# agr/Aguaruna-NT.xml.gz
# en/English-WEB.xml.gz

(src)="b.MAT.1.1.1"> Ju ainawai Jisukristu muunji aajakajua nuna daaji agatkamua duka .
(src)="b.MAT.1.1.2"> Nigka David , Abraham aina nu wegantu aajakuí .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.1.1"> The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ , the son of David , the son of Abraham .

(src)="b.MAT.1.2.1"> Abragka uchijiyai Isaac , Isaaka uchijiyai Jacob , Jacopa uchijiyai Judá nuigtú yachi aidaushkam .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.2.1"> Abraham became the father of Isaac .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.2.2"> Isaac became the father of Jacob .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.2.3"> Jacob became the father of Judah and his brothers .

(src)="b.MAT.1.3.1"> Judá Tamarai akiauwai Faresan , Zarajai .
(src)="b.MAT.1.3.2"> Faresa uchijiyai Esrom , Esroma uchijiyai Aram .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.3.1"> Judah became the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.3.2"> Perez became the father of Hezron .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.3.3"> Hezron became the father of Ram .

(src)="b.MAT.1.4.1"> Arama uchijiyai Aminadab , Aminadapa uchijiyai Naasón , Naasogka uchijiyai Salmón .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.4.1"> Ram became the father of Amminadab .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.4.2"> Amminadab became the father of Nahshon .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.4.3"> Nahshon became the father of Salmon .

(src)="b.MAT.1.5.1"> Salmón Rahapa juki akiauwai Boozan , Booz Rutan juki akiauwai Obetan , Obeta uchijiyai Isaí .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.5.1"> Salmon became the father of Boaz by Rahab .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.5.2"> Boaz became the father of Obed by Ruth .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.5.3"> Obed became the father of Jesse .

(src)="b.MAT.1.6.1"> Isaí uchijiyai apu David , tuja David Uriasa nuwe aajakua nuna jukí Salomogkan akiauwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.6.1"> Jesse became the father of King David .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.6.2"> David became the father of Solomon by her who had been the wife of Uriah .

(src)="b.MAT.1.7.1"> Salomogka uchijiyai Roboam , Roboama uchijiyai Abías , Abiasan uchijiyai Asa .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.7.1"> Solomon became the father of Rehoboam .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.7.2"> Rehoboam became the father of Abijah .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.7.3"> Abijah became the father of Asa .

(src)="b.MAT.1.8.1"> Asa uchijiyai Josafat , Josafata uchijiyai Joram , Jorama uchijiyai Uzías .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.8.1"> Asa became the father of Jehoshaphat .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.8.2"> Jehoshaphat became the father of Joram .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.8.3"> Joram became the father of Uzziah .

(src)="b.MAT.1.9.1"> Uziasa uchijiyai Jotam , Jotama uchijiyai Acaz , Acaza uchijiyai Ezequías .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.9.1"> Uzziah became the father of Jotham .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.9.2"> Jotham became the father of Ahaz .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.9.3"> Ahaz became the father of Hezekiah .

(src)="b.MAT.1.10.1"> Ezequiasa uchijiyai Manasés , Manasesa uchijiyai Amón , Amogka uchijiyai Josías .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.10.1"> Hezekiah became the father of Manasseh .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.10.2"> Manasseh became the father of Amon .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.10.3"> Amon became the father of Josiah .

(src)="b.MAT.1.11.1"> Josiasa uchijiyai Jeconías nuigtú yachi aidaushkam , ditak akiinawajui Babilonianmaya aidau Israel aentsun achig yajuaku aina nunú tsawan jegatsaig .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.11.1"> Josiah became the father of Jechoniah and his brothers , at the time of the exile to Babylon .

(src)="b.MAT.1.12.1"> Tuja Babilonia yajuakam batsamsag Jeconías akiauwai Salatielan , Salatiela uchijiyai Zorobabel .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.12.1"> After the exile to Babylon , Jechoniah became the father of Shealtiel .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.12.2"> Shealtiel became the father of Zerubbabel .

(src)="b.MAT.1.13.1"> Zorobabela uchijiyai Abiud , Abiuta uchijiyai Eliaquim , Eliaquima uchijiyai Azor .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.13.1"> Zerubbabel became the father of Abiud .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.13.2"> Abiud became the father of Eliakim .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.13.3"> Eliakim became the father of Azor .

(src)="b.MAT.1.14.1"> Azora uchijiyai Sadoc , Sadoca uchijiyai Aquim , Aquima uchijiyai Eliud .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.14.1"> Azor became the father of Sadoc .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.14.2"> Sadoc became the father of Achim .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.14.3"> Achim became the father of Eliud .

(src)="b.MAT.1.15.1"> Eliuta uchijiyai Eleazar , Eleazara uchijiyai Matán , Matagka uchijiyai Jacob .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.15.1"> Eliud became the father of Eleazar .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.15.2"> Eleazar became the father of Matthan .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.15.3"> Matthan became the father of Jacob .

