# en/wiki.vi-en.xml.gz
# vi/wiki.vi-en.xml.gz
(src)="1"> A. Blackburn ( 2009 ) .
(trg)="1"> A. Blackburn ( 2009 ) .
(src)="2"> * Michael R. Matthews , Arthur Stinner , Colin F. Gauld ( 2005 ) " The Pendulum : Scientific , Historical , Philosophical and Educational Perspectives " , Springer * Michael R. Matthews , Colin Gauld and Arthur Stinner ( 2005 ) The Pendulum : Its Place in Science , Culture and Pedagogy .
(trg)="2"> * Michael R. Matthews , Arthur Stinner , Colin F. Gauld ( 2005 ) " The Pendulum : Scientific , Historical , Philosophical and Educational Perspectives " , Springer * Michael R. Matthews , Colin Gauld and Arthur Stinner ( 2005 ) The Pendulum : Its Place in Science , Culture and Pedagogy .
(src)="3"> It has also been known as the Namsan Tower or Seoul Tower .
(trg)="3"> Nó còn được biết với tên Namsan Tower hoặc Seoul Tower .
(src)="4"> * Macgowan , D. J.
(trg)="4"> * Macgowan , D. J.
(src)="5"> " Memoirs of Generals Ward , Burgevine and the Ever-Conquering Legion . "
(trg)="5"> " Memoirs of Generals Ward , Burgevine and the Ever-Conquering Legion . "
(src)="6"> * Smith , Richard J.
(trg)="6"> * Smith , Richard J.
(src)="7"> * Spence , Jonathan D. " To Change China : Western Advisers in China " Penguin Books , 2002 .
(trg)="7"> * Spence , Jonathan D. " To Change China : Western Advisers in China " Penguin Books , 2002 .
(src)="8"> ISBN 978-0-14-005528-3 = = Sources = = * A Massachusetts Soldier Becomes A God Of The Chinese " Some Events of Boston and Its Neighbors " Boston , The State Street Trust Company , 1917 .
(trg)="8"> ISBN 978-0-14-005528-3 = = Nguồn = = * A Massachusetts Soldier Becomes A God Of The Chinese " Some Events of Boston and Its Neighbors " Boston , The State Street Trust Company , 1917 .
(src)="9"> Hosted at kellscraft.com.
(trg)="9"> Hosted at kellscraft.com.
(src)="10"> 2001 " , Bartleby.com.
(trg)="10"> 2001 " , Bartleby.com.
(src)="11"> * Frederick Townsend Ward .
(trg)="11"> * Frederick Townsend Ward .
(src)="12"> * The King from the Sky Conclusion China Watch 2002 — — , John Maher .
(trg)="12"> * The King from the Sky — Conclusion — China Watch 2002 , John Maher .
(src)="13"> * The American Soldier of fortune Frederick Townsend Ward honoured and revered by the Chinese with a memorial temple .
(trg)="13"> * The American Soldier of fortune Frederick Townsend Ward honoured and revered by the Chinese with a memorial temple .
(src)="14"> 38 ( 1998 ) , 8 pages .
(trg)="14"> 38 ( 1998 ) , 8 pages .
(src)="15"> * Discover Magazine , June 1997 : Terror Take Two
(trg)="15"> * Discover Magazine , June 1997 : Terror Take Two
(src)="16"> London : John Lane , Bodley Head .
(trg)="16"> London : John Lane , Bodley Head .
(src)="17"> Reprinted 1965 NY : Dover .
(trg)="17"> Reprinted 1965 NY : Dover .
(src)="18"> Boston : Houghton Mifflin .
(trg)="18"> Boston : Houghton Mifflin .
(src)="19"> New York : Norton , 1988 .
(trg)="19"> New York : Norton , 1988 .
(src)="20"> * Ober , William B.
(trg)="20"> * Ober , William B.
(src)="21"> 25 no .
(trg)="21"> 25 no .
(src)="22"> * Smith , Rollin ( 1997 ) .
(trg)="22"> * Smith , Rollin ( 1997 ) .
(src)="23"> Series : The Complete Organ No .
(trg)="23"> Series : The Complete Organ No .
(src)="24"> 1 .
(trg)="24"> 1 .
(src)="25"> Hillsdale , NY : Pendragon Press ISBN 0-945193-79-3 .
