# cak/Cakchiquel-NT.xml.gz
# en/English-WEB.xml.gz

(src)="b.MAT.1.1.1"> Re wuj ri nuchop el waweˈ , jun wuj ri tzˈibatal wi ca ri quibiˈ ri ye ojer tak ratiˈt rumamaˈ ri Jesucristo .
(src)="b.MAT.1.1.2"> Can nikˈalajin wi cˈa chi Riyaˈ can jun chique ri ye ralcˈual ca ri rey David , y can ralcˈual ca chukaˈ ri Abraham .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.1.1"> The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ , the son of David , the son of Abraham .

(src)="b.MAT.1.2.1"> Ri Abraham yariˈ ri xalcˈualan ri Isaac ; ri Isaac xralcˈualaj ri Jacob ; ri Jacob xralcˈualaj ri Judá y ri nicˈaj chic rachˈalal .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.2.1"> Abraham became the father of Isaac .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.2.2"> Isaac became the father of Jacob .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.2.3"> Jacob became the father of Judah and his brothers .

(src)="b.MAT.1.3.1"> Yacˈa ri Judá y ri Tamar ri rixjayil xecalcˈualaj ri Fares y ri Zara ; yacˈa ri Fares ri xalcˈualan ri Esrom ; y ri Esrom xralcˈualaj ri Aram .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.3.1"> Judah became the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.3.2"> Perez became the father of Hezron .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.3.3"> Hezron became the father of Ram .

(src)="b.MAT.1.4.1"> Y ri Aram xralcˈualaj ri Aminadab ; ri Aminadab xralcˈualaj ri Naasón ; y ri Naasón xralcˈualaj ri Salmón .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.4.1"> Ram became the father of Amminadab .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.4.2"> Amminadab became the father of Nahshon .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.4.3"> Nahshon became the father of Salmon .

(src)="b.MAT.1.5.1"> Y ri Salmón y ri Rahab ri rixjayil xcalcˈualaj ri Booz ; ri Booz y ri Rut ri rixjayil xcalcˈualaj ri Obed ; y ri Obed xralcˈualaj ri Isaí .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.5.1"> Salmon became the father of Boaz by Rahab .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.5.2"> Boaz became the father of Obed by Ruth .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.5.3"> Obed became the father of Jesse .

(src)="b.MAT.1.6.1"> Y ri Isaí xralcˈualaj ri David ri xoc jun rey ; y ri rey David xralcˈualaj ri Salomón .
(src)="b.MAT.1.6.2"> Y ri ruteˈ ri Salomón , ya ri rixjayil ca ri Urías .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.6.1"> Jesse became the father of King David .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.6.2"> David became the father of Solomon by her who had been the wife of Uriah .

(src)="b.MAT.1.7.1"> Yacˈa ri Salomón xralcˈualaj ri Roboam ; ri Roboam xralcˈualaj ri Abías ; y ri Abías xralcˈualaj ri Asa .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.7.1"> Solomon became the father of Rehoboam .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.7.2"> Rehoboam became the father of Abijah .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.7.3"> Abijah became the father of Asa .

(src)="b.MAT.1.8.1"> Y ri Asa xralcˈualaj ri Josafat ; ri Josafat xralcˈualaj ri Joram ; y ri Joram xralcˈualaj ri Uzías .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.8.1"> Asa became the father of Jehoshaphat .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.8.2"> Jehoshaphat became the father of Joram .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.8.3"> Joram became the father of Uzziah .

(src)="b.MAT.1.9.1"> Y ri Uzías xralcˈualaj ri Jotam ; ri Jotam xralcˈualaj ri Acaz ; y ri Acaz xralcˈualaj ri Ezequías .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.9.1"> Uzziah became the father of Jotham .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.9.2"> Jotham became the father of Ahaz .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.9.3"> Ahaz became the father of Hezekiah .

(src)="b.MAT.1.10.1"> Y ri Ezequías xralcˈualaj ri Manasés ; ri Manasés xralcˈualaj ri Amón ; y ri Amón xralcˈualaj ri Josías .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.10.1"> Hezekiah became the father of Manasseh .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.10.2"> Manasseh became the father of Amon .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.10.3"> Amon became the father of Josiah .

(src)="b.MAT.1.11.1"> Y ri Josías xralcˈualaj ri Jeconías y ri ye nicˈaj chic rachˈalal ri Jeconías .
(src)="b.MAT.1.11.2"> Y ya tiempo riˈ tek ri kech aj Israel xechapatej el y xeˈucˈuex cˈa pa Babilonia .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.11.1"> Josiah became the father of Jechoniah and his brothers , at the time of the exile to Babylon .

(src)="b.MAT.1.12.1"> Y tek yecˈo chic chiriˈ pa Babilonia , ri Jeconías xralcˈualaj ri Salatiel ; y ri Salatiel xralcˈualaj ri Zorobabel .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.12.1"> After the exile to Babylon , Jechoniah became the father of Shealtiel .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.12.2"> Shealtiel became the father of Zerubbabel .

(src)="b.MAT.1.13.1"> Y ri Zorobabel xralcˈualaj ri Abiud ; ri Abiud xralcˈualaj ri Eliaquim ; y ri Eliaquim xralcˈualaj ri Azor .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.13.1"> Zerubbabel became the father of Abiud .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.13.2"> Abiud became the father of Eliakim .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.13.3"> Eliakim became the father of Azor .

(src)="b.MAT.1.14.1"> Y ri Azor xralcˈualaj ri Sadoc ; ri Sadoc xralcˈualaj ri Aquim ; y ri Aquim xralcˈualaj ri Eliud .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.14.1"> Azor became the father of Sadoc .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.14.2"> Sadoc became the father of Achim .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.14.3"> Achim became the father of Eliud .

(src)="b.MAT.1.15.1"> Y ri Eliud xralcˈualaj ri Eleazar ; ri Eleazar xralcˈualaj ri Matán ; ri Matán xralcˈualaj chukaˈ jun ri Jacob chukaˈ rubiˈ .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.15.1"> Eliud became the father of Eleazar .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.15.2"> Eleazar became the father of Matthan .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.15.3"> Matthan became the father of Jacob .

(src)="b.MAT.1.16.1"> Y ri Jacob xralcˈualaj cˈa ri José ri xoc rachijil ri María .
(src)="b.MAT.1.16.2"> Y ri María riˈ yariˈ ri xalan ri Jesús ri Cristo .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.16.1"> Jacob became the father of Joseph , the husband of Mary , from whom was born Jesus , who is called Christ .

