# en/English-WEB.xml.gz
# pck/Paite.xml.gz

(src)="b.GEN.1.1.1"> In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.1.1"> A tungin Pathianin lei leh van a siam .

(src)="b.GEN.1.2.1"> Now the earth was formless and empty .
(src)="b.GEN.1.2.2"> Darkness was on the surface of the deep .
(src)="b.GEN.1.2.3"> God 's Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.2.1"> Huan , lei a siaa a vuak kia ahi ; tui thukpi tung a mialin a mial hi .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.2.2"> Pathian khain tui tungte a opkhum hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.3.1"> God said , " Let there be light , " and there was light .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.3.1"> Huan , Pathianin , Vak hongom hen , a chi a : huchiin vak a hongomta hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.4.1"> God saw the light , and saw that it was good .
(src)="b.GEN.1.4.2"> God divided the light from the darkness .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.4.1"> Huan , Pathianin , Vak a ena , hoih a sa mahmah ; huchiin Pathianin vak leh mial a khenta hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.5.1"> God called the light " day , " and the darkness he called " night . "
(src)="b.GEN.1.5.2"> There was evening and there was morning , one day .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.5.1"> Huan , Pathianin vak , sun , achia , mial , jan , a chi hi : huchiin nitaklam a oma , jinglam leng a om , a ni khatnaah .

(src)="b.GEN.1.6.1"> God said , " Let there be an expanse in the middle of the waters , and let it divide the waters from the waters . "
(trg)="b.GEN.1.6.1"> Huan , Pathianin , tui leh tui kalah vansin om henla , huaiin tui leh tuite khen hen , a chi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.7.1"> God made the expanse , and divided the waters which were under the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse ; and it was so .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.7.1"> Huchiin , Pathianin , vansin a bawla , vansin nuaia tui omte leh vansin tunga tui om a khenta : huchibang a honghita hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.8.1"> God called the expanse " sky . "
(src)="b.GEN.1.8.2"> There was evening and there was morning , a second day .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.8.1"> Huan , Pathianin vansin , Van , achia .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.8.2"> Huchiin nitaklam a oma , jinglam leng a om , a ni nihnaah .

(src)="b.GEN.1.9.1"> God said , " Let the waters under the sky be gathered together to one place , and let the dry land appear " ; and it was so .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.9.1"> Huan , Pathianin , Van nuaia tuite mun khatah om khawm uhenla , gam keu hongdawk hen , a chi a ; huchiin huchibang a honghita hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.10.1"> God called the dry land " earth , " and the gathering together of the waters he called " seas . "
(src)="b.GEN.1.10.2"> God saw that it was good .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.10.1"> Huan , Pathianin , gam keu , Lei , achia ; tui om khawmte , tuipite , a chi hi : huan Pathianin huai a ena , hoih a sa mahmah hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.11.1"> God said , " Let the earth yield grass , herbs yielding seed , and fruit trees bearing fruit after their kind , with its seed in it , on the earth " ; and it was so .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.11.1"> Huan , Pathianin , leiin loupate , anteh chi nei te , thei sing , lei amau chi omdan ding banga gah , agah sunga a chi omte omsak hen , a chi a , huchiin huchibang a honghita hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.12.1"> The earth yielded grass , herbs yielding seed after their kind , and trees bearing fruit , with its seed in it , after their kind ; and God saw that it was good .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.12.1"> Huchiin , leiin loupate , anteh amau chi omdan ding banga chi neite , sing a mau chi omdan ding banga gah , a gah sunga chi omte a omsakta hi : huan Pathianin huai a ena , hoih a sa mahmah hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.13.1"> There was evening and there was morning , a third day .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.13.1"> Huchiin , nitaklam a oma , jinglam leng a om , a ni thumnaah .

(src)="b.GEN.1.14.1"> God said , " Let there be lights in the expanse of sky to divide the day from the night ; and let them be for signs , and for seasons , and for days and years ;
(trg)="b.GEN.1.14.1"> Huan , Pathianin , sun leh jan khenna dingin vansin ah tanvakte om u henla , huaite chiamtehnate , hunbite , nite , kumte , theihna ding hi uhen :

(src)="b.GEN.1.15.1"> and let them be for lights in the expanse of sky to give light on the earth " ; and it was so .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.15.1"> Lei tanvak dingin van vansin tanvakte din om uhen , a chi a : huchiin , huchibang a honghita .