(src)="b.MAT.1.16.1"> Jacopa uchijiyai José , María aishi aajakua nunú ; tuja Maríayai akiinauwai Jisus , Apajuí awemamu taku Kristu tujakbauwa nu .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.16.1"> Jacob became the father of Joseph , the husband of Mary , from whom was born Jesus , who is called Christ .

(src)="b.MAT.1.17.1"> Imaan aajakajua nunú Abragkai nagkamsa dekapa Davitai ejemak awai catorce aents , tuja Davitai nagkamsa dekapaja Babilonianmaya aidau Israel aentsun achijá yajuakajua nui ejemash catorce aents awai , aantsag Kristu akiinauwa imanui ejemashkam catorce aents awai .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.17.1"> So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations ; from David to the exile to Babylon fourteen generations ; and from the carrying away to Babylon to the Christ , fourteen generations .

(src)="b.MAT.1.18.1"> Jisukristu akiinatnai tibauk aatus aajakuí .
(src)="b.MAT.1.18.2"> José anagbauwai Marían Jisukristu dukují atinun , tujash Maríak eke nematsuk pujayatak Wakaní Pegkejin ejapjukui .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.18.1"> Now the birth of Jesus Christ was like this ; for after his mother , Mary , was engaged to Joseph , before they came together , she was found pregnant by the Holy Spirit .

(src)="b.MAT.1.19.1"> Nuniktatman José dekaa , nigka aishmag pegkeg asa : Wakenmataik tikichish dekainatsaig idaisatjai , tiuwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.19.1"> Joseph , her husband , being a righteous man , and not willing to make her a public example , intended to put her away secretly .

(src)="b.MAT.1.20.1"> Aatus José anentaimas kanittaman , Apajuí aentsji nayaimpinmaya kajanum wantintuk : “ José David wegantu uchijiyah , utujimtsuk Maríak jukita , ame anagmamua duka .
(src)="b.MAT.1.20.2"> Ni ejapjuka nunak Wakaní Pegkeji egkemtukam ejapjuke ” , tiuwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.20.1"> But when he thought about these things , behold , an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream , saying , " Joseph , son of David , do n't be afraid to take to yourself Mary , your wife , for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit .

(src)="b.MAT.1.21.1"> “ Nunú uchi akiinkui adaikata Jisus , ni aentsú tudaujin tsagkujug uwemtikatin asamtai . ”
(trg)="b.MAT.1.21.1"> She shall bring forth a son .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.21.2"> You shall call his name Jesus , for it is he who shall save his people from their sins . "

(src)="b.MAT.1.22.1"> Ju aatus ejapjukua duka , duwik Apajuí etsegtin tibauwa nu uminbaunum nunikui , duka tawai :
(trg)="b.MAT.1.22.1"> Now all this has happened , that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet , saying ,

(src)="b.MAT.1.23.1"> “ Ejapjuktinai makichik muntsujut aentsú takashtai , nunik uchigmaktinai uchi aishmagkun , nunú adaikatnaitjume Emanuel ” , ( nunak : “ Apajuik jutiijai awai ” taku tawai ) .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.23.1"> " Behold , the virgin shall be with child , and shall bring forth a son .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.23.2"> They shall call his name Immanuel " ; which is , being interpreted , " God with us . "

(src)="b.MAT.1.24.1"> Nu aatsa tima José shintaag , nayaimpinmaya aents tibaunak imatiksag umiak Maríanak niina jeen jukiuwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.24.1"> Joseph arose from his sleep , and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him , and took his wife to himself ;

(src)="b.MAT.1.25.1"> Tujash dutika jukish Josek Maríajaig tsanigchauwai , eke uchi iwaiya nu akiintsaigkik , nuní pujai uchi akiinamtai adaikauwai Jisus .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.25.1"> and did n't know her sexually until she had brought forth her firstborn son .
(trg)="b.MAT.1.25.2"> He named him Jesus .

(src)="b.MAT.2.1.1"> Herodes Judea nugka apuji wajas pujai , nunú nugkanmag yaakat Belegnum Jisus akiinauwai .
(src)="b.MAT.2.1.2"> Nunik akiinamtai yaakat Jerusalegnum tikich nugkanmaya etsá minitaijin batsamin aidau kaunkajui .
(src)="b.MAT.2.1.3"> Nunú aents aidauk yacha yaya aidaun dekapawag diisag dekau aajakajui .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.1.1"> Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod , behold , wise men from the east came to Jerusalem , saying ,

(src)="b.MAT.2.2.1"> Iman aidau Jerusalén jegawag iniimaidau : — ¿ Tuwí pujawa judío aidaun apuji atin uchi yamá akiina dusha ?
(src)="b.MAT.2.2.2"> Ii nugken etsá jintain pujusá yaya wainkamji , Apu akiintai wantinkatnai timawa nunú .
(src)="b.MAT.2.2.3"> Nunika wainkaja minaji ni ememattasa , — tuidau .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.2.1"> " Where is he who is born King of the Jews ?
(trg)="b.MAT.2.2.2"> For we saw his star in the east , and have come to worship him . "

(src)="b.MAT.2.3.1"> Nu tibaun aents aidau etsejiagtai , apu Herodes antuk puyatkau , tuja aantsag ashí aents Jerusalegnumia aidaushkam nuna antukag puyatkaju , nunikag : — ¡ Wajukutskaih ! — tusag kuashat pachis chichaidau .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.3.1"> When King Herod heard it , he was troubled , and all Jerusalem with him .