(src)="b.MAT.1.17.1"> Cajlajuj cˈa sol winek xecˈaseˈ el , ri nitiquir pe riqˈui ri Abraham cˈa riqˈui ri rey David .
(src)="b.MAT.1.17.2"> Cajlajuj chukaˈ sol winek xecˈaseˈ el , ri nitiquir pe riqˈui ri rey David cˈa chupan ri tiempo tek ri kech aj Israel xechapatej el y xeˈucˈuex cˈa pa Babilonia .
(src)="b.MAT.1.17.3"> Y cajlajuj chukaˈ sol winek xecˈaseˈ el , ri nitiquir pe tek ri kech aj Israel xebecˈojeˈ pa Babilonia , hasta riqˈui ri tiempo tek xalex ri Cristo .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.17.1"> So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations ; from David to the exile to Babylon fourteen generations ; and from the carrying away to Babylon to the Christ , fourteen generations .

(src)="b.MAT.1.18.1"> Y ri ralaxbel ri Jesucristo quecˈareˈ ri rubanic : Ri María ruteˈ ri Jesucristo , jun cˈa kˈopoj ri cˈutun chic ruma ri José .
(src)="b.MAT.1.18.2"> Y xcˈulwachitej cˈa chi tek cˈa ma jane quicˈuan ta quiˈ , xnabetej chi ri María yawaˈ chic riche ( rixin ) chi nicˈojeˈ ral .
(src)="b.MAT.1.18.3"> Yacˈa ri María queriˈ xril ruma ruchukˈaˈ ri Lokˈolaj Espíritu .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.18.1"> Now the birth of Jesus Christ was like this ; for after his mother , Mary , was engaged to Joseph , before they came together , she was found pregnant by the Holy Spirit .

(src)="b.MAT.1.19.1"> Yacˈa ri José ri nbeˈoc rachijil ri María , can jun chojmilaj winek wi ; y man cˈa xrajoˈ ta xuyaˈ ( xutzek ) ruqˈuix ri María chiquiwech ri winek , rumariˈ xrajoˈ chi man ta ninabex chi nuyaˈ ca .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.19.1"> Joseph , her husband , being a righteous man , and not willing to make her a public example , intended to put her away secretly .

(src)="b.MAT.1.20.1"> Y ri José ya cˈa riˈ ri nuchˈob pa ránima .
(src)="b.MAT.1.20.2"> Y pa rachicˈ xucˈut cˈa riˈ jun ángel riche ( rixin ) ri Ajaf chuwech , y xbix chare ruma ri ángel riˈ : Riyit José , ri yit jun chique ri ye ralcˈual ca ri rey David , man cˈa taxibij ta awiˈ chi yacˈuleˈ riqˈui ri María ri acˈutun chic riche ( rixin ) chi ntoc awixjayil .
(src)="b.MAT.1.20.3"> Wacami petenak chic alanic chrij ruma ya ri Lokˈolaj Espíritu xka pa ruwiˈ .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.20.1"> But when he thought about these things , behold , an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream , saying , " Joseph , son of David , do n't be afraid to take to yourself Mary , your wife , for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit .

(src)="b.MAT.1.21.1"> Ri acˈal cˈa ri xtralaj ri María , ti cˈajol ( alaˈ ) , y JESUS cˈa rubiˈ xtayaˈ , ruma ya Riyaˈ ri xquecolo ri winek chupan ri quimac .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.21.1"> She shall bring forth a son .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.21.2"> You shall call his name Jesus , for it is he who shall save his people from their sins . "

(src)="b.MAT.1.22.1"> Ronojel cˈa reˈ xcˈulwachitej riche ( rixin ) chi can nibanatej ri xbix ruma ri Dios chare ri profeta Isaías ri jun chique ri xekˈalajsan ri ruchˈabel ri Dios ojer ca , tek xubij :
(trg)="b.MAT.1.22.1"> Now all this has happened , that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet , saying ,

(src)="b.MAT.1.23.1"> Tiwetamaj cˈa chi xticˈojeˈ jun ri cˈa kˈopoj na y xticˈojeˈ jun ral , astapeˈ man cˈo ta riqˈui achi .
(src)="b.MAT.1.23.2"> Y can xtralaj na wi jun acˈal , ti cˈajol ( alaˈ ) , ri xtubiniˈaj Emanuel .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.23.1"> " Behold , the virgin shall be with child , and shall bring forth a son .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.23.2"> They shall call his name Immanuel " ; which is , being interpreted , " God with us . "

(src)="b.MAT.1.24.1"> Re biˈaj reˈ can ntel cˈa chi tzij chi ri Dios cˈo kiqˈui .
(src)="b.MAT.1.24.2"> Tek xcˈastej cˈa ri José , can xuben wi achiˈel ri xbix chare ruma ri ángel riche ( rixin ) ri Ajaf .
(src)="b.MAT.1.24.3"> Riyaˈ can xucˈom na wi ri María riche ( rixin ) chi xoc rixjayil .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.24.1"> Joseph arose from his sleep , and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him , and took his wife to himself ;

(src)="b.MAT.1.25.1"> Pero ri José majun xunek ta ri María cˈa ya tek alaxnek chic na ri nabey ral .
(src)="b.MAT.1.25.2"> Y tek xalex ri acˈal , JESUS ri rubiˈ xuyaˈ .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.25.1"> and did n't know her sexually until she had brought forth her firstborn son .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.25.2"> He named him Jesus .

(src)="b.MAT.2.1.1"> Ri Jesús xalex cˈa pa tinamit Belén , ri tinamit ri cˈo pa rucuenta ri Judea .
(src)="b.MAT.2.1.2"> Tek xalex ri Jesús , ya cˈa ri Herodes ri rey , y yacˈariˈ tek jun caˈiˈ achiˈaˈ ri cˈo quetamabel chiquij ri chˈumilaˈ , xeˈapon pa Jerusalem .
(src)="b.MAT.2.1.3"> Ri achiˈaˈ riˈ , pa relebel kˈij ye petenak wi ,
(trg)="b.MAT.2.1.1"> Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod , behold , wise men from the east came to Jerusalem , saying ,

(src)="b.MAT.2.2.1"> y xquicˈutuj cˈa chique ri winek : ¿ Acuchi ( achique ) cˈo wi ri acˈal ri qui ‑ Rey ri israelitas ri xa cˈa xalex ?
(src)="b.MAT.2.2.2"> Ri ruchˈumil katzˈeton pe riyoj cˈa quelaˈ pa relebel kˈij , y xojpe chuyaˈic rukˈij , xechaˈ .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.2.1"> " Where is he who is born King of the Jews ?
(trg)="b.MAT.2.2.2"> For we saw his star in the east , and have come to worship him . "

(src)="b.MAT.2.3.1"> Tek ri rey Herodes xracˈaxaj ri xquibij ri achiˈaˈ ri cˈo quetamabel chiquij ri chˈumilaˈ , xsach rucˈuˈx .
(src)="b.MAT.2.3.2"> Y can queriˈ cˈa chukaˈ xquicˈulwachij ri winek ri aj pa tinamit Jerusalem .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.3.1"> When King Herod heard it , he was troubled , and all Jerusalem with him .

(src)="b.MAT.2.4.1"> Y ri rey Herodes xerumol cˈa quinojel ri principaliˈ tak sacerdotes y ri aj tzˈibaˈ chiquicojol ri israelitas , y cˈacˈariˈ xucˈutuj chique chi acuchi ( achique ) cˈa nalex wi ri Cristo .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.4.1"> Gathering together all the chief priests and scribes of the people , he asked them where the Christ would be born .

(src)="b.MAT.2.5.1"> Xepe ri principaliˈ tak sacerdotes y ri aj tzˈibaˈ xquibij cˈa chare ri rey : Ri Cristo nalex pa tinamit Belén waweˈ pa rucuenta re Judea .
(src)="b.MAT.2.5.2"> Ruma jun chique ri profetas ri xekˈalajsan ri ruchˈabel ri Dios ojer ca , quecˈareˈ ri rutzˈiban ca :
(trg)="b.MAT.2.5.1"> They said to him , " In Bethlehem of Judea , for this is written through the prophet ,

(src)="b.MAT.2.6.1"> Y riyit tinamit Belén ri yitcˈo pa Judá , riyit ma can ta yit coˈol chiquicojol ri nimaˈk tak tinamit chiriˈ pa Judá , ruma ya ri chiriˈ awuqˈui riyit xtipe wi ri ucˈuey bey , y can xqueruchajij ri nutinamit Israel achiˈel nuben jun utzilaj aj yukˈ ,
(trg)="b.MAT.2.6.1"> ' You Bethlehem , land of Judah , are in no way least among the princes of Judah : for out of you shall come forth a governor , who shall shepherd my people , Israel . ' "

(src)="b.MAT.2.7.1"> nichaˈ ri Dios , xechaˈ apo chare ri rey Herodes .
(src)="b.MAT.2.7.2"> Yacˈariˈ tek ri rey Herodes pan ewel xerusiqˈuij ( xeroyoj ) ri achiˈaˈ ri cˈo quetamabel chiquij ri chˈumilaˈ , y xucˈutuj ca jabel chique janipeˈ chic kˈij tiquitzˈet wi ri ruchˈumil ri Cristo .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.7.1"> Then Herod secretly called the wise men , and learned from them exactly what time the star appeared .

(src)="b.MAT.2.8.1"> Cˈacˈariˈ tek xerutek el pa tinamit Belén y xubij el chique : Quixbiyin cˈa chilaˈ y ticanoj ri acˈal , y tek iwilon chic ca , noˈibij ca chuwe , riche ( rixin ) chi riyin yibe chukaˈ chuyaˈic rukˈij .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.8.1"> He sent them to Bethlehem , and said , " Go and search diligently for the young child .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.8.2"> When you have found him , bring me word , so that I also may come and worship him . "

(src)="b.MAT.2.9.1"> Y tek ri achiˈaˈ ri cˈo quetamabel chiquij ri chˈumilaˈ quicˈaxan chic cˈa ri chˈabel ri xbix el chique ruma ri rey Herodes , xebe .
(src)="b.MAT.2.9.2"> Y ri chˈumil ri quitzˈeton pe riyeˈ ri cˈa acuchi ( achique ) quepe wi , pa relebel kˈij , can rucˈuan cˈa el quibey .
(src)="b.MAT.2.9.3"> Y tek xeˈapon , ri chˈumil riˈ xpaˈeˈ pa ruwiˈ ri acuchi ( achique ) cˈo wi ri acˈal .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.9.1"> They , having heard the king , went their way ; and behold , the star , which they saw in the east , went before them , until it came and stood over where the young child was .

(src)="b.MAT.2.10.1"> Y tek xquitzˈet cˈa ri chˈumil chi xpaˈeˈ , sibilaj xquicot ri cánima .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.10.1"> When they saw the star , they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy .

(src)="b.MAT.2.11.1"> Yacˈa tek ri achiˈaˈ riˈ xeˈoc apo pa jay , can xquitzˈet wi cˈa ri acˈal y ri María ri ruteˈ ri acˈal , y can yacˈariˈ xexuqueˈ xemajeˈ ka riche ( rixin ) chi xquiyaˈ rukˈij ri acˈal .
(src)="b.MAT.2.11.2"> Y chukaˈ can xequijakalaˈ cˈa ri quiyaconobal y xquisipaj cˈa ca kˈanapuek , pon y mirra chare .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.11.1"> They came into the house and saw the young child with Mary , his mother , and they fell down and worshiped him .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.11.2"> Opening their treasures , they offered to him gifts : gold , frankincense , and myrrh .

(src)="b.MAT.2.12.1"> Y ri achiˈaˈ ri cˈo quetamabel chiquij ri chˈumilaˈ , can xkˈalajsex cˈa chiquiwech ri pa cachicˈ , chi man chic quetzolin ta pa quibey riche ( rixin ) chi nbequiyaˈ ca rubixic chare ri rey Herodes .
(src)="b.MAT.2.12.2"> Y can queriˈ wi xquiben ri achiˈaˈ riˈ , ruma tek xetzolin chic el pa quiruwachˈulef , xa jun wi chic chi bey ri xquicˈuaj el .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.12.1"> Being warned in a dream that they should n't return to Herod , they went back to their own country another way .

(src)="b.MAT.2.13.1"> Y tek ri achiˈaˈ ri cˈo quetamabel chiquij ri chˈumilaˈ ye elenak chic el , can yacˈariˈ tek jun ángel riche ( rixin ) ri Ajaf Dios xucˈut riˈ chuwech ri José pa rachicˈ .
(src)="b.MAT.2.13.2"> Y ri ángel riˈ xubij chare : Cayacatej cˈa el .
(src)="b.MAT.2.13.3"> Tacˈuaj el ri acˈal rachibilan ri ruteˈ y quixanmej el waweˈ .
(src)="b.MAT.2.13.4"> Quixbiyin cˈa pan Egipto y quixcˈojeˈ chilaˈ , y riyin xtinyaˈ rubixic chawe tek utz chic yixtzolin pe .
(src)="b.MAT.2.13.5"> Ruma chi re wacami , ri rey Herodes can xtorucanoj wi re acˈal riche ( rixin ) chi nucamisaj , xchaˈ chare .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.13.1"> Now when they had departed , behold , an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream , saying , " Arise and take the young child and his mother , and flee into Egypt , and stay there until I tell you , for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him . "

(src)="b.MAT.2.14.1"> Y ri José can yacˈariˈ tek xcˈastej , y can chupan cˈa ri akˈaˈ riˈ xquichop el bey riche ( rixin ) chi xebe cˈa pan Egipto , xucˈuaj el ri acˈal y ri teˈej .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.14.1"> He arose and took the young child and his mother by night , and departed into Egypt ,

(src)="b.MAT.2.15.1"> Can chilaˈ wi cˈa pan Egipto xebecˈojeˈ wi y xetzolin pan Israel cˈa ya tek caminek chic ri rey Herodes .
(src)="b.MAT.2.15.2"> Riche ( rixin ) chi queriˈ can nibanatej na cˈa ri rukˈalajsan ri Ajaf Dios chuwech ri jun profeta ri xkˈalajsan ri ruchˈabel ri Dios ojer ca .
(src)="b.MAT.2.15.3"> Ri tzˈibatal cˈa ca nubij : Pan Egipto cˈa cˈo wi ri nucˈajol tek xinsiqˈuij ( xinwoyoj ) .
(src)="b.MAT.2.15.4"> Quecˈariˈ ri rubin ri Dios .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.15.1"> and was there until the death of Herod ; that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet , saying , " Out of Egypt I called my son . "

(src)="b.MAT.2.16.1"> Y can yacˈariˈ tek ri rey Herodes xunabej chi ri achiˈaˈ ri cˈo quetamabel chiquij ri chˈumilaˈ xa ma xquiben ta ri achiˈel ri rubin el riyaˈ chique , rumariˈ xyacatej cˈa sibilaj royowal y xutek cˈa quicamisaxic quinojel ri tak cˈajolaˈ ( alaboniˈ ) ri xa cˈa ma jane nikˈax ta cacaˈ quijunaˈ ri yecˈo chiriˈ pa tinamit Belén , y ri yecˈo pa tak lugar ri yecˈo pe chunakajal ri tinamit .
(src)="b.MAT.2.16.2"> Queriˈ xuben ruma riyaˈ can retaman ca chi cˈo chic caˈiˈ junaˈ titzˈetetej wi ri chˈumil cuma ri achiˈaˈ ri cˈo quetamabel chiquij ri chˈumilaˈ .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.16.1"> Then Herod , when he saw that he was mocked by the wise men , was exceedingly angry , and sent out , and killed all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all the surrounding countryside , from two years old and under , according to the exact time which he had learned from the wise men .

(src)="b.MAT.2.17.1"> Waweˈ can xbanatej wi cˈa achiˈel ri tzˈibatal ca ruma ri jun profeta ri xkˈalajsan ri ruchˈabel ri Dios ojer ca , ri xubiniˈaj Jeremías , tek xubij ca :
(trg)="b.MAT.2.17.1"> Then that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled , saying ,

(src)="b.MAT.2.18.1"> Chiriˈ cˈa pa tinamit Ramá xacˈaxatej okˈej .
(src)="b.MAT.2.18.2"> Can cˈo wi nimalaj bis .
(src)="b.MAT.2.18.3"> Cˈo cˈa jun ri nujikˈ okˈej .
(src)="b.MAT.2.18.4"> Riˈ ya ri Raquel yerokˈej ri ral , y astapeˈ nibochiˈix , xa can ma nikˈax ta cˈa ri bis chare ruma ri ral xecom .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.18.1"> " A voice was heard in Ramah , lamentation , weeping and great mourning , Rachel weeping for her children ; she would n't be comforted , because they are no more . "

(src)="b.MAT.2.19.1"> Queriˈ ri tzˈibatal ca ruma ri Jeremías .
(src)="b.MAT.2.19.2"> Y tek caminek chic el ri rey Herodes , can yacˈariˈ tek ri ángel riche ( rixin ) ri Ajaf Dios xucˈut chic riˈ chuwech ri José pa rachicˈ , ri chilaˈ pan Egipto .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.19.1"> But when Herod was dead , behold , an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt , saying ,

(src)="b.MAT.2.20.1"> Y ri ángel riche ( rixin ) ri Ajaf xubij cˈa chare : Cayacatej cˈa el .
(src)="b.MAT.2.20.2"> Tacˈuaj el ri acˈal rachibilan ri ruteˈ y quixtzolin cˈa pan Israel .
(src)="b.MAT.2.20.3"> Ruma ri xeˈajowan chi xquicamisaj ta ri acˈal , xecom yan .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.20.1"> " Arise and take the young child and his mother , and go into the land of Israel , for those who sought the young child 's life are dead . "

(src)="b.MAT.2.21.1"> Y ri José can xuben wi cˈa ri xbix chare pa rachicˈ ruma ri ángel .
(src)="b.MAT.2.21.2"> Xucˈuaj el ri acˈal , y ri teˈej .
(src)="b.MAT.2.21.3"> Y xetzolin cˈa pan Israel .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.21.1"> He arose and took the young child and his mother , and came into the land of Israel .

(src)="b.MAT.2.22.1"> Xa yacˈa riyaˈ tek xracˈaxaj chi ya ri Arquelao ri rucˈajol ca ri rey Herodes ri oconek aj kˈatbel tzij pa Judea , xuxibij riˈ chi yecˈojeˈ ka ri chiriˈ pa Judea .
(src)="b.MAT.2.22.2"> Y xkˈalajsex cˈa chuwech ri José pa jun achicˈ chi tucˈuaj el ri acˈal y ri teˈej cˈa pa Galilea .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.22.1"> But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judea in the place of his father , Herod , he was afraid to go there .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.22.2"> Being warned in a dream , he withdrew into the region of Galilee ,

(src)="b.MAT.2.23.1"> Y xeˈapon cˈa pa tinamit Nazaret y chiriˈ xecˈojeˈ wi ka , riche ( rixin ) chi queriˈ can nibanatej na cˈa achiˈel ri tzˈibatal ca cuma ri profetas ri xekˈalajsan ri ruchˈabel ri Dios ojer ca .
(src)="b.MAT.2.23.2"> Riyeˈ can quitzˈiban ca chi ri Jesús can cˈo na chi nibix nazareno chare .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.23.1"> and came and lived in a city called Nazareth ; that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophets : " He will be called a Nazarene . "

(src)="b.MAT.3.1.1"> Chupan cˈa ri kˈij riˈ , ri Juan ri Bautista xuchop rukˈalajsaxic ri ruchˈabel ri Dios chiquiwech ri winek ri yeˈapon riqˈui , ri chiriˈ pa jun desierto ri cˈo chiriˈ pa rucuenta ri Judea .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.1.1"> In those days , John the Baptizer came , preaching in the wilderness of Judea , saying ,

(src)="b.MAT.3.2.1"> Riyaˈ xubij cˈa chique ri winek : Can titzolin cˈa pe icˈuˈx riqˈui ri Dios , ruma xa nakaj chic cˈo wi pe ri rajawaren ri Dios , nichaˈ chique .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.2.1"> " Repent , for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand ! "

