jelāb Berthold aim .

(src)="13"> Livonian Summer University has ended , but some of it 's moments may be re-experienced through the Latvian TV .
(trg)="13"> Līvõd sõv iļīzskūol um lebbõ , bet mūnda irg sīestõ um nǟdõb Lețmō TV-s .

(src)="14"> Once more – many , many thanks to all of participants for your keen and enthusiastic participation and to our supporters – University of Tartu ASTRA project PER ASPERA , Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija , Latvijas Universitāte and other friends for the successful cooperation .
(trg)="14"> Velkõrd sūr tienū amād jaggõvõtājiztõn ja tigtijiztõn – Tartu Iļīzskūol ASTRA projektõn PER ASPERA , Lețmō Opātõks ja tieud ministrijõn , Lețmō Iļīzskūolõn ja munt sõbrādõn .

(src)="15"> Special thanks to TV9 Pakalni for the hearth warming meeting and Marc Daniel Skibsted Volhardt , Tuuli Tuisk and Miina Norvik for sharing your experiences .
(trg)="15"> Īžki tienū Tālsa TVn iļ sidāmliz kubbõsōmiz ja Marc Daniel Skibsted Volhardt , Tuuli Tuisk ja Miina Norvik iļ mǟdõltõkst .

(src)="16"> Tomorrow already the third Livonian Summer University begins in Kuoštrõg !
(trg)="16"> Mūpõ Kuoštrõgõl īrgõb jõvā kuolmõz Līvõ sõv iļļiskūol !

(src)="17"> Monthly item – Cape of Kolka Lighthouse 's residential building
(trg)="17"> Kū ažā – Kūolka bōik jeltõbkuodā

(src)="18.1"> In the magazine " Ilustrētā Junioriem " ( Illustrated for Juniors ) Daniels Skulte asks " Is the Livonian language still alive ? "
(src)="18.2"> The magazine , with the help of the UL Livonian Institute , provides answers about the Livonian language today and in the past , as well as about the connection between the Livonian and Latvian languages .
(trg)="18.1"> Āigakēras “ Ilustrētā Junioriem ” Daniels Skulte kizūb “ Või līvõ kēļ vel pīlõb ? ”
(trg)="18.2"> Āigakēra LI Līvõd institūt abkõks nīžõb iļ līvõ kīel jedmõl ja paldīņ ja iļ nänt ažād , mis līvõ kīels ja lețkīels ātõ ītizt .

(src)="19"> Many thanks to Daniels for the question asked !
(trg)="19"> Sūr tienū iļ kizzimiz , Daniel !

(src)="20"> Wishing you all a Happy Midsummer !
(trg)="20"> Knaššõ Jōņȭdõgt ja Jōņpäuvõ !

(src)="21"> A conversation with Helmī Stalte
(trg)="21"> Kubsrõk Helmī Stalteks

(src)="22"> The lavish seaside – see you in Irē ( Mazirbe ) !
(trg)="22"> ikāz rānda – nǟmõ Irēl !

(src)="23"> Congratulations to Latvia on the anniversary of its restoration of independence !
(trg)="23"> Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ Lețmō īžpīlimiz ūdstimiz āigastpǟvan !

(src)="24"> Thank you to everyone who voted for the restoration of independence 30 years ago , but especially to one of the Livonians Ilmārs Geige !
(trg)="24"> Tienū amādõn , kis 30. āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn āndizt iļ sīe eņtš īel , bet īžkist īdõn nēšti – līvlizõn Ilmār Geigen !

(src)="25"> A friendly greeting to all Estonians from the professor of UL Janīna Kursīte and her family .
(trg)="25"> Lețmō Iļīzskuōl profesōr Janīna Kursīte ja täm aim tēriņtõks amād ēstliztõn .

(src)="26"> A book by Renāte Bumberga about Livonian National House has been published in the University of Latvia .
(trg)="26"> Lețmō Iļīzskūols um sōnd vaļmõks Renate Blumberga rōntõz iļ līvõd rovkuodā .

(src)="27"> Congratulations to Tõnis Lukas – the new director of the Estonian Literature Museum , where the main collection on the Livonian Intangible heritage is stored !
(trg)="27"> Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ amā sūŗimiz līvõd vaimliz pierāndõks kolektsij prațțijiz – Ēstimō kērandõks muzej – ūd direktorõn – Tõnis Lukas !

(src)="28"> Monthly Item – large-format portrait ( 122 × 207 cm ) of Nick Polmanis from the director ’ s Uģis Olte upcoming feature film “ Upurga ” .
(trg)="28"> Kū ažā – Nikā Polmaņ ( 122 x 207 cm ) portrej režisor Uģis Olte tulbizõst mängfilmst “ Upurga ” .