(src)="b.GEN.1.16.1"> God made the two great lights : the greater light to rule the day , and the lesser light to rule the night .
(src)="b.GEN.1.16.2"> He also made the stars .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.16.1"> Huchiin , Pathianin tanvak thupipi nih a bawlta ; tanvak thupi zopen sun vaihawm dingin , tanvak thupi lou zopen jan vaihawm dingin , a bawl hi : aksite leng a bawl hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.17.1"> God set them in the expanse of sky to give light to the earth ,
(trg)="b.GEN.1.17.1"> Huan , Pathianin huaite lei tanvak dingin van vansin ah a koihta ,

(src)="b.GEN.1.18.1"> and to rule over the day and over the night , and to divide the light from the darkness .
(src)="b.GEN.1.18.2"> God saw that it was good .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.18.1"> Sun tunga leh jan tunga vaihawm ding leh vak leh mial khen dingin : huchiin , Pathianin huai a ena , hoih a sa mahmah hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.19.1"> There was evening and there was morning , a fourth day .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.19.1"> Huchiin , nitaklam a oma , jinglam leng a om , a ni linaah .

(src)="b.GEN.1.20.1"> God said , " Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures , and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of sky . "
(trg)="b.GEN.1.20.1"> Huan , Pathianin , tuiten thilsiam tangthei henna neite tampi pawtsak uhenla , vasate leng van vansin hawm heuhou ah , leitungah leng uhen , a chi hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.21.1"> God created the large sea creatures , and every living creature that moves , with which the waters swarmed , after their kind , and every winged bird after its kind .
(src)="b.GEN.1.21.2"> God saw that it was good .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.21.1"> Huchiin , Pathianin tuipi thil thupi lian pipite a siama , thil hing tangthei chiteng , tuiin a pawt sak , amaute chi omdan ding bangin a siam hi : Pathianin huai a ena , hoih a sa mahmah hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.22.1"> God blessed them , saying , " Be fruitful , and multiply , and fill the waters in the seas , and let birds multiply on the earth . "
(trg)="b.GEN.1.22.1"> Huan , Pathianin , Chi tampi suangin hongpung unla .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.22.2"> Tuipi tuite dimsak unla , vasate leng lei ah pung uhen , chiin a vualjawl hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.23.1"> There was evening and there was morning , a fifth day .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.23.1"> Huchiin , nitaklam a oma , jinglam leng a om , a ni ngana ah .

(src)="b.GEN.1.24.1"> God said , " Let the earth produce living creatures after their kind , livestock , creeping things , and animals of the earth after their kind " ; and it was so .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.24.1"> Huan , Pathianin , Leiin thil hing amau chi omdan ding bang chiatin ; gante , ganhingte , gamsate , amau chi omdan ding bang chiatin pawtsak uhen , a chi a : huchiin , huchibang a honghita hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.25.1"> God made the animals of the earth after their kind , and the livestock after their kind , and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind .
(src)="b.GEN.1.25.2"> God saw that it was good .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.25.1"> Huchiin , Pathianin gamsa amau chi omdan ding bang chiatin , gamte amau chi omdan ding bang chiatin , leia thil khupboha paite tengteng amau chi omdan ding bang chiatin a bawla : huan , Pathianin huai a ena , hoih a sa mahmah hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.26.1"> God said , " Let us make man in our image , after our likeness : and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea , and over the birds of the sky , and over the livestock , and over all the earth , and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth . "
(trg)="b.GEN.1.26.1"> Huan , Pathianin , I kibatpihin , ei mahmah bangin , mi I bawl dia , amau tuipia ngasate tungah , tunga leng vasate tungah , gan tungah , leitung tengteng tungah thu I neisak ding , a chi a .

(src)="b.GEN.1.27.1"> God created man in his own image .
(src)="b.GEN.1.27.2"> In God 's image he created him ; male and female he created them .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.27.1"> Huchiin , Pathianin amah kibatpihin mi a siama , Pathian kibatpih mahmahin ahi a siam ; pasal leh numei a siamta hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.28.1"> God blessed them .
(src)="b.GEN.1.28.2"> God said to them , " Be fruitful , multiply , fill the earth , and subdue it .
(src)="b.GEN.1.28.3"> Have dominion over the fish of the sea , over the birds of the sky , and over every living thing that moves on the earth . "
(trg)="b.GEN.1.28.1"> Huan , Pathianin amau a vualjawl a : Pathian mah in a kiang uah , Chi tampi suang dingin hongpung unla , lei luah dim unla , na thuthu un omsak un ; tuipia ngasa tungah , tunga leng vasate tungah , thil hing leitunga khupboh a paite tengteng tungah leng thu nei un , a chi hi .