(trg)="25"> Hillsdale , NY : Pendragon Press ISBN 0-945193-79-3 .
(src)="26"> " Toward an Authentic Interpretation of the Organ Works of César Franck . "
(trg)="26"> " Toward an Authentic Interpretation of the Organ Works of César Franck . "
(src)="27"> Second edition , revised and expanded .
(trg)="27"> Second edition , revised and expanded .
(src)="28"> Series : The Complete Organ No .
(trg)="28"> Series : The Complete Organ No .
(src)="29"> 6 ; Juilliard Performance Guide No .
(trg)="29"> 6 ; Juilliard Performance Guide No .
(src)="30"> 1 .
(trg)="30"> 1 .
(src)="31"> * Stove , R. J.
(trg)="31"> * Stove , R. J.
(src)="32"> Lanham , Maryland : Scarecrow Press .
(trg)="32"> Lanham , Maryland : Scarecrow Press .
(src)="33"> Hubert J. Foss .
(trg)="33"> Hubert J. Foss .
(src)="34"> New York : Oxford University Press .
(trg)="34"> New York : Oxford University Press .
(src)="35"> Sphaerion cyanipenne is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae .
(trg)="35"> Sphaerion cyanipenne là một loài bọ cánh cứng trong họ Cerambycidae .
(src)="36"> Asemum nitidum is a species of beetle in the Cerambycidae family .
(trg)="36"> Asemum nitidum là một loài bọ cánh cứng trong họ Cerambycidae .
(src)="37"> 2001 .
(trg)="37"> 2001 .
(src)="38"> The Budgerigar in Florida : Rise and fall of an exotic psittacid .
(trg)="38"> The Budgerigar in Florida : Rise and fall of an exotic psittacid .
(src)="39"> North American Birds 55 : 389-397 .
(trg)="39"> North American Birds 55 : 389-397 .
(src)="40"> Landsdowne Editions , Melbourne Australia ISBN 0-7018-0690-7 * Collar , N. J.
(trg)="40"> Landsdowne Editions , Melbourne Australia ISBN 0-7018-0690-7 * Collar , N. J.
(src)="41"> Pg .
(trg)="41"> Pg .
(src)="42"> 384 in : del Hoyo , J. , Elliott , A.
(trg)="42"> 384 in : del Hoyo , J. , Elliott , A.
(src)="43"> & Sargatal , J. eds .
(trg)="43"> & Sargatal , J. eds .
(src)="44"> 4 .
(trg)="44"> 4 .
(src)="45"> Sandgrouse to Cuckoos .
(trg)="45"> Sandgrouse to Cuckoos .
(src)="46"> Lynx Edicions , Barcelona .
(trg)="46"> Lynx Edicions , Barcelona .
(src)="47"> 21 October 2010 .
(trg)="47"> 21 October 2010 .
(src)="48"> Soil contains 5 770 ppm – of zinc with an average of 64 ppm .
(trg)="48"> Đất chứa 5 – 770 ppm kẽm với giá trị trung bình 64 ppm .
(src)="49"> Assinia affinis is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae .
(trg)="49"> Assinia affinis là một loài bọ cánh cứng trong họ Cerambycidae .
(src)="50"> Assinia alluaudi is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae .
(trg)="50"> Assinia alluaudi là một loài bọ cánh cứng trong họ Cerambycidae .
(src)="51"> Assinia pulchra is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae .
(trg)="51"> Assinia pulchra là một loài bọ cánh cứng trong họ Cerambycidae .
(src)="52"> Sphaenothecus trilineatus is a species of beetle in the Cerambycidae family .
(trg)="52"> Sphaenothecus trilineatus là một loài bọ cánh cứng trong họ Cerambycidae .
(src)="53"> Samsung also changed the name of several SoCs , Exynos 3110 to Exynos 3 Single , Exynos 4210 and 4212 to Exynos 4 Dual 45 nm , and Exynos 4 Dual 32 nm and Exynos 5250 to Exynos 5 Dual .
(trg)="53"> Samsung đã thay đổi một số tên SoCs , Exynos 3110 thành Exynos 3 Single , Exynos 4210 và 4212 thành Exynos 4 Dual 45 nm , and Exynos 4 Dual 32 nm và Exynos 5250 thành Exynos 5 Dual .