(src)="29"> DHN2020 conference proceedings have been published .
(trg)="29.1"> Um ulzõ tund konferents DHN2020 kērad kub .
(trg)="29.2"> Sīes um lugdõb ka LI Līvõd institūt tuņšlijizt Valts Ernštreits ja Gunta Kļava kēra “ Taking the Livonians into the Digital Space ” , mis nīžõd iļ digitālizt resursõd ja sīe , ku ne võibõd äbțõ ädāstõd kīeldõn ja kultūrdõn .

(src)="30.1"> In them you can get acquainted with the article “ Taking the Livonians into the Digital Space ” by Gunta Kļava and Valts Ernštreits , researchers of the UL Livonian Institute .
(src)="30.2"> The article focuses on digital humanities and how they can help endangered languages and cultures , especially the Livonian language .
(trg)="30.1"> In them you can get acquainted with the article “ Taking the Livonians into the Digital Space ” by Gunta Kļava and Valts Ernštreits , researchers of the UL Livonian Institute .
(trg)="30.2"> The article focuses on digital humanities and how they can help endangered languages and cultures , especially the Livonian language .

(src)="31"> Karl Pajusalu on the radio tells about Ludza Estonian language .
(trg)="31"> Karl Pajusalu radios nīžõb iļ Ludza ēstlizt kīel .

(src)="33"> UL Livonian institute 's scientific assistants Elvīra Kalniņa and Annija Lazdiņa participated in the Zinātnieku nakts 2021 and told about their experience , responsibilities and research .
(trg)="33"> LI Līvõd institūt tuņšlijizt Elvīra Kalniņa ja Annija Lazdiņa võtīzt jaggõ Tieudmīed īestõ ja nīžiztõ iļ eņtš tīe ja tuņšlimizt .

(src)="34"> Happy Independence restoration day , dear Latvia !
(trg)="34"> Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ īžpīlimiz ūdstimiz pǟvan , ārmaz Lețmō !

(src)="35"> Today Livonians are waking birds .
(trg)="35"> Tämpõ līvõd virgtõbõd līndidi .

(src)="36"> Listen to the Livonian traditional bird-waking song performed by the Livonian poet and culture keeper Pētõr Damberg !
(trg)="36"> Täs um kūldõb līndõd virgtimiz loul , nei ku sīe um loulõn līvõ kīel ja mīel prațțiji Pētõr Damberg ( 1909 – 1987 ) !

(src)="37.1"> 101 years ago the Mother Tongue Society ( Estonia ) was founded .
(src)="37.2"> It 's first published book was also the first secular book in Livonian – First Livonian Reader !
(trg)="37"> 101 āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn um pūojtõd Jemākīel seļtš , mis ežmi ulzõ antõd rōntõz vȯļ ka ežmi īlmali līvõkēļi rōntõz – Ežmi līvõd lugdõbrōntõz !

(src)="38"> Happy birthday !
(trg)="38"> Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ !

(src)="39"> On March 24 , at the demonstration seminar on the possibilities of using digital resources of Humanities , the UL Livonian Institute will talk about their designed resources for the Livonian language and culture .
(trg)="39"> 24. märtsõs seminars iļ digitālizt humanitārizt resursõd kȭlbatimiz võimizt LI Līvõd institūt nīžõb iļ eņtš tīedõd resursõd līvõ kīel ja kultūr pierāst .

(src)="40"> If we can 't go to Kūolka , Kūolka is coming to us !
(trg)="40"> Až mēg äb võim päzzõ Kuolkõ , Kūolka tulāb mäd jūr !

(src)="41"> UL Livonian Institute participates in the discussion on indigenous issues – 2nd day .
(trg)="41"> LI Līvõd institūt võtāb jaggõ diskusijst iļ alliztrovd kizzimizt – 2. pǟva .

(src)="42"> UL Livonian Institute participates in the discussion on indigenous issues .
(trg)="42"> LI Līvõd institūt võtāb jaggõ diskusijst iļ alliztrovd kizzimizt .

(src)="43"> Speech on Livonians is expected tomorrow .
(trg)="43"> Mūpõ līb rõk ka iļ līvlizt .

(src)="44.1"> UL Livonian Institute researcher Uldis Balodis 's book " Lutsi kiele lementar .
(src)="44.2"> Ludzas igauņu valodas ābece " is recognized as the best social sciences book of 2020 at the University of Latvia ! "
(trg)="44.1"> LI Līvõd institūt tuņšļijiz Uldis Balodis rōntõz “ Lutsi kiele lementar .
(trg)="44.2"> Ludza ēstlizt kīel ābēd ” – 2020. āigast paŗīmi rōntõz humanitārliz tieud arāl Lețmō Iļīzskūols !

(src)="45.1"> 103 !
(src)="45.2"> Daudz laimes dzimšanas dienā , dārgā Igaunija ! "
(trg)="45.1"> 103 !
(trg)="45.2"> Palju õnne sünnipäevaks , kallis Eesti !

(src)="46"> The collection of Livonian photographs created by the Finnish linguist Vilho Setälä in 1912 can now be seen in colour .
(trg)="46"> Sūomõ kīeltieudmīe Vilho Setälä 1912. āigasts tīedõd līvõd fotod ni ātõ nǟdõb vērmis .

(src)="47"> Thanks to Twan Goosen for the colouring work .
(trg)="47"> Tienū Twan Goosenõn iļ vermtimiz .

(src)="48"> Valts Ernštreits , Head of the UL Livonian Institute , on the preservation and use of the language and intangible heritage of Kurzeme , the accessibility of culture in the regions and the use of digital resources in the discussion group on the development of the Kurzeme Planning Region Development Programme 2021 – 2027 .
(trg)="48"> Kurāmō plōnimizarā kazāndõksprogram 2021 – 2027 lūomiz diskusijs LI Līvõd institūt jūodiji Valts Ernštreits rõkāndõb iļ Kurāmō kīel ja vaimliz pierāndõks pīlimiz ja kȭlbatimiz , kultūr jūrõpäzzimiz võimizt mōarīs ja digiresursõd kȭlbatimiz võimizt .

(src)="49.1"> LSM : " Livonian language needs reanimation " .
(src)="49.2"> A call for the rescue of Europe 's most endangered language .
(trg)="49.1"> LSM : " Līvõ kīelõn um vajāg pakāndabbõ . "
(trg)="49.2"> Eirop amā ädāstõd kīeldõ um pästāmõst !

(src)="50"> Seeking vanished words : UL Livonian Institute researcher Uldis Balodis on languages , life in Arizona , and himself .
(trg)="50"> Kaddõnd sõņḑi vȯtšõs : LI Līvõd institūt tuņšliji Uldis Balodis iļ kīeld , jelāmiz Arizonas ja īžeņtš .

(src)="51"> The sound of Livonian also during the International Mother Language Day !
(trg)="51"> Rovvõdvailiz jemākīel pǟvan kilūb ka līvõ kēļ !

(src)="52"> Abja-Paluoja in Estonia this year will be the Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture .
(trg)="52"> Abja-Paluoja Ēstimōl tämnāigast līb sūomõ-ugrõ kultūr pǟjālgab .

(src)="53"> What do animals say
(trg)="53"> Mis kītõbõd lūomõd

(src)="54"> Sing along and learn Livonian !
(trg)="54"> Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ !

(src)="55"> About cardinal and intercardinal directions in Livonian .
(trg)="55"> Iļ touvõarūd nimūd līvõ kīels .

(src)="56"> It is morning
(trg)="56"> Ūomõg um

(src)="57"> Sing along and learn Livonian !
(trg)="57"> Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ !

(src)="58"> New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language .
(trg)="58"> Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst .

(src)="59"> Today is 30th anniversary of the State Especially Protected Livonian Culture Historical Area “ the Livonian Coast ” – first institution in Latvia for protection of Livonians ( closed 2003 )
(trg)="59"> Tämpõ 30 āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn um pūojtõd Vald īžkiz kaitstõb līvõd kultūristōrili arā “ Līvõd Rānda ” – ežmi līvlizt prațțimizõn pivāstõd vald institutsij Lețmō istōrijs ( vizzõ pandõd 2003. āigasts ) .

(src)="60.1"> Monthly Item – Declarations of Īra ( Lielirbe ) village residents to Lielirbe school ’ s administrator .
(src)="60.2"> Why were they made ?
(trg)="60.1"> Kū ažā – Īra kilā rovzt kērad Īra skūol jūodijizõn .
(trg)="60.2"> Mikšpierāst ne sugīztõ ?

(src)="61.1"> In response to a request from the UL Livonian Institute , a Braille script has also been created for Lutsi !
(src)="61.2"> Many thanks again to Harris Mowbray ! "
(trg)="61.1"> LI Līvõd institūt jeddõpanmiz pierrõ um Brail alfabēt um tīedõd ka Ludza ēstlizt kīel pierāst !
(trg)="61.2"> Velkõrd tienū Harris Mowbray ’ n !