(src)="b.MAT.2.4.1"> Nuna aatus apu Herodesak antuk , kuashat anentaimu .
(src)="b.MAT.2.4.2"> Nuniak sacerdote apuji aidaun , chicham umiktin agagbaun pachis etsejin aidaujai untsukú , nunik : — ¿ Tuwí Apu Kristush akiinatnaita ? — tiuwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.4.1"> Gathering together all the chief priests and scribes of the people , he asked them where the Christ would be born .

(src)="b.MAT.2.5.1"> Tutai dita aiinak : — Duka yaakat Belén , Judea nugkanum awa nui akiinatnai , juna aatus Apajuí etsegtujakú aidau agaju ainawai :
(trg)="b.MAT.2.5.1"> They said to him , " In Bethlehem of Judea , for this is written through the prophet ,

(src)="b.MAT.2.6.1"> ‘ Belén , Judea nugkanum awa juuwai yaakat imá piipichik , tujash nui akiinatnai makichik Apu , tikich apu aidaun nagkaesau Israel aentsu Apuji atina nu ’ tawai , — tuidau .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.6.1"> ' You Bethlehem , land of Judah , are in no way least among the princes of Judah : for out of you shall come forth a governor , who shall shepherd my people , Israel . ' "

(src)="b.MAT.2.7.1"> Nuna dekaa apu Herodes untsukú nunú yacha kaunkajua nuna , tikich aidauk dekainatsaig : — ¿ Yaya wainkagmesh wajupá dukapea yujagme ? — tusa chichastatus .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.7.1"> Then Herod secretly called the wise men , and learned from them exactly what time the star appeared .

(src)="b.MAT.2.8.1"> Dutika shiig aujus dekajua Belén ishimak : — Wetajum , nunikjum shiig dekaatajum tuwig pujawa uchi Apu atinush , nunika wainkajum waketkujum minash ujatkatajum , wisha wenu uchin ememattajai , — tiuwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.8.1"> He sent them to Bethlehem , and said , " Go and search diligently for the young child .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.8.2"> When you have found him , bring me word , so that I also may come and worship him . "

(src)="b.MAT.2.9.1"> Tusá aaja apu akatjam wegaju , nunikmag wainkaju yayan , ditá nugkeen batsamsá wainkamun .
(src)="b.MAT.2.9.2"> Nunik yaya eketbaun nemajuk we wenakua , jegá uchi pujamunum nuna mamikis yaya eketunum jegawajui .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.9.1"> They , having heard the king , went their way ; and behold , the star , which they saw in the east , went before them , until it came and stood over where the young child was .

(src)="b.MAT.2.10.1"> Nu jegan mamikis yaya eketun wainkag shiig aneasaju .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.10.1"> When they saw the star , they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy .

(src)="b.MAT.2.11.1"> Nunikag jegawag jegá waikmá uchin dukujijai pujuttaman wainkaju .
(src)="b.MAT.2.11.2"> Dutika uchin tikishmatug emematuidau .
(src)="b.MAT.2.11.3"> Nuninak ditá kajunjin ujakag uchin anentag wají wakejumain aidaun susaju : Oron , ekematai incienso pegkeja kugkuinun , kugkuin mirranashkam .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.11.1"> They came into the house and saw the young child with Mary , his mother , and they fell down and worshiped him .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.11.2"> Opening their treasures , they offered to him gifts : gold , frankincense , and myrrh .

(src)="b.MAT.2.12.1"> Juna dutikawag kintamag kajiittaman Apajuí aentsji nayaimpinmaya : “ Herodes pujamunum wakettsuk yajá tikich jintanum wakitkitajum ” , tusa ujakú .
(src)="b.MAT.2.12.2"> Tima nunisag yajá tikich jintanum waketjau .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.12.1"> Being warned in a dream that they should n't return to Herod , they went back to their own country another way .

(src)="b.MAT.2.13.1"> Nunú aents yayan wainak kaunkaju waketjamtai , Josenashkam nayaimpinmaya aents kajanum wantintuk : “ José nantaktá , nunikam nuwem uchijai jukim Egipto nugkanum waamak wetá .
(src)="b.MAT.2.13.2"> Apu Herodes suntajin ishiaktatui uchin kajegtí tusa .
(src)="b.MAT.2.13.3"> Awi pujamin tsawan uminkamtai , wakitkita tusan ujaktajame ” , tiu .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.13.1"> Now when they had departed , behold , an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream , saying , " Arise and take the young child and his mother , and flee into Egypt , and stay there until I tell you , for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him . "

(src)="b.MAT.2.14.1"> Tima Joseshkam nantakí nunú kashik uchin dukujijai juki Egipto weuwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.14.1"> He arose and took the young child and his mother by night , and departed into Egypt ,

(src)="b.MAT.2.15.1"> Nunik nuanuí pujusuí , Herodes jakamtai wakitkitatus .
(src)="b.MAT.2.15.2"> Tuja nuna dita Egipto wegajua duka , Apajuí etsegtin aajakajua nunú agagbaunum : “ Mina uchig Egipto nugkanum pujaun untsuktatjai ” , tawa nunú imanisag uminkauwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.15.1"> and was there until the death of Herod ; that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet , saying , " Out of Egypt I called my son . "

(src)="b.MAT.2.16.1"> Nunú aents atushtanmaya yayan wainak kaunkau aidau , yajá waketjamun Herodes dekaa : Tsanujajeapi , tusa senchi kajekú .
(src)="b.MAT.2.16.2"> Nunik ni suntaji aidaun : Ashí uchi Belegnumia , nuigtú Belén tikiju batsataidaushkam , jimag mijan ajamu nagkamsajum yamá akiinau aidaujai kajegtajum , tusa ishiaku .
(src)="b.MAT.2.16.3"> Nunak Herodesak yayan wainak kaunkau aidaun inias , wajupa tsawantak aayi uchi akiinash nuna shiig dekau asa tiuwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.16.1"> Then Herod , when he saw that he was mocked by the wise men , was exceedingly angry , and sent out , and killed all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all the surrounding countryside , from two years old and under , according to the exact time which he had learned from the wise men .

(src)="b.MAT.2.17.1"> Juna Herodes dutika uchin kajegkua duka , Apajuí etsegtin Jeremías agagbaunum :
(trg)="b.MAT.2.17.1"> Then that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled , saying ,

(src)="b.MAT.2.18.1"> “ Antukmajai Ramanum senchi buutuidaun , nunak Raquel niina uchijí aidaunum buutak anentaish ichichtumain wajashmae , uchijí aidauk jinawaju asamtai ” , tawa nunú imanisag uminkauwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.18.1"> " A voice was heard in Ramah , lamentation , weeping and great mourning , Rachel weeping for her children ; she would n't be comforted , because they are no more . "

(src)="b.MAT.2.19.1"> Nunik dukap tsawan asa Herodes jakamtai , Apajuí aentsji nayaimpinmaya José Egipto pujuttaman kajanum wantintuk :
(trg)="b.MAT.2.19.1"> But when Herod was dead , behold , an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt , saying ,

(src)="b.MAT.2.20.1"> “ José nantaktá , nunikam uchi dukujijai jukim Israel nugkanum wakitkita .
(src)="b.MAT.2.20.2"> Yamaik uchin maatatus wakejibia duka jakae ” , tiu .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.20.1"> " Arise and take the young child and his mother , and go into the land of Israel , for those who sought the young child 's life are dead . "

(src)="b.MAT.2.21.1"> Nunú tima Joseshkam nuween uchijai juki Israel nugkanum wakitkiuwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.21.1"> He arose and took the young child and his mother , and came into the land of Israel .

(src)="b.MAT.2.22.1"> Nunik niina nugkeen jegakmá José dekau , Herodesa uchijí Arquelao , apají jakamtai ni apu wajas inamak pujau tabaun , nunik ajankauwai Judeanum wetan .
(src)="b.MAT.2.22.2"> Nunittaman kajanum ujakuí : “ Judeanum wetsuk Galilea nugkanum wetá ” , tusa .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.22.1"> But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judea in the place of his father , Herod , he was afraid to go there .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.22.2"> Being warned in a dream , he withdrew into the region of Galilee ,

(src)="b.MAT.2.23.1"> Tima yajá tikich jintanum we , ni nugkeen yaakat Nazaret pujustatus jegau .
(src)="b.MAT.2.23.2"> Nunú aatus nagkaemakiuwa duka , Apajuí etsegtin Isaías chichaak : “ Kristuk Nazaretnumia ” tutai atinai , tiuwa nunú imanisag uminkauwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.2.23.1"> and came and lived in a city called Nazareth ; that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophets : " He will be called a Nazarene . "

(src)="b.MAT.3.1.1"> Jisus eke Nazaret pujai , Juan Yamijatin chichagkagtú wekagu Judea nugka uwejush wegakunum .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.1.1"> In those days , John the Baptizer came , preaching in the wilderness of Judea , saying ,

(src)="b.MAT.3.2.1"> Nunik chichagkagtak : “ Tudau takatak idaikujum Apajuí nemagkatajum , ni aentsnum inamjatnuk tsawantak ashí jegae ” , tau .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.2.1"> " Repent , for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand ! "

(src)="b.MAT.3.3.1"> Juan chichagkagtamuk yaunchuk Apajuí etsegtin Isaías agak : “ Makichik aents eemak taa uwegshunum wekagas senchi jiiká chichagkagtak : ‘ Apu wekaesatnun jintan shiig iwajug esegak tutupit dakuegajama numamtuk , atumi anentaimish shiig iwajajum umiktajum Apu minitin asamtai ’ , titinai ” tiuwa nunú imanisag uminkauwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.3.1"> For this is he who was spoken of by Isaiah the prophet , saying , " The voice of one crying in the wilderness , make ready the way of the Lord .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.3.2"> Make his paths straight . "

(src)="b.MAT.3.4.1"> Juagkak camello uje najanamun nugkujakuí , akachumtaijish duwap aajakuí , manchin dapá yumijijai yuujakuí .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.4.1"> Now John himself wore clothing made of camel 's hair , with a leather belt around his waist .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.4.2"> His food was locusts and wild honey .

(src)="b.MAT.3.5.1"> Juan aatus uwegshunum chichagkagtak wekagai Jerusalegnumia aents aidau , ashí Judea nugkanum batsamin aidaushkam , namak Jordán uwet batsataidaushkam ni chichagkagtamun antukagtatus kautkajui .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.5.1"> Then people from Jerusalem , all of Judea , and all the region around the Jordan went out to him .

(src)="b.MAT.3.6.1"> Nunú chicham etsegbaun antukag ditashkam ashí tudau takataiji aidaun : “ Apawah tsagkugtugta ” , tusa etsegtumaidau .
(src)="b.MAT.3.6.2"> Nunikmatai nunú aents aidaun Juagshakam Jordagnum yamiau .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.6.1"> They were baptized by him in the Jordan , confessing their sins .

(src)="b.MAT.3.7.1"> Aatus yamijatak pujai saduceo aidau , fariseo aidaushkam kautkaju , Juan yamigmagti tusag .
(src)="b.MAT.3.7.2"> Nunú imanik kaunkagmatai wainak , Juan chichajak : “ ¡ Atumek iwanchi uchijí asajum aents tsanú yujagme !
(src)="b.MAT.3.7.3"> ¿ Wagka yamimagtasagmesh wakegagme ?
(src)="b.MAT.3.7.4"> ¿ Atumek ayatak yamimamuikis Apajuí suwimak sukagtumaina duka uwemtumainaitai tajumek ?
(trg)="b.MAT.3.7.1"> But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for his baptism , he said to them , " You offspring of vipers , who warned you to flee from the wrath to come ?

(src)="b.MAT.3.8.1"> Dekas tudau takatan idaisaush wajuku amainaita , nunú iwainmamkatajum pegkeg aina nu takaakjum .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.8.1"> Therefore bring forth fruit worthy of repentance !

(src)="b.MAT.3.9.1"> Atumek : Jutiik Abraham wegantu asaja yupichuch uweemain ainaji , tumamigpa .
(src)="b.MAT.3.9.2"> Dekas tajime : Apajuik jujú kaya aina junakeshkam Abragka uchijí emamainai .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.9.1"> Do n't think to yourselves , ' We have Abraham for our father , ' for I tell you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones .

(src)="b.MAT.3.10.1"> Ashí ajak nejechu aidauk , jachai ajaka tsupija apetiama numamtuk , aents tudaunak taká batsatun Apajuí suwimak susatnuk uminas awai .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.10.1"> " Even now the axe lies at the root of the trees .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.10.2"> Therefore every tree that does n't bring forth good fruit is cut down , and cast into the fire .

(src)="b.MAT.3.11.1"> Wika ayatak yumí yamijatjai tudaujin idayinak etsegtumainakui , tujash mina ukujui dekas minittawai mina nagkaetasu .
(src)="b.MAT.3.11.2"> Nunú yamigmagtatjume Wakaní Pegkejiya nujai , nuigtushkam nigki jiiyai suwimkan sukagtustinuk .
(src)="b.MAT.3.11.3"> Wika niina sapatjinakesh ukuitmaitsujai , nigka mina nagkaetasu senchigtin asamtai .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.11.1"> I indeed baptize you in water for repentance , but he who comes after me is mightier than I , whose shoes I am not worthy to carry .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.11.2"> He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit .

(src)="b.MAT.3.12.1"> Nigki ashí aents aina nuwiyan akanjattawai , aents trigon ajakbau aidau juuká ijumag , awagti wampujin utsaak nejeen trigo ijumtainum yajumama numamtuk , Apajuí umigkau aidaunak jii ajumaish kajinkashtina nui suwimkan suwak , niina umigkau aidaunak ni pujutaijin yajuaktinai ” , tiuwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.12.1"> His winnowing fork is in his hand , and he will thoroughly cleanse his threshing floor .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.12.2"> He will gather his wheat into the barn , but the chaff he will burn up with unquenchable fire . "

(src)="b.MAT.3.13.1"> Tikich tsawantai Jisus Galileanmaya jiinki namak Jordagnum weuwai , Juan yamiijati tusa .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.13.1"> Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John , to be baptized by him .

(src)="b.MAT.3.14.1"> Nunik jegaamtai Juan yamimainchau dekapeak : — Wiitag jamah amina yamiijata tumainnuk , ¿ nuniaig ame minai yamimagtasam minam ? — tiu
(trg)="b.MAT.3.14.1"> But John would have hindered him , saying , " I need to be baptized by you , and you come to me ? "

(src)="b.MAT.3.15.1"> Tama : — Ehé , amina yamiijati tusan minitjame , mina awetiu ashí pegkejan dutikati timawa nuna imatiksanuk umikta tau asan .
(src)="b.MAT.3.15.2"> Tutai Juagshakam yamijú .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.15.1"> But Jesus , answering , said to him , " Allow it now , for this is the fitting way for us to fulfill all righteousness . "
(trg)="b.MAT.3.15.2"> Then he allowed him .

(src)="b.MAT.3.16.1"> Dutika yamijam Jisus yuminmaya jiinki nayaim ujanmatai , Wakaní Pegkeji pauma nunin akaiki niiní jegattaman wainkauwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.16.1"> Jesus , when he was baptized , went up directly from the water : and behold , the heavens were opened to him .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.16.2"> He saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove , and coming on him .

(src)="b.MAT.3.17.1"> Nunú nuniaig antuekau nayaimpinmaya chicham : “ Juuwai dekas mina Uchig anetaijuk , niiní shiig aneajai ” , tabau .
(trg)="b.MAT.3.17.1"> Behold , a voice out of the heavens said , " This is my beloved Son , with whom I am well pleased . "

(src)="b.MAT.4.1.1"> Jisus Jordán yamimagmatai Wakaní Pegkeji egkemtujui , dutika juki uwegshunum emauwai , iwanch Jisusan dekapsata tau asamtai .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.1.1"> Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil .

(src)="b.MAT.4.2.1"> Nunú uwegshunum pujusuí cuarenta tsawai , cuarenta kashi .
(src)="b.MAT.4.2.2"> Imaan tsawantai yujumkan ijagmak pujau asa , Jisuschakam yapajuauwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.2.1"> When he had fasted forty days and forty nights , he was hungry afterward .

(src)="b.MAT.4.3.1"> Nunitai iwanch chichajak : — Ame dekas Apajuí Uchijiyaitkumek , ju kaya aina jujú pag emakam yuwakia , — tau .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.3.1"> The tempter came and said to him , " If you are the Son of God , command that these stones become bread . "

(src)="b.MAT.4.4.1"> Tusá tama Jisus ayaak : — Apajuí chichame agagbauwa nui : ‘ Aentsuk imá yujumkajaigkik pujumaitsui , Apajuí chichamega nujaishkam pujumainai ’ tawai , — tiuwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.4.1"> But he answered , " It is written , ' Man shall not live by bread alone , but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God . ' "

(src)="b.MAT.4.5.1"> Nuna aatus Jisus timatai nui inagkeaki emauwai yaakat Jerusalegnum .
(src)="b.MAT.4.5.2"> Dutika jega Apajuí ememattai jegamkamunum yakí nagkatkamunum iwaká awajus ,
(trg)="b.MAT.4.5.1"> Then the devil took him into the holy city .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.5.2"> He set him on the pinnacle of the temple ,

(src)="b.MAT.4.6.1"> chichajak : — Ame dekas Apajuí Uchijiyaitkumek tsekem iyaata , agagbau awai : ‘ Apajuí ni aentsji nayaimpinmaya aidaun ishitkatnai ni Uchijí aidaun kuitamkatnunak ’ tibauwai .
(src)="b.MAT.4.6.2"> Tau asamtai , ame tsekem iyautaish Apajuí ishiakbau igkumpak achigmaktinme , iyaakum kaya aina au tukumkaim , — tiuwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.6.1"> and said to him , " If you are the Son of God , throw yourself down , for it is written , ' He will put his angels in charge of you . ' and , ' On their hands they will bear you up , so that you do n't dash your foot against a stone . ' "

(src)="b.MAT.4.7.1"> Tama Jisus ayaak : — Dushakam agagbau awai : ‘ Amina Apujum Apajuiya nu pegkegchaunum dekapsatasamek wakeyipa ’ , tawai — tiuwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.7.1"> Jesus said to him , " Again , it is written , ' You shall not test the Lord , your God . ' "

(src)="b.MAT.4.8.1"> Tusa timatai nuigtú iwanch Jisusan muja tsakajunum iwakuí .
(src)="b.MAT.4.8.2"> Dutika juú inaktamuik ashí nugkanum yaakat aina nuna , nuigtú ashí pegkeg aidaunashkam iwaintukui .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.8.1"> Again , the devil took him to an exceedingly high mountain , and showed him all the kingdoms of the world , and their glory .

(src)="b.MAT.4.9.1"> Dutika ashí inaktus : — Ashí junak amina amastajame , tikishmatjujam emematjita , — tau .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.9.1"> He said to him , " I will give you all of these things , if you will fall down and worship me . "

(src)="b.MAT.4.10.1"> Tama Jisus ayaak : — ¡ Wetá iwanchih ! agagbau awai : ‘ Imá amina Apujum Apajuiya duke emematta , nuniakum imá nigki umigkata ’ tawai , — tiu .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.10.1"> Then Jesus said to him , " Get behind me , Satan !
(trg)="b.MAT.4.10.2"> For it is written , ' You shall worship the Lord your God , and you shall serve him only . ' "

(src)="b.MAT.4.11.1"> Tusá timatai iwanchik ukukiuwai .
(src)="b.MAT.4.11.2"> Dutikamtai nayaimpinmaya aents kautuawajui kuitamkagtatus .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.11.1"> Then the devil left him , and behold , angels came and served him .

(src)="b.MAT.4.12.1"> Tikich tsawantai Judeanmaya apu , Juagkan aents achiká egketainum egkeau , nunikmatai Jisus nuna antuk Galilea nugkanum wakitkiuwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.12.1"> Now when Jesus heard that John was delivered up , he withdrew into Galilee .

(src)="b.MAT.4.13.1"> Tujash nigka Nazaretak pujutsuk nagkaemaki , yaakat Capernaum Galilea kuchajin uwetus awa nui weuwai .
(src)="b.MAT.4.13.2"> Nunú nugkanum yaunchuk muun Zabulón , Neftalí aajakajua nuna uchijí wegantu aidau batsatu .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.13.1"> Leaving Nazareth , he came and lived in Capernaum , which is by the sea , in the region of Zebulun and Naphtali ,

(src)="b.MAT.4.14.1"> Nuna Jisus nunikua nunak , yaunchuk Apajuí etsegtin Isaías agajua nunú imanisag uminkauwai .
(src)="b.MAT.4.14.2"> Nunú agagbaunmag :
(trg)="b.MAT.4.14.1"> that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet , saying ,

(src)="b.MAT.4.15.1"> “ Zabulogkan nugke kuchá yantamen awa nui batsatutijum antuktajum , nunisjumek Neftalí nugke etsá akaetainmanini Jordán uwet awa nui batsatutigmeshkam antuktajum , antsagmek atum Galileanum judiuchu aidaujai pachimdaeja batsatutigmeshkam antuktajum .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.15.1"> " The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali , toward the sea , beyond the Jordan , Galilee of the Gentiles ,

(src)="b.MAT.4.16.1"> Nunú nugka nui batsamin aidautijum pegkegchau takaakjum suwea numamtinum batsatutijum , uwemat pachisa etsegbau antukjum tsaaptin waintayama numamtuk wajaktinaitjume ” , tawai .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.16.1"> the people who sat in darkness saw a great light , to those who sat in the region and shadow of death , to them light has dawned . "

(src)="b.MAT.4.17.1"> Jisus Capernaum jegaa , chichagkagtutan nagkabau .
(src)="b.MAT.4.17.2"> Nuniak : “ Tudau takatak idaikujum Apajuí nemagkatajum , ni aentsnum inamjatnuk tsawantak ashí jegae ” , tiuwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.17.1"> From that time , Jesus began to preach , and to say , " Repent !
(trg)="b.MAT.4.17.2"> For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand . "

(src)="b.MAT.4.18.1"> Tikich tsawantai Jisus Galilea kuchajin wekaekamá Simón , Pedro daagtina nuna , ni yachi Andresjai namakan main asag retan ajuntuinak yujattaman wainkau .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.18.1"> Walking by the sea of Galilee , he saw two brothers : Simon , who is called Peter , and Andrew , his brother , casting a net into the sea ; for they were fishermen .

(src)="b.MAT.4.19.1"> Nunik wainak Jisus chichajak : — Wegajai wi jintintuatjime , namak maatasajum yujagjum anmamtuk , Apajuí chichame etsegkujum aents aidau minai ikautjin atajum tusan , — tau .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.19.1"> He said to them , " Come after me , and I will make you fishers for men . "

(src)="b.MAT.4.20.1"> Tusá tamawaik , ditá retjinak ukuinak niijai wegajui .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.20.1"> They immediately left their nets and followed him .

(src)="b.MAT.4.21.1"> Nunik Jisus ditajai ijunag machik kuwaesag wekamá , Zebedeo ni uchijí Jacobo , Juan aatus botenum chimpimas retjin apijuinak chimpimtatman wainak , nunashkam : — Wegajai mina jintintaig atajum , — tiuwai .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.21.1"> Going on from there , he saw two other brothers , James the son of Zebedee , and John his brother , in the boat with Zebedee their father , mending their nets .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.21.2"> He called them .

(src)="b.MAT.4.22.1"> Tama ditashkam : — Ayú , — tusa apajinak ashí tikich takataiji aidaujai botenum ukuinak , Jisusjai wegajui .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.22.1"> They immediately left the boat and their father , and followed him .

(src)="b.MAT.4.23.1"> Nunik Jisus ashí Galilea nugkanum wekagas , jega ijuntai aidaunum wayaa jintinkagtau yamajam chichaman Apajuí nuní inapawai tusa , nuniak ashí aents jau aidaunashkam etsagau .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.23.1"> Jesus went about in all Galilee , teaching in their synagogues , preaching the Good News of the Kingdom , and healing every disease and every sickness among the people .

(src)="b.MAT.4.24.1"> Nunú dutika Jisus etsaegkagtamun pachis kuashat etsejuk dapampajaju , dutikamun ashí aents Sirianmayashkam antukaju , nunikag kuashat jaun , iwanch egkemtuamun imaanjaun , jata iyashin ipimpin achikam pimpijú wekaemainchaun , ashí tikich jatai jau aidaunashkam ikautkaju , dutikam Jisuschakam etsagaakui .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.24.1"> The report about him went out into all Syria .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.24.2"> They brought to him all who were sick , afflicted with various diseases and torments , possessed with demons , epileptics , and paralytics ; and he healed them .

(src)="b.MAT.4.25.1"> Jisus imatika aents jau aidau etsagamun antuinak , kuashat aents Galileanmaya , Decapolisnumia , Jerusalegnumia , Judeanmaya nuigtú Jordagkan amain batsataidaushkam shimutuidau , Jisus yamajam chicham etsegbaun antukagtatus .
(trg)="b.MAT.4.25.1"> Great multitudes from Galilee , Decapolis , Jerusalem , Judea and from beyond the Jordan followed him .

(src)="b.MAT.5.1.1"> Imatika tuwajam Jisus wainak wakau nainnum , nunik nui ekeemsamtai ni jintinbau aidau kautuawaju .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.1.1"> Seeing the multitudes , he went up onto the mountain .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.1.2"> When he had sat down , his disciples came to him .

(src)="b.MAT.5.2.1"> Nunikmatai Jisus nagkama jintintak tau :
(trg)="b.MAT.5.2.1"> He opened his mouth and taught them , saying ,

(src)="b.MAT.5.3.1"> “ Atum iik nagkamik iina senchijinig pegkeg pujuta duka jumaitsuapi tautigmek , shiig aneasjum pujustajum , atumiin Apajuí inamjatin asamtai .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.3.1"> " Blessed are the poor in spirit , for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven .

(src)="b.MAT.5.4.1"> “ Atum wake besemag pujakjum , buutú pujautigmek , shiig aneasjum pujustajum , Apajuí ichichmamtan amasagtin asamtai .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.4.1"> Blessed are those who mourn , for they shall be comforted .

(src)="b.MAT.5.5.1"> “ Atum kakagchauch aidautigmek , shiig aneasjum pujustajum , atumnak Apajuí ashí ni anagtamauwa nunak amastin asamtai .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.5.1"> Blessed are the gentle , for they shall inherit the earth .

(src)="b.MAT.5.6.1"> “ Atum Apajuinu pegkeg takastasa wakegakjum yapajaku , kitamaku waitmaina imanikjum waitiautigmek , shiig aneasjum pujustajum , atumnak Apajuí yaimpaktatjume nu wakegajum nuna takastí tusa .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.6.1"> Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness , for they shall be filled .

(src)="b.MAT.5.7.1"> “ Atum tikich waitiaush wait anentin aidautigmek , shiig aneasjum pujustajum , nunú dutikautigminak Apajuí atumnashkam wait anenjamjattagme .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.7.1"> Blessed are the merciful , for they shall obtain mercy .

(src)="b.MAT.5.8.1"> “ Atum tsagkugnagjum pegkeg wajasú aidautigmek , shiig aneasjum pujustajum , atumek Apajuí wainkatin asajum .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.8.1"> Blessed are the pure in heart , for they shall see God .

(src)="b.MAT.5.9.1"> “ Atum tikich aidaujaish pegkegchau awagdaitash dakitin aidautigmek , shiig aneasjum pujustajum , atumnak Apajuí mina uchijui tujabiagtin asamtai .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.9.1"> Blessed are the peacemakers , for they shall be called children of God .

(src)="b.MAT.5.10.1"> “ Atum Apajuinu pegkeg takaagmin tikich nuna dakituinak waitkam pujautigmek , shiig aneasjum pujustajum , atumiin Apajuí inamjatin asamtai .
(trg)="b.MAT.5.10.1"> Blessed are those who have been persecuted for righteousness ' sake , for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven .