# pl/wiki0.pl-ro.xml.gz
# ro/wiki0.pl-ro.xml.gz
(src)="1"> = = = Architektura i malarstwo = = = Wśród austriackich architektów i malarzy należy wymienić takie nazwiska jak : Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach , Otto Wagner , Adolf Loos , Hans Hollein , Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller , Rudolf von Alt , Hans Makart , Gustav Klimt , Oskar Kokoschka , Egon Schiele , Carl Moll , czy Friedensreich Hundertwasser .
(trg)="1"> = = = Arta și arhitectura = = = Printre artiștii și arhitecții austrieci , sunt cunoscuți pictorii Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller , Rudolf von Alt , Hans Makart , Gustav Klimt , Oskar Kokoschka , Egon Schiele , Carl Moll și Friedensreich Hundertwasser , fotografii Inge Morath și Ernst Haas și arhitecți ca Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach , Otto Wagner , Adolf Loos și Hans Hollein .
(src)="2"> Stąd pochodzi twórca psychoanalizy Zygmunt Freud , ale także Alfred Adler , Paul Watzlawick czy Hans Asperger , a z psychiatrów Viktor Frankl .
(trg)="2"> Din Austria provin psihologii Sigmund Freud , Alfred Adler , Paul Watzlawick și Hans Asperger , precum și psihiatrul Viktor Frankl .
(src)="3"> Obszary stanu zarządzane przez National Park Service to Horseshoe Bend National Military Park , Little River Canyon National Preserve , Russell Cave National Monument , Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site i Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site .
(trg)="3"> Rețeaua de parcuri naționale include următoarele zone protejate : Horseshoe Bend National Military Park în Daviston , Little River Canyon National Preserve în Fort Payne , Russell Cave National Monument în Bridgeport , Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site în Tuskegee și Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site în apropiere de Tuskegee .
(src)="4"> Hitchcock uwielbiał jedzenie .
(trg)="4"> by Hitchcock himself .
(src)="5"> Australia jest członkiem ONZ , Wspólnoty Narodów , G20 , OECD , ANZUS , APEC , Pacific Islands Forum oraz WTO .
(trg)="5"> Australia este țară-membră a G20 , OECD , WTO , APEC , ONU , Comunității Națiunilor , ANZUS , Forumul insulelor din Pacific .
(src)="6"> " Warszawa 1881 .
(trg)="6"> " Warszawa , 1953 .
(src)="7"> * Antoni Małecki : " Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski .
(trg)="7"> * Antoni Małecki , " Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski .
(src)="8"> W Paryżu pracował w prywatnym laboratorium profesora T. J. Pelouze 'a , sławnego chemika .
(trg)="8"> La Paris are șansa să lucreze în laboratorul unui chimist renumit pe atunci , T.J. Pelouze .
(src)="9"> 7 marca 322 p.n.e.
(trg)="9"> - d . 7 martie 322 î.Hr.
(src)="10"> Grodami granicznymi były : Santok , Wieleń , Nakło , Czarnków , Ujście , Wyszogród nad Wisłą .
(trg)="10"> Cetățile fortificate de frontieră includeau : Santok , Wieleń , Nakło , Czarnków , Ujście și Wyszogród .
(src)="11"> Od monarchii do poliarchii " , Kraków 1996 , ISBN 83-03-03659-9 .
(trg)="11"> Od monarchii do poliarchii , Kraków : 1996 , p . 13 .
(src)="12"> Bezprym ( ur .
(trg)="12"> Bezprym ( cca .
(src)="13"> = = Przykłady = = = = = Hello World !
(trg)="13"> = = Exemple = = = = = Hello World !