(src)="b.GEN.1.29.1"> God said , " Behold , I have given you every herb yielding seed , which is on the surface of all the earth , and every tree , which bears fruit yielding seed .
(src)="b.GEN.1.29.2"> It will be your food .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.29.1"> Huan , Pathian mahin , ngai un , leitung tengtenga anteh chinei om chiteng leh sing chiteng , sing chinei gah omnate , ka honpia hi ; na an ding uh ahi ding :

(src)="b.GEN.1.30.1"> To every animal of the earth , and to every bird of the sky , and to everything that creeps on the earth , in which there is life , I have given every green herb for food " ; and it was so .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.30.1"> Huan , leia sa chiteng kiangah , tunga leng vasa chiteng kiangah , thil , leitunga khupboha pai , henna nei chiteng kiangah a an ding un loupa hing chiteng ka pia hi , a chi a : huchiin , huchibang a honghita.Huan , Pathianin a thil bawl khempeuh a ena , ngaiin , hoih a sa mahmah , Huchiin , nitaklam a oma , jinglam leng a om , ani gukna ah .

(src)="b.GEN.1.31.1"> God saw everything that he had made , and , behold , it was very good .
(src)="b.GEN.1.31.2"> There was evening and there was morning , a sixth day .
(trg)="b.GEN.1.31.1"> Huan , Pathianin a thil bawl khempeuh a ena , ngaiin , hoih a sa mahmah , Huchiin , nitaklam a oma , jinglam leng a om , ani gukna ah .

(src)="b.GEN.2.1.1"> The heavens and the earth were finished , and all their vast array .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.1.1"> Huchiin , lei leh van a tung ua omte tengteng toh zoh ahita hi .

(src)="b.GEN.2.2.1"> On the seventh day God finished his work which he had made ; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.2.1"> Huan , Pathianin ni sagih niin a nasep a zoua ; ni sagih niin a nasep tengteng a khawl santa hi .

(src)="b.GEN.2.3.1"> God blessed the seventh day , and made it holy , because he rested in it from all his work which he had created and made .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.3.1"> Huchiin , Pathianin ni sagih ni a vualzawla , atangta hi : huai nia Pathianin a siam leh a bawl a nasep tengteng a khawl san jiakin .

(src)="b.GEN.2.4.1"> This is the history of the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created , in the day that Yahweh God made the earth and the heavens .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.4.1"> Lei leh van a bawla a om lai ua a suante uh hiaite ahi uhi , Toupa Pathianin lei leh van a bawl niin .

(src)="b.GEN.2.5.1"> No plant of the field was yet in the earth , and no herb of the field had yet sprung up ; for Yahweh God had not caused it to rain on the earth .
(src)="b.GEN.2.5.2"> There was not a man to till the ground ,
(trg)="b.GEN.2.5.1"> Huan , leia loupa himhim leiah a om naikei ua , leia anteh himhim leng a pou naikei uhi ; Toupa Pathianiin lah leitungah vuah a zu sak nai keia , leilet dingin pasal leng a om nai sam kei hi ;

(src)="b.GEN.2.6.1"> but a mist went up from the earth , and watered the whole surface of the ground .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.6.1"> A hihhangin leia kipanin mei a hongsuaka , leitung tengteng a nom sak hi .

(src)="b.GEN.2.7.1"> Yahweh God formed man from the dust of the ground , and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life ; and man became a living soul .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.7.1"> Huan , Toupa Pathianin leitunga leivuiin mi a bawla , a nakvangte ah hinna hu a ha luta ; huchiin , mi mihing a hong hita hi .

(src)="b.GEN.2.8.1"> Yahweh God planted a garden eastward , in Eden , and there he put the man whom he had formed .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.8.1"> Huan , Toupa Pathianin suahlamah , Eden ah , huan a bawla ; a pasal bawl huaiah a omsakta hi .

(src)="b.GEN.2.9.1"> Out of the ground Yahweh God made every tree to grow that is pleasant to the sight , and good for food ; the tree of life also in the middle of the garden , and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.9.1"> Huan , leitunga kipanin Toupa Pathianin sing mithip tak leh nek tuak chiteng a pou saka ; hinna sing leng huan laizangah a pou sak hi , a sia leh a pha theihna sing leng .

(src)="b.GEN.2.10.1"> A river went out of Eden to water the garden ; and from there it was parted , and became four heads .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.10.1"> Huan , Eden akipanin huan nomsak dingin lui a luang paisuaka ; huaia kipanin a ka jaka , ka li a hong hita hi .

(src)="b.GEN.2.11.1"> The name of the first is Pishon : this is the one which flows through the whole land of Havilah , where there is gold ;
(trg)="b.GEN.2.11.1"> A khatna min Pison ahi : huaipen Havila gam tengteng kualkhumlui ahi , huailaiah dangkaeng a om ;

(src)="b.GEN.2.12.1"> and the gold of that land is good .
(src)="b.GEN.2.12.2"> There is aromatic resin and the onyx stone .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.12.1"> Huai gama dangkaeng hoih taka hi ; huailaiah bedolak leh onik suang a om .

(src)="b.GEN.2.13.1"> The name of the second river is Gihon : the same river that flows through the whole land of Cush .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.13.1"> Huan , lui nihna Gihon ahi ; huaimah Kus gam tengteng kualkhumlui ahi .

(src)="b.GEN.2.14.1"> The name of the third river is Hiddekel : this is the one which flows in front of Assyria .
(src)="b.GEN.2.14.2"> The fourth river is the Euphrates .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.14.1"> Huan , lui thumna min Hiddekel ahi ; huai bel Assuria gam suahlama luang ahi .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.14.2"> Huan , lui lina tuh Euphrates ahi .

(src)="b.GEN.2.15.1"> Yahweh God took the man , and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.15.1"> Huan , Toupa Pathianin pasal a pia , Eden huanah a kem ding leh a veng dingin a koihta hi .

(src)="b.GEN.2.16.1"> Yahweh God commanded the man , saying , " Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat ;
(trg)="b.GEN.2.16.1"> Huan , Toupa Pathianin , pasal kiangah , Huana sing chiteng gahte na utut na ne thei hi ;

(src)="b.GEN.2.17.1"> but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil , you shall not eat of it ; for in the day that you eat of it you will surely die . "
(trg)="b.GEN.2.17.1"> A sia leh a pha theihna sing gah bel na ne ding ahi kei ; na nek leh na nek ni mahin na si ngei ding ahi , chiin , thu a pia .

(src)="b.GEN.2.18.1"> Yahweh God said , " It is not good that the man should be alone ; I will make him a helper suitable for him . "
(trg)="b.GEN.2.18.1"> Huan , Toupa Pathianin , Pasal amah kiaa a om a hoih kei ; amah panpaih ding a kithuahpih dia kilawm ka bawlsak ding , a chi a .

(src)="b.GEN.2.19.1"> Out of the ground Yahweh God formed every animal of the field , and every bird of the sky , and brought them to the man to see what he would call them .
(src)="b.GEN.2.19.2"> Whatever the man called every living creature , that was its name .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.19.1"> Huan , Toupa Pathianin leitung akipanin gam sa chiteng leh tunga leng vasa chiteng a bawlta ; a min ding ua bang sak ding ahia chih theihna din Adam kiangah a honpi khawm hi : huan , thil hing chiteng a min uh Adam in a na phuah a min uh ahi den hi .

(src)="b.GEN.2.20.1"> The man gave names to all livestock , and to the birds of the sky , and to every animal of the field ; but for man there was not found a helper suitable for him .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.20.1"> Huchiin , Adam in gan tengteng , tunga leng vasa tengteng gamsa chiteng a min uh a phuahsak chiat hi : a hihhangin Adam adingin panpih a kithuahpih dia kilawm a om kei hi .

(src)="b.GEN.2.21.1"> Yahweh God caused a deep sleep to fall on the man , and he slept ; and he took one of his ribs , and closed up the flesh in its place .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.21.1"> Huchiin , Toupa Pathianin nuamtakin Adam a ihmu saka , huchiin a ihmutaa ; huan , a nakguh khat a laa , atang dingin sa a pang dimsak hi :

(src)="b.GEN.2.22.1"> He made the rib , which Yahweh God had taken from the man , into a woman , and brought her to the man .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.22.1"> Huan , Toupa Pathianin , Adam akipana a lak nakguh numei dingin a bawla , Adam kiangah a honpita hi .

(src)="b.GEN.2.23.1"> The man said , " This is now bone of my bones , and flesh of my flesh .
(src)="b.GEN.2.23.2"> She will be called ' woman , ' because she was taken out of Man . "
(trg)="b.GEN.2.23.1"> Huan Adamin , hiai hial jaw ka guh bang guh neia , ka sa bang sa nei ngei ahi ; pasal akipana lak khiak ahih jiakin , Numei , chih ding ahi ding , a chi hi .