(src)="62"> UL Livonian Institute researcher Uldis Balodis has been nominated for the Latgale culture award " Boņuks 2020 " for his Lutsi language primer .
(trg)="62"> LI Līvõd institūt tuņšliji Uldis Balodis um nominīertõd Ladgaldmō kultūr ovīnda " Boņuks 2020 " pierāst iļ Ludza ēsti kīel ābēd .

(src)="63"> Numbers
(trg)="63"> Lugūd

(src)="64"> Sing along and learn Livonian !
(trg)="64"> Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ !

(src)="65"> New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language .
(trg)="65"> Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst .

(src)="66"> The President of Latvia has supported a number of the UL Livonian Institute ’ s proposals for his proposed bill “ The Latvian Historical Lands Act ” .
(trg)="66"> Vald prezident un tigtõn radā LI Līvõd institūt jeddõpanmiži tulbiz “ Lețlizt istōrilizt mōd pandõks ” pierāst .

(src)="67"> From January 4 , the Latvian Radio 3 programme " Rīta regtaims " will feature a new informative rubric " Do you know ? " , where every Wednesday you can hear stories about Livonians .
(trg)="67"> 4. janvārst Lețmō radio 3 programms kilūb ūž rubrik „ Või tīedad ? ” , missõs kuolmõndpäuviš ātõ kūldtõb ka nīžõd iļ līvõd !

(src)="68"> The fourth story provides an answer to the question " Do you know why the Livonian festival is celebrated on the first Saturday of August ? ”
(trg)="68"> Neļļõz nīž āndab vastūks kizzimizõn “ Või tīedad , mikš Līvõd pivād sōbõd alz pidtõd ougust ežmiz pūolpǟvan ? ”

(src)="69"> When I go to the seaside
(trg)="69"> Ku ma randõ lǟb

(src)="70"> Sing along and learn Livonian !
(trg)="70"> Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ !

(src)="71"> New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language .
(trg)="71"> Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst .

(src)="72"> From January 4 , the Latvian Radio 3 programme " Rīta regtaims " will feature a new informative rubric " Do you know ? " , where every Wednesday you can hear stories about Livonians .
(trg)="72"> 4. janvārst Lețmō radio 3 programms kilūb ūž rubrik „ Või tīedad ? ” , missõs kuolmõndpäuviš ātõ kūldtõb ka nīžõd iļ līvõd !

(src)="73"> The third story provides an answer to the question " Do you know that every one of us knows a little Livonian ? ”
(trg)="73"> Kuolmõz nīž āndab vastūks kizzimizõn “ Või tīedad , ku mēg jegāikš mūoštam rōz rõkāndõ līvõ kīeldõ ? ”

(src)="74"> Livonian may be seen in more and more places in Latvia .
(trg)="74"> Līvõ kēļ um nǟdõb jemīņ ja jemīņ Lețmō kūožis .

(src)="75"> Here is the sign pointing towards Kūolka Livonian Society house in Kūolka village centre .
(trg)="75"> Täsā – Kūolka līvõd kubkuodā merk Kūolka kilā sidāms .

(src)="76"> Doers
(trg)="76"> Tējizt

(src)="77"> Sing along and learn Livonian !
(trg)="77"> Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ !

(src)="78"> New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language .
(trg)="78"> Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst .

(src)="79"> From January 4 , the Latvian Radio 3 programme " Rīta regtaims " will feature a new informative rubric " Do you know ? " , where every Wednesday you can hear stories about Livonians .
(trg)="79"> 4. janvārst Lețmō radio 3 programms kilūb ūž rubrik „ Või tīedad ? ” , missõs kuolmõndpäuviš ātõ kūldtõb ka nīžõd iļ līvõd !

(src)="80"> The second story provides an answer to the question " Do you know why Finns , Estonians and Livonians stand up at the sound of the same melody ? "
(trg)="80"> Tuoi nīž āndab vastūks kizzimizõn “ Või tīedad , mikšpierāst sūomlizt , ēstlizt ja līvlizt nūzõbõd ilzõ sīe īž meldij jūs ? ”

(src)="81.1"> Livonian may be seen in more and more places in Latvia .
(src)="81.2"> Here is the Market beeing built in Mērsrags Municipality . "
(trg)="81.1"> Līvõ kēļ um nǟdõb jemīņ ja jemīņ Lețmō kūožis .
(trg)="81.2"> Täsā – Mērsrags tulbi tõrg .
(trg)="81.3"> Tienū , Mērsraga Informācijas Centrs !

(src)="82"> Monthly item – Viktors Bertholds – a Livonian , a fisherman , a healer – 100
(trg)="82"> Kū ažā – Viktor Berthold — līvli , kalāmīez ja aŗštiji .

(src)="83"> From January 4 , the Latvian Radio 3 programme " Rīta regtaims " will feature a new informative rubric " Do you know ? "
(trg)="83"> 4. janvārst Lețmō radio 3 programms kilūb ūž rubrik „ Või tīedad ? ” , missõs kuolmõndpäuviš ātõ kūldtõb ka nīžõd iļ līvõd !

(src)="84"> The first story provides an answer to the question " Do you know that the most endangered language in the European Union can be found in Latvia ? "
(trg)="84"> Ežmiz nīž āndab vastūks kizzimizõn “ Või tīedad , ku Eirop Īt amā ädāstõd kēļ um lieudtõb Lețmōld ? ”

(src)="85"> About the project “ Sing along and learn Livonian ! ” , the Livonian journey to UNESCO and the Decade of Indigenous Languages .
(trg)="85"> Iļ projekt “ Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ ! ” , līvõd riek UNESCO vōŗțõ ja alliztrovd kīeld āigastkim .

(src)="86"> Today in 900 seconds – University of Latvia Livonian Insitute .
(trg)="86"> Tämpõ 900 sekunds – Lețmō Iļīzskūol Līvõd institūt .

(src)="87"> Colours
(trg)="87"> Vērmõd

(src)="88"> Sing along and learn Livonian !
(trg)="88"> Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ !

(src)="89"> New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language .
(trg)="89"> Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst .

(src)="90"> About the project “ Sing along and learn Livonian ! ”
(trg)="90"> Iļ projekt “ Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ ! ”

(src)="91.1"> Sing along and learn Livonian !
(src)="91.2"> New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language .
(trg)="91.1"> Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ !
(trg)="91.2"> Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst .

(src)="92"> University of Latvia Livonian Institute wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year ! "
(trg)="92"> Lețmō Iļīzskūol Līvõd institūt tārmõb rīemliži Taļžpivḑi ja vȯndzizt Ūdtõ āigastõ !

(src)="93"> UPDATED : Livonian materials in collections of Finland .
(trg)="93"> ŪDSTÕD : Līvõd ažād Sūomõmō ovātõd kubši .

(src)="94"> Museovirasto Finnish Heritage Agency opens it 's collections ( including Livonian heritage ) for public use !
(trg)="94"> Sūomõmō muzejd vōļikštõks tarmõb eņtš bīldidi ( ka līvõd pierānõks ) vabā kȭlbatimiz pierāst !

(src)="95"> There are new songs in the making for learning the Livonian language !
(trg)="95"> Suggõbõd ūd lōlõd līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst !

(src)="96"> Happy birthday , dear Finland !
(trg)="96"> Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ , ārmaz Sūomõmō !

(src)="97"> Monthly item – Kārlis Stalte ’ s Confirmation regarding the received fee for 42 copies of the “ Ūž Testament ” ( New Testament ) translated into Livonian , which the Livonian Union purchased as presents for Christmas .
(trg)="97"> Kū ažā – Kōrli Stalte kēra iļ rō , mis ta um sōnd „ Ūd Testament ” 42 eksemplār jedst , mis Līvõd Īt vȯstīz Taļžpivad škīnkõd pierāst .

(src)="98"> On November 26 , Valts Ernštreits , Head of the UL Livonian Institute , was elected a corresponding member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences .
(trg)="98"> 26. novembõrs Lețmō Tieud Akadēmij korespondent nõtkõmõks un vēļdõd LI Līvõd institūt jūodiji Valts Ernštreits .

(src)="99"> Congratulations on the 102nd birthday of the Republic of Latvia and the 97th birthday of the Livonian flag !
(trg)="99"> Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ Lețmō Republik 102. ja Līvõd plagā 97. sindizpǟvan !

(src)="100"> Drawing : Alvīne Veinberga .
(trg)="100"> Tǟtõks : Alvīne Veinberga .

(src)="101"> The poetry collection " Trilium " has received the literary prize of the Association of Finno-Ugric Literature and the Kindred Peoples ' Program in the poetry category .
(trg)="101"> Lūolkub “ Trilium ” um sōnd Sūomõ-ugrõd kērandõkst asotsiātsij ja Ēstimō Sugrovd program tarmdõb Sūomõ-ugrõd kērandõkst ovpālka lūol kategōrijs .