(src)="14"> Cytat : Chłopcy z Grabówka , chłopcy z ChyloniDzisiaj milicja użyła broniDzielnieśmy stali , celnie rzucaliJanek Wiśniewski padłNie płaczcie matki , to nie na darmoNad stocznią sztandar z czarną kokardąZa chleb i wolność , i nową PolskęJanek Wiśniewski padł = = Nawiązania = = Po upadku komunizmu ulicę Juliana Marchlewskiego , biegnącą wokół gdyńskiego portu , przemianowano na ul .
(trg)="14"> Citat : Chłopcy z Grabówka , chłopcy z ChyloniDzisiaj milicja użyła broniDzielnieśmy stali , celnie rzucaliJanek Wiśniewski padłNie płaczcie matki , to nie na darmoNad stocznią sztandar z czarną kokardąZa chleb i wolność , i nową PolskęJanek Wiśniewski padł = = Referințe culturale = = După căderea comunismului , strada Julian Marchlewski din apropiere de portul Gdynia a fost redenumită strada Janek Wiśniewski .
(src)="15"> " The Casablanca Man : The Cinema of Michael Curtiz " Londyn : Routledge .
(trg)="15"> " The Casablanca Man : The Cinema of Michael Curtiz " London : Routledge .
(src)="16"> ISBN 0-415-06804-5 * Rosenzweig , Sidney ( 1982 ) .
(trg)="16"> ISBN 0-415-06804-5 * Rosenzweig , Sidney ( 1982 ) .
(src)="17"> " Casablanca and Other Major Films of Michael Curtiz " .
(trg)="17"> " Casablanca and Other Major Films of Michael Curtiz " .
(src)="18"> Ann Arbor , Mich . : UMI Research Press .
(trg)="18"> Ann Arbor , Mich . : UMI Research Press .
(src)="19"> Stolicą stanu jest miasto Bismarck .
(trg)="19"> Capitala statului este orașul Bismarck .
(src)="20"> Tora !
(trg)="20"> Tora !
(src)="21"> Tora !
(trg)="21"> Tora !
(src)="22"> W grudniu 2006 Depeche Mode otrzymało nominację nagrody Grammy w kategorii " Best Dance Recording " za utwór " " Suffer Well " " .
(trg)="22"> În decembrie 2006 , Depeche Mode este nominalizată la premiul Grammy , pentru cea mai buna piesă dance - " Suffer Well " - Best Dance Recording .
(src)="23"> Dwa , trzy lub cztery zera zastępowane były przez odpowiednio : CENTA , MILLE oraz MYRIA .
(trg)="23"> Două , trei sau patru zerouri erau înlocuite cu CENTA , MILLE și MYRIA .
(src)="24"> 406 p.n.e.
(trg)="24"> - d . 406 î.Hr.
(src)="25"> Eugenio Montale ( 12 października 1896 w Genui , zm .
(trg)="25"> = = Viața = = Eugenio Montale s-a născut în 1896 la Genova .
(src)="26"> Księga jubileuszowa profesora Lecha Wyszczelskiego w 70. rocznicę urodzin " , t . II , Red .
(trg)="26"> Księga jubileuszowa profesora Lecha Wyszczelskiego w 70. rocznicę urodzin " , t . II , Red .
(src)="27"> Małgorzata Wiśniewska , Siedlce 2012 , s . 59-78 , il .
(trg)="27"> Małgorzata Wiśniewska , Siedlce 2012 , s . 59-78 , il .
(src)="28"> ( In : Djela Jugoslavenske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti , knjiga 57 .
(trg)="28"> ( In : Djela Jugoslavenske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti , knjiga 57 .
(src)="29"> * Fullerton , Sharon Golke : " Paleographic Methods Used in Dating Cyrillic and Glagolitic Slavic Manuscripts " .
(trg)="29"> 420 p . * Fullerton , Sharon Golke : " Paleographic Methods Used in Dating Cyrillic and Glagolitic Slavic Manuscripts " .
(src)="30"> ( In : Slavic Papers No .
(trg)="30"> ( In : Slavic Papers No .
(src)="31"> 1 .
(trg)="31"> 1 .
(src)="32"> * Gosev , Ivan : " Rilszki glagolicseszki lisztove " .
(trg)="32"> 93 p . * Gosev , Ivan : " Rilszki glagolicseszki lisztove " .
(src)="33"> * Jachnow , Helmut : Eine neue Hypothese zur Provenienz der glagolitischen Schrift – Überlegungen zum 1100 .
(trg)="33"> 130 p . * Jachnow , Helmut : Eine neue Hypothese zur Provenienz der glagolitischen Schrift - Überlegungen zum 1100 .
(src)="34"> Todesjahr des Methodios von Saloniki .
(trg)="34"> Todesjahr des Methodios von Saloniki .
(src)="35"> In : R. Rathmayr ( Hrsg .
(trg)="35"> In : R. Rathmayr ( Hrsg .
(src)="36"> ) : " Slavistische Linguistik 1985 " , München 1986 , ss .
(trg)="36"> ) : " Slavistische Linguistik 1985 " , München 1986 , 69-93 .
(src)="37"> * Jagic , Vatroslav : " Glagolitica .
(trg)="37"> * Jagic , Vatroslav : " Glagolitica .
(src)="38"> Würdigung neuentdeckter Fragmente " , Wien , 1890 .
(trg)="38"> Würdigung neuentdeckter Fragmente " , Wien , 1890 .
(src)="39"> * Kiparsky , Valentin : " Tschernochvostoffs Theorie über den Ursprung des glagolitischen Alphabets " In : M. Hellmann u.a.
(trg)="39"> * Kiparsky , Valentin : " Tschernochvostoffs Theorie über den Ursprung des glagolitischen Alphabets " In : M. Hellmann u.a.
(src)="40"> ( Hrsg .
(trg)="40"> ( Hrsg .
(src)="41"> ) : " Cyrillo-Methodiana .
(trg)="41"> ) : " Cyrillo-Methodiana .
(src)="42"> Zur Frühgeschichte des Christentums bei den Slaven " , Köln 1964 , ss .
(trg)="42"> Zur Frühgeschichte des Christentums bei den Slaven " , Köln 1964 , 393-400 .
(src)="43"> * Miklas , Heinz ( Hrsg .
(trg)="43"> * Miklas , Heinz ( Hrsg .
(src)="44"> ) : " Glagolitica : zum Ursprung der slavischen Schriftkultur " , Wien , 2000 .
(trg)="44"> ) : " Glagolitica : zum Ursprung der slavischen Schriftkultur " , Wien , 2000 .
(src)="45"> * Vais , Joseph : " Abecedarivm Palaeoslovenicvm in usum glagolitarum " .
(trg)="45"> * Vais , Joseph : " Abecedarivm Palaeoslovenicvm in usum glagolitarum " .
(src)="46"> Veglae , , 1917 .
(trg)="46"> Veglae , , 1917 .
(src)="47"> * Vajs , Josef : " Rukovet hlaholske paleografie .
(trg)="47"> XXXVI , 74 p . * Vajs , Josef : " Rukovet hlaholske paleografie .
(src)="48"> Uvedení do knizního písma hlaholskeho " .
(trg)="48"> Uvedení do knizního písma hlaholskeho " .
(src)="49"> tab .
(trg)="49"> tab .
(src)="50"> = = = = Idealizm niemiecki = = = = Idealizm niemiecki reprezentuje Johann Gottlieb Fichte , Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling ale przede wszystkim Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ( ur .
(trg)="50"> = = = Idealismul = = = Immanuel Kant , Johann Gottlieb Fichte , Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel , Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling .
(src)="51"> Zmarł 15 listopada 1916 w Vevey i został tam pochowany .
(trg)="51"> Moare la 15 noiembrie 1916 la Vevey , Elveția .
(src)="52"> Hermes ( gr .
(trg)="52"> Hermes ) .