(src)="b.GEN.2.24.1"> Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother , and will join with his wife , and they will be one flesh .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.24.1"> Huaijiakin pasalin a nu leh a pa a paisan dinga , a ji lamah a belh ding : huchiin sa khat a hong hita ding uh.Huan , Adam leh a ji a nih un vuaktangin a om ua , a zum tuan kei uh .

(src)="b.GEN.2.25.1"> They were both naked , the man and his wife , and were not ashamed .
(trg)="b.GEN.2.25.1"> Huan , Adam leh a ji a nih un vuaktangin a om ua , a zum tuan kei uh .

(src)="b.GEN.3.1.1"> Now the serpent was more subtle than any animal of the field which Yahweh God had made .
(src)="b.GEN.3.1.2"> He said to the woman , " Has God really said , ' You shall not eat of any tree of the garden ? ' "
(trg)="b.GEN.3.1.1"> Huan , Toupa Pathianin gam sa a bawl tengteng lakah gul a gitlouhpil pen hi , Huchiin , aman numei kiangah , Pathianin , Huana sing gah himhim na ne ding uh ahi kei , chi ahi maw ? a chi a .

(src)="b.GEN.3.2.1"> The woman said to the serpent , " Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat ,
(trg)="b.GEN.3.2.1"> Huan , numeiin gul kiangah chilou e , huana sing gahte nethei mah ung :

(src)="b.GEN.3.3.1"> but of the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden , God has said , ' You shall not eat of it , neither shall you touch it , lest you die . ' "
(trg)="b.GEN.3.3.1"> Huan laizanga sing gah bel Pathianin , Na ne ding uh ahi kei , khoih leng na khoih ding uh ahi kei , huchilouinjaw na si ding uh chi aka , a chi a .

(src)="b.GEN.3.4.1"> The serpent said to the woman , " You wo n't surely die ,
(trg)="b.GEN.3.4.1"> Huan , gulin , numei kiangah , Si zenzen lou e :

(src)="b.GEN.3.5.1"> for God knows that in the day you eat it , your eyes will be opened , and you will be like God , knowing good and evil . "
(trg)="b.GEN.3.5.1"> Na nek ni ua pat na mit uh hongvak dia , a sia leh a pha theiin Pathian bangin na hongom ding uh chih Pathianin thie kilkel eive , a chi a .

(src)="b.GEN.3.6.1"> When the woman saw that the tree was good for food , and that it was a delight to the eyes , and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise , she took of its fruit , and ate ; and she gave some to her husband with her , and he ate .
(trg)="b.GEN.3.6.1"> Huchiin , numeiin , sing gah nek theih ahi chih leh , mithip tak ahi chih leh , mi pilsak dinga sing gah etlahhuai ahi chih a theihin a gah khenkhat a loua , a neta ; huan , a pasal kiangah leng a pia hi , aman leng a ne teita hi .

(src)="b.GEN.3.7.1"> The eyes of both of them were opened , and they knew that they were naked .
(src)="b.GEN.3.7.2"> They sewed fig leaves together , and made themselves aprons .
(trg)="b.GEN.3.7.1"> Huchiin , a nih un a mit uh a hongvaka , vuaktang ahih uh a hongkitheita ua ; huchiin theipi nah a khuikhawm ua , puan a kibawl tawm uhi .

(src)="b.GEN.3.8.1"> They heard the voice of Yahweh God walking in the garden in the cool of the day , and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of Yahweh God among the trees of the garden .
(trg)="b.GEN.3.8.1"> Huan , Toupa Pathian , huana nitklam ni nema vak aw a ja ua ; huchiin , Adam leh a jiin huana sing lakah Toupa Pathian ana kibuk santa uh .

(src)="b.GEN.3.9.1"> Yahweh God called to the man , and said to him , " Where are you ? "
(trg)="b.GEN.3.9.1"> Huan , Toupa Pathianin Adam a sama , a kiangah , kaw om na hia ? a chi hi .

(src)="b.GEN.3.10.1"> The man said , " I heard your voice in the garden , and I was afraid , because I was naked ; and I hid myself . "
(trg)="b.GEN.3.10.1"> Huan , aman , Huana na aw ka jaa , vuaktanga om ka hih jiakin ka laua ; huchiin ka buta hi , a chi hi .

(src)="b.GEN.3.11.1"> God said , " Who told you that you were naked ?
(src)="b.GEN.3.11.2"> Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from ? "
(trg)="b.GEN.3.11.1"> Huan , aman , vuaktang na hih kuan honhilh ahia ?
(trg)="b.GEN.3.11.2"> Sing gah nek louh hial ding ka chih ne na hita maw ?
(trg)="b.GEN.3.11.3"> A chia .

(src)="b.GEN.3.12.1"> The man said , " The woman whom you gave to be with me , she gave me of the tree , and I ate . "
(trg)="b.GEN.3.12.1"> Huan , Adam in , Honompih dinga non numei piakin sing gah a hon piaa , ne kei ve , achi a .

(src)="b.GEN.3.13.1"> Yahweh God said to the woman , " What is this you have done ? "
(src)="b.GEN.3.13.2"> The woman said , " The serpent deceived me , and I ate . "
(trg)="b.GEN.3.13.1"> Huai , Toupa Pathianin , numei kiangah , Na thil hih hi bangchidan ahia ?
(trg)="b.GEN.3.13.2"> A chi a .
(trg)="b.GEN.3.13.3"> Huan , numeiin , gulin honkhema , ne kei ve , a chi hi .

(src)="b.GEN.3.14.1"> Yahweh God said to the serpent , " Because you have done this , you are cursed above all livestock , and above every animal of the field .
(src)="b.GEN.3.14.2"> On your belly you shall go , and you shall eat dust all the days of your life .
(trg)="b.GEN.3.14.1"> Huan , Toupa Pathianin , gul kiangah , hichibanga na hih jiakin gan tengteng leh gam sa chiteng lakah hamsiatin na om tuanse dinga , khupbohin na pai gige ta dia , na dam sungin leivui na nek ding ahi ;

(src)="b.GEN.3.15.1"> I will put enmity between you and the woman , and between your offspring and her offspring .
(src)="b.GEN.3.15.2"> He will bruise your head , and you will bruise his heel . "
(trg)="b.GEN.3.15.1"> Huan , nang leh numei ka hon kidou sak dinga , na suante leh a suante leng ka kidou sak lai ding ; huaiin na lutang a sidup sak dinga , nang a khetul na sidup sak ding , a chi a .

(src)="b.GEN.3.16.1"> To the woman he said , " I will greatly multiply your pain in childbirth .
(src)="b.GEN.3.16.2"> In pain you will bear children .
(src)="b.GEN.3.16.3"> Your desire will be for your husband , and he will rule over you . "
(trg)="b.GEN.3.16.1"> Numei kiangah , Na haksatna leh na naupaina nakpiin ka pungsak dinga ; haksa takin ta na nei gige dinga ; himahleh na deihlam na pasal lam ahi dinga , aman na tungah thu a nei gige ding , a chi hi .

(src)="b.GEN.3.17.1"> To Adam he said , " Because you have listened to your wife 's voice , and have eaten of the tree , of which I commanded you , saying , ' You shall not eat of it , ' cursed is the ground for your sake .
(src)="b.GEN.3.17.2"> In toil you will eat of it all the days of your life .
(trg)="b.GEN.3.17.1"> Huan , Adam kiangah , Na ji thu na mana , sing khat , A gah na ne ding ahi kei , chia Ka hon thupiak , a gah na nek jiakin leitung nang jiakin hamsiatin a omta hi ; na dam Sung tengin gim taka semin a gah na neta ding ;

(src)="b.GEN.3.18.1"> It will yield thorns and thistles to you ; and you will eat the herb of the field .
(trg)="b.GEN.3.18.1"> Ling leh loulingneite leng a hon omsak ding ; huan , leia anteh na neta ding

(src)="b.GEN.3.19.1"> By the sweat of your face will you eat bread until you return to the ground , for out of it you were taken .
(src)="b.GEN.3.19.2"> For you are dust , and to dust you shall return . "
(trg)="b.GEN.3.19.1"> Hun , leitunga na kiknawn masiah na maia kho-ul luang puappuapin an na neta ding ; leitunga kipana lak khiak lah na hi ngala : leivui na hi a , leivui ah na kiknawn ding ahi , a chi hi .

(src)="b.GEN.3.20.1"> The man called his wife Eve , because she was the mother of all living .
(trg)="b.GEN.3.20.1"> Huan , Adamin a ji , mi hing tengteng nu a hih jiakin , a min dingin Evi a sa hi .

(src)="b.GEN.3.21.1"> Yahweh God made coats of skins for Adam and for his wife , and clothed them .
(trg)="b.GEN.3.21.1"> Huan , Toupa Pathianin , Adam ading leh a ji a dingin savun puannaktualte a bawlsaka , a silhsak hi .

(src)="b.GEN.3.22.1"> Yahweh God said , " Behold , the man has become like one of us , knowing good and evil .
(src)="b.GEN.3.22.2"> Now , lest he reach out his hand , and also take of the tree of life , and eat , and live forever ... "
(trg)="b.GEN.3.22.1"> Huan , Toupa Pathianin , Ngai un , pasal a sia leh a pha theiin ei bang a hong hita ; tuin a khuta sawkin , hinna sing gah loua nein , khantawnin a hing kha ding , a chi a ,

(src)="b.GEN.3.23.1"> Therefore Yahweh God sent him out from the garden of Eden , to till the ground from which he was taken .
(trg)="b.GEN.3.23.1"> Huaijiakin , Toupa Pathianin amah a lak khiakna lei let dingin Eden huan akipan a sawlkheta hi , Huchiin pasal a delhkhetaa ; huan , hinna sing lampi veng dingin Eden huan suahlam pangah Cherubimte leh mei namsau kilek jualjual a omsakta hi .

(src)="b.GEN.3.24.1"> So he drove out the man ; and he placed Cherubs at the east of the garden of Eden , and the flame of a sword which turned every way , to guard the way to the tree of life .
(trg)="b.GEN.3.24.1"> Huchiin pasal a delhkhetaa ; huan , hinna sing lampi veng dingin Eden huan suahlam pangah Cherubimte leh mei namsau kilek jualjual a omsakta hi .

(src)="b.GEN.4.1.1"> The man knew Eve his wife .
(src)="b.GEN.4.1.2"> She conceived , and gave birth to Cain , and said , " I have gotten a man with Yahweh 's help . "
(trg)="b.GEN.4.1.1"> Huan , Adamin a ji Evi a ompiha ; huchiin a gaia , Kaina a nei hi , Toupa panpihin pasal kon nei ta , a chi a .

(src)="b.GEN.4.2.1"> Again she gave birth , to Cain 's brother Abel .
(src)="b.GEN.4.2.2"> Abel was a keeper of sheep , but Cain was a tiller of the ground .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.2.1"> Huan , a nau Abel a honnei nawn hi .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.2.2"> Huan , Abel belam chingmiin a oma .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.2.3"> Kaina bel leilet miin a om

(src)="b.GEN.4.3.1"> As time passed , it happened that Cain brought an offering to Yahweh from the fruit of the ground .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.3.1"> Huan , a nungin hichi a hong hia , Kainain Toupa kianga a lat din loua piang a hontawi a .

(src)="b.GEN.4.4.1"> Abel also brought some of the firstborn of his flock and of its fat .
(src)="b.GEN.4.4.2"> Yahweh respected Abel and his offering ,
(trg)="b.GEN.4.4.1"> Huan Abelin leng a belam hon laka piang masapente leh , a thau a hontawi sama , huan , Toupan Abel leh a thillat a kipahpiha :

(src)="b.GEN.4.5.1"> but he did n't respect Cain and his offering .
(src)="b.GEN.4.5.2"> Cain was very angry , and the expression on his face fell .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.5.1"> A hihhangin Kaina leh a thillat bel akipahpih kei .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.5.2"> Huchiin , Kaina a heh mahmaha , a mel a liapta hi .

(src)="b.GEN.4.6.1"> Yahweh said to Cain , " Why are you angry ?
(src)="b.GEN.4.6.2"> Why has the expression of your face fallen ?
(trg)="b.GEN.4.6.1"> Huchiin , Toupa , Kaina kiangah , bangdia heh na hia ?
(trg)="b.GEN.4.6.2"> Bangdia na mel liap ahia ?

(src)="b.GEN.4.7.1"> If you do well , will it not be lifted up ?
(src)="b.GEN.4.7.2"> If you do n't do well , sin crouches at the door .
(src)="b.GEN.4.7.3"> Its desire is for you , but you are to rule over it . "
(trg)="b.GEN.4.7.1"> Thil hihhoih lechin pahtak na loh kei dia hia ?
(trg)="b.GEN.4.7.2"> Na hih hoih keia a hihlebel khelhna kongkhak bulah a kual nilouh hi : a deihlam nangmah kiang lam ahi dinga , a tungah thu na nei ding hi a chi a .

(src)="b.GEN.4.8.1"> Cain said to Abel , his brother , " Let 's go into the field . "
(src)="b.GEN.4.8.2"> It happened when they were in the field , that Cain rose up against Abel , his brother , and killed him .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.8.1"> Huan , Kainain a nau Abel a houpiha : huan , hichi ahia , loua a om lai un Kainain a nau Abel a suala , a thatta hi .

(src)="b.GEN.4.9.1"> Yahweh said to Cain , " Where is Abel , your brother ? "
(src)="b.GEN.4.9.2"> He said , " I do n't know .
(src)="b.GEN.4.9.3"> Am I my brother 's keeper ? "
(trg)="b.GEN.4.9.1"> Huchiin , Toupan , Kaina kiangah , na nau Abel ko omta ahia ?
(trg)="b.GEN.4.9.2"> A chi a .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.9.3"> Huan aman , ka theikei : ka nau donpa ka hi ahia ?
(trg)="b.GEN.4.9.4"> A chi hi .

(src)="b.GEN.4.10.1"> Yahweh said , " What have you done ?
(src)="b.GEN.4.10.2"> The voice of your brother 's blood cries to me from the ground .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.10.1"> Huan , aman , bang hih na tamaia ?
(trg)="b.GEN.4.10.2"> Na nau sisan awin leitung akipanin lah a hon sama .

(src)="b.GEN.4.11.1"> Now you are cursed because of the ground , which has opened its mouth to receive your brother 's blood from your hand .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.11.1"> Huaijiakin , lei , na khuta kipana na nau sisan sang dinga a kam naka akipan hamsiat na hita hi ;

(src)="b.GEN.4.12.1"> From now on , when you till the ground , it wo n't yield its strength to you .
(src)="b.GEN.4.12.2"> You shall be a fugitive and a wanderer in the earth . "
(trg)="b.GEN.4.12.1"> Leitung na lehin leng ahoihna a honpe phal nawn kei ding ; a chi a .

(src)="b.GEN.4.13.1"> Cain said to Yahweh , " My punishment is greater than I can bear .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.13.1"> Huan , Kainain , Toupa kiangah , non gawtna a na mahmaha , ka thuak zou kei ding .

(src)="b.GEN.4.14.1"> Behold , you have driven me out this day from the surface of the ground .
(src)="b.GEN.4.14.2"> I will be hidden from your face , and I will be a fugitive and a wanderer in the earth .
(src)="b.GEN.4.14.3"> It will happen that whoever finds me will kill me . "
(trg)="b.GEN.4.14.1"> Ngaiin , tuniin leitunga kipan non delhkheta ngala ; na mit muh phak louha sela om ding ka hita ; lei ah tai mang leh vakvai hi ding lah ka hita ngala ; huchiin hichi ahi dinga , kuapeuh honmuin a hon that mai ding uh , a chi a .

(src)="b.GEN.4.15.1"> Yahweh said to him , " Therefore whoever slays Cain , vengeance will be taken on him sevenfold . "
(src)="b.GEN.4.15.2"> Yahweh appointed a sign for Cain , lest any finding him should strike him .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.15.1"> Huan , Toupan , a kiangah , huchi ahihleh , kuapeuh Kaina that amun sagihin a tungah phu a la ding uh , a chi a .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.15.2"> Huchiin , min amah a muh ua a thah louhna ding un Toupan Kaina achiamtehta hi .

(src)="b.GEN.4.16.1"> Cain went out from Yahweh 's presence , and lived in the land of Nod , east of Eden .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.16.1"> Huchiin , Kaina Toupa kianga kipan a pawta , Eden suahlama Nod gamah a omta hi .

(src)="b.GEN.4.17.1"> Cain knew his wife .
(src)="b.GEN.4.17.2"> She conceived , and gave birth to Enoch .
(src)="b.GEN.4.17.3"> He built a city , and called the name of the city , after the name of his son , Enoch .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.17.1"> Huan , Kainain aji a ompiha ; huchiin , a gaia , Enok a nei hi : huan , khua a sata , a kho min dingin a tapa tam sakin , Enok a chi hi .

(src)="b.GEN.4.18.1"> To Enoch was born Irad .
(src)="b.GEN.4.18.2"> Irad became the father of Mehujael .
(src)="b.GEN.4.18.3"> Mehujael became the father of Methushael .
(src)="b.GEN.4.18.4"> Methushael became the father of Lamech .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.18.1"> Huan , Enokin tapa Irad a neia : Iradin tapa Mahujael a neia : Mahujaelin tapa Methusael a neia ; Methusaelin tapa Lamek a ni hi .

(src)="b.GEN.4.19.1"> Lamech took two wives : the name of the one was Adah , and the name of the other Zillah .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.19.1"> Huan Lamekin ji nih a neia : khat min Adia ahi , khat min Zillai ahi .

(src)="b.GEN.4.20.1"> Adah gave birth to Jabal , who was the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock .
(trg)="b.GEN.4.20.1"> Huan , Adaiin Jabal a neia ; amah bel puanina om gan vulmite suangpa ahi .