(src)="54"> * Robert E. Curry and Alex G. Sim , " In-Flight Total Forces , Moments , and Static Aeroelastic Characteristics of an Oblique-Wing Research Airplane " ( Edwards , CA : NASA TP-2224 , 1984 ) * Robert E. Curry and Alexander G. Sim , " The Unique Aerodynamic Characteristics of the AD-1 Oblique-Wing Research Airplane " , AIAA paper 82-1329 presented at the AIAA 9th Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference , Aug . 9-11 , 1982 , San Diego , CA * Flight logs for the AD-1 in the NASA Dryden Historical Reference Collection .
(trg)="54"> * Robert E. Curry and Alex G. Sim , " In-Flight Total Forces , Moments , and Static Aeroelastic Characteristics of an Oblique-Wing Research Airplane " ( Edwards , CA : NASA TP-2224 , 1984 ) * Robert E. Curry and Alexander G. Sim , " The Unique Aerodynamic Characteristics of the AD-1 Oblique-Wing Research Airplane " , AIAA paper 82-1329 presented at the AIAA 9th Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference , Aug . 9-11 , 1982 , San Diego , CA * Flight logs for the AD-1 in the NASA Dryden Historical Reference Collection .
(src)="55"> * Thomas C. McMurtry , A. G. Sim , and W. H. Andrews , " AD-1 Oblique Wing Aircraft Program " , AIAA paper 81-2354 presented at the AIAA / SETP / SFTE / ASE / ITEA / IEEE 1st Flight Testing Conference , Nov . 11-13 , 1981 , Las Vegas , NV .
(trg)="55"> * Thomas C. McMurtry , A. G. Sim , and W. H. Andrews , " AD-1 Oblique Wing Aircraft Program " , AIAA paper 81-2354 presented at the AIAA / SETP / SFTE / ASE / ITEA / IEEE 1st Flight Testing Conference , Nov . 11-13 , 1981 , Las Vegas , NV .
(src)="56"> London : Jane 's Publishing , 1980 .
(trg)="56"> London : Jane 's Publishing , 1980 .
(src)="57"> Stanley Sadie .
(trg)="57"> Stanley Sadie .
(src)="58"> 20 vol .
(trg)="58"> 20 vol .
(src)="59"> London , Macmillan Publishers Ltd . , 1980 .
(trg)="59"> London , Macmillan Publishers Ltd . , 1980 .
(src)="60"> Don Randel .
(trg)="60"> Don Randel .
(src)="61"> Sadie ) , London , MacMillan , 2000 .
(trg)="61"> Sadie ) , London , MacMillan , 2000 .
(src)="62"> * Mozart 's Notturno in D , K.286 : Chicago Symphony Orchestra program notes
(trg)="62"> * Mozart 's Notturno in D , K.286 : Chicago Symphony Orchestra program notes
(src)="63"> " Morphometric study of allometric skull growth in the temnospondyl " Archegosaurus decheni " from the Permian / Carboniferous of Germany " .
(trg)="63"> " Morphometric study of allometric skull growth in the temnospondyl " Archegosaurus decheni " from the Permian / Carboniferous of Germany " .
(src)="64"> Assinia pumilio is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae .
(trg)="64"> Assinia pumilio là một loài bọ cánh cứng trong họ Cerambycidae .
(src)="65"> The Art of French Piano Music : Debussy , Ravel , Faure , Chabrier .
(trg)="65"> The Art of French Piano Music : Debussy , Ravel , Faure , Chabrier .
(src)="66"> 2009 .
(trg)="66"> 2009 .
(src)="67"> Print .
(trg)="67"> Print .
(src)="68"> Wenk : Claude Debussy and Twentieth-Century Music ( Boston , 1983 )
(trg)="68"> Wenk : Claude Debussy and Twentieth-Century Music ( Boston , 1983 )
(src)="69"> Stanley Sadie .
(trg)="69"> Stanley Sadie .
(src)="70"> 20 vol .
(trg)="70"> 20 vol .
(src)="71"> London , Macmillan Publishers Ltd . , 1980 .
(trg)="71"> London , Macmillan Publishers Ltd . , 1980 .
(src)="72"> ISBN 1-56159-174-2 * Gustave Reese , " Music in the Renaissance " .
(trg)="72"> ISBN 1-56159-174-2 * Gustave Reese , " Music in the Renaissance " .
(src)="73"> ISBN 0-393-09530-4 * Manfred Bukofzer , " Music in the Baroque Era " .
(trg)="73"> ISBN 0-393-09530-4 * Manfred Bukofzer , " Music in the Baroque Era " .
(src)="74"> Don Randel .
(trg)="74"> Don Randel .
(src)="75"> 1958 .
(trg)="75"> 1958 .
(src)="76"> 2 ( November ) : 47 84 – , 193 236 – .
(trg)="76"> 2 ( November ) : 47 – 84 , 193 – 236 .
(src)="77"> * Mattheson , Johann .
(trg)="77"> * Mattheson , Johann .
(src)="78"> 1739 .
(trg)="78"> 1739 .
(src)="79"> " Der vollkommene Capellmeister : Das ist , Gründliche Anzeige aller derjenigen Sachen , die einer wissen , können , und vollkommen inne haben muß , der einer Capelle mit Ehren und Nutzen vorstehen will " .
(trg)="79"> " Der vollkommene Capellmeister : Das ist , Gründliche Anzeige aller derjenigen Sachen , die einer wissen , können , und vollkommen inne haben muß , der einer Capelle mit Ehren und Nutzen vorstehen will " .
(src)="80"> Hamburg : verlegts Christian Herold .
(trg)="80"> Hamburg : verlegts Christian Herold .
(src)="81"> Facsimile reprint , fifth edition , edited by Margarete Reimann .
(trg)="81"> Facsimile reprint , fifth edition , edited by Margarete Reimann .
(src)="82"> Documenta Musicologica 1 .
(trg)="82"> Documenta Musicologica 1 .
(src)="83"> Reihe , Druckschriften-Faksimiles 5 .
(trg)="83"> Reihe , Druckschriften-Faksimiles 5 .
(src)="84"> Kassel : Bärenreiter-Verlag , 1991 .
(trg)="84"> Kassel : Bärenreiter-Verlag , 1991 .
(src)="85"> * Mattheson , Johann .
(trg)="85"> * Mattheson , Johann .
(src)="86"> 1981 .
(trg)="86"> 1981 .
(src)="87"> " Johann Mattheson 's Der vollkommene Capellmeister " , a revised translation with critical commentary by Ernest Charles Harriss .
(trg)="87"> " Johann Mattheson 's Der vollkommene Capellmeister " , a revised translation with critical commentary by Ernest Charles Harriss .
(src)="88"> Studies in musicology 21 .
(trg)="88"> Studies in musicology 21 .
(src)="89"> Ann Arbor : UMI Research Press .
(trg)="89"> Ann Arbor : UMI Research Press .
(src)="90"> * Walther , Johann Gottfried .
(trg)="90"> * Walther , Johann Gottfried .
(src)="91"> 1732 .
(trg)="91"> 1732 .
(src)="92"> Leipzig : verlegts Wolffgang Deer .
(trg)="92"> Leipzig : verlegts Wolffgang Deer .
(src)="93"> Facsimile reprint , edited by Richard Schaal .
(trg)="93"> Facsimile reprint , edited by Richard Schaal .
(src)="94"> Documenta musicologica , 1 .
(trg)="94"> Documenta musicologica , 1 .
(src)="95"> Reihe , Druckschriften-Faksimiles , 3 .
(trg)="95"> Reihe , Druckschriften-Faksimiles , 3 .
(src)="96"> Kassel : Bärenreiter-Verlag , 1953 .
(trg)="96"> Kassel : Bärenreiter-Verlag , 1953 .
(src)="97"> Modern edition of the text and musical illustrations , edited by Friederike Ramm .
(trg)="97"> Modern edition of the text and musical illustrations , edited by Friederike Ramm .
(src)="98"> * Reese , Gustave ( 1954 ) .
(trg)="98"> * Reese , Gustave ( 1954 ) .
(src)="99"> New York City : W. W. Norton & Company .
(trg)="99"> New York City : W. W. Norton & Company .
(src)="100"> Music Trend * FM Hall Of Fame * The Latest Music * Changinkut Radio !
(trg)="100"> Music Trend * FM Hall Of Fame * The Latest Music * Changinkut Radio !