"Thurl Bailey, Forward".
Wakati wa sensa iliyofanyika mwaka wa 2012, kata ilikuwa na wakazi wapatao 12,586 walioishi humo.

He is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Yeye ni mwenye huruma na anapenda wanyama.

They were led by their lord, Hirluin the Fair.
“Mabawa” yao ni mapeziubavu kwa kweli.

Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary.
Huyo ndiye Isa mwana wa Maryamu.

A pardon is the forgiveness of a crime.
Ni lazima kupata toba na msamaha wa dhambi.

O Reason, thou (alone) speakest the truth.
Wewe unayo maneno ya uzima wa milele.

For example, there is no such thing as heart disease.
Kwa mfano, hakuna kitu kama ugonjwa wa moyo.

No man dies except through idleness.
Kwa hiyo maiti si vema kubaki karibu na watu walio hai.

Is it your gospel or not?"
Ama ni uchawi au ni laana ya mizimu?

Vietnam also tried to pressure Cambodia through China.
Vietnam pia alijaribu shinikizo Cambodia kwa njia ya China.

That is something North Sudan and its people don't have."
Hilo ni jambo ambalo Sudan Kaskazini na watu wake hawana. "

"P. Diddy & The Gambino Gangster Still Friends After All These Years".
P. Diddy & The gambino Gangster Bado Friends Baada ya miaka yote hii.

Now surely ‘Ad disbelieved in their Lord.
Waarabu wa Omani waliwaondoa Wareno kutoka katika Lamu.

A user can have up to 100 blogs per account.
Mtumiaji anaweza kuwa na blogu hadi 100 kwa kila akaunti.

In Arabic, including in the Qur'an, the name is spelled يوسف or Yūsuf.
Kwa Kiarabu, kwa mfano katika Qur'an, jina hilo linaandikwa يوسف, Yūsuf.

In fact, they are the magic of the world.
Ni vitu viundanishavo mawe ya Dunia.

Everything in this book has happened except a military coup!"
Kila kitu katika kitabu hiki kimetokea isipokuwa mapinduzi ya kijeshi!

Previous work had already indicated it was safe for adults.
Kazi ya awali ilikuwa tayari imeonyesha kuwa ni salama kwa watu wazima.

The working title was 24: Exile.
Jina la kazi lilikuwa 24: Exile.

But it is not a punishable crime (sending children to work instead of school is a crime).
Lakini si uhalifu wa kuadhibiwa (kutuma watoto kufanya kazi badala ya shule ni uhalifu).

No doubt!
Bila ya shaka!

"Peace be upon you, O the covenant of Allah, which He took it and He fastened it."
Akaja akahubiri amani kwenu ninyi mliokuwa mbali, na amani kwao wale waliokuwa karibu.

And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
Ya kwamba kile kilichotolewa sadaka kwa sanamu ni kitu?

Tolkien: Guide to the Names of the Lord of the Rings, "The Firstborn".
Lakini vyote hivi vinategemea msingi wa hesabu za namba.

Aspirin should be used.
Aspirin inapaswa kutumiwa.

The two then become lovers.
Baada ya hapo, wawili hao wanafanya kitendo cha mapenzi.

That their works will endure is doubtful.
Ndiyo kauli ya haki ambayo wanaifanyia shaka.

It is one of the two or three most significant works of all time—one of those works that fundamentally and permanently alter our vision of the world ...
Ni moja ya kazi mbili au tatu muhimu zaidi maishani- moja ya kazi ambazo hubadilisha maono yetu ya dunia kimsingi na kwa kudumu...

¡Viva El Amor!
Tuishi kwa upendo.

It also has more than 40 research (and other) institutions.
Pia ina zaidi ya taasisi 40 za utafiti (na nyinginezo).

So what you got is boiling water for atmosphere."
Hakika Mola wako amejaalia chini yako kijito kidogo cha maji!

Other climbers should initially contact the MCK if wishing to climb here.
Wapandaji wengine wanapaswa kuwasiliana na MCK ikiwa wanataka kupanda mlima huu.

Kennedy died the following day.
Kennedy alikufa siku iliyofuata.

There are no records of a Lord of Troussay.
Hakuna hakika juu ya maana asilia ya neno.

The success of "Just Between You and Me" was enormous.
Mafanikio ya "Just Between you and me" ulikuwa mkubwa sana.

In the fifth season, some of her columns are compiled into a book.
Guru wa tano alikusanya ayat hizo na kuzipanga kama kitabu.

US President George W. Bush responded by saying: "We know he's guilty.
Rais wa Marekani George W. Bush alijibu kwa kusema: "Tunajua yeye ana hatia.

16Ye shall know them by their fruits.
16 Mtawatambua kwa matendo yao.

He hopes that the Lord will grant them repentance.
Yeye alitabiri kuwa binti huyo atakuwa mtakatifu kweli.

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Roho Mtakatifu ndiye msaidizi mkuu katika sala.

Historia, mila, na desturi za Wagogo wa Tanganyika.
Historia, mila, na desturi za Wagogo wa Tanganyika.

For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
Maana Mungu hakumtuma Mwanawe ulimwenguni ili auhukumu ulimwengu, bali ulimwengu uokolewe katika yeye.

It has been estimated that 62% of al-Qaeda members have university education.
Imekadiriwa kwamba 62% ya wanachama wa al-Qaeda wana elimu ya chuo kikuu.

In July 1584, a year and a half after the Infante's death, the family returned to Italy.
Mnamo Julai 1584, mwaka mmoja na nusu baada ya kifo cha Infante, familia ilirudi Italia.

Then they opened the gates and made a sortie.
Huo mlango ukawafungukia wenyewe, nao wakatoka nje.

Lord of all the nations!
Bwana na Mola wa walimwengu wote.

Explosions can also occur outside of Earth in the universe in events such as supernova.
Mlipuko pia unaweza kutokea nje ya Dunia katika ulimwengu katika matukio kama vile supernova.

8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
8 Heri wenye moyo safi, maana watamwona Mungu.

Until the beginning of September it was not clear on which party's ticket the president was going to run.
Hadi mwanzo wa Septemba haikuwa wazi ni tiketi ya chama gani rais angetumia katika uchaguzi.

This is the disgrace for them in this world and in the hereafter they will receive grievous torment".
“Na hao watakwenda zao kuingia katika adhabu ya milele; bali wenye haki watakwenda katika uzima wa milele” (Math 25:46).