(src)="53"> M.in.
(trg)="53"> I.C.
(src)="54"> : : Da nos hodie nostre pan quotidian , : : e pardona a nos nostre debitas : : como nos pardona a nostre debitores , : : e non duce nos in tentation , : : sed libera nos del mal .
(trg)="54"> " : " Da nos hodie nostre pan quotidian , " : " e pardona a nos nostre debitas " : " como nos pardona a nostre debitores , " : " e non duce nos in tentation , " : " sed libera nos del mal .
(src)="55"> John Steinbeck ( ur .
(trg)="55"> John Ernst Steinbeck .
(src)="56"> Sanktuarium Matki Bożej .
(trg)="56"> Sanktuarium Matki Bożej .
(src)="57"> Od 1927 pracował w dyplomacji .
(trg)="57"> Din 1927 a lucrat în diplomație .
(src)="58"> Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz był biseksualistą .
(trg)="58"> Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz a fost bisexual .
(src)="59"> = = Bibliografia = = * Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz , " Książka moich wspomnień " ( Wydawnictwo Literackie 1957 ) * Burek Wincenty , Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz , " Sandomierz nas połączył .
(trg)="59"> * Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz , Książka moich wspomnień ( Cartea amintirilor mele ) ( Wydawnictwo Literackie 1957 ) * Burek Wincenty , Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz , Sandomierz nas połączył .
(src)="60"> Korespondencja z lat 1945-1963 " , oprac .
(trg)="60"> Corespondență dintre anii 1945-1963 ) , oprac .
(src)="61"> Marta , Krzysztof i Tomasz Burkowie ( Warszawa 1995 ) * Stanisław Burkot , " Kontemplacja i pasja życia – Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz " , [ w : ] " Prozaicy dwudziestolecia międzywojennego .
(trg)="61"> Marta , Krzysztof i Tomasz Burkowie ( Warszawa 1995 ) * Stanisław Burkot , Kontemplacja i pasja życia – Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz ( Contemplația și pasiunea vieții – Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz ) , [ în : ] Prozaicy dwudziestolecia międzywojennego .
(src)="62"> = = = Róż = = = = = = Czerwień = = = = = = Pomarańcz = = = = = = Brąz = = = = = = Żółty = = = = = = Szary = = = = = = Zieleń = = = = = = Błękit = = = = = = Fiolet = = = = = Zobacz też = = * kolor oczu , kolor włosów , umaszczenie * kolory w Internecie * RAL = = Bibliografia = =
(trg)="62"> = = Listă = = = = = A = = = = = = B = = = = = = C = = = = = = D = = = = = = E = = = = = = F = = = = = = G = = = = = = H = = = = = = I = = = = = = J = = = = = = K = = = = = = L = = = = = = M = = = = = = N = = = = = = O = = = = = = P = = = = = = Q = = = = = = R = = = = = = S = = = = = = T = = = = = = U = = = = = = V = = = = = = Z = = = = = Bibliografie = = * Șofransky Zina .
(src)="63"> W 1940 roku prezydenturę objął Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia z Partii Narodowo-Republikańskiej .
(trg)="63"> * Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia , politician și reformator al societății .
(src)="64"> " Euler : The Master of Us All " , Washington : Mathematical Association of America .
(trg)="64"> " Euler : The Master of Us All " , Washington : Mathematical Association of America .
(src)="65"> ISBN 0-88385-328-0 .
(trg)="65"> ISBN 0-88385-328-0 .
(src)="66"> * Heimpell , Hermann , Theodor Heuss , Benno Reifenberg ( editors ) .
(trg)="66"> * Heimpell , Hermann , Theodor Heuss , Benno Reifenberg ( editors ) .
(src)="67"> 1956 .
(trg)="67"> 1956 .
(src)="68"> " Die großen Deutschen " , volume 2 , Berlin : Ullstein Verlag .
(trg)="68"> " Die großen Deutschen " , volume 2 , Berlin : Ullstein Verlag .
(src)="69"> * Krus , D.J.
(trg)="69"> * Krus , D.J.
(src)="70"> ( 2001 ) Is normal distribution due to Karl Gauss ?
(trg)="70"> ( 2001 ) Is normal distribution due to Karl Gauss ?
(src)="71"> Euler , his family of gamma functions , and place in history of statistics .
(trg)="71"> Euler , his family of gamma functions , and place in history of statistics .
(src)="72"> " Quality and Quantity : International Journal of Methodology , " 35 , 445-446 .
(trg)="72"> " Quality and Quantity : International Journal of Methodology , " 35 , 445-446 .
(src)="73"> ( Request reprint ) .
(trg)="73"> ( Request reprint ) .
(src)="74"> " The giant book of scientists : The 100 greatest minds of all time " , Sydney : The Book Company .
(trg)="74"> " The giant book of scientists : The 100 greatest minds of all time " , Sydney : The Book Company .
(src)="75"> * Singh , Simon .
(trg)="75"> * Singh , Simon .
(src)="76"> Oprócz Szekspira do najważniejszych postaci teatru elżbietańskiego należeli Christopher Marlowe , Thomas Dekker , John Fletcher i Francis Beaumont .
(trg)="76"> Alte figuri importante în teatrul elisabetan sunt Christopher Marlowe , Thomas Dekker , John Fletcher și Francis Beaumont .
(src)="77"> Wychowywał się w Anchorage na Alasce .
(trg)="77"> A crescut în Anchorage , Alaska .
(src)="78"> * Gerard Labuda , " Mieszko I " , Wyd .
(trg)="78"> * Labuda G. , Mieszko I , Wyd .
(src)="79"> Ossolineum , Wrocław 2002 , ISBN 83-04-04619-9 * Gerard Labuda , " Pierwsze państwo polskie " , Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza , Kraków 1989 , ISBN 83-03-02969-X * Stanisław Szczur , " Historia Polski .
(trg)="79"> Ossolineum , Wrocław 2002 , ISBN 83-04-04619-9 * Labuda G. , Pierwsze państwo polskie , Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza , Kraków 1989 , ISBN 83-03-02969-X * Philip Earl Steele Nawrócenie i Chrzest Mieszka I 2005 , ISBN 83-922344-8-0 * Szczur S. , Historia Polski średniowiecze , chap .
(src)="80"> Miles Dewey Davis III ( ur .
(trg)="80"> Miles Dewey Davis jun .
(src)="81"> Bubble Rock to głaz narzutowy zawieszony na krawędzi góry Bubble Mountain w parku narodowym Acadia .
(trg)="81"> Bubble Rock este o stâncă mare aflată la marginea Muntelui Bubble din Parcul Național Acadia .
(src)="82"> Deavours , " Cryptologia " , lipiec 1987 , str .
(trg)="82"> Deavours , " Cryptologia " , July 1987 , pp .
(src)="83"> 142 – 155 .
(trg)="83"> 142 – 155 .
(src)="84"> * Zbigniew Brzezinski – " The Unknown Victors " str .
(trg)="84"> * Zbigniew Brzezinski , " The Unknown Victors " .
(src)="85"> " wydanie 1 Bydgoszcz City Council 2005 ISBN 83-7208-117-4 .
(trg)="85"> " ediția I Bydgoszcz : Consiliul local Bydgoszcz , 2005 , ISBN 83-7208-117-4 .
(src)="86"> * Stephen Budiansky – " Battle of Wits : the Complete Story of Codebreaking in World War II " .
(trg)="86"> * Stephen Budiansky , " Battle of Wits : the Complete Story of Codebreaking in World War II " , New York , The Free Press , 2000 .
(src)="87"> * I. J.
(trg)="87"> * I. J.
(src)="88"> Good i Cipher A. Deavours – " How Polish Mathematicians Deciphered the Enigma , " Annals of the History of Computing " , 3 ( 3 ) , July 1981 .
(trg)="88"> Good and Cipher A. Deavours , afterword to : Marian Rejewski , " How Polish Mathematicians Deciphered the Enigma " , " Annals of the History of Computing " , 3 ( 3 ) , July 1981 .
(src)="89"> * Władysław Kozaczuk – " Enigma : How the German machine cipher was broken , and how it was read by the Allies in World War Two " , redakcja i tłumaczenie Christopher Kasparek University Publications of America , 1984 ISBN 0-89093-547-5 .
(trg)="89"> * Władysław Kozaczuk , " Enigma : How the German Machine Cipher Was Broken , and How It Was Read by the Allies in World War Two " , editată și tradusă în engleză de Christopher Kasparek , Frederick , MD , University Publications of America , 1984 , ISBN 0-89093-547-5 .
(src)="90"> XXXI / 1 , Wrocław , Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk 1988 , str .
(trg)="90"> XXXI / 1 , Wrocław , Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk ( Polish Academy of Sciences ) , 1988 , pp .
(src)="91"> 54 – 56 .
(trg)="91"> 54 – 56 .
(src)="92"> 233 – 247 .
(trg)="92"> 233 – 247 .
(src)="93"> 149 – 152 .
(trg)="93"> 149 – 152 .
(src)="94"> * John Lawrence – " Factoring for the Plugboard – Was Rejewski 's Proposed Solution for Breaking the Enigma Feasible ?
(trg)="94"> * John Lawrence , " Factoring for the Plugboard — Was Rejewski 's Proposed Solution for Breaking the Enigma Feasible ?
(src)="95"> * Marian Rejewski – " An Application of the Theory of Permutations in Breaking the Enigma Cipher " , " Applicationes Mathematicae " , 16 ( 4 ) , 1980 , str .
(trg)="95"> * Marian Rejewski , " An Application of the Theory of Permutations in Breaking the Enigma Cipher " , " Applicationes Mathematicae " , 16 ( 4 ) , 1980 , pp .
(src)="96"> * Hugh Sebag-Montefiore – " Enigma : the Battle for the Code " , Londyn , Weidenfeld and Nicolson , 2000 .
(trg)="96"> * Hugh Sebag-Montefiore , " Enigma : the Battle for the Code " , Londra , Weidenfeld and Nicolson , 2000 .
(src)="97"> * Simon Singh – " The Code Book : the Evolution of Secrecy from Mary Queen of Scots to Quantum Cryptography " , 1999 str .
(trg)="97"> * Simon Singh , " The Code Book : the Evolution of Secrecy from Mary Queen of Scots to Quantum Cryptography " , Doubleday , 1999 , pp .
(src)="98"> 149 – 160 , ISBN 0-385-49531-5 .
(trg)="98"> 149 – 160 , ISBN 0-385-49531-5 .
(src)="99"> * Alan Stripp – " A British Cryptanalyst Salutes the Polish Cryptanalysts " , Dodatek E w : Władysław Kozaczuk i Jerzy Straszak , " Enigma – How the Poles Broke the Nazi Code " , 2004 , ISBN 0-7818-0941-X .
(trg)="99"> * Alan Stripp , " A British Cryptanalyst Salutes the Polish Cryptanalysts " , Appendix E in : Władysław Kozaczuk și Jerzy Straszak , " Enigma : How the Poles Broke the Nazi Code " , New York , Hippocrene Books , 2004 , ISBN 0-7818-0941-X , pp .
(src)="100"> * Gordon Welchman – " The Hut Six Story : Breaking the Enigma Codes " , Nowy Jork , McGraw-Hill , 1982 .
(trg)="100"> * Gordon Welchman , " The Hut Six Story : Breaking the Enigma Codes " , New York , McGraw-Hill , 1982 .