(src)="b.MAT.3.3.1"> Can chrij cˈa ri Juan riˈ chˈonak wi ca ri profeta Isaías , jun achi ri xkˈalajsan ri ruchˈabel ri Dios ojer ca .
(src)="b.MAT.3.3.2"> Riyaˈ quecˈareˈ ri rutzˈiban ca : Cˈo cˈa jun achi ri xticˈojeˈ pa jun desierto .
(src)="b.MAT.3.3.3"> Y riyaˈ xturek cˈa ruchiˈ riche ( rixin ) chi xtubij chique ri winek ri xqueˈapon riqˈui : Tichojmirisaj apo rubey ri Ajaf .
(src)="b.MAT.3.3.4"> Y can choj cˈa tibanaˈ chare .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.3.1"> For this is he who was spoken of by Isaiah the prophet , saying , " The voice of one crying in the wilderness , make ready the way of the Lord .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.3.2"> Make his paths straight . "

(src)="b.MAT.3.4.1"> Quecˈariˈ ri tzˈibatal ca .
(src)="b.MAT.3.4.2"> Ri rutziak cˈa ri Juan ri Bautista banon riqˈui rusmal camello , y rucusan jun tzˈum ri oconek ximibel xerupan .
(src)="b.MAT.3.4.3"> Y ri ruway ye cˈa ri sacˈ y ri cab ri niquiyaˈ ri tak chicop pa tak juyuˈ .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.4.1"> Now John himself wore clothing made of camel 's hair , with a leather belt around his waist .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.4.2"> His food was locusts and wild honey .

(src)="b.MAT.3.5.1"> Y ri winek ri yeˈapon cˈa riqˈui ri Juan ri Bautista , sibilaj cˈa ye qˈuiy .
(src)="b.MAT.3.5.2"> Yecˈo cˈa ri ye aj pa tinamit Jerusalem , ri tinamit ri cˈo pa rucuenta ri Judea .
(src)="b.MAT.3.5.3"> Y yecˈo chukaˈ ri aj pa nicˈaj chic tinamit riche ( rixin ) ri Judea .
(src)="b.MAT.3.5.4"> Y chukaˈ can yecˈo cˈa ri yepe cˈa quelaˈ chunakajal ri raken yaˈ Jordán .
(src)="b.MAT.3.5.5"> Can quinojel cˈa ri winek riˈ ri yeˈapon riqˈui .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.5.1"> Then people from Jerusalem , all of Judea , and all the region around the Jordan went out to him .

(src)="b.MAT.3.6.1"> Ri winek cˈa riˈ yeban cˈa el bautizar ruma riyaˈ ri chiriˈ pa raken yaˈ Jordán .
(src)="b.MAT.3.6.2"> Y can yequikˈalajsaj wi cˈa ri quimac .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.6.1"> They were baptized by him in the Jordan , confessing their sins .

(src)="b.MAT.3.7.1"> Y tek riyaˈ xutzˈet chi can ye qˈuiy cˈa chique ri achiˈaˈ fariseos y ye qˈuiy chukaˈ chique ri achiˈaˈ saduceos yeˈapon riqˈui ruma nicajoˈ chi yeban el bautizar ruma riyaˈ , riyaˈ xubij cˈa chique : Riyix xa yix achiˈel itzel tak cumatz , ruma niwajoˈ yixanmej chuwech ri rucˈayewal .
(src)="b.MAT.3.7.2"> ¿ Achique xbin chiwe chi utz yixanmej chuwech ri rucˈayewal ri xtutek pe ri Dios , re chkawech apo ?
(trg)="b.MAT.3.7.1"> But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for his baptism , he said to them , " You offspring of vipers , who warned you to flee from the wrath to come ?

(src)="b.MAT.3.8.1"> Riyix rajawaxic cˈa chi nikˈalajin chupan ri icˈaslen chi can kitzij xtzolin pe icˈuˈx riqˈui ri Dios .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.8.1"> Therefore bring forth fruit worthy of repentance !

(src)="b.MAT.3.9.1"> Man cˈa tichˈob ta ka riyix chi can xu ( xe ) wi ruma chi yix ralcˈual ca ri Abraham , chi ruma ta riˈ xquixcolotej , ma que ta riˈ .
(src)="b.MAT.3.9.2"> Ruma xa ta ri Dios nrajoˈ , Riyaˈ can nicowin wi nuben ralcˈual ri Abraham chique re abej re yeˈitzˈet waweˈ .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.9.1"> Do n't think to yourselves , ' We have Abraham for our father , ' for I tell you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones .

(src)="b.MAT.3.10.1"> Ri rucˈayewal ri nuyaˈ ri Dios xa nipe yan .
(src)="b.MAT.3.10.2"> Riyaˈ can xtuben achiˈel nuben jun achi ri cˈo chic ri iquej pa rukˈaˈ riche ( rixin ) chi xqueruchoy ri cheˈ ri xa ma yewachin ta jabel .
(src)="b.MAT.3.10.3"> Y ronojel cˈa ri xqueruchoy el , xqueruqˈuek pa kˈakˈ .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.10.1"> " Even now the axe lies at the root of the trees .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.10.2"> Therefore every tree that does n't bring forth good fruit is cut down , and cast into the fire .

(src)="b.MAT.3.11.1"> Riyin , pa yaˈ yixinben wi bautizar tek nitzolin pe icˈuˈx riqˈui ri Dios .
(src)="b.MAT.3.11.2"> Pero cˈo cˈa jun achi ri xtipe re chkawech apo , ri man achiˈel ta oc riyin .
(src)="b.MAT.3.11.3"> Riyin can ma yin rucˈamon ta ( takal ta chuwij ) riche ( rixin ) chi ncˈuaj ri ruxajab , ruma ri jun achi riˈ can más wi nim rukˈij y can más wi nim ruchukˈaˈ que chinuwech riyin .
(src)="b.MAT.3.11.4"> Tek Riyaˈ xtipe , can xquixruben wi bautizar riqˈui ri Lokˈolaj Espíritu y riqˈui kˈakˈ .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.11.1"> I indeed baptize you in water for repentance , but he who comes after me is mightier than I , whose shoes I am not worthy to carry .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.11.2"> He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit .

(src)="b.MAT.3.12.1"> Y can ruchojmirisan chic riˈ riche ( rixin ) chi nuben achiˈel nuben jun achi tek nujoskˈij ri rutrigo pan era , ri can cˈo chic jun horqueta pa rukˈaˈ riche ( rixin ) chi nuqˈuek chuwacakˈikˈ ri trigo ri chˈayon chic .
(src)="b.MAT.3.12.2"> Ri trigo ri nuchayuj ca riˈ , yariˈ ri numol y nuyec .
(src)="b.MAT.3.12.3"> Yacˈa ri raken ri trigo ri nucˈuaj el cakˈikˈ , xa nuporoj pa kˈakˈ ri majun bey nichuptej ta .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.12.1"> His winnowing fork is in his hand , and he will thoroughly cleanse his threshing floor .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.12.2"> He will gather his wheat into the barn , but the chaff he will burn up with unquenchable fire . "

(src)="b.MAT.3.13.1"> Y yacˈariˈ tek ri Jesús petenak cˈa pa Galilea y xapon riqˈui ri Juan chiriˈ chuchiˈ ri raken yaˈ Jordán .
(src)="b.MAT.3.13.2"> Riyaˈ can petenak cˈa riche ( rixin ) chi niban el bautizar ruma ri Juan ri Bautista .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.13.1"> Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John , to be baptized by him .

(src)="b.MAT.3.14.1"> Yacˈa ri Juan ma nrajoˈ ta nuben bautizar ri Jesús , y nubij cˈa chare : Xa yin ta riyin riˈ ri utz chi yiban bautizar awuma riyit y mani chi can yit cˈa riyit ri xatoka wuqˈui riyin , riche ( rixin ) chi yatinben el bautizar , xchaˈ ri Juan .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.14.1"> But John would have hindered him , saying , " I need to be baptized by you , and you come to me ? "

(src)="b.MAT.3.15.1"> Yacˈa ri Jesús xubij chare ri Juan ri Bautista : Riyoj rajawaxic cˈa chi nikaben ronojel ri nubij ri Dios chake .
(src)="b.MAT.3.15.2"> Rumariˈ re wacami rajawaxic cˈa chi riyit yinaben bautizar riyin .
(src)="b.MAT.3.15.3"> Y cˈacˈariˈ tek ri Juan ri Bautista xuben bautizar ri Jesús .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.15.1"> But Jesus , answering , said to him , " Allow it now , for this is the fitting way for us to fulfill all righteousness . "
(trg)="b.MAT.3.15.2"> Then he allowed him .

(src)="b.MAT.3.16.1"> Y tek ri Jesús banon chic cˈa bautizar , xbeˈel pe pa yaˈ .
(src)="b.MAT.3.16.2"> Y Riyaˈ xutzˈet cˈa chi ri caj xjakatej y xutzˈet chukaˈ chi ri Lokˈolaj Espíritu riche ( rixin ) ri Dios nika cˈa pe pa ruwiˈ achiˈel jun palomax .
(src)="b.MAT.3.16.3"> Can choj wi cˈa petenak pa ruwiˈ Riyaˈ .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.16.1"> Jesus , when he was baptized , went up directly from the water : and behold , the heavens were opened to him .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.16.2"> He saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove , and coming on him .

(src)="b.MAT.3.17.1"> Y can cˈo cˈa jun chˈabel xpe chilaˈ chicaj y xubij : Yareˈ ri Nucˈajol y can sibilaj nwajoˈ , y nucukuban nucˈuˈx riqˈui , xchaˈ ri chˈabel riˈ .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.17.1"> Behold , a voice out of the heavens said , " This is my beloved Son , with whom I am well pleased . "

(src)="b.MAT.4.1.1"> Y yacˈariˈ tek ri Jesús xucˈuex ruma ri Lokˈolaj Espíritu riche ( rixin ) chi xbe cˈa pa jun desierto , riche ( rixin ) chi nitojtobex cˈa ruma ri itzel winek .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.1.1"> Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil .

(src)="b.MAT.4.2.1"> Tek ri Jesús can cawinek kˈij y cawinek akˈaˈ chic ri ma waynek ta , yacˈariˈ tek xpe runumic .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.2.1"> When he had fasted forty days and forty nights , he was hungry afterward .

(src)="b.MAT.4.3.1"> Y can yacˈariˈ tek xpe ri itzel winek nutojtobej ri Jesús , y xubij cˈa chare : Wi kas kitzij chi yit cˈa riyit ri Rucˈajol ri Dios , tabanaˈ cˈa chique re abej reˈ chi queˈoc caxlan wey , xchaˈ .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.3.1"> The tempter came and said to him , " If you are the Son of God , command that these stones become bread . "

(src)="b.MAT.4.4.1"> Yacˈa ri Jesús xubij cˈa chare ri itzel winek : Tzˈibatal ca chupan ri ruchˈabel ri Dios , chi ma xu ( xe ) ta wi riqˈui caxlan wey nicˈaseˈ wi ri winek , xa can nicˈaseˈ chukaˈ riqˈui ronojel ri ruchˈabel ri Dios .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.4.1"> But he answered , " It is written , ' Man shall not live by bread alone , but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God . ' "

(src)="b.MAT.4.5.1"> Y yacˈariˈ tek ri itzel winek xucˈuaj ri Jesús cˈa chupan ri lokˈolaj tinamit Jerusalem , y cˈa pa ruwiˈ ri rachoch ri Dios xberuyaˈ wi .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.5.1"> Then the devil took him into the holy city .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.5.2"> He set him on the pinnacle of the temple ,

(src)="b.MAT.4.6.1"> Cˈacˈariˈ tek ri itzel winek xubij chare ri Jesús : Wi kas kitzij chi yit Rucˈajol ri Dios , tacˈakaˈ ka awiˈ pa xulan .
(src)="b.MAT.4.6.2"> Ruma chupan ri ruchˈabel ri Dios tzˈibatal ca , nubij : Ri Dios can xquerutek pe ri ruˈángeles awuqˈui riche ( rixin ) chi yatquichajij .
(src)="b.MAT.4.6.3"> Xcatquiliˈej pa quikˈaˈ , riche ( rixin ) chi queriˈ ma xtachakˈij ( xtatochˈ ) ta awaken chuwech abej ,
(trg)="b.MAT.4.6.1"> and said to him , " If you are the Son of God , throw yourself down , for it is written , ' He will put his angels in charge of you . ' and , ' On their hands they will bear you up , so that you do n't dash your foot against a stone . ' "

(src)="b.MAT.4.7.1"> xchaˈ chare .
(src)="b.MAT.4.7.2"> Yacˈa ri Jesús xubij chare ri itzel winek : Riyin ma nben ta ri narayij riyit .
(src)="b.MAT.4.7.3"> Ruma tzˈibatal ca chukaˈ chupan ri ruchˈabel ri Dios chi ma tatojtobej ta ri Awajaf Dios , xchaˈ ri Jesús .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.7.1"> Jesus said to him , " Again , it is written , ' You shall not test the Lord , your God . ' "

(src)="b.MAT.4.8.1"> Y ri itzel winek xucˈuaj chic cˈa ri Jesús cˈa pa ruwiˈ jun juyuˈ ri nej jotol chicaj , y xucˈut cˈa chuwech ronojel ri cajawaren y ri quicˈojlen ri nimaˈk tak tinamit ri yecˈo chuwech re ruwachˈulef .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.8.1"> Again , the devil took him to an exceedingly high mountain , and showed him all the kingdoms of the world , and their glory .

(src)="b.MAT.4.9.1"> Y yacˈariˈ tek ri itzel winek xubij cˈa chare ri Jesús : Can ronojel cˈa re xincˈut chawech xtinyaˈ chawe , wi yaxuqueˈ yamajeˈ chinuwech riche ( rixin ) chi nayaˈ nukˈij , xchaˈ chare ri Jesús .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.9.1"> He said to him , " I will give you all of these things , if you will fall down and worship me . "

(src)="b.MAT.4.10.1"> Yacˈariˈ tek ri Jesús xubij chare : Cabiyin quelaˈ riyit Satanás .
(src)="b.MAT.4.10.2"> Ruma chupan ri ruchˈabel ri Dios ri tzˈibatal ca , nubij : Xaxu ( xaxe wi ) cˈa ri Ajaf Dios tayaˈ rukˈij , y xaxu ( xaxe wi ) chukaˈ Riyaˈ ri rucˈamon chi nanimaj ri nubij , xchaˈ ri Jesús chare .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.10.1"> Then Jesus said to him , " Get behind me , Satan !
(trg)="b.MAT.4.10.2"> For it is written , ' You shall worship the Lord your God , and you shall serve him only . ' "

(src)="b.MAT.4.11.1"> Y yacˈariˈ tek ri itzel winek xuyaˈ ca ri Jesús .
(src)="b.MAT.4.11.2"> Y xeˈoka ri ángeles riqˈui ri Jesús , y xquichop niquinimaj niquilij .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.11.1"> Then the devil left him , and behold , angels came and served him .

(src)="b.MAT.4.12.1"> Y tek ri Jesús xracˈaxaj chi ri Juan ri Bautista xchapatej y xyaˈox ( xyaˈ ) pa cárcel , yacˈariˈ tek ri Jesús xtzolin chic pa ruwachˈulef Galilea .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.12.1"> Now when Jesus heard that John was delivered up , he withdrew into Galilee .

(src)="b.MAT.4.13.1"> Pero xa ma xcˈojeˈ ta ka pa tinamit Nazaret , xa xuyaˈ ca ri tinamit riˈ , riche ( rixin ) chi xbecˈojeˈ pa jun tinamit ri Capernaum rubiˈ ; jun tinamit ri cˈo chuchiˈ jun choy .
(src)="b.MAT.4.13.2"> Ri Capernaum riˈ pa culef ri ye quiy quimam ca ri Zabulón y ri Neftalí cˈo wi .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.13.1"> Leaving Nazareth , he came and lived in Capernaum , which is by the sea , in the region of Zebulun and Naphtali ,

(src)="b.MAT.4.14.1"> Ri Jesús xapon cˈa chupan ri jun tinamit riˈ , riche ( rixin ) chi queriˈ nibanatej ri tzˈibatal ca ruma ri profeta Isaías , ri achi ri xkˈalajsan ri ruchˈabel ri Dios ojer ca .
(src)="b.MAT.4.14.2"> Y riyaˈ rubin cˈa ca :
(trg)="b.MAT.4.14.1"> that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet , saying ,

(src)="b.MAT.4.15.1"> Ri winek ri yecˈo pa culef ca ri ye riy rumam ri Zabulón y ri yecˈo ri pa culef ca ri ye riy rumam ri Neftalí ; ri acuchi ( achique ) nikˈax wi ri bey ri nibe chuchiˈ mar , ri jucˈan chic ruchiˈ ri raken yaˈ Jordán .
(src)="b.MAT.4.15.2"> Ri chilaˈ pa Galilea , acuchi ( achique ) xa jubaˈ ma quiyon chic winek ri ma ye israelitas ta yecˈo .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.15.1"> " The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali , toward the sea , beyond the Jordan , Galilee of the Gentiles ,

(src)="b.MAT.4.16.1"> Can ye tinamit cˈa ri achiˈel pa kˈekuˈm yecˈo wi , y xapon cˈa ri Nimalaj Sakil quiqˈui .
(src)="b.MAT.4.16.2"> Y chukaˈ can ye tinamit cˈa ri pa rumujal ri camic yecˈo wi , y xapon cˈa quiqˈui ri nisakirisan quiche ( quixin ) .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.16.1"> the people who sat in darkness saw a great light , to those who sat in the region and shadow of death , to them light has dawned . "

(src)="b.MAT.4.17.1"> Queriˈ ri tzˈibatal ca .
(src)="b.MAT.4.17.2"> Y tek ri Jesús xapon ri pa tinamit Capernaum , can yacˈariˈ tek xuchop rutzijoxic ri ruchˈabel ri Dios y nubij cˈa chique ri winek : Can titzolin cˈa pe icˈuˈx riqˈui ri Dios , ruma xa can nakaj chic cˈo wi pe ri rajawaren ri caj , xchaˈ ri Jesús chique .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.17.1"> From that time , Jesus began to preach , and to say , " Repent !
(trg)="b.MAT.4.17.2"> For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand . "

(src)="b.MAT.4.18.1"> Y tek ri Jesús benak cˈa chuchiˈ ri choy Galilea , xerutzˈet cˈa ye caˈiˈ achiˈaˈ cachˈalal quiˈ .
(src)="b.MAT.4.18.2"> Ri caˈiˈ achiˈaˈ riˈ , ya ri Simón ri nibix chukaˈ Pedro chare , rachibilan ri Andrés ri rachˈalal .
(src)="b.MAT.4.18.3"> Riyeˈ can ye aj chapoy car wi , rumariˈ tek yetajin niquiqˈuek ka ri quiyaˈl chapabel car chupan ri choy .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.18.1"> Walking by the sea of Galilee , he saw two brothers : Simon , who is called Peter , and Andrew , his brother , casting a net into the sea ; for they were fishermen .

(src)="b.MAT.4.19.1"> Y tek ri Jesús xchˈo quiqˈui ri caˈiˈ aj chapoy tak car riˈ , xubij chique : Quinitzekelbej y xtincˈut chiwech achique rubanic yeˈichˈec pe winek riche ( rixin ) chi yinquitzekelbej .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.19.1"> He said to them , " Come after me , and I will make you fishers for men . "

(src)="b.MAT.4.20.1"> Ri caˈiˈ achiˈaˈ riˈ , can yacˈariˈ xquiyaˈ ca ri chapoj car y xquitzekelbej el .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.20.1"> They immediately left their nets and followed him .

(src)="b.MAT.4.21.1"> Cˈa jubaˈ cˈa quebiyin apo , tek ri Jesús xerutzˈet cˈa ye caˈiˈ chic achiˈaˈ ri cachˈalal quiˈ .
(src)="b.MAT.4.21.2"> Y ri caˈiˈ achiˈaˈ riˈ , ya ri Jacobo y ri Juan ri ye rucˈajol ri jun achi Zebedeo rubiˈ .
(src)="b.MAT.4.21.3"> Riyeˈ can ya cˈa ri pa jucuˈ yesamej wi riqˈui ri Zebedeo ri quitataˈ , yequicˈojoj cˈa ri quiyaˈl chapabel car .
(src)="b.MAT.4.21.4"> Y xpe cˈa ri Jesús xerusiqˈuij ( xeroyoj ) riche ( rixin ) chi niquitzekelbej .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.21.1"> Going on from there , he saw two other brothers , James the son of Zebedee , and John his brother , in the boat with Zebedee their father , mending their nets .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.21.2"> He called them .

(src)="b.MAT.4.22.1"> Y ri Jacobo y ri Juan , ri ye caˈiˈ achiˈaˈ riˈ , can yacˈariˈ tek xquiyaˈ ca ri quijucuˈ y ri quitataˈ y xquitzekelbej el ri Jesús .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.22.1"> They immediately left the boat and their father , and followed him .

(src)="b.MAT.4.23.1"> Ri Jesús can ronojel tinamit ri yecˈo pa rucuenta ri Galilea xapon wi , nucˈut cˈa ri ruchˈabel ri Dios chiquiwech ri winek pa tak jay ri kas nicˈut wi ri ruchˈabel ri Dios , nutzijoj cˈa ri lokˈolaj chˈabel ri nichˈo chrij ri rajawaren ri Dios .
(src)="b.MAT.4.23.2"> Yerucˈachojsaj cˈa winek ri jalajoj chi yabilal y kˈaxon ntoc chique .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.23.1"> Jesus went about in all Galilee , teaching in their synagogues , preaching the Good News of the Kingdom , and healing every disease and every sickness among the people .

(src)="b.MAT.4.24.1"> Ri rutzijol ri Jesús xapon cˈa pa ronojel tinamit ri yecˈo pa rucuenta ri Siria .
(src)="b.MAT.4.24.2"> Y ri ye yawaˈiˈ xecˈamer cˈa pe chuwech ri Jesús riche ( rixin ) chi yerucˈachojsaj el , yawaˈiˈ ri ma junan ta ruwech yabil ntoc chique .
(src)="b.MAT.4.24.3"> Yecˈo ri can kˈaxon cˈa riche ( rixin ) ri chˈaculaj ri ntoc chique .
(src)="b.MAT.4.24.4"> Yecˈo ri xa itzel tak espíritu ri ye oconek quiqˈui .
(src)="b.MAT.4.24.5"> Yecˈo cˈa ri ye chˈuˈj y yecˈo cˈa chukaˈ ri ye siquirnek .
(src)="b.MAT.4.24.6"> Y can quinojel cˈa ri yawaˈiˈ riˈ xerucˈachojsaj el .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.24.1"> The report about him went out into all Syria .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.24.2"> They brought to him all who were sick , afflicted with various diseases and torments , possessed with demons , epileptics , and paralytics ; and he healed them .

(src)="b.MAT.4.25.1"> Y ri Jesús can xtzekelbex cˈa cuma sibilaj ye qˈuiy winek ri ye petenak pa tak tinamit ri yecˈo pa rucuenta ri Galilea , cuma chukaˈ ri ye petenak pa tak tinamit ri yecˈo pa rucuenta ri Decápolis , ri yepe pa Jerusalem y ri ye petenak pa nicˈaj chic tinamit ri yecˈo pa rucuenta ri Judea .
(src)="b.MAT.4.25.2"> Y can queriˈ chukaˈ , xtzekelbex cuma sibilaj ye qˈuiy winek ri ye petenak cˈa jucˈan chic ruchiˈ ri raken yaˈ Jordán .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.25.1"> Great multitudes from Galilee , Decapolis , Jerusalem , Judea and from beyond the Jordan followed him .

(src)="b.MAT.5.1.1"> Y tek ri Jesús xerutzˈet chi ye sibilaj ye qˈuiy winek ri quimolon quiˈ , Riyaˈ xjoteˈ cˈa pa ruwiˈ jun juyuˈ , y xtzˈuyeˈ cˈa ka .
(src)="b.MAT.5.1.2"> Y cˈacˈariˈ xquimol apo quiˈ ri ye rudiscípulos riqˈui .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.1.1"> Seeing the multitudes , he went up onto the mountain .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.1.2"> When he had sat down , his disciples came to him .

(src)="b.MAT.5.2.1"> Y yacˈariˈ tek ri Jesús xuchop nitzijon riche ( rixin ) chi yerutijoj , y xubij cˈa :
(trg)="b.MAT.5.2.1"> He opened his mouth and taught them , saying ,

(src)="b.MAT.5.3.1"> Jabel ruwaquikˈij ri winek ri can niquinaˈ pa cánima chi nicˈatzin ri Dios chique , ruma quiche ( quixin ) riyeˈ ri rajawaren ri caj .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.3.1"> " Blessed are the poor in spirit , for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven .

(src)="b.MAT.5.4.1"> Jabel ruwaquikˈij ri yeˈokˈ chuwech ri Dios , ruma riyeˈ xquebochiˈix ruma ri Dios .
(src)="b.MAT.5.4.2"> Y xquequicot .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.4.1"> Blessed are those who mourn , for they shall be comforted .

(src)="b.MAT.5.5.1"> Jabel ruwaquikˈij ri chˈuchˈuj cánima , ruma riyeˈ xtoc quiche ( quixin ) ri ruwachˈulef ri rutzujun ( rusujun ) ca ri Dios chique .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.5.1"> Blessed are the gentle , for they shall inherit the earth .

(src)="b.MAT.5.6.1"> Jabel ruwaquikˈij ri can ninum y nicˈat cánima chrij ri chojmilaj cˈaslen riqˈui ri Dios , ruma ri Dios xtuben cˈa chique chi xtichˈuchˈuˈ ka ri cánima .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.6.1"> Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness , for they shall be filled .

(src)="b.MAT.5.7.1"> Jabel ruwaquikˈij ri can niquijoyowaj quiwech ri winek , ruma riyeˈ can xtijoyowex chukaˈ quiwech .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.7.1"> Blessed are the merciful , for they shall obtain mercy .

(src)="b.MAT.5.8.1"> Jabel ruwaquikˈij ri chˈajchˈoj cánima , ruma riyeˈ can xtiquitzˈet cˈa ruwech ri Dios .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.8.1"> Blessed are the pure in heart , for they shall see God .

(src)="b.MAT.5.9.1"> Jabel ruwaquikˈij ri cˈo cánima riche ( rixin ) chi yequibochiˈij ri yebano oyowal , ruma riyeˈ xtibix chique chi ye ralcˈual ri Dios .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.9.1"> Blessed are the peacemakers , for they shall be called children of God .

(src)="b.MAT.5.10.1"> Jabel ruwaquikˈij ri niquikˈaxaj tijoj pokonal pa quikˈaˈ nicˈaj chic , ruma can choj wi ri quicˈaslen chuwech ri Dios .
(src)="b.MAT.5.10.2"> Can jabel wi ruwaquikˈij , ruma chi quiche ( quixin ) riyeˈ ri rajawaren ri caj .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.10.1"> Blessed are those who have been persecuted for righteousness ' sake , for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven .